Stacy Ann Peterson, Bolingbrook IL #13

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On the FSP board I read today that Drew is going to be on the Today Show this Thursday. Rather that is true or not I don't know. But to me it seems very likely because he and Brodsky would want to get their on air time in before the big Stacy fundraiser this weekend. I also read that locally Sharon and one of Stacy's family members will be on Fox promoting the fundraiser this weekend. Just an FYI...can't validate it's accuracy at this point.
Thanks DD, I just posted this up in links
Drew Peterson to Get Guns Back, Appear on 'Today' Show
[SIZE=-1]FOXNews - USA
Thanks DD, I just posted this up in links
Drew Peterson to Get Guns Back, Appear on 'Today' Show

The article above says that guns and computers are being returned to him within 30 days. If they are finished with the computers and they found something on the hard drive, would they take the hard drive out and replace it with a new hard drive? Or would they just return it as is and document what evidence they found ?

Like Leila, I am also hoping that because the vehicles aren't mentioned in the article that they are keeping them. But I have to say that whenever Drew has talked about his property being held by LE he was adamant that those vehicles were causing him to run up his expenses by having to rent a I think that he will want those back ASAP as well.
The article above says that guns and computers are being returned to him within 30 days. If they are finished with the computers and they found something on the hard drive, would they take the hard drive out and replace it with a new hard drive? Or would they just return it as is and document what evidence they found ?

Like Leila, I am also hoping that because the vehicles aren't mentioned in the article that they are keeping them. But I have to say that whenever Drew has talked about his property being held by LE he was adamant that those vehicles were causing him to run up his expenses by having to rent a I think that he will want those back ASAP as well.
LOL, I'm posting this link here also (just posted it on another thread) Brodsky mentions the vehicles in this video.
Does anyone else think that there could be a connection between Stacy Peterson and Lisa Stebic? I've been thinking about this for some time. Two women, both missing without a trace, within a few miles of each other. One ex-policeman husband, who used to own a local bar, who is a "person of interest". Another husband, who worked in proximity to ex-policeman's bar, also missing a wife. Does anyone else think there could be a connection here? Could Peterson and Stebic be "drinking buddies", and could both missing women be up in one of those mines up in northern WI near the Stebic property? It has been stated that there are hundreds of those abandoned mines up there, and it would be an onerous task, nearly impossible, to search them all.

Wasn't Peterson's bar near Oswego? Not too far from there? And Stebic worked at Dial Corporation in Oswego? This might be far-fetched, but something tells me there may be a connection here. Something to be checked out, IMO.

I agree with you. Something tells me there may be a connection also.

There seems to be several people missing in this area..... all about to be divorced and turn up dead or missing without a trace.
Stacy Peterson, Lisa Stebic and John Spira all missing without a trace.

Could the connection be... they were all helped the same getting rid of their spouses, hiding their bodies, etc.
Possibly for money, favors, etc.

Someone connected to all them, someone very familiar with the area, the woods, quarries, etc. Someone that may involve themself in the searches to throw people off. Or know the areas that have been searched.

Stacy Peterson had an appointment to see a divorce attorney.
Lisa Stebic wanted Craig Stebic out of her home. They both were controlled, felt threatened by their husbands. None of the above, including Spira's wife, reported their spouses missing..none involved in the searches to help find their missing spouses.

Drew Peterson and Craig Stebic are as guilty acting as they come. But to have such a narrow amount of time to dispose of bodies without a trace and there to be such little phyical evidence that they are not arrested. They both seemed to have had help.

There is also Alma Mendez, missing, found dead near the area. By the way, also about to be divorced.

So many dead and missing in that area. Some are suspecting a serial killer.
Maybe a serial killer... for hire?
Drew Peterson, etc. would be held to the same level of guilt, if not higher, if they hired someone to help. If we can find more connections to someone involved with any or all of these could help.
Sorry if I posted in the wrong place. My first post here. Still trying to learn how to navigate the site.
Sorry if I posted in the wrong place. My first post here. Still trying to learn how to navigate the site.

