State rests rebuttal case- thread #163

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I agree with this. I have had the same idea since I first learned the details of his death.
This is only my second post but I have lurked for a very long time.
I am a nurse but since that has not been verified I cannot really comment as one, but having been a nurse for over 30 years and an ER nurse for many years I believe the quoted post is correct.

This is just my own opinion.
Me too.
Nurse since 1989. I believe it too.

I pray every day for this family. I hope that in time they can know peace again. They've been through so much throughout this trial, and I hope that they can get on with their lives once her fate is finally delivered by the jury.

God bless them all.
Amen! God bless them all. what a horrid thing to go through.

Pro death penalty

Besides, NO ONE deserves to have her evil heart implanted in them. I too am an organ donor, and agree with you.
I am a donor too, and so are my family members. I would NOT want that evil b**** heart in me or my family.
Rational? Probably not, but that is how I feel.

Did you notice that Jodi seems to have aged soooooo much too. She looks a lot older, now, than her chronological age. Frankly I do not care what she looks like after what she did.

Yes, and I am glad she has aged, I hope she thinks about what she has done and looks in the mirror every single day thinking" wow, I look BAD".
Jean errr Jean on NG just said that with a crime of passion that in order for that to work, there has to be actions and not just the words that JA said he said and she feels the defense is going to be able to argue it. ????????????????? Argue with what??? OK, I need to change the channel. I wish NG would not have Jean on.

What did Nancy do after she said that? Turn off Jean's microphone? :floorlaugh:
She is guilty of murdering and taking another life: she admitted it Anagrammy. And if she was not infamous, that wouldn't be listed there @ those prices, it is because of what she did that it is.

I totally agree. I was just speculating about what eBay might be thinking in allowing this.
My theory is that she stabbed him in the head, neck and shoulders in the shower. He is momentarily stunned, collapses back against the shower stall (arms above his head--PHOTO). We see his chest exposed in the photo.

The autopsy report shows the chest wounds are horizontal rather than vertical, meaning they were inflicted from the side. Which means Travis was incapacitated by the force and pain of the head and neckwounds--otherwise he would not be slumping. The number of chest wounds shows that she tried and failed to hit a vital organ until the last one, which would have required a great swing and tremendous force to penetrate the chest wall 3-1/2 inches, then pull that kitchen (no hilt) knife out.

This is when I think she runs for the gun thinking this guy will not die!

He goes to the sink, coughs, drips, says he can't feel his legs, slips to ground and she finds him pulling himself along by his arms down the hall, bleeding onto the carpet profusely from the chest wounds.

She straddles him in a rage screaming "F*g die, *****" and stabs him repeatedly with her left hand, making the cuts all in a 9" square space.

He collapses, unable to move his legs/feet (which is why his feet are relaxed) but is still alive and still yelling. She hunkers down at his head to slit his throat, loses her balance and steadies herself with one hand on the wall (bloody palm print) and the other hand hitting the camera on the floor (photo of fresh blood flow).

She turns him around, drags him back into the bathroom where she starts cleaning up as he dies (urine, feces, blood, vomit, you name it). She is freaked out thinking he is watching her, accusing her, she thinks he is "still in there" as she said in her ninja story, so she shoots him to make him stop gurgling and looking at her.

That's my current (10th?) version of how I think things went down.

Chilling.....and so believable. I think there were many nuggets of truth in her ninja story, and I think you just hit on quite a few of them. Your theory explains how he was first attacked while sitting in the shower, and why he had the wounds to his head and neck. It could also explain some of the defensive wounds he had to his hands.

I've always thought the fatal stab to the heart was the first blow, but this makes me rethink that. Him sitting in the shower in those last couple of pictures just didn't jive with that.

Thanks Anagrammy. I really enjoy your posts.
I think she said those were DB's knives. She used the excuse that they were in storage and that DB had a knife collection. The books were for MM.
She did say that. I heard it this afternoon on Evening Express with Ryan Smith. They played more of her interrogation with Det. Flores. She slips it into the conversation about Travis's garage and storing her art supplies in it!
I am getting very impatient for this trial to be over and Jodi to get her just desserts. With yet another defense psychologist planning to testify next week, can the Judge set a time limit on how long he can remain on the stand and then a time limit on the prosecution cross. Also, can the Judge also set time limits on the closing arguments for defense and prosecution. This trial needs to come to a close, sooner than later.
I have always pictured Travis sitting (as in last photo of the lower half of his body) in the shower and JA crouching outside (as she claims) - she offers to "show" him the photos and as he is focused on her right hand that is holding the camera she has the knife in her left hand and stabs with an underhanded/ back handed motion ( picture her gripping the knife with her left hand, thumb up towards ceiling and knife blade pointed to the floor, then twists her hand clockwise and across the front of her body so that her thumb twists towards the floor and the knife blade twists until it is pointed slightly upward to the ceiling; then she jabs the knife sharply and full force into his right lower chest). This would easily produce the knife wound that the ME described. MOO.

The use of the left hand in that scenario would not produce a very wide arc to get the force needed for at least the vena cava wound. It could have made the others, and the camera would have gone flying as it did.

What about using the right hand with the camera in the left? Would that have been easier? That scenario is supported by the retina image, if I am remembering correctly.
I have been a critical care nurse my entire career. I look at the human body differently, perhaps, than a lay person. I have seen organ transplants do so much good. JA took so much away from so many people. If the verdict is the death penalty, and she is slated for death, is healthy, without disease, and a match for a child or adult, the State, with her permission, could procure her organs. Evil has nothing to do with organs. Personality has nothing to do with organs. Organs=Life.

