State v Bradley Cooper - 3/28/11

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Passports and other documents found in the house are being distributed to Jury for review.
Suit aint bad, dunno about the red shirt though.

If you're talking young Young, the shirt is more plum/purple -- and it looks just FINE to me.

Why is it that the guys get all the long eyelashes??!! Our CPD Det. JY has got 'em. In spaces, hearts, diamonds and clubs. <swoon>

But he still belongs to SleuthyGal <sigh> I'm just an innocent by-swooner...
Uh oh, tissues being passed to jurors? Deputy removed box from side of witness stand.....
Over ruling another objection to Brads love notes.
Anybody know at this point what is being shown??..Def. Objecting at being prejudicial ..Over ruled..Just cant recall ??? Or dont we know yet?? They have already been marked as evidence...Already getting compuzzed:maddening:
I suppose this is as good a time as any to say hello! I'm new to posting, but have been reading the discussions for a long while here. I also knew Brad - we went to school together from Grade 3 to Grade 12 - but I did not know we had both moved to Cary until this tragedy happened. Crazy!

Anyway, hello fellow sleuthers! Looking forward to another day of court and perhaps something more concrete in this case. :)

Hello! It's always good to have someone with personal knowledge of one of the parties IMO. :tyou::tyou:
Brad having a LOOONG whispering session with attorney.
I notice there is no buffering when nothing is going on!

BTW, refreshing does work for me when the buffering is going on.
*** This is said by me with all respect, concern and serious mind for ADA Cummings. (I can be facetious and sarcastic, but not here on this.) ***

My DH knows Cummings on a personal level -- not best buds, but friends thru a mutual hobby/sport (not curling, but something much more active -- not karate, either).

He says he is a very bright, jovial (!) guy, never quick to move, but has quite a sly sense of humor and enjoys being around a "bunch of guys" sharing this outdoor hobby. DH says his speech is always as it is in the courtroom -- just taking his time, not awkward, not nerdy. After I told DH that we were a bit concerned that he may have, or had, health problems since to some of us, it seemed that his movements were possibly slow from pain or discomfort, DH said he hadn't seen him in a while, but would check to get an update.
Just my little tidbit for those of us who care about him and hope he is okay. I hope to get an update.
While we are in a lull..I wondered something...Why wouldnt this family have a filing cabinet?? for all those papers??..It seems they filed things in boxes, how would they ever be able to locate important apers when they need them??..Yikes..I have 4 filing storage filing boxes all labeled for important papers...Just wonderin??

LOL It could be my OC tendency tho:floorlaugh:
I really don't really understand the relevancy of the "love" notes tucked away in a closet--probative vs. prejudicial in this case. I know the judge said it goes to show CPD did a full investigation, but it really seems like a stretch to me. The only note that makes sense to me is if they introduce the deposition video where he doesn't "remember" his fiancée's name. That note, which IIRC had her full name on it, could be used argue the fact that he knew darn well what her name was.
I would like to make a personal comment on how appropriate everyone in this case dresses for court, compared to another <ahem, "famous"> courtroom.
Is the jury in the room? And goodmorning everyone. :)

The jury is in the room. They're each taking turns looking at marked evidence - paper items found during the search on the 16th of July.

I too noted that when NOTHING is happening, the video quality is absolutely fantastic. When something interesting is being said, naturally the buffering starts.
With all due respect for Mr. Cummings, I do find him to be so slow with his speech and movements that it would drive me to distraction if I were a witness or a juror. I am sure he is a very fine senior ADA, and a very good man. I just dread him doing the questioning!

*JMO, and just my thoughts.
Is that Krista sitting behind Mr & Mrs Rentz?
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