State v Bradley Cooper - 3/25/11

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Yes but that assumes windows. It is much easier to do in linux.

Yep, it is! It's easier to do everything in linux. Windows is the Father of PITA operations, eh??
That's why I kept a voodoo doll in my office, and his name was Bill G.
No special adapter is needed. The WiFi adapter just needs to be able to function in promiscuious mode. I have run a sniffer program on my laptop with off-the-shelf WiFi capabilities.

I wasn't referring to promiscuous mode, I was referring to injection. You need that unless you have an absurd amount of time on your hands. Not all wireless chipsets support injection and even those that do often require you to load different drivers.
For those who may not have seen it, the thread on this forum about the deposition videos-index by time is very helpful. I was just watching Part 7 of the deposition and skipped to the part where he is talking about the dress Nancy wore to the party. He has a pen in his hand and he seems very, very fidgety during this. I haven't watched all the video so I'm not sure if this was unusual but he didn't seem nearly as fidgety when he was talking about earlier in the day on Friday.

WHAT could I possibly have been thinking? Of course it was the crazy roving band of Hawaiian-Mexican-Drug-Cartel-WiFiStealing-WhiteRedVan-Maruding-ConstructionCannibals of Lochmere. I mean DUHHH! You are soooo right! They were aimlessly driving around in the early hours of 7/12, found Brad's generously open network with a big 'ole 'Billions & Billions Served C'mon in for FREE all-U-can-google WiFi' welcome sign above, made their way onto Brad's generously unlocked and open computer laptop, did a bunch of Google searches to include Google maps of the dump area, and THEN, in a fortuitous stroke of karmic luck, happened to capture Nancy a mere few hours later when she went jogging in nothing but her pulled up jog bra (imagine the luck!). Well okay maybeeee she did wear socks & shorts but hey, they needed a 'souvenir' to celebrate their good luck in finding such an easy target. No those diamond earrings wouldn't have been of any interest. Pffffttttt. Nosiree. gotta take them there socks and shorts.

Obviously I need to rethink this WHOLE case now!
Uh, didn't you forget communist, left-handed and gay????
This part is way more challenging than the phone stuff. I read somewhere that the defense is going to bring someone up to state that WEP security is equivalent to no security at all. This is arguably true for skilled hackers, but not for just a nosey neighbor. You need a special wireless adapter to even try to do this and then you need a lot of patience and willingness to fool with with the software required.

If you get that far, once you are on the network, it's easy to freeload on their broadband and, since you have the special adapter already, to snoop on traffic from other computers on the wireless network. But, actually controlling another computer on the network is pretty unlikely, unless it were intentionally set up for remote access.

No doubt there will be some jurors swayed by Kurtz's controlled chaos on the technical evidence....VOIP and computers. Unless all of the jurors are tech savvy (doubtful), the deliberations may be continuous.
So in the depostion, Brad has just testifed that *they* bought a necklace from Bailey's jewelry in Oct./Nov 2007 for $2800 that Nancy wanted and 'at this time it is in a desk in the residence'. So on the depostion date, the elusive necklace has been located.
For those who may not have seen it, the thread on this forum about the deposition videos-index by time is very helpful. I was just watching Part 7 of the deposition and skipped to the part where he is talking about the dress Nancy wore to the party. He has a pen in his hand and he seems very, very fidgety during this. I haven't watched all the video so I'm not sure if this was unusual but he didn't seem nearly as fidgety when he was talking about earlier in the day on Friday.

I went there earlier today, but couldn't figure out how to access the videos from that site? So I've been listening from WRAL. Can anyone tell me how to find the depostions of Nancy's mother & father so I can listen to them when I'm done with Brad?
I would think the juror questionnaire would have a question or 2 about computer knowledge.
It would not be fair to the state to have a juror was totally computer/tech illiterate in this case.