You did fine TTH. You are following the train of thought on the thread. One person helping them all is an interesting idea. But there is one issue. How do they all get together? How does the serial killer for hire get the word out to potential customers? How do the potential customers find the killer for hire? How does this all happen and still remain secret, in a middle class neighborhood?
Could the connection be... they were all helped the same getting rid of their spouses, hiding their bodies, etc. Possibly for money, favors, etc.

I've always thought someone else was involved and that Stacy was taken out of state. If she were disposed of locally, I think she would have already been found.
I've always someone else was involved and that Stacy was taken out of state. If she were disposed of locally, I think she would have already been found.

I'm not sure about the idea of a single serial killer - but I still think the idea that Peterson & Stebic may have known each other is plausible. One reason I say this is because neither one of them strikes me as being tight-lipped - they both seem to like to shoot their mouths off, and put that together with a few beers and you have two boastful men scheming to figure out how to get rid of their no-longer-wanting-to-be manipulated wives. I wonder if there has been any research into that idea.
You did fine TTH. You are following the train of thought on the thread. One person helping them all is an interesting idea. But there is one issue. How do they all get together? How does the serial killer for hire get the word out to potential customers? How do the potential customers find the killer for hire? How does this all happen and still remain secret, in a middle class neighborhood?

Thank you Mysteriew.

Actually I was thinking along similiar lines of Lisa Too... bar talk.
Not so much they all got together.
Maybe using the word serial killer for hire..wasnt the best term. Not something as organized as soliciting customers.

Drew Peterson being a cop and a frequent bar patron. And just from his public statements on Natl TV, he cant resist trashing his dead and missing wives. Cant imagine how he could have blasted them to one his drinking buddies.
Many of the people in that area, have been there most of their lives. Alot of people know each other.

Craig Stebic is a hunter. Possibly this same guy is one of his hunting buddies. Someone who could relate to the woes of the poor old husband syndrome.

I have read alot on forums concerning these cases. Mostly Topix in the BB and Plainfield area. And Stacys forum. There is someone on those forums that back when Lisa Stebic went missing, was very defensive of Craig Stebic. Very crude and nasty at times to Lisa Stebics cousin. Seemed like a typical, trouble making troll.... until he was caught... phyically tearing down Lisa Stebics missing a neighbor that got his tag number and description of his truck. When he was confronted by Lisa's cousin, he had to admit it was him. He claimed he did it for Craig's kids, even though he claimed to not know Craig Stebic or his kids at all. Even though, this person is an avid hunter also.

That just seemed like the oddest thing for someone to do...that supposedly was not involved. To tear down a missing womans signs.

He seemed to have somewhat of a meltdown after he was caught...and was suspected of posting under multiple names..acting very bizarre.
At some points seemed to be regetful of tearing down the signs and tried to make amends by offering to put the missing person signs back up and help search for her. Then would go nutty again.

About a month after all of this happened..... Stacy disapeared.......he came on Topix and started defending Drew Peterson, the same way he had defended Craig Stebic. Also insisting Kathleen Savio's death was an accident, not murder.
Next thing you know, within less than a week...he does a total change....he is heavily involved in the searches for Stacy Peterson. And was able to win people over that were trying so desperately to find her.
He is on Stacy's forum as a person that, of course, as someone on her family forum, posts against Drew P. but would post strange things at times. And sometimes would become disruptive when anyone would try and link Drew Peterson to other crimes or people connected to Drew Peterson.

If it is appropriate, and I can try and figure out how to do it, I will try and post the link to those forums and threads. Or try and show you where they are posted.

The connection I can find to John Spira is his missing person sign, a billboard, was torn down by someone. Not sure who did it. Could be a coincidence.

As far as a link between Drew Peterson to John Spira ...Drew P and Rick Mims worked for a cable company, though it was not the same cable company that John Spira owned. According to Rick Mims, he and Peterson bought some of the blue metal cable boxes from the cable company they worked for. Spira played in a band in bars in the local area and was very popular. One bar being Tailgaters, which is frequented by Drew Peterson and the weirdo guy that tore down the missing Lisa Stebic signs.

