State rests rebuttal case- thread #163

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I agree except I think she turned him 180 degrees rather than 360. That would be pointless, right?

Lol, remember that NFL player who had been in legal trouble and, in an interview, said, "I've done a complete 360," um....
Most commonly done from the Inmate to a family member, but with consent they can donate as one would on the outside of prison. After some research one finds that a prison population can generally be higher risk for things like hepatitis etc, that would rule out a %.

I first read the case of Leopold and Lobe (convicted about 1924 or there about) Leopold and Loeb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia where finally after. After release and passing away in 1977 he donated his corneas as he had wanted.

It has sometimes been done and a compassionate release has been granted. Naturally the circumstances of that persons incarceration are taken into consideration.

My mom lost her sight to very aggressive macular degeneration. I had always wished some new way of transplanting would happen in her lifetime so she could see again. Was not to be.

Prisons typically do not allow inmates to donate organs to anyone but immediate family members. There is no law against prisoner organ donation; however, the transplant community has discouraged use of prisoner's organs since the early 1990s due to concern over prisons' high-risk environment for infectious diseases.[42] Physicians and ethicists also criticize the idea because a prisoner is not able to consent to the procedure in a free and non-coercive environment,[43] especially if given inducements to participate. However, with modern testing advances to more safely rule out infectious disease and by ensuring that there are no incentives offered to participate, some have argued that prisoners can now voluntarily consent to organ donation just as they can now consent to medical procedures in general. With careful safeguards, and with over 2 million prisoners in the U.S., they reason that prisoners can provide a solution for reducing organ shortages in the U.S.[44]
While some have argued that prisoner participation would likely be too low to make a difference, one Arizona program started by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio encourages inmates to voluntarily sign up to donate their heart and other organs.[45] As of mid-2012, over 10,000 inmates had signed up in that one county alone.[46]

Organ donation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I have been thinking about how to prevent the Jodis of the world acquiring more victims. These people leave a long path of tears and destruction in their wake to humans whose only crime was to care about them.
While it wont be a fix all i think we have to begin with
lying is a running thread through a whole spectrum of disorders
its excused ignored rationalized away
It if was an absolute deal breaker they wouldnt be able to get their hooks in
Lying is an indication of flawed character and intregity
A sign of an insincere heart
its harsh but recovering from the damage is no cakewalk
Just dropping/ eliminating anyone who is lying to you increases your potential for happy healthy
Tell the truth and demand it from others
The truth exposed jodi and the truth is going to convict her and put her on death row.
That is a powerful thing.

I try not to think too deeply about what he was feeling during those last moments lest I end up sitting in the corner clutching my blankie and sucking my thumb. The horror of it all is more than most of us can comprehend.

Poor Travis. I wish he would have been able to adequately convey to someone the fears he had, strongly enough that someone would have taken steps to protect him. I'm sure some of his friends did pick up on it, and wish they could have done more. Hindsight is 20/20, so I am sure not laying anything at their feet.

I hope his close friends find peace after this is all over with. I'm sure it's been hard on them too.

Good post. I wish that he could have knocked the bi%#h out when she first approached him with that damned knife. I still think she stabbed him in the shower first. I also think she toyed with his mind all day with threats, and forced him at gunpoint into the shower. The one pic of him lying nude on the bed with his fingers making a motion still bothers me, he looked so scared. They darn sure weren't sex pics. Even the ones of her look staged.
Lol now I can use BBM, thanks for the explanation.

I have a question. I've noticed that several posts reference "sitting in the shower pics," and it makes me believe I haven't seen all the photos. I didn't notice a thread that might have all the photos, can anyone link me to them? Thanks!

Hi bettybaby. Try this link. Scroll down and there is about 156 photos to go through. Hope this helps. :seeya:

I thought it was beautiful.

On the 5th I plan on releasing a 24 balloons from India Point Park in Providence. 12 Dark Blue balloons for Justice for Travis, and then 12 light blue balloons for Sunil Tripathi whos body was found in the water off India Point Park this past week.

I can't fast, but I can do my own way of sending good into the world.

Though not aware of the lowe woman murdering her newborn twin boys in TN until this morning, thanks to a heads up from a poster here, I watched the sentencing this am.

Wouldn't ya know it? She was the most honest person you would ever want to meet, and also wouldn't even kill a spider. Sound familiar? According to ALV jodie also is not a liar. According to the jii, jodie wouldn't even kill bugs in the bathtub.:eek:
Maryann, I believe it's standard procedure. I even watched a defense attorney on television once boast that his client was 'made-over' by a Hollywood makeup artist. Funded by the taxpayers. It makes me sick. I love it when they show her previous picture because it's contrary to what the defense wants you to see.

Standard is glasses. Grow out your hair. Barrettes, scrunchies must be encouraged because I see them constantly. Dowdy.

I did laugh out loud on Tuesday when Jacob Mefford testified and had to identify JA. He said the woman over there in the blue shirt with the glasses. I am sure JA was cringing while scribbling.


Lol now I can use BBM, thanks for the explanation.

