State rests rebuttal case - thread #170

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Yeah, I do. It's different than typing up normal correspondence, far more critical that you be 100% accurate and it's not difficult. Maybe not in normal every day transcription, but for a huge case like this, yeah.

You normally have a tape recording which you can stop, rewind, etc. so you can double check everything. Sometimes you contact the physician to clarify if something is questionable. It might have taken a couple of hours for the person to transcribe this report, it only takes minutes to re-read it and double check.

I guess my opinion seems harsh, everyone makes mistakes but I didn't make mistakes when I typed medical reports - I knew they were too important - so double, triple checking was something I regularly did.

I agree, it's one of the reasons you were hired - to be accurate.
I just wanted to give my take on the dura mater snafu.

If a juror needs a reason to not give the death penalty, this could be their excuse.

I hope everyone gets the verdict they desire.

For myself I have PTTD (Post traumatic trial disorder) from the CA trial so I am not expecting anything in particular.

If the jury concludes premeditation based upon all the evidence of events that happened prior to Jodi arriving at Travis' house then the dura mater don't mean jack. It doesn't matter if she shot him first or last or somewhere in between. It doesn't matter if he was incapacitated or wide awake.
Will you please tell me what the jury question is that you all are talking about.
The juror referenced a section of the ME's report where he noted that the dura mater was intact. The dura mater is part of the covering of the brain so that if the brain was pierced the dura mater could not be intact as the ME reported. The juror questioned DH about this.
I have to agree with you here. My impression is that Horn is so astonished at the lack of understanding of basic anatomy and physiology by the questioning defense atty that he is dismissive/ arrogant.

He could have done SOOOOO much better explaining the intracranial GSW to the jury. A mere "advanced practice nurse" could have done better explaining and teaching, IMO. Docs are not always good at that sort of thing-- some docs tend toward intellectual arrogance, and hate to be questioned.

Horn is unquestionably handsome, and quite intelligent, which is usually a good thing in a witness, but my dominant sense is he is annoyed that he has to keep explaining very simple concepts to the defense atty and jury. Don't get me wrong-- he is quite intelligent, and experienced. But he is annoyed and defensive. I get the sense he is in a hurry to get off the stand. And I worry a lot that if there is one (or more) boneheads on the jury, that he has not "connected" with them as to what he is SUPPOSED to explain.

I like him, because I understand practitioners like him. But I am not at all convinced that the jury "gets" his demeanor. I worry. I'm not at all sure he connected with the jury.

Modified for emphasis with my utmost RESPECT & AGREEMENT!

:twocents::twocents: This was a point of discussion/teaching moment @ work today (how else do you all think I justify watching trials! :floorlaugh:)! Testifying in court IS part of "the job", granted not every case makes the media but every case MUST BE presented clearly to individuals with a differing phenomenological experience :)blushing: gotta "show off" with the big word!) and like that "big word", one needs to EXPLAIN "stuff" in understandable terms, RELIABLE LIFE EXPERIENCES.
My "guess" is that after ~ 10 years in the medical-legal community, JW had Kevin D. Horn, M.D.'s "Achilles courtroom heel" and she played it to the hilt, the "me dense J.D. vs you fancy language M.D" trying to confuse us "little lay-people". Bet her style at the deposition was NOT exactly as "incapacitating".
Connecting with the jury is CRITICAL, watching & turning toward the box helps, providing CLEAR & CLEAN visual materials is effective (& yeah, maybe proofing the document(s) on a blow-up would have helped too!) and remembering for whom you are testifying is paramount, YOU SPEAK FOR THE DECEDENT, the missing member of the trial, the VICTIM! :facepalm::facepalm:

:twocents: :twocents: PS: Isn't it AMAZING that so many (yep, I'm including myself) read & re-read that post report, SAW the printed words and because of ingrained knowledge of some of us ..............NEVER SAW THE TYPO!
Perhaps that's because Hippocampus activity, i.e. memory, serves that metal & bone shears thru delicate tissue matter?
That's why proof reading is necessary, and, btw, the report did have spelling mistakes as well. I think the "typographical" error related to the durma matar was an omission of the word " not", as in, it was not intact. This really shows poor professionalism.

For anyone who believes that the omission of the word 'not' is no biggie from a medical professional.
Consider having your doctor read you your own pathology report.....
_____ malignant
Not malignant

Still not a big deal?
It is helpful.The long dragged out trial and the approaches sorta watered down this truth.:seeya:

I think this was their evil plan all along! Create a smoke screen with things that actually don't even matter. Did Jodi Arias kill Travis Alexander? Yes. Was it premeditated? YES. Done.

Jury please. :banghead:
Lang: I'm gonna bust you up
Rocky: Go for it

Arias: If you don't take this 2nd degree deal, I'm gonna destroy Travis' reputation
Juan: Go for it (and try)

Juan is Travis' sothpaw!!
You got this Juan!

