***SPOILER ALERT*** Imperfect Justice by Jeff Ashton - CONTENT DISCUSSION

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When I first read that CM asked about a plea deal during the trial ,I thought "Ha! Even the Defense could see that the State was making a good case! "
But now I'm not so sure that was CM's train of thought. If he could see that the jury wasn't paying attention to the State Attorney's he may have been AFRAID that Casey would walk.
Welcome to the nightmare ,CM. :maddening:

I watched one of JA's interviews and when he said that "that's in the book" I thought Damn I have to buy it (even although I am terrible for not finishing books)

I was so sure that was why the competency issue was raised (the second being that Casey wanted to testify).

I think 30 was too much though. KC was too short-sighted to accept it. She would be in jail until at least 50.

Interesting, that CM made the approach. Doubt that was his line of reasoning though.
He found it interesting as well. He also said he was already retired when the decision came down about no perjury charges for CA. It wasn't because of the whole "grieving grandma" bs...it was (IHO) because it would have created another circus.

And cost another fortune to try the case for a county whose budget was already shot to hello with the "other" Anthony case.
He also said that he wouldn't have made a big deal of the heart shape sticker...but that he wasn't lead...just asked to come on to help. He said that Linda would have done the cross...then he just chuckled. I did ask about any further charges...and he said Casey didn't really say much to the Feds so they can't get her on lying to them.
Sorry, 16,000 posts and I never added a pic. How sad!
He didn't wear his glasses for most of the Q and A. I haven't been on all day so I have no idea if this was in the book...or if you guys discussed this, but did we know that Casey said Caylee's father was the result of a rape (at a party)...or it could have been her father was the father?

Nope.....That's a new version, at least to me ....
If it's in the book I haven't gotten to that part yet.
Wonder when this new version was said? prolly during the time the DT had the 2 Dr's evaluate her. As the Prosecutors called it Casey Version 4.0
He found it interesting as well. He also said he was already retired when the decision came down about no perjury charges for CA. It wasn't because of the whole "grieving grandma" bs...it was (IHO) because it would have created another circus.



typical #&*%* trash


okay, ding me, I deserve it (after 3 and half years)
I watched one of JA's interviews and when he said that "that's in the book" I thought Damn I have to buy it (even although I am terrible for not finishing books)

I was so sure that was why the competency issue was raised (the second being that Casey wanted to testify).

I think 30 was too much though. KC was too short-sighted to accept it. She would be in jail until at least 50.

Interesting, that CM made the approach. Doubt that was his line of reasoning though.

Bill Scheaffer said in his video that it was because the trial was going so badly for OCA at that point even the DT was afraid she was going to get the DP. The competency hearing was held because CM was astonished that when he "put the plea" to OCA - she had no reaction at all - just sat there as if she didn't even hear him. He thought she may have lost it.
Would it have been Yuri and the boys from the OCSD who were asking for that in the initial part of the investigation?
Interesting to know JA didn't know that - thanks RR0004

Yes, VERY Interesting! I can understand why though. It was FCA they were concerned with since all the carp she handed them led to one and only one guilty party, no others needed to apply. Still, it would have been quite interesting if everything was brought out at trial, but then the trial would probably still be going on and jurors would have needed to be replaced with fresh ones, due to apoplexy. I think that what happened to the P12:blushing:
I had JA sign my book and I asked if I could have a hug. He said sure...that's when I said, "Thank you for being Caylee's hero". He hugged me tighter and said thank you so much for your support. I also said, don't let the Bar quit on Baez, and he said, don't worry we won't...we definitely won't.



Aw - that is so wonderful - good for you - you made me all teary...love you for doing that. :loveyou:

Me too! I am :loveyou: and :tears:! They are happy tears of relief!!!

I am so excited for you RR!!!! :hug:
Sorry, 16,000 posts and I never added a pic. How sad!
He didn't wear his glasses for most of the Q and A. I haven't been on all day so I have no idea if this was in the book...or if you guys discussed this, but did we know that Casey said Caylee's father was the result of a rape (at a party)...or it could have been her father was the father?

I guess going to a later party wearing only a flag was part of her healing process.
Nope.....That's a new version, at least to me ....
If it's in the book I haven't gotten to that part yet.
Wonder when this new version was said? prolly during the time the DT had the 2 Dr's evaluate her.
I couldn't control myself and blurted out, "She said that???!!" And he said, yes.
I couldn't control myself and blurted out, "She said that???!!" And he said, yes.

As I read the book and read your posts..We can just imagine how many times the Prosecutors and LE shook their heads in disbelief, maybe even laughed in disbelief, over the BS
I guess going to a later party wearing only a flag was part of her healing process.

As opposed to the raunchy blue dress black boots dancing that was part of the grieving process....where oh where is Sally when we need her...:innocent:
30 years is a long time for a plea. We can only assume CM thought she was going to get the death penalty.

