State rests rebuttal case- thread #163

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I have a question for anyone living in AZ. I live in Texas and the entrance to the attic is pulled down stairs in the hallway and garage. Is the entrance to the attic usually through the bedroom closet? Why did the jury ask that question? Unless the attic in AZ in through the bedroom closet so why would JA need to help TA put decorations there. He could have done that himself. I wonder if JA ever hid in the attic?

Darling Det. Flores said there were two entrances to attic and one of them was in his closet he believes. Said that he would have to look again to be certain.
I am sorry about your Dad. I lost my Dad in November of last year & it is still very hard.

Me too, November 5th, and many times something happens during the day and I think "oh, I should call Dad and tell him" . . .

I realize how lucky I was to have had two parents who were normal and loving, and my heart breaks for Travis that he didn't have that normalcy in this life, and then ran into an evil person who took his life away completely - so, so sad for his siblings, too - I'm an only child, so I have really paid close attention to how the death of a sibling can affect your life. My heart goes out to them.
I have a question for anyone living in AZ. I live in Texas and the entrance to the attic is pulled down stairs in the hallway and garage. Is the entrance to the attic usually through the bedroom closet? Why did the jury ask that question? Unless the attic in AZ in through the bedroom closet so why would JA need to help TA put decorations there. He could have done that himself. I wonder if JA ever hid in the attic?

I live in AZ and my attic entrance is in the ceiling of the guest room closet - it's a removable panel that pushes up into the attic (crawl space) - my attic doesn't go all the way across the house because of the very high ceilings on part of the house.

I don't know why the jury would have been necessarily interested in the attic, other than discounting her story of having to help Travis put the Christmas decorations away - mine requires a ladder to reach it. It doesn't seem likely that Jodi would have hidden the gun or knife up there before she murdered him as it would have been too high to quickly access it. As far as her hiding in the attic, with her anything is apparently possible . . . doggy doors, Christmas trees, peeping in the window and goodness knows what else!!!!
I live in AZ and my attic entrance is in the ceiling of the guest room closet - it's a removable panel that pushes up into the attic (crawl space) - my attic doesn't go all the way across the house because of the very high ceilings on part of the house.

I don't know why the jury would have been necessarily interested in the attic, other than discounting her story of having to help Travis put the Christmas decorations away - mine requires a ladder to reach it. It doesn't seem likely that Jodi would have hidden the gun or knife up there before she murdered him as it would have been too high to quickly access it. As far as her hiding in the attic, with her anything is apparently possible . . . doggy doors, Christmas trees, peeping in the window and goodness knows what else!!!!

I have that kind also in California. (creepy) I don't like to push the panel because something might reach down for me.

My sister has a 2 story and in her closet in the master bedroom is a tiny door, so cute, it leads to the attic. My neighbors with the panel kind had a handyman build stairs you pull down. I love those. I still would not go up there.

I think you are right and they asked to dispel her Xmas decoration story!
I live in AZ and my attic entrance is in the ceiling of the guest room closet - it's a removable panel that pushes up into the attic (crawl space) - my attic doesn't go all the way across the house because of the very high ceilings on part of the house.

I don't know why the jury would have been necessarily interested in the attic, other than discounting her story of having to help Travis put the Christmas decorations away - mine requires a ladder to reach it. It doesn't seem likely that Jodi would have hidden the gun or knife up there before she murdered him as it would have been too high to quickly access it. As far as her hiding in the attic, with her anything is apparently possible . . . doggy doors, Christmas trees, peeping in the window and goodness knows what else!!!!

My thought was because Flores had testified that they did not locate anything relating to a gun or a knife. I think they were just thinking along the lines of mayb JA hid them in the attic. Or she could have. jmo
Very sorry.. mine October 2008. It should get better, less painful, but it doesn't seem to. I still think i'll hear him call my name. I wonder why we almost think we will hear that. I do

At the tender age of 13 I lost my dad to a massive coronary when he was just 40 years old. I adored him. I lost my mom to pancreatic cancer six years ago (she was 70, bless her heart). I miss them both terribly. I still want to pick up the phone to call my mom, and did so for about a year after she died, even though her number was disconnected. I was so desperate to hear her voice that I couldn't help myself.

Time heals, but it never completely takes away the hole that is left when they're gone. It doesn't matter how old you are when it happens, you still feel like a child when they're not there to lean on anymore.

