State Motion to recover Investigative Costs

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<modsnip>? The jury didn't seem to know. If anyone is to blame for this mess it's JA who LOST a case and now is writing a book. I keep asking with no answers where the proceeds to his book will go. He was outmaneuvered by a rookie. The whole State was outmaneuvered by JB. What a laugh. :waitasec:

Hopefully, the proceeds will go directly into Jeff's pockets where they rightly belong.
So how does a broke person afford a house with security, new clothes and bling, and a team of mental health professionals? I seriously want to know the answer to that. I am tired of hearing that's she's broke. She is OBVIOUSLY NOT BROKE!

That's what I tweeted less words.
Casey Anthony News13
Mason says #CaseyAnthony is getting the help she needs. -jfell


Obviously!!!! What type of help does KC like best? Attention, attention, attention. She can't get enough and when it stops.....Irene will look like a light summer breeze, IMO. jmo
Here's the question
I've been asking myself all day. I think Judge Alex touched on it, but here goes. Why is prosecution asking to recover expenses for a missing child aka Caylee, when obviously the jury found Casey NG of murder. So........ what happened to Caylee? In effect Casey didn't harm Caylee according to a jury of her peers.

Her defense was that Caylee drowned. If she had said this from the beginning, none of this mess would have happened (investigation, trial, etc.). She can't have it both ways - she's off the hook for murder so she needs to pay for creating this horrid mess. Of course, in reality, I think we know Caylee didn't drown, but that is immaterial to the fictional world the defense has created and wants to use as a get-out-of-everything-free card.
I guess now we all see why many disagree here. It was a no win situation from the get go. The real loser in all this is Caylee.

RIP little one.
We're getting alerts about off topic posts in here, guys. Let's stay on topic and discuss the issue at hand please. :tyou:
Casey's guilt was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Thanks good ole JA.

I suspect the jury was looking for NO DOUBT, not reasonable doubt. Very few people that I know that followed this case and the trial had any reasonable doubt.

Sadly, many people (and I do believe the 12 jurors) confuse "any doubt" with "reasonable doubt".

Nevertheless, that is not what this hearing today was about. It was about recovering costs for which she was found Guilty. Casey set this investigation in motion by her initial lies to investigators and continued on with her lies up until her attorney's opening statement. It was only at that moment that anyone had any inkling that she (through her attorney) was claiming now that Caylee drowned on June 16, rather than being abducted as she has been saying for 3 yrs. As LDB stated in the hearing, to this day, she has not herself corrected any of the lies she told for which she was found guilty.
Here's the question
I've been asking myself all day. I think Judge Alex touched on it, but here goes. Why is prosecution asking to recover expenses for a missing child aka Caylee, when obviously the jury found Casey NG of murder. So........ what happened to Caylee? In effect Casey didn't harm Caylee according to a jury of her peers.

Who is Judge Alex by the way? I'm not remembering that name ...:waitasec:
Casey's innocence was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt to me.
She is definately guilty of letting her child rot in the woods.
Guilty of not providing a proper burial and proper care after death.
If and that is a big if, she did know how and when Caylee drowned.Still, no reason justifies her not making sure Caylee was treated with respect no matter what she says, Caylee should have had a decent burial....
And you know this how? The jury didn't seem to know. If anyone is to blame for this mess it's JA who LOST a case and now is writing a book. I keep asking with no answers where the proceeds to his book will go. He was outmaneuvered by a rookie. The whole State was outmaneuvered by JB. What a laugh. :waitasec:
Yep, it's hysterically funny that a child murderer is back on the streets and able to commit more crimes due to an incompetent jury. Gotcha ...

Outmaneuvered by a rookie ? That is what is laughable ...
Who is Judge Alex by the way? I'm not remembering that name ...:waitasec:

He has a courtroom show on TV very similar to Judge Judy. He as a former police officer, turned attorney, turned judge. Very good at what he does, very fair, attractive and has a great sense of humor. lol
I suspect the jury was looking for NO DOUBT, not reasonable doubt. Very few people that I know that followed this case and the trial had any reasonable doubt.

