State rests rebuttal case- thread #164

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ITA with all you state here.

I'm gonna get roasted here, but the ME left me worried and a bit disturbed. He was dismissive, arrogant, and quite honestly, left a lot to be desired in his answers.

I think JW was way over her skis on cross though, which left her lacking on her questions, but the jury may have picked up on his less than desirable/detailed testimony

From at least one of the juror's questions, they are examining the notion of "what if the gunshot was first?" The ME wasn't convincing enough to preclude this possibility from their consideration.

However, I can't say it really matters when looking at all the other evidence, of which there is a ton. Even if someone believed her tale, how can the overkill be explained? It can't. But I don't think they will believe her. Her lying was so flagrant -truly incredible. Who would remember, in the heat of a fight, that she "rolled to the left..." Her story is the culmination of 4+ years of jail time, during which she crafted this implausible (impossible?) saga. And the fact that it's fiction is very clear IMO. I think we're just gun shy because of the CA case...
I wonder if Jodi will hang out in court with her team while waiting for the verdict? If so we may not get much warning.
I agree, I hope it gets clarified, but what I got from it is, that is the helio she said she lost, and since the picture was taken on June 3rd, it proves it was not lost, it also proves she had the taped conversation for blackmail:

May 10th: taped sex conversation
May 15th: Picture taken with that phone of her and her dog
May 17th-18th: She claims she lost the phone - really wanted that known
June 3rd: Pictures of her with dyed hair

The camera guy did not say just the new pictures were from that helio he said ALL of the pictures JM was showing were from that helio, including the one of her and the dog, and the one of her and her sister. All was on same phone that she told the jury was lost.

I watched his testimony several times hoping to hear what you state. I haven't found it. Can you post a link???
This IS an awesome article! I didn't want it to end. I want a book! Thank you for sharing this find.

You know what is bizarre, I have been reading the book written by the jurors in the S.Peterson trial. I am now in the book at the part where the jurors are deciding life or not. Not too bad of a book. Its not very complimentary of Mark Geragos, but I never really much care for him and his ego anyway.
He was on one of the HLN shows talking about it. Either JVM, DD, or NG, or all of all them. I cannot remember. He did say she was FRANTIC and DESPERATE to get to Arizona. She told him that she would reimburse him. Yeah right, like that's gonna EVER HAPPEN. :giggle::giggle::giggle:

I checked out the links that WS'ers left re: Paul Stern. After reading this transcript, I think he is confused by several years. He claims JA paid him back. When did THAT happen? His story makes no sense to me in the time frame of her trip to Mesa on June 2, 3 and 4, 2008.

Where JA got the cash is the least of my worries right now, but here is a section of the transcript and link.

PINSKY: I am back with my co-host, psychologist Wendy Walsh.

Joining me, Paul Stern, who I`d said worked with her. I was wrong about that. He got know Jodi in 2008 before she killed Travis.

I guess, Paul, she worked at the Ventana Inn up in Big Sur and you were a customer there. She was a bartender, is that correct?

PAUL STERN, KNEW JODI ARIAS (via telephone): I own a house there. So, she frequented a bar and grill and restaurant every night to get on the computer.

PINSKY: So, she was not -- well, hold on a second. So, she was not an employee of this place. You guys both just went to this inn, this restaurant?

STERN: Yes. She was an employee of Ventana but I wasn`t. I just lived there.

PINSKY: I see. And you actually loaned her the money that ended up on the trip where she actually killed Travis?

STERN: Well, the day before she left, she was pretty frantic that she had to go back and see Travis, and she talked about how he was seeing other people and she asked to borrow money and I gave her money.

PINSKY: Paul, when you say she was frantic, describe how you -- who you thought she was and what you mean by frantic.

STERN: Well, I spent a lot of hours with Jodi. She would sit right next to me.

And you know more about Jodi by what she doesn`t say. She never talked about her family, her friends, her boyfriends, her hobbies. And she never talked about her feelings or emotions.

WALSH: What did she talk about?

STERN: But she was on the computer constantly and she kept a journal. She would show me pictures on the computer. There had to be thousands of them. I only looked at a few.

I agree, I hope it gets clarified, but what I got from it is, that is the helio she said she lost, and since the picture was taken on June 3rd, it proves it was not lost, it also proves she had the taped conversation for blackmail:

May 10th: taped sex conversation
May 15th: Picture taken with that phone of her and her dog
May 17th-18th: She claims she lost the phone - really wanted that known
June 3rd: Pictures of her with dyed hair

The camera guy did not say just the new pictures were from that helio he said ALL of the pictures JM was showing were from that helio, including the one of her and the dog, and the one of her and her siste
r. All was on same phone that she told the jury was lost.

If I remember correctly, it was the IT guy that testified for the defense that claimed the two other pics (her and her sister and her and the dog) were taken on JA's Canon camera.

She called Ryan on Jun3 from Pasadena to say she was on her way.

Her cell phone died and she "loses" charger. imo She turned off her cell phone off so she can't be traced in AZ.