I have a question. I've noticed that several posts reference "sitting in the shower pics," and it makes me believe I haven't seen all the photos. I didn't notice a thread that might have all the photos, can anyone link me to them? Thanks!
Jodi Arias trial: Juror gives statement to ABC15 after being released from jury

All too human, he had a few too many drinks, an otherwise responsible, well liked, loved by his family man, who made a mistake. THIS is the perfect example of why the jury could care less if Travis was a virgin or if he was rude to Jodi sometimes. NO MAN is perfect. NO WOMAN is perfect or without people they may have been unkind to , if the truth were told. I know I would have to hide my face from the light if any of my co workers knew my teenage and young twenty days. What Jodi is selling is that Travis had it coming. We'll just see who has it coming Jodi. We'll just see.
I just watched the Team Travis video. I had to wait till the end of my night cuz I knew what my reaction would be, and I'm there right now....
I have so so many thoughts running through my mind and so so many emotions.
I can't let myself go where I am I tonight, very often. It's just too much.
What I want to send out to the Universe is this....
Travis Victor Alexander, I would have been proud to be your Mom.
To all of the Alexander children, I would have been proud to have called you mine.
JA, I would work OT and sacrifice things in my life to be able to fly there and hit the button that loads the syringes. I have never ever felt this much loathing for another human being. But you, JA are NOT human. And you deserve all that hell can heap on you.
Sorry, all, but I could sit there are stare into her eyes as they are waiting for the injections to hit. Its not like me to feel this way, but it is what it is.
My heart is broken, like all of you. It's just tonight I allowed myself to go there. Tomorrow I won't. I can't. But every few days, I have to, to let it seep back in, and then blast it out.
We've seen goodness, in Travis, his family and those heroes, JM and Det. Flores....and we've seen EVIL. I won't even type out their names.
I understand having to represent a client, but in the name of all that is holy, how can you do what you've done to trash precious Travis?
Okay, I'm heading to bed. I have my Kleenex and lots of prayers to say.
Thank you all for letting me share, vent and cry here.
You all are very very special to me too :)
I did laugh out loud on Tuesday when Jacob Mefford testified and had to identify JA. He said the woman over there in the blue shirt with the glasses. I am sure JA was cringing while scribbling.

Jacob, whoooo :blushing:
Can anyone please link me to the video that describe how the murder went down per the prosecution. I can't remember the name of it. It was really y good too. Tyia
I up till 4 or 5 in the a m trying, praying, crying.

Trying to send positive thoughts to Travis Family and Friends.

Praying for Justice, Travis, the jury, their families and of course Mr Martinez and all of us hurting because of our past experiences.

Crying because a great man was killed due to a maniac's need for whatever. A loss of life children and grand children that Travis would have had. Crying because of the pain that many of us have experienced due to those crazy evil demonic entities that coexist on our planet.

I pray that we all find peace with the verdict.

So many of affected ..
and just one person created this.
I took visual part in a florida case..
thread fatigue, and a shaken belief.
The scar remains..

I tried not to let my hate rule this time. It's a struggle.
Yesterday, as the defendant watched her life as she knew it fade even further from her grasp, I put on lipstick, turned off the set, and took a girly dog to the seashore and watched her laughing happy eyes.

So, I just want to thank everyone now, before this is over and just a sad memory, how much I appreciate all who participated, sleuthed, posted, debated with courtesy, wit, wisdom, compassion and empathy.
No matter what happend in past trials, you did not let it stop you from continuing the mission of Websleuths.

I just watched the Team Travis video. I had to wait till the end of my night cuz I knew what my reaction would be, and I'm there right now....
I have so so many thoughts running through my mind and so so many emotions.
I can't let myself go where I am I tonight, very often. It's just too much.
What I want to send out to the Universe is this....
Travis Victor Alexander, I would have been proud to be your Mom.
To all of the Alexander children, I would have been proud to have called you mine.
JA, I would work OT and sacrifice things in my life to be able to fly there and hit the button that loads the syringes. I have never ever felt this much loathing for another human being. But you, JA are NOT human. And you deserve all that hell can heap on you.
Sorry, all, but I could sit there are stare into her eyes as they are waiting for the injections to hit. Its not like me to feel this way, but it is what it is.
My heart is broken, like all of you. It's just tonight I allowed myself to go there. Tomorrow I won't. I can't. But every few days, I have to, to let it seep back in, and then blast it out.
We've seen goodness, in Travis, his family and those heroes, JM and Det. Flores....and we've seen EVIL. I won't even type out their names.
I understand having to represent a client, but in the name of all that is holy, how can you do what you've done to trash precious Travis?
Okay, I'm heading to bed. I have my Kleenex and lots of prayers to say.
Thank you all for letting me share, vent and cry here.
You all are very very special to me too :)

I cannot stand JA, I need to have Horace post her daily feeling for this person, so I can thank her. But, I do feel compassion for the little girl before she became this bad being. I feel for her for whatever went wrong.
I hope the Jury is breathing a sigh of relief, and the family that the light really is at the end of the tunnel now.

It feels exciting to think it's all coming to an end, and then I think, he is still dead, this doesn't bring him back. That just brings on such a depression.

"We will have trial today, Wednesday April 24th. Tomorrow be here at 9:30am it will be a short day. There will be NO trial until next Wednesday May 1st and you are to arrive at 9:00am and we will stay until we finish even up to 5:00pm.

Final Jury instructions will be Thursday May 2nd and the Attorney's closing arguments on Thursday and Friday and then the case will be submitted to the Jury"

Wed April 24th
Thurs April 25th
Fri thru Tue Apr 30 NO Trial
Wed May 1st
Thurs May 2nd
Fri May 3rd and to the Jury we go!
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