Stacy Ann Peterson, Bolingbrook IL #8

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If Drew was going to murder Kitty it is my opinion he would have done the job at time when he had the boys, so that he knew they were out of the house and not about to walk in during Kitty's murder.

He also stated the last time he saw or spoke with her was about 2 days before..which fits in with the timeline of her dying about 30 to 40 hours prior to her being found that evening.
If Drew was going to murder Kitty it is my opinion he would have done the job at time when he had the boys, so that he knew they were out of the house and not about to walk in during Kitty's murder.

He also stated the last time he saw or spoke with her was about 2 days before..which fits in with the timeline of her dying about 30 to 40 hours prior to her being found that evening.

I really think Drew thought someone else would find Kitty. When he had to return the boys, time ran out and he had to switch to the he's concerned and couldn't get ahold of her and needs to return the boys script.
Drew had not been able to reach Kitty and he went to her house to return the children, it was his weekend to have the boys and it was their return time. When she didn't answer the door or her phone he got suspicious he said. So he went home called Steve, another neighbor and a locksmith. The locksmith arrived before Steve, according to Steve. So Drew had Steve and the neighbor go in first, heard the screams and then he came in. Fishy story if I ever heard one.
The fact he insisted Steve go in WITH one of Kathleen's best friends makes it even more suspicious.

If he was there to return the children...where were they? He would not have suspected really there was anything wrong that he couldn't reach her other than she wasn't home since it wasn't her weekend with the why go to all the trouble of getting a locksmith, etc. Did she keep her car in the garage? I think so since she accused him once of changing the code to the opener. He couldn't see if she was home or not! He had no reason to "suspect" something was so very wrong...unless he already knew beforehand.
The fact he insisted Steve go in WITH one of Kathleen's best friends makes it even more suspicious.

If he was there to return the children...where were they? He would not have suspected really there was anything wrong that he couldn't reach her other than she wasn't home since it wasn't her weekend with the why go to all the trouble of getting a locksmith, etc. Did she keep her car in the garage? He couldn't see if she was home or not! I think so since she accused him once of changing the code to the opener. He had no reason to "suspect" something was so very wrong...unless he already knew beforehand.

Drew claims that he tried to call Kitty all weekend. Why? And are their phone records that far back?

Another thing about the boob job, etc. Is their any proof of this? Or is BS that Drew is coming up with?
I'm afraid I'm not so generous of 'he's innocent' as you. And I'm English. I think he retired to STOP the internal investigation from going any further than it had. He resigned. It stopped. I think if the internal investigation had gone any further, he would have been dismissed from the force and lost his pension. As for flight? It would not surprise me in the least. Leave the kids, as he has done so since this broke. Who do you think was with the kids when he flew to NY?

I apologize for this misunderstanding. I did not mean in ANY way that I believe that he is innocent. I believe that he is the farthest thing from it.....I was trying to make the point that it seems odd to me that he already has things planned out, in case something were to happen to him, ie...jail,taking an unexpected vacation.
What I am trying to say is this, I think it's "fishy" that he already has all of these plans made which leads me to believe that 1 of 2 things are going to happen. A) He knows he will get indicted for KS murder and looking at jail time or B) He's made plans to leave and leave the children behind.
DP talked about the boob job, braces, tummy tuck - all things that Stacy allegedly wanted - on one of the tv talk shows. Someone who personally knows DP and Stacy had told me about the boob job the first day she went missing - among other things - mostly about how he wanted a trophy wife etc.
IIRC, one of Stacy's family members said Stacy asked Drew for a divorce months ago and Drew asked her to wait till he retired. The retirement was in the works. Interestingly, Drew was only two days from retirement when he handed in his resignation. So why the rush? Unless Drew was convicted of a job related felony in those two days, he was going to get his pension. The only thing the resignation stopped were the two internal PD investigations. And don't forget, the Mayor was REAL quick accepting Drews resignation.

Exactly, SuziQ. Which is why I believe was the reason for the resignation in the first place. Trying to stay 1 step ahead of LE and trying to minimize the abuse of the badge that was going to come from the internal investigation.:twocents:
DP talked about the boob job, braces, tummy tuck - all things that Stacy allegedly wanted - on one of the tv talk shows. Someone who personally knows DP and Stacy had told me about the boob job the first day she went missing - among other things - mostly about how he wanted a trophy wife etc.

That comment makes sense with the other things we've come to know about his personality. It has always struck me how much all the wives look alike. Especially, IMO, I think SP looks alot like a young version of KS.
What a nut job he is.
Drew probably thought that her current boyfriend, which has never been proven by any one else, would find her or one of her friends would find her. I don't think he thought that she would just lie there in the tub for almost 2 days and not be found. I think he had alibis prepared incase she was found while he had the boys. He probably spent more time with the boys that weekend then he ever did before or has since.
I find it quite telling he would say such things. My first thought was...the reason she felt those things...are because they were true, but isn't it curious HE would mention them at all?!

He probably did steal things and plant bugs in her home. Drew isn't the type to just "let go" of any relationship and lose the control he has over the other person. He will make sure he stays in their life (as he does popping up in the life of wife #2 still) and keeps their level of fear going.

