State Motion to recover Investigative Costs

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DNA Solves
Uncle Jesse been in the moonshine again?

I'd like HHJP to ask Cheney Mason if Casey's lies stopped on Sept 30 as that seems to be the date he is hung up on since John Allen says that is when they stopped looking for a live Caylee.

I don't recall Casey admitting anything about lying on or after Sept 30. As far as I recall, she along with her family still kept up the lies up until the trial date.
Wow - so they tore down Kronk over and over, and now they're using him as a citizen? They are just like Casey. Just like her. Unbelieveable.
So Where is Baez? Why is he not at this hearing...he has been her lawyer since the beginning
He's too busy being her PR, therapist, money schemer, bodyguard, babysitter, caterer, [insert name here], etc
Vinnie Politan
Amazing the defense is now trying to use the testimony of the man they called "morally bankrupt" roy kronk as a basis for not paying costs!

I love Vinnie !!
OFGS. Let us also not forget, Mr. Mason, that if your liar of a client hadn't killed her daughter, none of this would have happened.

Even if you want some people to believe JB's crapola of an opening statement, none of this would have happened if your liar of a client had called 911 when Caylee allegedly drowned.

And STILL none of this would have happened if your liar of a client had not triple bagged her daughter and thrown her in the damn swamp.

I honestly don't see how the defense can have it both ways. When it suits their agenda, Casey has been proven to be an eliaborate liar. When they want to get out of something, Casey's elaborate lies apparently should have been easy to see through.

ETA: Apparently I tuned in for a few minutes at the wrong few minutes of CM.
Yeah, the SAO and the public get it: Casey was found not guilty. What we don't get is why you and your cohorts can't take that and happily run for the hills.
ahhhh...... Just turned down the volume. Blood temprature lowering, bile sliding back down throat.....
Are we near a decision yet? I can't take much more of this!
I think it's about time the DT get over the fact that Arpad Vass is not a chemist!!! And is smarter than all of them combined.
CM getting so revved about Dr. Haskell and the bug tests that he's going to short out the electrical circuitry in the courtroom. Or have a cow. Whichever. :rofl:

HAHAHAHAHA!!! CM just brought up Dr. Vass. :floorlaugh:
This is the judge, not a clueless jury, CM. What Deputy Cain screwed up on does not raise "reasonable doubt" about whether your client lied. Ugh every time WFTV times out a pic of FCA getting out of jail comes up. Oops not this lost feed.

Why is JBP letting this "Summers Eve" CM talk to the press? Why doesn't he shut him up? Tell him to argue the law and not the personalities? I'm not happy with JBP today!
OK, for your on-topic but off-topic pleasure! Went to trivia competition 2 weeks ago, one of the questions was "What was the cartoon character's FOGHORN LEGHORN'S middle initial?" I told everyone about this chat site, and that this fact had never been discussed (I"m carefully trying to be in OS, and I'm not name calling anyone!)
CM getting so revved about Dr. Haskell and the bug tests that he's going to short out the electrical circuitry in the courtroom. Or have a cow. Whichever. :rofl:

HAHAHAHAHA!!! CM just brought up Dr. Vass. :floorlaugh:

What in Hades does Haskell and Dr. Vass have to do with this hearing? Has CM lost his mind?
Well, you just knew he couldn't resist retrying this sorry case. His rep in Fla. is probably shot. Really CM give it up. We can all see through the mud and other stuff your slinging.
Should this be looked at any differrently that the runaway bride from Georgia? Didn't she have to pay investigative expenses?
On one hand, Mason might have a legitimate argument about some of the expert witness costs; however, on the other hand, those experts witnesses might have been related in some way to proving her lies. Likely what LDB was referring to when she said nothing is Black and White and there is a lot of gray pertaining to these costs and therefore can not be partitioned out completely.

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