This defendant seems to have as much disdain for her parents as another one we don't speak of. I don't think she cares one way or another how much pain she inflicts on them. There have been mixed views here about how people feel about her parents, but I refuse to pass judgement because I haven't walked a mile in their shoes.
I have a question for anyone living in AZ. I live in Texas and the entrance to the attic is pulled down stairs in the hallway and garage. Is the entrance to the attic usually through the bedroom closet? Why did the jury ask that question? Unless the attic in AZ in through the bedroom closet so why would JA need to help TA put decorations there. He could have done that himself. I wonder if JA ever hid in the attic?

The attic in Travis's is a space for ventilation under the roof , just as DF described. Beams and drywall. There is no ladder unless you get your own to access it. No one would store something in such a space. There is no way JA couild hide there.
I love visuals and this one is good.

Sorry if it has been posted before!

IMO JA wanted him dead and he just would not die quickly enough for her. The throat wound cut off his airway and blood circulation to the brain.

I think she intended to make him hurt and make him suffer. Which he did.

Respectfully snipped by me.

I keep coming back to a quote from the Joker:

“Do you want to know why I use a knife? You see, guns are too quick. You can’t savor all of the little…emotions. In their last moments, people show you who they really are."
You guys are so fast, i cant keep up!!!

Although justice will be served if she gets the DP, she won't suffer the way he did. IMO the needle is way too humane for her compared to the brutality of the crime she committed.

Eta: being the newbie that I am, I have a silly question: what the heck is BBM???

Me too, November 5th, and many times something happens during the day and I think "oh, I should call Dad and tell him" . . .

I realize how lucky I was to have had two parents who were normal and loving, and my heart breaks for Travis that he didn't have that normalcy in this life, and then ran into an evil person who took his life away completely - so, so sad for his siblings, too - I'm an only child, so I have really paid close attention to how the death of a sibling can affect your life. My heart goes out to them.

I'm a bit freaked out by the coincidence here, but my dad died in November too. November 25th - the date is burned in my memory. Hugs going out to both of you. :hug:

Love my WS friends. We've never met personally, and yet we've shared so many experiences.

Here's hoping we share a "yes, jaysus" experience when the verdict comes in. Justice is just around the corner.
just seen this posted on the state vs jodi arias facebook page
more tears :(
A heart felt message to all our supporters from Travis' sister, Tanisha:

To All the Supporters of Travis and our Family,

As the time is now near to verdict time our family needs your support more than ever now. You all have been true examples of Christ, very giving , caring, kindhearted, and loving. The support of all of you has been heartfelt and has brought many smiles to our families faces during these hard times. We will be forever grateful !

I know that the most important thing we can all continue doing is getting down on our knees and praying to the Lord that we will have Justice for Travis here on this earth. I know there will be Justice in the life to come in the eternities but I feel that the Lord will also have his hand in bringing Justice here on earth. Our Heavenly father hears our prayers and he will answer them.

The jury will get this case on Monday the 6th and that's why I have a special request from all of you to join us as we pray and fast for the Jury, For our Family, For Travis, and For the Ultimate Justice in this case. My family and I will be fasting and praying on Sunday May 5th. I know from my own personal experience that the Lord has answered my prayers after I fasted, and that's why I know if we all do it on Sunday the 5th , he will see that we all have faith in him and that Justice is what we want and I feel he will deliver as he touches the hearts of the Jurors.

We have all been brought together thru this horrible tragedy, we have all been touched by Travis and his inspiration as he was alive, by the things he did while he was alive, and by the people he helped and served while he was alive, and because of the Death of this amazing man , we all share the love, the loss, the hope, the sorrow, the life, the faith, the gratitude, the strength, the empathy, and the unity, together. May the Lord continued to bless all of you for all the strength and love you have shown our family.

Don't be sad for Travis for he is happy, in a wonderful place doing the Lords work, he continues to teach, learn, serve, laugh, make others laugh, sing, and rejoice in happiness. He is with our Savior Jesus Christ, he is with us in our hearts and minds , and he will be with us as we get the Verdict of Guilty of first degree Murder and have Justice for him! Our family loves you all!! Our Heavenly Father loves you, and Travis loves you!!

Amen!! :please:
What a minute...

I just thought of something.

In Jodi's last MySpace profile pic, wasn't she a brunette? :what:
No, after the first stab to the heart, he went to to the sink.

She started to viciously stab him in the back, neck, head etc...

He may have slumped down while standing in front of the sink from blood loss at a fast rate.