This is the very top reason his story about Stacy makes absolutely NO sense. He would NEVER allow a woman to "dis" him like that and just let her go away with no consequences of her actions.
:clap: :clap: :clap: He is Judge, Jury, and Executioner in every relationship.

I couldn't agree more.
My ex would have been P.O.'d if I weren't home when he brought our daughter back from visitation. He would have left a few messages probably starting with impatience then building to anger. Then he would have turned around and taken her back to his place till he heard from me.

That's what bothers me about the whole "breaking in" deal with KS. We know he wasn't the most easy-going guy and I can't see him being concerned about KS, unless he already knew what had happened and was just faking the concern.

ETA: This comment should probably be on the KS thread!
Notice his so called concern for his children and saying that they are stuck in the house. Well, he has said the older 2 go to school everyday. He leaves on his bike everyday to just ride he says. Why doesn't he have his brother cme over and take the kids out for a drive to get the little ones out of the house? Or why hasn't he called the small children's friends parents and asked if other children could come to play or his kids might go there to play? He doesn't seem to be knocking himself out taking care of the younger too or even looking for ways to get them out with their little friends and family. In one interview he said they did go to a party this weekend and that was good for the little ones. Well, they could have been visisting other children everyday if Drew took the time to arrange that.

I know the reporters have been very respectful of not taking pics of the older two children as they leave for school in the morning. I think friends of the family would be more then happy to entertain the two little ones..especially Stacy's what's the problem it just you don't know how to take care of the kids so they can live a somewhat normal life until Mommy's vacation has ended?
Help me out here with my thinking please,

I have forgotten the date of death for KS, or I could have done the math on my thought.

IF IF DP was bringing the children back to KS after his weekend with them, were the children old enough to have had the number combination to the lock or a key of their own?? So access might have been possible to go inside and see IF IF there might have been a note or something?

Did KS have a cell phone back then OR did DP have a cell phone?

Just a hair brained thought perhaps.

DP talked about the boob job, braces, tummy tuck - all things that Stacy allegedly wanted - on one of the tv talk shows. Someone who personally knows DP and Stacy had told me about the boob job the first day she went missing - among other things - mostly about how he wanted a trophy wife etc.

Bigfoot, has your friend made any other insights into Stacy and Drew's relationship? I certainly agree with the trophy wife comment..I would even believe Drew incouraged the tummy tuck and boob job...and told everyone so that they could see that he could afford a trophy wife.

Was this person more a friend of Drew's or Stacy..I know you said they knew them both..but in a marriage friends usually come in along with one or the other of the spouses.
Hi everyone,

Thank you for the welcome.

It's okay with me if someone wants to re-post it on a different thread. I wasn't sure where to post it. I kept the info about this case because it is so bizarre and tragic. I hope it doesn't grow cold.

There is too much here that is suspect. Unfortunately, the forensics and timeline evidence in Kathleen Savio's case are gone and there is not yet any evidence that Stacy is dead or alive.

When you read the articles, you can see the patterns of DP's coldness, confidence, oddness, abusive behavior towards women, and a police department that turned a blind eye. Warning signs were everywhere. I have to search for some of the comments by Cassandra Cales for the specifics on Stacy's timeline and the article in which DP is said to not be an attentive father who let wife no. 2 take his children to their games. I think if this were not America, we could skip the trial and go right to sentencing.

Here are some new articles:
Betty Morphey defends son,CST-NWS-drew20.article

Chief believes DP violated the law and takes his case further,4_1_JO21_PETERSON_S1.article

John Walsh statement about DP going to airport

Another DP girlfriend who was harassed.,CST-NWS-boling21.article
Delta Dawn, my friend is in LE in a neighboring community and while he is not friends per se with DP, has been to many social functions with DP (and a couple of his wives) and has worked with him on police business, both having been in LE for many, many years and he has a good idea of DP's need for control and power. My friend just shakes his head at all the stuff going on and as most of the fellow cops agree, he's giving them ALL a bad name. Not all cops are cheats, etc. Yes, a lot of them are but not all! He's known for years what kind of guy DP is so he really tried to not have much to do with him.
Bigfoot your friend in LE is very smart to not hang out with DrewP. I think that long ago when he was released from his duties due to the drug deals and outing another uncover person's name that he was reinstated because they had just started a review committe that backed up the police. I cannot think of what name they gave was some branch of the police force that they had never had prior to this. Makes me wonder if the mayor started that to help cover his cop friends who were into illegal activities.
For more on Mayor Claar try this link
He's quite an interesting character..cussing and throwing magazines during an's a two page interview someone else posted earlier on but it really shows what type of person this Mayor Claar is and how manipulative he can be/
It was called something like the fire and police board. They did fire Drew. But a special prosecutor for the states attorney's office testified that there wasn't enough evidence to begin with and the judge overuled the boards decision giving Drew his job back. The states attorney's office gave Drew alot of free rides, IMO.
After reading about Mayor Claar, I can certainly understand why he over-ruled the Police Chief (because he could). My gosh is this the only state in the US that has so much corruption, or are they all like this? Is it a power trip? As Jane Q. Public, I just don't understand it.
A person just has to wonder about the enormous drug traffic in America. President of Mexico said a couple of weeks ago, when we complained about the drug traffic, that "People have to be using the drugs, or there would be no trafficking. Something to that affect anyhow.

So wondering about who is using drugs that might be sitting in HIGH office.

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