State v Bradley Cooper 04/04/11

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I am tired of it, too. I'm so very sick of the word "allowance" I could scream! The very word implies (by design, I'm sure) that is was Nancy, and Nancy alone, who was a problem. Spoiled, lazy, irresponsible Nancy! Brad had to reign her in! He was just being a good, responsible husband and father, trying to plan for his family's future! BULL*****! When did he begin this "allowance" system? In Feburary. When did Nancy tell him she was done? In Feburary. Suddenly her name was off the accounts, her cards were cancelled and she was on an "allowance." This wasn't an attempt to control expenses, it was an attempt to control Nancy. I imagine he had lots of fun playing with her mind over when she would and would not get her allowance.

I've also grown exceedingly tired of the word "indulge" due to Brad's use of it in his deposition. Nancy made "requests" and he always tried to "indulge" her. Again, it makes Nancy sound like a spoiled child, stomping her feet and holding her breath until Brad, God bless him, indulged her once again.

Nothing to add, just needs repeating!
Court today: (Having to attend 800 pieces of a custody case finally has an end in site and most of what I did today was sit in on the third floor)

Brad Cooper did make eye contact (at or with or in the general direction of KL) and I hear that WRAL reported otherwise. I think it was unwelcome eye contact. The jury soaked her up. She looked and sounded compelling. Definitely NOT a smoking gun, but an appropriate puzzle piece (Sorry, got to give something to both sides) The direct continues tomorrow. I don't think cross will be either long or disrespectful because honestly it doesn't need to be. (Legally speaking, she simply seemed like the sister of the victim and did not add many new opinions) It did get me to thinking one thing: Why didn't he deny the murder or proclaim innocence, etc? It seems like he would have "needed" her family too (thinking of the girls)

The cop and the straw made a tough sell for the prosec. (Mainly eyebrows jumped around because of the whole 20 month thing, the not telling detectives IMMEDIATELY after having recognized that the straw could be similar. There was a lot of chit chat while he was talking at the tables and I think pretty much everyone checked out with him.) They should have left him out all together.

The bug guy didn't "lose credibility" but it got read as flat out admitting that the science allowed for a much larger window. This was definitely when everyone in the courtroom was scribbling furiously (jurors, audience, etc) He was a mediocre witness, and honestly, it didn't really help that the "mica" testimony got blown open the same way. HOWEVER, I get the impression that these are the things folks are looking for because they are more "direct-circumstantial" evidence. I know that sounds odd, but the truth is they do reasonably tie him to the scene and a time-line and I don't think you can "un-ring that bell" with cross.

Not much going on. They ended early. I have another two days next week. Hoping to get some "defense time" in later as well.

The court room has an eerie somber tone when pictures pop up, but it generally is just a court room atmosphere, quiet and mostly respectful of the process.

FYI: Mr. L sat through ALL of it. I have a little girl and my heart broke for him.

Mr. L or Mr. R?
But I think a major point you may be missing here is IF she were so desperate for money and wanted to move out, why in the world worry about a pedi??

If I wanted to get away from an abusive husband, my toes would just go unpainted and ugly for the next 10 years, if necessary.

Something is not right.

I think it's apparent that Nancy was indulged financially by her parents and Brad. To people who are used to "good" grooming, it was July and prime sandal weather, I'm sure that a pedicure was a "basic" in good grooming to Nancy. (Remember, they had just spent two weeks at the beach...sand, salt water, and sun are hard on the feet.)

Individuals where I work are generally down-to-earth, kind people. However, I recently heard a lunchtime discussion that revealed a generational/socio-economic standard that is different, IMO, if you're over 50. It is common, basic grooming for almost all women and many men to have at least a monthly manicure/pedicure. My colleagues were appalled by a substitute worker's "disgusting" toenails. Someone commented that a pedicure isn't that expensive and expressed dismay that anyone would go around "looking like that." I was fairly shocked. (Personally, I don't spend much time looking at people's feet.)

In other words, getting a pedicure is required for many these days...not a luxury.
The other side of that coin is what evidence points to ANYBODY but Brad?

Wasn't there DNA under Nancy's fingernails of unknown origin?

An upcomming witness that saw Nancy running?

Not one trace of a murder or transport of a body in the Cooper belongings?

Not one hint of a struggle in that house? You don't think Nancy would have kicked a wall, broken something tossling around, bruised, bit, scratched her attacker? She looked tough to me, even if she was attacked in her sleep, unless she was passed out drunk, and the friends testimony pretty much ruled that out.

An uncooperative witness?

A vehicle driving w/o its lights on (yet to be evidence in court)?

An obvious visit to the body drop site by some unknown vehicle after the heavy downpour on Monday morning - which left the 47" wide muddy tracks. May be a coincidence, but it should have been investigated, like all the coincidental evidence sofar.

Calls at 6:05 and 6:40, that have been about 99% proven to be made from the home phone line, not routed through the stratosphere?

