State rests rebuttal case - thread #168

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Why is my life depicted in these cards?????? Is someone spying on me???
Holy cow!!! I never thought of that!! You could totally be right!!

I think Jodi daily and probably hourly stalked Travis. His bank accounts, email accounts, social media accounts. It's so sad because it seems like there was NOTHING that could have prevented this. And I hope that the people in TA's life like Chris and Skye realize this. Nothing could have stopped JA.

Jodi is so much more terrifying to me than some of the other women killers we have seen in the news. She scares me far more than Casey Anthony. I am not a huge proponent of the death penalty. But in this case I truly believe the best sentence for Jodi is death. She's far too dangerous and far too capable of inflicting pain and hurt on others even if behind bars.

OK so she either installed one of those 'keystroke thingies' on his computer or he didn't change his passwords .. I'm sure if someone had continued access to my passwords I'd be googling how to remove a 'keystroke thingie' why Travis .. WHY? Oh it's unbearable.
That's nothing. Wait til he burps, sounds like he just guzzled a Big Gulp

When he started out I thought he was at least going to be professional. I should know better than to hope for such a thing out of a DT witness
They have no sense of time; or there is something UP. Why can't they even state the correct time and come back on time? I can't stand this court.
JA told Det. Flores that he should be looking at Thomas Brown as a suspect.

[Former roommate of TA.]

Yes, in addition to two masked intruders couldn't pick out of a lineup, she also tried to throw Thomas Brown under the bus.

Det. Flores had to waste valuable time and resources checking it out partly because the crime scene was so gruesome and Travis was so butchered that he wondered if the lying torture-murderess had help doing the deed as he initially couldn't conceive of JA brutalizing TA to that extent without some help.

BBM: The amount of folks Arias has thrown,or tried to, under the bus is about the size of a mountain about now. Despicable.
Excuse me......what about your engagement to the hunky bus driver who doesn't know he's in a long term monogomous relationship with you?!!

...ummm... you might be a bit behind the times...gauntlet left the busdriver for Seal.....

DR G: blah blah blah...Did that help?
JW: No, not really
He droned on and on and on so badly I turned him Dwn in the background to listen to the breaking news on tv instead. I can't stand this witness; the defense has really made an error here. Talk about beating a dead horse. None deader than this one; well....unless she gets the needle which I feel she deserves. I'm pro DP always will be and this case qualifies tenfold. Jurors do your job~ and I agree...and will state it again: The reason we are here today besides JA is this judge. She is the reason this trial has taken 4 mos. It's wrong, it's ridiculous and AZ just cannot seem to get er done.

I agree with the part about the Judge. Even if she was going to allow this rarely granted surrebuttal, she should have limited the time to 2 or 3 hours for each side. Ridiculous. Willmott will be droning on until 7:30 pm
Jodi, you're never going to have long pencils again!
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