State rests rebuttal case- thread #166

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When and where did Skye repeat the accusation that Travis was a pedophile? I cannot rest until I get an answer to this, people!
My personal feeling on that is that JM did not want to expose the Hugheses and the PPL connection as it would only make them appear dodgy. JM does not suffer fools gladly.

Good point. I guess not everyone who knows something can be a witness without hurting the case, one way or the other. Yes, Juan is experienced at culling through witness testimony.
Jodi is one in a million, sad to say.

One day, Jodi will fade into the sunset, after the sensationalism is over.

Then, we will move to the "big one"... *sigh*

Yes, she's insufferable, not all-powerful. For the lives she has directly and irrevocably damaged, she's the worst thing that ever happened; but the sensationalism of this case has left reason and proper perspective in its wake. Now, she's THE face of evil, having nudged out, apparently, the serial rapists/spree killers and the world's most infamous, mass torturing and murdering dictators from their top positions. It's as though her badness is never quite bad enough on its own terms, but has to be contiually augmented, fictionalized, even, to satisfy a hunger for it. For all the people who are so spiritually gifted, with their sixth sense for the palpable chill of soullessness, haven't they heard the observation that evil tends to be banal? Why dress it up in a scary costume, when that's not how it presents itself? Seems to be a lot of projecting going on when there's this fear that her badness requires extraordinary, special measures to contain it, prevent it from oozing into every corner of society.
Maybe JA was pregnant and had an abortion?
No, I don't think she was and I don't think she did. IMO, she very well could have told him that, but I don't think it was true. She would have been singing that as her national anthem to everyone and anyone and I think TA would have consulted one of his friends, like CH's for instance. This would have been a tremendously moral issue for him.
Hey Mee, have you started the big move to Poland yet?

We're getting there! We have to have everything packed and ready to go by Friday and we're leaving Monday! We're cutting it pretty close to verdict day too. Thanks for asking!
I apologize for interrupting here, I'm still on the last thread. While I was reading there, something hit me when I read a post by Tuba. Tuba, I hope you don't mind me bringing your post over her to comment on.

Tuba Tuba is offline
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It always was seeming nonsense that Arias would escape from the "body slam" and then do a U turn where hall meets closet and exit and bedroom, choosing back toward the bath through the closet. She said she didn't think of the gun until she was at the shelf. So she was willingly entrapping herself, returning to the spot she had just fled. But on HLN, Vinnie Politan pointed out that it would be equally absurd for Travis to open the closet door, as she said he did, see her grabbing his gun and head toward her and gunfire, rather than shutting the door. He could have grabbed a sheet from the bed and escaped outside or done any number of things rather than moving toward an armed Arias.
If Jodie had run down the hall, turned to her right entering TA's closet, (I remember on the stand she said he was opening the door to the closet as she reached for the gun.) With the amount of blood in the hall, why wasn't the closet carpeting covered with blood if Travis was chasing her down?
Discussing the Hugheses?? :silenced:

They have been the uber-hyped stars of HLN shows both last night and tonight. So......seems like we are okay to discuss them. Unless the mods tell us to stop, I don't see where the silenced thing is necessary. But then I am a little slow on the uptake at times.......
My biggest problem with the Hughes is this...

They talked to Jodi and gave her personal info. about how Travis treated other women...

I guarantee you every time Jodi and Travis got into it, she tortured Travis with their words...

"Even your own friends told me how you mistreat need help Travis"

What a miserable situation that must have been...

I agree except for one thing. JA makes a good initial impression. They liked her when they met her. They asked TA if she was as nice as she seemed. He said yes. They were all snowed by her.

JA played on sky's good nature and whined about TA not being ready to commit, but this was very early on. January of 2007, I think. Girl to girl, Sky may have shared too much, but I get why she did it.

I'm neutral on the Hughes. They were his friends and it's not up to me to judge their relationship. I do believe they had his best interests at heart.
They have been the uber-hyped stars of HLN shows both last night and tonight. So......seems like we are okay to discuss them. Unless the mods tell us to stop, I don't see where the silenced thing is necessary. But then I am a little slow on the uptake at times.......

You and me both;)

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3 more days and----verdict watch. (I hope)

I am trying not to get nervous, but am having PTSD from that other "Orlando Case" no names necessary. And no I did not speculate about my PTSD diagnosis. I have it cause I SAID SO!!! I made up my own test, but I left the results on my desk.
Goodnight folks... I have to watch Knox ... Get my blood pressure up ...again... Then watch DanceMoms cause that's quality tv:) lol

Why I torture myself, I'll never know....

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I am trying not to get nervous, but am having PTSD from that other "Orlando Case" no names necessary. And no I did not speculate about my PTSD diagnosis. I have it cause I SAID SO!!! I made up my own test, but I left the results on my desk.

:floorlaugh: It only counts if you write the answers on a yellow legal pad and rescore it until you get the results you are looking for :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I apologize for interrupting here, I'm still on the last thread. While I was reading there, something hit me when I read a post by Tuba. Tuba, I hope you don't mind me bringing your post over her to comment on.

Tuba Tuba is offline
Registered User Join Date: Sep 2007
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It always was seeming nonsense that Arias would escape from the "body slam" and then do a U turn where hall meets closet and exit and bedroom, choosing back toward the bath through the closet. She said she didn't think of the gun until she was at the shelf. So she was willingly entrapping herself, returning to the spot she had just fled. But on HLN, Vinnie Politan pointed out that it would be equally absurd for Travis to open the closet door, as she said he did, see her grabbing his gun and head toward her and gunfire, rather than shutting the door. He could have grabbed a sheet from the bed and escaped outside or done any number of things rather than moving toward an armed Arias.
If Jodie had run down the hall, turned to her right entering TA's closet, (I remember on the stand she said he was opening the door to the closet as she reached for the gun.) With the amount of blood in the hall, why wasn't the closet carpeting covered with blood if Travis was chasing her down?

This is where the common sense part of this comes in for the jury. Why would Travis lunge toward someone who is pointing a gun he would know is loaded at him? Was he that spitting, frothy mad? The same anger that allowed him to fight through a cap to the crown to continue trying to kill Jodi?
IIRC, it was Suzie Dittman, a fraud investigator for JP Morgan Chase. What it was about, I don't have a clue.

Someone earlier suggested that the explosive email Travis sent to Jodi, where he was threatening to expose Jodi to EVERYONE, involved some sort of financial scam/fraud that he had caught Jodi in. This made me remember the question that Martinez asked Jodi that was related to her last tax return that was filed with the IRS and the DT jumped up IMMEDIATELY and objected. After a long sidebar Martinez did not ask any other similar question. IIRC, Jodi got that same look that she gave Martinez when he asked her if she had been jealous of Travis. It was a very creepy look.

So now I tend to suspect that the explosive fight was related to something big and it was about money that had been stolen or scammed, IMO.
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