State rests rebuttal case- thread #165

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You are so right. Isn't it true sir you have been sanctioned for your testimony in other cases, such as .....and judge's have opined that your testimony should be discarded in such cases as
a through z? Do you have any idea sir, what happened to Mrs. Lenore Walker that Jennifer was so adamant questioning Dr. DeMarte about? We don't see her here today, right?
and isn't the real reason you are here is that ALV is your longtime speaking engagement partner, partner on documentaries, where she falsely claimed to be a psychologist, and your longtime dear friend that you feel sorry for after she was so discredited on the stand recently?

I know the jury will have to hold back the church giggles at Mr. Johnny Come Lately witness. A friend of ALV....that is the ONLY person they could get to take the stand and endorse her behavior? Well....isn't that special? The only thing missing is Samuels' grandmother saying he was a good kid.

The bolded part isn't true. At least if you're talking about the O'Rourke v. O'Rourke. Maybe you're talking about something else?
Why didn't JM have Chris Hughes as a witness for the State? His experiences with JA are terrifying.

After watching him on DD last night, I would pay money to hear all of his stories about JA.
After watching him on DD last night, I would pay money to hear all of his stories about JA.

You will have the chance to hear Chris Hughs this Sunday on Trishes live radio. If you miss it, you can go to the link and hear it. I will be listening for sure. I loved how he handled Nurmi.
You will have the chance to hear Chris Hughs this Sunday on Trishes live radio. If you miss it, you can go to the link and hear it. I will be listening for sure. I loved how he handled Nurmi.

I cried listening to Hughes talk about Travis. How is it that the evil things he witnessed were not brought up in court? Not things Travis told him but what witnessed it himself. How can that be hearsay!?
You will have the chance to hear Chris Hughs this Sunday on Trishes live radio. If you miss it, you can go to the link and hear it. I will be listening for sure. I loved how he handled Nurmi.

I hope he gets a chance to talk and get out everything he wants to say.

One thing (among many) that I can't stand about shows like DD and NG is that they don't let their important guests speak for more than 30 seconds. I don't CARE what their 'experts' have to say when someone truly relevant like Chris Hughes is there, to give REAL information, as he is someone who was actually there.

I wanted to scream at my TV last night when DD kept cutting him off from finishing what he was trying to say.

Thank you for posting that link. It was shocking to see JA's behaviour. She is laughing, singing like not a care in the world. Just generally speaking I have never seen ..even in a movie someone so evil. Obviously she is responsible for her own behaviour, but I find it hard to believe her parent's didn't so something as she was growing up. If I were them I would be feeling very bad right about now.
Thank you for posting that link. It was shocking to see JA's behaviour. She is laughing, singing like not a care in the world. Just generally speaking I have never seen ..even in a movie someone so evil. Obviously she is responsible for her own behaviour, but I find it hard to believe her parent's didn't so something as she was growing up. If I were them I would be feeling very bad right about now.

I have never seen such evil, such psychopathy, in my life (and I have followed a LOT of murder cases). It's like she's the devil reborn or something, not human. It's incredibly frightening.
I listened to Chris Hughes on Dr. Drew. At the end, he spoke of the Travis Alexander Fund. He stated that the money was going to the family, AND if there was any money left over, it would go to this fund.

Why wouldn't the family get all the money as this was the intent of donors, like me??? WTH
I listened to Chris Hughes on Dr. Drew. At the end, he spoke of the Travis Alexander Fund. He stated that the money was going to the family, AND if there was any money left over, it would go to this fund.

Why wouldn't the family get all the money as this was the intent of donors, like me??? WTH

I think he meant if there was any money left over, i.e. if the family was using the donated money for hotels/meals/etc. during the trial, and they don't use all of the money received for that (because they receive more than necessary), the rest will carry over to Chris's fund.
You will have the chance to hear Chris Hughs this Sunday on Trishes live radio. If you miss it, you can go to the link and hear it. I will be listening for sure. I loved how he handled Nurmi.

I wonder if eventually any of the Alexander family will be on her show? not thinking it would be anything more than a thank you for the outpouring of assistance from the community.

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I hope he gets a chance to talk and get out everything he wants to say.

One thing (among many) that I can't stand about shows like DD and NG is that they don't let their important guests speak for more than 30 seconds. I don't CARE what their 'experts' have to say when someone truly relevant like Chris Hughes is there, to give REAL information, as he is someone who was actually there.

I wanted to scream at my TV last night when DD kept cutting him off from finishing what he was trying to say.

I do know what you are talking about. I would like to know if all of Travis' friends will be allowed in the court for the verdict even if there is standing room only?
You will have the chance to hear Chris Hughs this Sunday on Trishes live radio. If you miss it, you can go to the link and hear it. I will be listening for sure. I loved how he handled Nurmi.

I really do not understand why the Jury did not hear this, I am looking forward to hear more of his stories.
I'll take your word on it. I am NOT clicking that link! No way! I'm not getting sucked into that trial!

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Agreed! I was also going to follow the Andrea Sneiderman case here in Atlanta but I will not as I don't want my whole summer sucked up by being in front of the television and the computer!

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I hope he gets a chance to talk and get out everything he wants to say.

One thing (among many) that I can't stand about shows like DD and NG is that they don't let their important guests speak for more than 30 seconds. I don't CARE what their 'experts' have to say when someone truly relevant like Chris Hughes is there, to give REAL information, as he is someone who was actually there.

I wanted to scream at my TV last night when DD kept cutting him off from finishing what he was trying to say.

I did want to scream when Hughes was explaining the context of the email and they just cut him off and had some other female yack about her thoughts. I'm like what just happened? Reminds me why I almost never watch these shows. :banghead:
I do know what you are talking about. I would like to know if all of Travis' friends will be allowed in the court for the verdict even if there is standing room only?

Try looking at Katiecoolady's posts and see if there is answer for you there.
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