Just like Mickey guided Rocky....
I like to think Travis guided Juan the last 5 years and now Juan will honor Travis one more time today during his closing.

Justice for Travis Victor Alexander

I'm all fired up now, ready for Juan's cross.
Thank You!!! :rockon::rockon::rockon:
Getting prepared for when court opens…
Laptop (cookies cleared)


Snack (toblerone chocolate)

Fan (in case I get hot under the collar during defense closing)

Food prepped

House semi- clean (very semi!!)

Hammer (for moments of frustration)

Do you guys think I have it covered?

Very "semi-clean" here as well. :floorlaugh:
The dura mater has nothing to do with pre-meditation or the horrific way she murdered him--IMO

I totally agree with you Rocco. But it can be an excuse for a juror if they don't want to give the death penalty.
It was a bit tough during the sweet JA stuff..and the girly snickering and all at her table. and the least Juan stuck with the point and was not swayed to be any less direct...
still nobody knows what birthsign he is?
Maybe somebody can dig it up?Gotta know....
I cant imagine closing arguments longer then a couple of hours...for JM anyway i can see JW and Nurmi stretching it out as long as possible...trying to muddy the waters one last time.

Thankfully there are time limits for closing arguments. But if the past is any indication, I expect the DT to object throughout Juan's closing.
The courthouse is apparently bursting at the seams today!

@CamilleKimball Court making media line up since so many Johnny come latelys today. The scuffles could be right here! #JodiArias
about 1 minute ago ·
For anyone who believes that the omission of the word 'not' is no biggie from a medical professional.
Consider having your doctor read you your own pathology report.....
_____ malignant
Not malignant

Still not a big deal?

A typo is a typo and with your example it would be explained to the patient as just that, a typo.
Yeah, I do. It's different than typing up normal correspondence, far more critical that you be 100% accurate and it's not difficult. Maybe not in normal every day transcription, but for a huge case like this, yeah.

You normally have a tape recording which you can stop, rewind, etc. so you can double check everything. Sometimes you contact the physician to clarify if something is questionable. It might have taken a couple of hours for the person to transcribe this report, it only takes minutes to re-read it and double check.

I guess my opinion seems harsh, everyone makes mistakes but I didn't make mistakes when I typed medical reports - I knew they were too important - so double, triple checking was something I regularly did.

I agree with the importance of the transcription, BUT ultimately it's the Doctor that is supposed to read it and approve it before he signs it. Dr. Horn even said himself last night that he had re-read that report numerous times in preparation for his testimony, when he was asked the question he had to look at the report to see.

Everyone deserves a defense. They have to support her theory. They don't get to make one up on their own. The possibility that she is telling the truth is there. NO ONE WAS THERE BUT HER AND TRAVIS. IT is not like there is a video of the crime we still have to deduce what happened june 4. The state has the right story in my opinion but she needs to put forth a defense. This is not about fair or morals but setting up a defense for someone with one shot between her and death.

well, i believe they DID make up the defense on their own. it was the only defense left----'oh, forget the ninjas. she's really been protecting TRAVIS all this time and this is why. she was abused and this was self defense.'

their job is to say 'the state's evidence shows this, but we can argue this instead.' what they assert in court does not HAVE to be true at all. it's their theory, and used to refute the evidence the state has. that's what they do.
Well hospital didnt go as I expected. Little madam is staying in andgoing to have an operation today. Panic doesn't even describe how im feeling.

Sad about missing juan but she comes first.

Maybe watch on my phone if I can find ear buds here some where.

Sent from my 'alternate reality' using my hippocampus
Here is the court ruling some of us have been quoting.

Interesting that even Jodi claims Travis was unconcious (her word) after being shot, but crawling around and she still had to stab him and slit his throat for crawling around aye (not that I believe for a second the gunshot came first) ? I guess the defense is willing to overlook her claims regarding the physical capacity of Travis after being shot in the head. Only one reason to do that, even they knew she was lying...the more I hear, the more the disdain grows.
A quick statement and an important question to follow.
Regardless of if the projectile went through the frontal lobe or not, and whether or not it punctured any part of the brain, anyone who has walked down a basement stairway and whacked their forhead on the landing, knows you are dazed, your eyesight gets blurry etc.
I can think of a hundred instances over my almost 60 years on the green side of the sod that I have walloped my head while working under a car, wood flying off my lathe, snowball fights as a kid, etc. You just don't carry on as usual as if nothing happened. I can't imagine any juror even considering Travis took a .25 through his skull and it didn't phase him long enough for JA to make a run for it. It's just common sense.

now for my question. Who's bringing the sourdough donuts today? :D

I agree. I think we have all done it. Considering how thin the dura mater is, I am sure I have probably cracked mine once or twice. (lol)
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