"Distance between Salt Lake City, Utah (UT) and Pasadena, California (CA)

How many miles? 680 Miles / 1094 Km
How many hours? This take 9 hours 28 mins"

Ryan, being patient, waits for Jodi I would imagine, then Jodi contacts him after the killing in NV (maybe?) and says she got lost. He has no other reason to not believe her, because he did not know she was pathological liar yet. imo

actually, Ryan, during his testimony was asked by JM if he believed JA when she told him she got lost and he said, no, i didn't believe that
Have you guys seen this?

I got it on some google search, and they said it was Naps, but he's half deaf and blind by age. But still, he looks well cared for, if it's him!



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You know what is bizarre, I have been reading the book written by the jurors in the S.Peterson trial. I am now in the book at the part where the jurors are deciding life or not. Not too bad of a book. Its not very complimentary of Mark Geragos, but I never really much care for him and his ego anyway.

I read that book too ...
I checked out the links that WS'ers left re: Paul Stern. After reading this transcript, I think he is confused by several years. He claims JA paid him back. When did THAT happen? His story makes no sense to me in the time frame of her trip to Mesa on June 2, 3 and 4, 2008.

Where JA got the cash is the least of my worries right now, but here is a section of the transcript and link.

PINSKY: I am back with my co-host, psychologist Wendy Walsh.

Joining me, Paul Stern, who I`d said worked with her. I was wrong about that. He got know Jodi in 2008 before she killed Travis.

I guess, Paul, she worked at the Ventana Inn up in Big Sur and you were a customer there. She was a bartender, is that correct?

PAUL STERN, KNEW JODI ARIAS (via telephone): I own a house there. So, she frequented a bar and grill and restaurant every night to get on the computer.

PINSKY: So, she was not -- well, hold on a second. So, she was not an employee of this place. You guys both just went to this inn, this restaurant?

STERN: Yes. She was an employee of Ventana but I wasn`t. I just lived there.

PINSKY: I see. And you actually loaned her the money that ended up on the trip where she actually killed Travis?

STERN: Well, the day before she left, she was pretty frantic that she had to go back and see Travis, and she talked about how he was seeing other people and she asked to borrow money and I gave her money.

PINSKY: Paul, when you say she was frantic, describe how you -- who you thought she was and what you mean by frantic.

STERN: Well, I spent a lot of hours with Jodi. She would sit right next to me.

And you know more about Jodi by what she doesn`t say. She never talked about her family, her friends, her boyfriends, her hobbies. And she never talked about her feelings or emotions.

WALSH: What did she talk about?

STERN: But she was on the computer constantly and she kept a journal. She would show me pictures on the computer. There had to be thousands of them. I only looked at a few.


He is probably one of those idiots that had either no, or minimal contact with Jodi. He just wants air time.
Thanks; I am humbled.

I am also astounded at the endless and frequently invalid assumptions made by judges, attorneys and juries.

What does that jibberish mean under your name. I just tried to see if it read upside down, lol!
I wish we could read Melendez' report.
Get a fake email address and tell him you are Nancy Grace, and wish to see the report. J/K You know she would have all arrested for identity fraud. hehehe
I wonder if Jodi will hang out in court with her team while waiting for the verdict? If so we may not get much warning.

I think we will get atleast a 45 minute warning. It's for family, media, everyone to be able to be there on time.
That could possibly be what he said. I was going by the conversation I'd followed in some thread. I paid him the attention he deserved in this trial--very little.

If he did say that, it must not have been credible because JM didn't discuss that with him on the stand. I dont think Jodi's phone log recorded that. Anyone else know?

I'm a little behind in the thread so if this has been answered already my apologies. Gus stated in several interviews that Jodi called him after the murder on June 5, 2008 at 3 am in the morning. He states that she is upset & JA basically tells him Travis is dead but doesn't give details. Here's one . This video is almost 10 minutes long so the part in question starts at around the 4:20 mark. I have no idea why he stated this over & over. Not only does it make him look bad for not contacting anyone after JA called him, discussing with his friends, looking into further, etc. It also could be checked out fairly easy by phone records which I am certain JM would have brought up when questioning him. Who knows, he is strange IMO.
It didn't even occur to me until I was typing the post, the WalMart down the street from where I lived in '08 also had a hair salon and a nail place inside it. Makes good sense, she gets her hair done, maybe nails too, buys the gas can, face wipes and bronzer, all at low WaMart prices (for the budget conscious maniac).
If she'd had her hair done there, wouldn't JM have tried to demonstrate this when the Walmart lady was on the stand? She searched through hundreds and hundreds of receipts, he could have asked her to search through the "beauty salon" ones as well?

She claimed during her testiphony that she archived her photos, contacts, and recordings and did so routinely.

I don't doubt that she archived anything she might want to use to extort TA or anyone else if it served her evilness.

Make no mistake.

She did take pics on that Helio phone on June 3 and she did lie. That is not in dispute.

Which is why Nurmi's cross-exam of Robert Brown was a miserable failure.

His client had lied not only to her counsel, but to the jury in open court.

Nurmi could not, can not fix it.

I totally missed Robert Brown? Who is he and what did he testify about?
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