State rests rebuttal case- thread #164

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:) thanks for that. A lot of people are judge mental about guns of any type - but I see that what you present is the most respectful reply in something that is clearly a trauma related issue for you. Like you, my Traumas have significant impacts on me, but I'm not sure they rise to your level of response. Water/swimming can sometimes bring on a panic or anxiety response, but I feel like one of these days I can work through it.

We are mostly shotgunners, and upland bird game hunters. We reload all of our own shotshells, with a pretty sophisticated electric drive system.

My only request is that I don't pick up the game or clean it. Hubs does that for me (but I do cook them). In return, I never ever complain about hunting and I go with him whenever he wants to go. This is pretty easy, considering that I love shooting and I'm very competitive.

We have a pretty big trip to Argentina later this year, for dove. Very excited, this will pretty much be like an all-inclusive luxury trip being fed like Kings and pampered in the field. In the 3 days of hunting, we plan on shooting 3,000 shells per day. All dove are donated to the local village in return for the farmers allowing us to use their land.

That's awesome you and your hubby can enjoy that together! :rockon: I grew up in a rural area, maybe that's why I'm ok with hunting, target shooting, etc. It doesn't bother me that others do it. It is just MUCH easier than me if I am not around them when they do :scared:
ITA with all you state here.

I'm gonna get roasted here, but the ME left me worried and a bit disturbed. He was dismissive, arrogant, and quite honestly, left a lot to be desired in his answers.

I think JW was way over her skis on cross though, which left her lacking on her questions, but the jury may have picked up on his less than desirable/detailed testimony

Really? I thought he was very convincing. More so than the first time. No wishy-washy-ness. But you know, some jurors may agree with you and that's okay. The jurors can pick whichever version they want. Even with Arias' version it amounts to first degree murder. Going to get a knife after shooting Travis and then stabbing him 29 times is first degree murder.
3 gas cans, a case of Costco bottled water and her luggage. All in the trunk.
Why did JM repeatedly ask her about where the gas cans were?

I don't know, but I have a Focus and I can tell you that although we can stuff a lot of things in there - that would have been a supremely tight fit.

Not to mention, WHO IN THE WORLD would keep their luggage (clothing) and drinking water in the same compartment as smelly, permeating GASOLINE???? TWO of those cans had been previously used. I can never fill those things up without spilling SOME.


I have been looking for this information and re-listened to Melendez to try to understand this. I could not figure this out, or why some pics had no date and time stamps. Was it because they were thumbnails or was this caused by some anomaly. Why were some photos thumbnails and some not?

According to Melendez, some of the pics got completely overwritten and so, only the thumbnails remained and those didn't have time stamps. I have to say, he didn't convince me as being much of an expert. He sounded like someone who had been trained in running a computer program and not much more. He had not much to add; certainly not an "investigator"...Arizona needs to pull it up a notch in their forensic computer department imo.

That's what I'm thinking, but I don't know if the Sprint guy was for Travis' phone or not. I can't remember.

And I agree about the fake insurance claim. That's up her alley to get money. I assume a claim would render her the exact kind of phone and a new sim with her phone number. She couldn't use GUS' helio anymore to make calls, but she could use it for her crime evidence.

Maybe, but it doesn't sound like anyone looked into any of this???
If she'd had her hair done there, wouldn't JM have tried to demonstrate this when the Walmart lady was on the stand? She searched through hundreds and hundreds of receipts, he could have asked her to search through the "beauty salon" ones as well?


Her hair pictures happened on hour before her Walmart receipt.
ITA with all you state here.

I'm gonna get roasted here, but the ME left me worried and a bit disturbed. He was dismissive, arrogant, and quite honestly, left a lot to be desired in his answers.

I think JW was way over her skis on cross though, which left her lacking on her questions, but the jury may have picked up on his less than desirable/detailed testimony

I agree. It's the one big thing that sticks out to me as maybe leaving the jurors with the impression that the State hasn't been forthright. Especially since they heard about Flores' prior testimony at the DP qual. hearing and know that the theory was changed for the first time DURING the trial. If Horn's testimony and report were more iron clad, maybe it wouldn't be an issue. But his report and his testimony were, imo, a little equivocal and maybe even somewhat inconsistent on key points between the report and the two separate days of testimony. I'm not sure why stabbed first matters to the State at this point, so I wonder why Horn wasn't a little less equivocal. Maybe I'm missing some key issue from the State's perspective.
I'm not trying to uncover her mind. I'm just trying to make sense of one action she took.