Yes, all of these things, in my open mind, point to the possibility of someone else committing this crime. Does give us something to keep us from working though, doesn't it?
Cluttered. But certain areas were VERY clean! Down to missing decorative items. He testifies during his depositions to his whirlwind cleaning spree. And prior testimony was that the bathroom he used was pretty dirty. On this day it was suddenly spotless. It's the little things that add up. MOO

IIRC, somewhere in his deposition he even mentioned Pledge-ing the furniture! What a guy......:great:
EXACTLY! If my husband made me try on clothes, and then tell the salesperson 'my husband will return later to critique my purchases and then decide if I'm able to have this new bathing suit or not', I'd be both humiliated and furious. Treating his wife like a bratty teenager. no respect what so ever. How was he even able to simply take her name off a joint checking account?

LOL it wasnt that difficult back in the '80's up here in I was the only one contributing to the account...I had to do it as I was being drained dry (by his majesty) and needed the funds for urgent mortgage, heat, hydro etc...I also got ahold of CC and sent them to the Company and advised them to either discontinue or separate accounts.....

I have to wonder.. just what kind of info the Divorce Attny's were able to gleen during that tumultuous time between Dec 07 and July 08...Im sure much could be shown..just not sure if it has been allowed by the judge...
i cant help but think there is alot more Circumstantial evidence to be produced in the next few weeks:rocker:

Sorry..Im basically lurking..but just thought I would answer ya gracielee :-)

ETA~~ I have always advised since then that never have JOINT ACCOUNTS with anyone!!!!
Wasn't there DNA under Nancy's fingernails of unknown origin?

An upcomming witness that saw Nancy running?

Not one trace of a murder or transport of a body in the Cooper belongings?

Not one hint of a struggle in that house? You don't think Nancy would have kicked a wall, broken something tossling around, bruised, bit, scratched her attacker? She looked tough to me, even if she was attacked in her sleep, unless she was passed out drunk, and the friends testimony pretty much ruled that out.

An uncooperative witness?

A vehicle driving w/o its lights on (yet to be evidence in court)?

ETA: Sorry. I skipped two. We'll see how many of those eyewitnesses are called and which ones cancel out the others. And if all these people saw her, did they see evidence of this kidnapping?

An obvious visit to the body drop site by some unknown vehicle after the heavy downpour on Monday morning - which left the 47" wide muddy tracks. May be a coincidence, but it should have been investigated, like all the coincidental evidence sofar.

Calls at 6:05 and 6:40, that have been about 99% proven to be made from the home phone line, not routed through the stratosphere?

Yes, all of these things, in my open mind, point to the possibility of someone else committing this crime. Does give us something to keep us from working though, doesn't it?

The number one is a no. There was no unknown DNA under her fingernails. There was blood. It was too degraded to be tested.

Number two: lots and lots of evidence of cleaning.

Number three: I'm not sure what evidence of a struggle there would be in the event of a strangulation because we don't know where it happened.

I have zero information about four and five.

Number six: I don't know about any obvious visit or if it was some unrelated vehicle that turned around in that space and had no idea that a dead body was left there.

Number seven: I agree that calls were made but disagree that it has been proven HOW they were made. I also could say that it would be possible for a four year old to be instructed to make a call so I don't consider that evidence.

That's what my open mind says.

ETA: Sorry. I skipped number two. I am looking forward to all these eyewitnesses. I'm interested in their timelines and their evidence of witnessing this kidnapping. MOO
Wasn't there DNA under Nancy's fingernails of unknown origin?

An upcomming witness that saw Nancy running?

Not one trace of a murder or transport of a body in the Cooper belongings?

Not one hint of a struggle in that house? You don't think Nancy would have kicked a wall, broken something tossling around, bruised, bit, scratched her attacker? She looked tough to me, even if she was attacked in her sleep, unless she was passed out drunk, and the friends testimony pretty much ruled that out.

An uncooperative witness?

A vehicle driving w/o its lights on (yet to be evidence in court)?

An obvious visit to the body drop site by some unknown vehicle after the heavy downpour on Monday morning - which left the 47" wide muddy tracks. May be a coincidence, but it should have been investigated, like all the coincidental evidence sofar.

Calls at 6:05 and 6:40, that have been about 99% proven to be made from the home phone line, not routed through the stratosphere?

Yes, all of these things, in my open mind, point to the possibility of someone else committing this crime. Does give us something to keep us from working though, doesn't it?

I tend to think that they did fight...all the way from upstairs and she tried to make her way out the door. Just follow Brad's clean up that morning. Guess the condition of the body could hide minor "fight" wounds. He is a big man .....Nancy was strong, but I bet he had a much bigger reach....I don't think she had a chance. Bet she couldn't touch him.
I think what emails he read on Fri. night is going to tell a lot about his state of mind when she came home....
Paging an expert from the Body Farm in TN.

<Please pick up the white courtesy phone>

You might be needed for additional expert testimony regarding human decomp and # of minutes until bugs arrive. (so sorry to even be talking about this subject; I mean no disrespect).