She continued to stab while he was down and he is now on his and hands and knees trying to crawl away.

He made it to the end of the hallway where the bedroom meets up (carpet), that's when she pulls his head back and slits his throat.

She turns his body 360 degrees, puts her hand on the wall (bloody palm print), and drags him back on the bamboo bath,at back to the shower, then shoots in the right temple.

My theory today. :)

I posted this earlier -- but will post again for those that may have missed it.

Here is a Link to a 3D interactive view of TA home (the Crime Scene).

I agree with your view as to how i ALSO believe it happened.

One thing, I do not believe there was fight over dropping the camera, I think JA just started to stab him. MOO

Please don't get irritated--I'm sure that this has been asked and answered somewhere before, but I am curious. In this trial, will jury be the ones deciding the penalty, or is it the judge?

I brought this over from another thread. It was posted by KatyCoolLady.

"It goes down like this (as the way I predict w/ a death sentence):

Jury comes back with GUILTY verdict on first degree

Juan argues it meets the standard for "cruelty" as defined by the law which qualifies it for the DP.

THey go back and deliberate on this (which is the aggravation stage).

They come back and agree so now the DP is on the table.

DT argues mitigating factors (why to save her life) which IMO won't work. Her mitigating factors do NOT outweigh her brutality.

Victim impact statements are read.

More deliberations where they come back recommending DEATH.

It goes to the Judge who can't alter this recommendation and will formally sentence her 30-60 days later. "__________________
Thank you! This is exactly why I believe the blood on the carpet was from the chest wound and not the throat wound. The forceful pulsating of the blood leaving the carotid/jugular would have produced serious blood splatter on both walls of the hallway, not just one and all over Jodi and Travis, hence I think she cut his throat in the shower.

IIRC the ME explained that when he originally testified. The loss in blood pressure and volume of blood would have lessened the blood spatter from this wound.
I know. I loved the papers being snatched away too. Could we expect JW to storm back to her desk? :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Oh, please go back and watch the judge's face when he throws his hissy fit and grabs the papers, it's priceless!
The pictures were horrendous; I am continually shocked at the inhumanity displayed by Jodi Arias. It's foul, and poor Travis ....well. I don't think there was anything he could have done, once she set her sights on him, to avoid what happened to him. It's so, so easy to be taken in by a sociopath/psychopath. And it's so, so hard to get away.

But Travis's jurors are human, plain and simple. They are flawed--as he was, and you and I are--and make mistakes, sometimes grave. This one was relatively benign, in terms of impact to the case, thankfully. And thankfully, no accident occurred as a result of the juror's impairment.

Right now, we don't have enough information to draw conclusions. Stress, exhaustion, and something as ordinarily innocuous as Benadryl (or any of a thousand prescription or OTC meds) can lead to a DUI charge. We simply do NOT know what substance the juror was influenced by if any. All we know is that he was charged with DUI, and, during the course of the arrest, identified himself as a juror in this case, leading to his dismissal from the jury.

Judgment error? Certainly. But until we know more, we just can't fairly draw conclusions. It's pretty easy to find yourself groggy and in no condition to drive when stressed, exhausted, and walloped harder than you expect by...well, whatever substance.

I am not excusing driving while impaired. At 19, I was hit by a truck driven by an impaired driver and have had pain every day since and lost my first career, ultimately, as a result. In 1999, a truck driven by a drunk teenager plowed through my garage into my living room, sending my husband to the ICU and my kids into ...well, kind of a lifetime of insecurity at bedtime! And I have a handful of alcoholics in the family who created a childhood and adolescence during which I was not only scared every time they left in a car, but scared to get INTO a car with them. Trust me, I have NO affection for drunk or otherwise impaired drivers.

But at this point, we don't know what occurred. I feel horrible for the man---I wonder whether this case contributed to his error in judgment, and know that NO human should have to endure what he and the other jurors have had to do in the name of justice. I wonder how any of them sleep at night, with this monumental task resting on their shoulders. And I suspect that, after spending four months on this case, he is furious with himself for botching his ability to make the contribution to justice he prepared for as he sat in that jury box day after day after day. Or, perhaps it was a cry for relief---the only way he knew to escape the trial. I don't know. I just know that I feel bad for him----he's in trouble (which may be well-deserved), and I can't help but think that Ms. Arias is responsible for it, too.

I am very grateful he did not harm anyone else, or get hurt himself. Thank goodness for alert law enforcement.

Great post and something to think about.
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