Sadly, many people (and I do believe the 12 jurors) confuse "any doubt" with "reasonable doubt".

Nevertheless, that is not what this hearing today was about. It was about recovering costs for which she was found Guilty. Casey set this investigation in motion by her initial lies to investigators and continued on with her lies up until her attorney's opening statement. It was only at that moment that anyone had any inkling that she (through her attorney) was claiming now that Caylee drowned on June 16, rather than being abducted as she has been saying for 3 yrs. As LDB stated in the hearing, to this day, she has not herself corrected any of the lies she told for which she was found guilty.
Casey, IMO, is a liar and a murderer. It's LE's duty to look for a missing child which they thought Caylee was, based on Casey's lies. Why would they want to be reimbursed for looking for a missing child. It's their job. Let's say for argument's sake Caylee was found alive and well. Should they/LE be reimbursed?
Here's the question
I've been asking myself all day. I think Judge Alex touched on it, but here goes. Why is prosecution asking to recover expenses for a missing child aka Caylee, when obviously the jury found Casey NG of murder. So........ what happened to Caylee? In effect Casey didn't harm Caylee according to a jury of her peers.


Here's a question I have been asking myself for 3 months -- since Jose's Opening Statement for the Defense that was full of LIES and ACCUSATIONS :

If Caylee "allegedly" DROWNED in the Anthony's swimming pool, then WHY did Casey sit in jail for 3 YEARS if it was an ACCIDENT ?

WHY didn't Casey tell LE from the Day 31 that Caylee "drowned" in the pool ?

Because Caylee did NOT drown in the pool -- she was "duct taped" and chloroformed ... and left in the woods to rot and be eaten by animals by her "mother" Casey Anthony !

And as to the "jury" ... they were CLUELESS ! The ONLY thing the Pinellas 12 got right was that CFCA repeatedly LIED to Law Enforcement and sent them on a "wild goose chase" ... therefore, CFCA should pay back every penny to the State of Florida for this "wild goose chase" !

Casey's lies kept poor Caylee hidden for 31 days too long.That's really all that matters. The State did not know definitively what happened to Caylee or where she was. It took a lot of work to uncover what had happened to her. Should LE have stopped looking for her once they realized Caylee was dead? How quickly this would have ended if only Casey told the truth. CM's portrayal of Casey as the victim is despicable. NOTHING...and I mean NOTHING, prevented her from talking and telling the truth.
He has a courtroom show on TV very similar to Judge Judy. He as a former police officer, turned attorney, turned judge. Very good at what he does, very fair, attractive and has a great sense of humor. lol

But a little light on some case law?
Casey's lies kept poor Caylee hidden for 31 days too long.That's really all that matters. The State did not know definitively what happened to Caylee or where she was.It took a lot of work to uncover what had happened to her. Should LE have stopped looking for her once they realized Caylee was dead? How quickly this would have ended if only Casey told the truth. CM's portrayal of Casey as the victim is despicable. NOTHING...and I mean NOTHING, prevented her from talking and telling the truth.

Agree but don't you mean six months too long?
And you know this how? The jury didn't seem to know. If anyone is to blame for this mess it's JA who LOST a case and now is writing a book. I keep asking with no answers where the proceeds to his book will go. He was outmaneuvered by a rookie. The whole State was outmaneuvered by JB. What a laugh. :waitasec:

The jury did find her guilty of lying and that's the point. The State was not outmaneuvered by JB (actually I find that :floorlaugh: ). They were outmaneuvered by a lazy jury who couldn't understand the evidence and were in too much of a hurry to get home to take the time to even worry about looking at any of the evidence or to ask the Judge to clarify. At any rate, this isn't personal even though CM thinks it is. This has to do with tax money expended because of a convicted liar that wouldn't have been spent if she hadn't lied. It's really very simple.

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