State rests rebuttal case - thread #169

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But it looked to me like ja mouthed "Appeal?" to Wilma when JW returned to her seat. She looks worried, as well she should.
I am so tired of JW and her approaches. I can't even fathom how tired the jury is by now.....not to mention no supper at going on 8:00.

I hope JM winds it up soon and the judge lets folks go for the night. If Willmott gets back up there we'll be here until midnight (AZ time).

Did anyone else get a bad feeling about how Dr. Horn acted in the last of his testimony there? He's always been so stolid. Why the big grins tonight?

I'm probably just tired and need to go to bed. Five or six hours of this trial is exhausting. Kudos to those who have been glued since 9:00 a.m. AZ time this morning. WSers are a tough breed. :rockon:
anyone else get the feeling that this witness might be backfiring on Juan a little?
Sorry if this was discussed but did anyone else notice JA caressing her chest and slightly down her shirt this afternoon? It looked seductive and intentional to me.
Guys, HLN is still on JW and Dr G. WHAT TYPO????

Ya know how when you write a huge wordy post,
proof read it 5 times,
more or less have it memorised,
so you miss the fact you added/or omited a word.
which the word police instantly jump on..
Looking at you, Mz. Wilmot.
Dr. horn made a word blunder
a did/did not blunder,
but about an important <to Wilmot> cranial entrance fact
Not to worry, tho, the jury can always sleuth the report and see it make sense before and after the word goof.
Ya know, I've been intrigued by crime stories since I was a teen. But, the first cases I remember following online were Petersen EAST and the Westerfield trial. And I've followed all of the big ones since.

The fact of the matter is...we as a society celebrate the 'Womens Movement' all the while living a double standard.

If JA were a man, this case would have been long over.

I love JM, but I'm not sure it matters what he hammers home and what he has proven. (and IMO he's proved premeditated Murder 1), I don't expect her to be given death. I'm not even sure they are going to convict her.

I remember the Pinellas 12.


My mom called and said the same thing a few minutes ago. I told her that was not gonna happen. IDK, I just know she is dangerous, and will kill again.
I'm am all on the Juan train no doubt, and will hang on until either lock her up forever or put a needle in her arm. But if one of the DT's witnesses had a typo in their report. And the actual report on how the victim actually died....JM would be all over that like a spider monkey.
Just sayin'.

Exactly. Except with the ME, he had an actual, legitimate reason to back up why its more reasonable to say its a typo. Unlike the other witnesses who have had mistakes.
I am majorly impressed one of the jurors caught that error on the ME report. Can't wait to find out what they all do for a living, once this is all over.

Juror didn't catch it. Juan asked about it as a follow up to Dr G. Then he opened the door for JW to question Dr Horn and he said if the report said tht, it was a typo.
For those of you freaking out over the typo, I have 2 words for you: gas cans. I have 2 more for you: "stolen" gun.

:seeya: 2 more : "dyed hair" ...

:waitasec: adding another : "NO receipts in Arizona" ...

:waitasec: adding another : "deleted camera photos" ...

What else ? Please add ...

I have to get back to studying -- but checking in with you peeps for updates !

Unless the jury is comprised of room temperature IQ's, that one type means nothing.

Obviously when a bullet enters the brain the dura will be destroyed. Common sense.

The typo was certainly nothing significant IMO.
Just a minute Miss JW. Ask ALV if this is a serious case. She misspoke a number of times most importantly where in the closet) TA was shot. A minor typo and copyright law are really stretching.

...........AND ALV wanted to have Snow White and the 7 dwarfs to testify!! Also JA said about God.....and JM said they could not get God to Testify either.

Soooooooooo ONE type-o, chitt happens

This witness isn't very well spoken and doesn't seem very sure of herself or is it just me?
Sorry, have to jump in. IMO, in order for the bullet to penetrate the skull the dura would have to also be penetrated. Just a typo, the Dr is human too.

JMO - this is a moot point. Seems to me, the lack of any indications of blood and brain bleeding clearly indicate that Travis was quite deceased when the gun shot was inflicted. This point alone totally invalidates the self defense claim as well as the fog bs. She's done - stick a fork in her. Ms. Wilmott, as she has consistently done, is trying to make something of nothing because the truth is, Jodi has no defense period.
re: the typo. What if pathologists (autopsy dr.s anyway) have semi pre- printed report templates? And he needs to cross stuff out or add (by pen) additional info. Then it all gets transcribed.

I know we all saw documents from Jose Baez, etc, that had these kind of "sentence typos". Like they didn't read every single line before they turned it into the know what I mean?? I think it's that kind of a typo - not a "lie" typo.....

It really is no big deal. There was one bullet hole in the skull. The bullet ended up in the sinus. Therefore, the durameter was damaged because the bullet penetrated the skull through the durameter.
It's not like it was a questionable conclusion and he wrote one thing and said another. It's a typo.

It's really not an issue as to any fact.

The dura mater is the covering of the brain itself. The bullet passed through the bone, then would have to pierce the dura mater to enter the brain. There are cases where low caliber bullets can enter the bone and not pierce the dura mater. This is not a trivial error in typing. Common sense should prevail, but there are cases out there where the common sense result was not what happened.
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