I have read a bit about this, and I recall it coming up in a case in NC a couple of years ago. The deceased in that case was inside a house, but the testimony indicated that flies WILL find a way to get to a dead body EVEN in a closed home. I dunno how, but I do find an occasional fly in my house, even when we have not been outside recently, so they must find a way in somewhere.

Several years ago we had an infestation, we killed dozens of them every day, and could never find out how they were getting in, or what was attracting them. I suspected something might be dead under the crawl space, and I went under the house looking, but never found any flies there, or anywhere outside in a group. Still puzzles me to this day.
I tend to think that they did fight...all the way from upstairs and she tried to make her way out the door. Just follow Brad's clean up that morning. Guess the condition of the body could hide minor "fight" wounds. He is a big man .....Nancy was strong, but I bet he had a much bigger reach....I don't think she had a chance. Bet she couldn't touch him.

I can only add that Brad was noted to have red markings on his neck..however admit no pics or ability to document those...but it has been testimony..From just that is obvious there was some sort of struggle..not necessarily gouging or scraping by Nancy...and degradations of DNA dont prove or disprove nothing..Its just a no go to prove DNA of the strangular..No more no less
I tend to think that they did fight...all the way from upstairs and she tried to make her way out the door. Just follow Brad's clean up that morning. Guess the condition of the body could hide minor "fight" wounds. He is a big man .....Nancy was strong, but I bet he had a much bigger reach....I don't think she had a chance. Bet she couldn't touch him.

He did have a bandaid on his finger and red marks on his neck. According to testimony.
I can only add that Brad was noted to have red markings on his neck..however admit no pics or ability to document those...but it has been testimony..From just that is obvious there was some sort of struggle..not necessarily gouging or scraping by Nancy...and degradations of DNA dont prove or disprove nothing..Its just a no go to prove DNA of the strangular..No more no less

Yes, thank you. Also, something about one of his shirts having "stretch " areas??? Although, that is pretty weak to me......the shirt.
First off let me say I am absoutley OFFENDED by your suggestion that I have no " COMMON SENSE"....If you were ever the innocent victim of circumstance , you would never make such an assumption..I am done here...will continue to lurk, or just drop this site completely

Don't give up!! That's just the way it is here, while they all wait for that smoking gun, which many have speculated to be a Google search. I've said this before, but many ignore my posts - I Googled right after they found the body. The sat. pics showed woods where the culdesac is now - so if Brad used Google to find an uninhabited close by road where he could stuff his 5'10" wife into his 325i truck, and dump her right near the road where she'd be found very quickly, in a bra he told the cops she was wearing, (cause he knew that wouldn't make him look guilty), without the necklace she always wore, keep the necklace for pure greed cause no way that would look guilty, either, and then not hide the necklace - he would have seen a completed subdivision (the older Meadow Ridge), with future roads animated in overlaying woods. Now we are to believe that with this search, which he wouldn't have needed if they looked for houses over there, only led him to explore the possibility that the roads had been cut in, leading him on a wild goose chase in the very limited amount of time he had??

Don't give up!!
I would like to tell you exactly what I think happened but it involves JA and I think moderators here have made it clear we are not allowed to talk about witnesses so I guess we are just going to have to believe things will come out in testimony. I am surprised that more people haven't seen the huge gaping holes in her story by now. I just need to keep this to myself although I really wish I had someone to discuss it with.

I'm interested to hear your thoughts.
Wasn't there DNA under Nancy's fingernails of unknown origin?

An upcomming witness that saw Nancy running?

Not one trace of a murder or transport of a body in the Cooper belongings?

Not one hint of a struggle in that house? You don't think Nancy would have kicked a wall, broken something tossling around, bruised, bit, scratched her attacker? She looked tough to me, even if she was attacked in her sleep, unless she was passed out drunk, and the friends testimony pretty much ruled that out.

An uncooperative witness?

A vehicle driving w/o its lights on (yet to be evidence in court)?

An obvious visit to the body drop site by some unknown vehicle after the heavy downpour on Monday morning - which left the 47" wide muddy tracks. May be a coincidence, but it should have been investigated, like all the coincidental evidence sofar.

Calls at 6:05 and 6:40, that have been about 99% proven to be made from the home phone line, not routed through the stratosphere?

Yes, all of these things, in my open mind, point to the possibility of someone else committing this crime. Does give us something to keep us from working though, doesn't it?

I am new to this forum and have been watching a while .... i have a theory about the phone calls.

I think HM may have been involved in the cover up and/or the murder of NC. If so, she could have made the calls from their home.

The private dective following Brad after Nancy's body was found saw him go to her home with her ex-husband Scott. Brad and Heather hugged and spent time inside alone. Why?

Why would Scott sit outside during this visit or even be friendly with Brad after he had an affair with his then wife?

Something does not add up to me and makes me wonder. She might be the onliy person he would trust in this situation.
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