Whew. Sorry so long. But this particular..has shown some very revealing things in these forums. There are thousands of posts on Topix and dont think it is possible to find a persons individual posts, it is ALOT of reading to find his posts.

I dont know if it is appropriate for me to post the links to these posts on Topix where he was caught tearing down Lisa Stebics missing person signs, etc. Let me know and if it is okay, I will try. Thanks.
Yes, if you see something on an outside forum it is ok to post a link to it. Just don't quote a whole post and don't post any personal identification on anyone (unless you find a newspaper article or court record about it. )

I wasn't aware that Spira and DrewP frequented the same bar. The point about the missing persons posters and the Spira billboard being torn down are good points. Do you know if any connections have come up between DrewP and Stebic?
Just one interesting little tidbit on Greta tonight. She had JB on and discussed the two boys going before the grand jury. Nothing there that we don't know.

Then she asked JB if he knew where Tom Morphey is? JB said he didn't know but that he probably took off somewhere. Greta mentioned the blue barrel saying that supposedly Tom Morphey helped DP move a blue barrel that Tom thought contained Stacy. She then asked JB if he knew if Tom Morphey was placed in a witness protection program? JB said if he was, then they wouldn't know about it. Then he countered saying none of the witnesses that have gone before the grand jury have been placed in a witness protection program, so he doesn't know why Tom Morphey would be. Greta said that she's tried to find Tom Morphey and hasn't had any luck.

I thought it was a strange exhange as it came out of the blue.
Just one interesting little tidbit on Greta tonight. She had JB on and discussed the two boys going before the grand jury. Nothing there that we don't know.

Then she asked JB if he knew where Tom Morphey is? JB said he didn't know but that he probably took off somewhere. Greta mentioned the blue barrel saying that supposedly Tom Morphey helped DP move a blue barrel that Tom thought contained Stacy. She then asked JB if he knew if Tom Morphey was placed in a witness protection program? JB said if he was, then they wouldn't know about it. Then he countered saying none of the witnesses that have gone before the grand jury have been placed in a witness protection program, so he doesn't know why Tom Morphey would be. Greta said that she's tried to find Tom Morphey and hasn't had any luck.

I thought it was a strange exhange as it came out of the blue.

Very interesting! Thanks for posting that - I manage to miss Greta almost every night for some reason. I would love to know where Morphey is, but I hope he is somewhere safe.
Leila, I totally forgot about that part of Greta's show! What I thought was just as interesting was how many times JAB said "We can't find him." LOL
Leila, I totally forgot about that part of Greta's show! What I thought was just as interesting was how many times JAB said "We can't find him." LOL

That's interesting JAB is looking for Tom. How do we say WPP JAB
I wasn't aware that Spira and DrewP frequented the same bar. The point about the missing persons posters and the Spira billboard being torn down are good points. Do you know if any connections have come up between DrewP and Stebic?
No, but if there are any...both are being considered by the same Grand Jury and hopefully will be found. :)
On the Today Show when Drew was taking about being mentally prepared to be arrested either he or JAB said that they had requested ISP to give them a heads up so Drew could turn himself in at the station and not be arrested at the huose. I know they were trying to convey that they didn't want this done at home in front of the kids, because Drew had just stated that if the kids were taken care of he was fine with this.

My point is that now that he is getting the guns back I don't think they should give him any kind of heads up. He seems ready to sink into a depression and that is the point where people seem to take themselves and their families out. I would be afraid that Drew would harm those kids.

JMHO a girl out, they don't call me Dory for nothin'...who is this guy again? Tom Morphey?

Maybe WSer's could find him, LMAO!:clap:
My point is that now that he is getting the guns back I don't think they should give him any kind of heads up.
He isn't getting his guns back.

Peterson To Get Property Back, But Can No Longer Own Guns

"JOLIET, Ill. -- State police have revoked the firearms owner's identification card of Drew Peterson, a former Bolingbrook police officer suspected in his wife's disappearance, officials announced Wednesday. The revocation means Peterson can no longer legally own guns."
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