I had the feeling that the defense were not doing well (albeit we never got to see the jury reaction as the trial progressed) and that the very best she could hope for was Aggravated Manslaughter of a Child. If CM was of a similar view then that would explain why he thought 30 years was good (the consensus at trial amongst the commentators was that Perry would sentence her to the max at least on that charge).

The only, caveat though was the possibility of the being reversed on appeal. Given what many people saw as Baez's screw ups (which many now forget since he won the case) that seemed a very real likelihood. I suppose that is why the State would have been amenable to 30 years.

Just my thoughts.
Nope.....That's a new version, at least to me ....
If it's in the book I haven't gotten to that part yet.
Wonder when this new version was said? prolly during the time the DT had the 2 Dr's evaluate her. As the Prosecutors called it Casey Version 4.0.

One of the psychologists that JA said he has known for years even hestitated, telling Jeff he wasn't comfortable being the "vector" for that story. He knew it was BS and I got the impression he felt guilty even relaying the story, knowing what it was going to do to George's reputation forever.
I guess going to a later party wearing only a flag was part of her healing process.
He was kind of funny talking about Casey logic.
He also said we should "shun" her if we ever see her walking down the street.
Someone once asked him if he knew where she was, and he told them "no" and I don't want to know...he doesn't care...as long as she's not in his neighborhood.
Bravo!!!! Excellent Post! Apparently as long as the lies are supported and no finger is directly pointed at anyone, that family just moves on and survives. But point a finger at someone and blame them for something, and all hell breaks loose. At least Cindy can't hide who she really is. What always got me about George is that he could shed a few tears and maybe do one or two things and all of sudden, everything that had happened beforehand was wiped away and people had tremendous sympathy, including me for awhile. Then he would do a lot of things to make me mad again, and then here comes the tears and one or two nice things to wipe it away. I eventually saw through him. I just don't have it in me to have any more sympathy for him when all the bad things and things he didn't do far outweigh any good things he did do.

I don't want to say he deserved what Casey did to him, but I wasn't all that surprised to find out that she targeted him so viciously. This man is just as bad as the rest of the family, but he hides it under pretending to care and pretending to have a heart, just to throw all of that away time and again let down those around him, including Caylee. I would imagine a lifetime of that would have a sour effect on his family. Plus, he's too weak to get out of the endless cycle he lives in and do something better for himself and his family. He'd rather exist in the toxic vacuum of his family, barely scraping by, than make life any better and do good by his family and himself.

If my stepdaughter were to accuse my husband of something so heinous, THAT would be painful because my husband is a good man and does right by himself and his family. That happening to George? It just doesn't have the same effect for me since he never really stood up for Caylee against CA and Casey. He's just as bad as they are, he just manages to hide it better and garner sympathy much more productively than they do until, like me, a person just has enough of his carp. I think that's why it hurt me so badly because I knew Cindy and Casey weren't good people and never would be. But I had hope in George. There had to be some good in that family besides just Caylee. But time and again, he let me down and let me down HARD. I can see why Casey hates him so much. There's nothing worse than hope being built up then torn down time and time again.

Bringing this back to JA's book, I did gasp when someone on WS mentioned that JA said in his book that Casey blamed George for molesting and killing Caylee in the pool. That is just horrible to accuse someone of, I agree with that. But I wasn't surprised in the least that Casey accused George of the murder and molestation. She has a rage against him, and I suspect it's in part of how he wasn't a good father, and maybe even promised her things that he never fulfilled. Or one day maybe seemed to care about her, and then next maybe he was against her. Sometimes the worst thing is not the abuser (in this case, Cindy and her controlling relationship with Casey), but the person who stands by and watches the abuse happen, and no matter what they say, nothing ever changes or gets better. Or even worse, at the end of the day, they're never on the abused's side even though they say they are, and are always on the side of abuser. I wonder if that is the type of situation Casey grew up with. I can see a hatred of her father evolving from that for sure.

By the way, this post isn't directed at anyone in particular. It's just my thoughts about George and what I think of him. I understand others have sympathy for him, and that's okay with me. I just can't do it anymore. I can't feel anything for George except for contempt.

The entire Anthony family that was called into court played their roles. Karma..........as Jeff states and believes as I..... they shall live every day that they WERE THE SOLE REASON the killer of their grandchild was set FREE.

How these <MODSNIP> can ever face on this earth their family, e.g. Rick and Shirley Plesea.........my heart goes out to them as I'm sure their hearts are so very very broken. That they could only stand by and watch this. I can't fathom their pain and anger etc. that they much have.
As I read the book and read your posts..We can just imagine how many times the Prosecutors and LE shook their heads in disbelief, maybe even laughed in disbelief, over the BS

...and just how credulous (or narcissistic, or ignorant, or thinking with their laps, or just plain loooooooosers) the Pinellas 12 were. Honest to Pete.
I absolutely agree shunning her is the best approach. She needs mirrors in order to know she exists.

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