State v Bradley Cooper 4/14/11

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Perhaps he did do the correct thing according to a defense attorney.

As for me, I'd give 'em a key and let them look anywhere they wanted. At that point, my mind would not be on MYSELF, it would be on finding the killer of my loved one.


Well, he did admit to Daniels that even at that time he felt he was a suspect so at that point the first thought is 'I need to get a lawyer and know my rights'. If I know I'm innocent, why would I allow LE to photograph my house. I know she didn't die there.
Getting a legal opinion when you have a problem or are in trouble is rock solid. Big things, small things, civil things, criminal things. I respect the court system and legal profession. Always have told my kids (adults now) if you get in trouble or have a problem call home first, call an attorney next and then shut up....navigating the system is a minefield.
Haha! Michael Peterson was on "mop duty" when he first got to Nash Correctional. He complained it was aggravating his knee and got moved to some other work duty. Maybe the library.

Well, yeah, he was a writer, you know....and a murderer....
Perhaps he did do the correct thing according to a defense attorney.

As for me, I'd give 'em a key and let them look anywhere they wanted. At that point, my mind would not be on MYSELF, it would be on finding the killer of my loved one.


EXACTLY. It wouldn't even occur to me to think otherwise. Somebody killed my love, the love of my life. What dirty *advertiser censored* killed my hubby, I want 'em caught and hurt BAD. :( Not, 'no, can't search my house, uh uh.'
And what exactly are they going to be looking for in the house if she was killed while out running?

Who knows, that's just the way it works, everything has to be searched. Everybody has to be questioned, friends, neighbors, strangers on the street.
It is highly likely a lie. He trained for distance cycling and would have been riding all over the place around there - at about 18 mph or so.

edit: i looked it up and sad to say he was a bit faster than me on the bike at a triathlon we were both at.

Well, g-guy, he may have been faster, but you can still ride your bike all over the neighborhood, right?!

Good point about the training/riding -- from one who knows. What a super-tough competition! I can't imagine it...
if my spouse was missing, i would be on the phone with le several times a day. They'd probably be sick of hearing from me.

If my spouse was missing, i would not refuse to go down to headquarters to answer questions. Using one's children as an excuse, when there were plenty of helpful hands who would gladly assist you, plus, how can you have a serious discussion about your loved one, when you have little ones to tend to?

If my spouse was perhaps found, i would ask le how it happened?

If my spouse was found dead, i'd ask how it happened?

If my spouse was found dead, and le wanted to search my house, i'd sign anything they wanted, take a poly, do news conferences, anything to find out who killed my loved one.

The operative words here are 'loved one.' :mad:

When you love someone and someone else has harmed them, you don't think about the constitution.

Sorry, human nature.


EXACTLY. It wouldn't even occur to me to think otherwise. Somebody killed my love, the love of my life. What dirty *advertiser censored* killed my hubby, I want 'em caught and hurt BAD. :( Not, 'no, can't search my house, uh uh.'

Photograph is one thing, but why would you ever allow LE to physically search your house without a search warrant? How do you know what could be used against you down the road?

It's not about caring, it's about having common sense and knowing your rights.

As far as this situation, he had no problem letting LE into his house and looking around for 2 days until the body was found.
Who knows, that's just the way it works, everything has to be searched. Everybody has to be questioned, friends, neighbors, strangers on the street.

Yep, and the only person not to cooperate and lawyer up was Brad...:waitasec:
Yep, and the only person not to cooperate and lawyer up was Brad...:waitasec:

If you are going through a divorce and your estranged wife/husband turns up dead, the first thing your gonna do is consult with a lawyer, since the first person they are going to look at is you.
And what exactly are they going to be looking for in the house if she was killed while out running?

I have no idea what they would find, but I'm sure LE would know if they saw it. Oh, and BC would know if something didn't belong there.

At the very least, he was NOT cooperating with LE like his attorney said he was. It was like pulling teeth.

We can agree to disagree. I'm good with that! :D

As it relates to the files being updated on the ibm laptop, do we know if those files show a timestamp before or after the laptop was seized?

When I was younger, one of my dearest friends was a defense attorney just starting out. I asked him one night how in the world could he defend a person if he knew he was guilty. His reply was that 'it's not up to me to prove he's innocent--it's up to the state to prove he's guilty'.
I understood his response but then I asked him how he slept at night and he never actually answered.