I happen to be one of those 'clinical' people that see organs as just organs and nothing more. There are sooo many people on long long waiting lists and die before they get organs. But, I can see how people might be mortified by donating JA's organs. I can see both sides. I think it would be wonderful to donate them...bones, blood, organs except for the brain. I think that should be donated to science so they can disect it and find out what the eff is wrong with her!

Omg, I'm so sorry to hear about such a tragic loss for yor community.

Completely off topic but just needed to post this.
Hug your loved ones and tell them you love them.

I live on a corner of a quiet street in a little town. The speed limit is 25mph throughout village limits.
My house is at the bottom of a pretty steep street, kids fly down it daily on their bikes,skateboards and rollerblades. Today at about 4pm three 13-14 yr old girls were doing just that on rollerblades, ONE WASN'T ABLE TO STOP and was hit by a schoolteacher on her way home from work. I just got word from a neighbor that this little girl has died.

I can't get the sight of that girl laying on the pavement out of my head.

It can all be taken away so quickly.
sorry just had to get that out.
Notice how when Travis was actually trying to save his life he headed STRAIGHT FOR THE EXIT .. not for the closet .. Just sayin'

I think he was screaming for help and she knew one of the roomies would be home shortly......she cut his throat so he couldn't scream. Even after being stabbed in the heart and all the other stabs, Travis was crawling for his life. I can't tell you how sick I feel even typing this....I can't imagine what must have been going through his mind...did he know he was dying? I can only imagine his siblings must have asked these same questions many times. :crying:
I wondered the same thing when I went to look for it. I found no video, but I saw a video clip of it played on tv. If you happen to locate the video, please let me know. Thanks.

Because I got hooked late, I missed it as well. I have searched and searched and haven't found it. If anyone has it or finds it PLEASE post a link:please::please:
That's my current (10th?) version of how I think things went down.

Respectfully snipped by me

You too? I go over and over how things could have happened and I keep coming up with a different scenario LOL Some things make absotively no sense if it goes one way then other evidence doesn't work the other way. It's maddening!
The reason this trial is going on is because Travis' family wants the DP.

The DT already asked for 2nd degree murder- the family said no; and I don't blame them.

I have a question. What is Travis family's position on the death penalty? Curious.
Respectfully snipped by me

You too? I go over and over how things could have happened and I keep coming up with a different scenario LOL Some things make absotively no sense if it goes one way then other evidence doesn't work the other way. It's maddening!

I was thinking about this last night--trying to make the puzzle make sense. But then I started thinking that here you have all of these smart and well-educated people (doctors, lawyers, police officer, psychologists, etc) in the courtroom debating and testifying and investing all of this time, and all the while there is someone in that room who knows exactly what happened. The absurdity of the whole thing just bowled me over in that moment.
I have a question. What is Travis family's position on the death penalty? Curious.

JMO, I think had they been adamantly against it JM would abide by their wishes. He seems to have a very close relationship with them
I agree with this. I have had the same idea since I first learned the details of his death.
This is only my second post but I have lurked for a very long time.
I am a nurse but since that has not been verified I cannot really comment as one, but having been a nurse for over 30 years and an ER nurse for many years I believe the quoted post is correct.

This is just my own opinion.

I agree except I think she turned him 180 degrees rather than 360. That would be pointless, right?
I'm an organ donor, so I understand your meaning, However, I would never want a law which demanded organs of those given the death penalty, because it gives an incentive to rendering the death penalty. Touchy subject I know, but jmo.

I think the issue is moot anyway. It is my understanding that the method of death would render any organs unsuitable for transplant.
For Travis Alexander's family with big, giant, Texas sized hugs!

A short story from Passionate Parenting, reminded me so much of dear Travis, how he writes that he often went to school dirty , in clothes that didn't fit, etc.

"As she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school, she told the children an untruth. Like most teachers, she looked at her students and said that she loved them all the same. However, that was impossible, because there in the front row, slumped in his seat, was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard.

Mrs. Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and noticed that he did not play well with the other children, that his clothes were messy and that he constantly needed a bath. In addition, Teddy could be unpleasant.

It got to the point where Mrs. Thompson would actually take delight in marking his papers with a broad red pen, making bold X's and then putting a big "F" at the top of his papers.


Mrs. Thompson, with tears in her eyes, whispered back. She said, "Teddy, you have it all wrong. You were the one who taught me that I could make a difference. I didn't know how to teach until I met you."

Travis had his own Mrs Thompson, his beloved Grandmother who he called his Angel.
I have been thinking about how to prevent the Jodis of the world acquiring more victims. These people leave a long path of tears and destruction in their wake to humans whose only crime was to care about them.
While it wont be a fix all i think we have to begin with
lying is a running thread through a whole spectrum of disorders
its excused ignored rationalized away
It if was an absolute deal breaker they wouldnt be able to get their hooks in
Lying is an indication of flawed character and intregity
A sign of an insincere heart
its harsh but recovering from the damage is no cakewalk
Just dropping/ eliminating anyone who is lying to you increases your potential for happy healthy
Tell the truth and demand it from others
The truth exposed jodi and the truth is going to convict her and put her on death row.
That is a powerful thing.
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