When I read that the juror who was being looked at for misconduct had asked when the prosecution was going to put on it's case, I have to say, it did cross my mind that s/he just might have some problems with the technical testimony!:crazy:
Good argument between Brad's lawyers and the judge in the custody hearing depostion on tape 5 around 10 minutes. Judge says he must answer the question, and even Kurtz whiney voice can be heard arguing. 'Are you willing to go down to the Cary PD and make a statement?' is the question. Prior to this question Brad claimed to be 'assisting the police in finding Nancy's killer'.
The darn shop vac again. On tape 6 Brad is claiming he used the shop vac to clean Nancy's car on Sat. June 28th. Also cleaned his car/trunk and the garage with the shop vac. He also cleaned the garage so Nancy could get her car in t he garage, and he took some stuff upstairs to their storage room, to make space for Nancy's car in the garage. *Stuff* from the garage. On Saturday the 5th. Brad called Nancy at the beach to brag about cleaning the house for her return the next day. He cleaned the kitchen, Pledged the furniture, and went grocery shoppiing....... busy, busy, busy...... Ah, they don't have a yard service, they have a push mower, not riding mower. In the summer he mows the lawn once a week. He recalls a 'few months ago he ran out of gasoline for the mower'.... could have been before June..... the whole spilled gas thing also on tape 6. Oh no, gas tipped over in the trunk and a little bit of gas spilled. He smelled it. :( Normally his trunk is a mess, towels, shirts, lots of junk in his trunk, so he threw out the smelly stuff in his trunk.
I know this hasnt been talked about on this thread..but since I missed the first few days of this trial..I missed alot of testimony..Did they play the 911 Call..I ask because I have spent the last hour searching for it..and unable to locate it...I know that Ms Adams made the have to assume it was played after she verified it etc..BUT I just cant find it:maddening::waitasec:

I believe it was made on July 12th..however have no idea on just what stage of search was going on by anyone at that point..TYIA

Sorry to veer so off present topic ( Computer stuff)..just thought I would ask as has been bothering me...:seeya:

IIRC, she didn't make a 911 call, she just called CPD to see what she needed to do -- she talked with someone and they reported it, and the thing got started. CPD prides themselves as being very caring and responsive to their citizens. It's part of the image that Cary still wants to uphold.
Tape 7 is Brad describing the events of the morning Nancy 'went missing'. Yes, Brad was sleeping on the crack between the girls. Nancy left the house at 7:00 a.m. while Brad was upstairs with katie. He didn't see her leave, didn't know what she was wearing. etc. Brad fell asleep with the girls reading stories, around 9:00 pm.
Brad's VOIP expertise...admitted he could iniate a remote call.

(Very shaky when asked...note his hesitancy)


12:05 39:23


I found him admitting 'we' (meaning his team, the software and he himself) have the ability to do a remote call at the video deposition time of 12:09 pm which corresponds to the 43 min elapsed mark on the video playback slider. He tried to avoid saying *I* know how to make a remote call, but he finally admitted in a sort of roundabout way.
I wonder if Brad took Katie along with him to dump the body? Most kids that age doze right off when riding in the car. After all, it was the middle of the night, she'd been up all day, playing in the pool, etc., makes kids sleepy. He could have had the child in the car, just speculation here. A possiblity.
I'm sorry, but brad, on these videos, comes across as completely dominated by mean nancy. Poor poor me (brad), martyr. Brad specifies he took nancy's phone call at the intersection of Kildare and Tryon Rds. That's where he was when the phone rang. Brad says 'looking at the cell phone records, it was 6:40 when he took nancy's call.' Oh he's good, he even says 'the call lasted all of 30 seconds.' "Looking at my cell phone records it looks like I called my voicemail."
I wonder if Brad took Katie along with him to dump the body? Most kids that age doze right off when riding in the car. After all, it was the middle of the night, she'd been up all day, playing in the pool, etc., makes kids sleepy. He could have had the child in the car, just speculation here. A possiblity.

I suspect both Katie and Bella were asleep.
Oh he's good, Nancy had TWO pairs of the same running shoes and ONE of those pairs is MISSING. "You almost couldn't tell those two pairs apart." "I couldn't tell you which one of those pairs is *missing*." I guess it helps to have had three months to work out all the kinks in ones story. "Nancy's got a ton of running stuff and he couldn't tell what might be missing." "She's got probably a dozen sports bras, so he couldn't imagine which ones might be *missing*." After Nancy left, Katie got tired and went back to sleep. He never mentions Bella seeing Nancy that morning. "Bella woke up about 8:30, Katie woke up about 9:00, and 'all of us' had breakfast." Although he doesn't specify what they ate.
This part is way more challenging than the phone stuff. I read somewhere that the defense is going to bring someone up to state that WEP security is equivalent to no security at all. This is arguably true for skilled hackers, but not for just a nosey neighbor. You need a special wireless adapter to even try to do this and then you need a lot of patience and willingness to fool with with the software required.

If you get that far, once you are on the network, it's easy to freeload on their broadband and, since you have the special adapter already, to snoop on traffic from other computers on the wireless network. But, actually controlling another computer on the network is pretty unlikely, unless it were intentionally set up for remote access.

I don't know about that. I had an unsecured network and noticed my neighbor using it. Instead of securing it, I looked online to see what I could do to mess with the thieving neighbors. One of the first things I found was how to turn their internet screen upside down. I didn't bother with doing it, but I liked the idea.

Search Google: "unsecure network turn screen upside down"
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