Gosh my lap top is soooooo slow. grrrr. Will log off soon and do as Dr. CyberPro (tku) prescribed - clear out my cash. Ooops, got none of that ... my cache, rather!

NCEast: EXACTLY ... that's why I wouldn't/couldn't do it. I want to sleep at night.

Blessings, Polka-Dot :)
Brad Cooper has many supporters and their sympathy on some other forums including news comments sites. So what does that get Brad Cooper? Nothing, absolutely nothing. It won't keep him out of prison for life. It will not keep the jury from convicting him if indeed they do. It will not help him on appeal. I am sure Kurtz tells BC of his many supporters and how they defend him after hearing the testimony so far. And it also 'puffs' Kurtz up.

I hope I am not out of line here when I say this jury worries me. I cannot quite put my finger on it, but I sense there may be at least one hold-out on the jury. Maybe it is all of the niose I hear as they are coming into the courtroom. I have heard one laughing more than once as they were coming into the courtroom. Then someone on the jury complains because someone or maybe more than one person is staring at them. When a piece of crucial testimony is given, it is only natural for people in the gallery to observe the jury to see if there is any reaction. That is what happens in a courtroom and I have observed it many times in Federal Court. Now, people in the gallery are talking and it disturbs them. What is with this jury? I do not think it is against the law for me to speak of the jury, and I do not think it is against TOS here, so I am just going to predict there there are maybe a couple of very immature jurors on that jury panel. And that worries me. There are journalists at every high profile case who does absolutely watch the jury to see if they can 'read' them. It is just my opinion that these jurors need to buck up and concentrate on the witness and the testimony and ignore the gallery. If the baliff and the judge does not see the staring and hear the talking in the gallery, then I am surprised one or more of the jury does. I am indeed worried!

I am still feeling that something is going on here (trial) that is kind of odd. This one just beats all I have ever seen.

Sorry, everyone. I am puzzled as well as worried!

If you are going through a divorce and your estranged wife/husband turns up dead, the first thing your gonna do is consult with a lawyer, since the first person they are going to look at is you.

No, I don't think I would. People always say that..... He did neither....didn't help and lawyer-ed up I think it shows consciousness of guilt. JMO
OK, this is the first case I have followed here, so I have to ask a noob question.

I saw some posts earlier today about the "Verdict Watch" and some folks referring to duct taping their hands to their chairs to keep from posting something..

To prevent getting myself into trouble in the future... what is the story here?

What goes on here, or perhaps more properly fails to go on here when the Jury is out? When does the blackout period begin and end...

Sorry if this is in the TOS, but I don't recall seeing anything on it.


I think the posters were just having fun! :D

I've been here for a while and I've never seen anything unusual happen during a 'verdict watch.' Not anything out of the ordinary. It can be unnerving though.

This is a high profile case and the verdict will most likely be out the second it's out of the judge's or baliffs mouth. There will most likely be tears and shout outs and also grumbles.

After all, no matter the verdict, not everyone is going to be satisfied with the result.

wral WRAL NEWS in NC
Investigator Daniels: The rest of Brad Cooper's vehicle was nowhere near as spotless as the trunk. #coopertrial
3 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
wral WRAL NEWS in NC
Lead investigator George Daniels: Brad Cooper's car trunk looked like it was out of a showroom. Very clean. #coopertrial

Did they take pictures of it?
Photograph is one thing, but why would you ever allow LE to physically search your house without a search warrant? How do you know what could be used against you down the road?

It's not about caring, it's about having common sense and knowing your rights.

As far as this situation, he had no problem letting LE into his house and looking around for 2 days until the body was found.

Why not? My husband is missing. (quick, say a prayer) There are no drugs in my house and all the firearms are registered to me...I will show LE where they are...FIRST thing.

Have at it! MOO
Photograph is one thing, but why would you ever allow LE to physically search your house without a search warrant? How do you know what could be used against you down the road?

It's not about caring, it's about having common sense and knowing your rights.

As far as this situation, he had no problem letting LE into his house and looking around for 2 days until the body was found.

And I happen to agree with your sentiment..However, Most know that a SW will or can be issued shortwith ..So it only delays the inevidable. Given the facts of this case, Brad being the last person to see her alive, and Nancy found basically naked, Keys, phone, computer all still in that house it was NOT going to be a problem to obtain a search warrant..plain and simple. So yes, regardless of how it looked to observers such as us or others, HE did the right thing. :seeya:
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