She told Flores that she'd gotten lost and was stranded on the roads at one point. She added that she'd slept, and Flores told her that she could have done all that and still not have lost that much time. Flores was counting from about 9pm June 3rd to about 10am June 5th.

Yep. That's a lot of time. Some freekin' alibi for the genius that she is!

I watched his testimony several times hoping to hear what you state. I haven't found it. Can you post a link???

I see what you are saying. This just may be my 'assumption' because he shows the picture of her and her dog, then he shows the picture of her in the car, then he shows the picture with her sister then another picture of her in the car, (or vice versa) then asks Brown 'and with regards to your examination and these photographs were these photos taken with the helio phone or were they moved from some other apparatus over to the helio....'

So, maybe he was only referring to the 3 photos, but when he says and 'these' photos. I thought he could be referring to the other two as well.
You're right. I also want to add that it took me a while to realize after reading your reply, that tea also comes HOT. LOL

I'm a Yankee.The first time I was at a Waffle House in the South and ordered tea, the manager of the restaurant had to explain to the server what I was asking for (hot tea) and how to make it!
For me, that's a huge leap because if the police interviewed anyone on that call, they'd say "gus told us he wouldn't be there." How would Gus know, less than two hours after the murder, that Travis wouldn't be there?

He'd be implicating himself completely with a statement like that. But the way he tried to insinuate himself into the case makes one wonder.
Given the way JM threw him out with the recyclable garbage, I think there's not much to look into...

I'm a Yankee.The first time I was at a Waffle House in the South and ordered tea, the manager of the restaurant had to explain to the server what I was asking for (hot tea) and how to make it!

That's funny! When I first started my travels to the northeast, I ordered tea and my husband stopped me. He says, "That's not what you think it is".

I was also shocked during a trip to Italy, when I ordered a pizza and it wasn't sliced. I had to look around to figure out that it is to be consumed with a knife and fork. Who knew!
Jodi's words on the stand:


"ARIAS: Yes. In the, when I got, I got my Helios phone the day I moved to Arizona. The phone that I had was a Motorola Razor, and I put it in the drink cup holder in the truck, I want to sleep in the truck. And when I woke up, I realized that send in the bottom of the drink holder with whole bunch of hot chocolate that spilled the day before. And it basically soaked in hot chocolate all night. So, my phone didn`t work anymore.

I met up with Gus Steve (ph) in southern California. He had a free phone deal. And he let me have the Helios. I agreed to pay him for it. But, I don`t remember how that worked out. And so, as I had this phone, figuring out the features, and then I realized we can record on it and I told Travis, and, we joked about, recording it, and then -- we tried that.

And a few times, it failed at it. Because you have to hit a record button on the phone. And then if-up ha you hang up the phone at end of the conversation before hitting save it doesn`t save the conversation. So he like, when we recorded things like that, he liked to play it back.

And so -- the first few times I forgot to save it. Because it went all one long recording. And then I would hang up not thinking. And lost the recording. And he would get upset. So -- throughout the conversation I begin to hit, save, save, save, so I didn`t forget. At least even if I forgot the last one, at last a portion of it previously was saved.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So you recorded it at his request?

ARIAS: Yes. "

And good old Gus:

On some tv show he claimed JA called him that night and told him travis was dead...

He and ALV are probably cuddled up in a closet somewhere with blankets sucking their thumbs...

I'm a Yankee.The first time I was at a Waffle House in the South and ordered tea, the manager of the restaurant had to explain to the server what I was asking for (hot tea) and how to make it!

We southerners know what hot tea is. What we don't understand is unsweet tea!!!!:drumroll:
Did everyone listen to that Tricia's True Crime show tonight, the one with KCL. DDJ Katie, and Beth Karas? I am listening to it now.
He definitely gave her something for the DVD player she stole from her grandparent's home, IMO. I'm sure he probably gave her more than what the player was worth. He was awfully nervous on the witness stand. Who knows, he was still in love with her (at least it seems to me). She probably romped with him too prior to her trip to Mesa, hense the extra money deposited for the trip.

MM and DB knew each other from the Ventana days. Maybe they became partners of sorts? Maybe they were growing pot together or doing something else that was illegal together? She has something on them both for sure.

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