State v Bradley Cooper 4-5-2011

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They should have records of who the calls came from though, right?

It's interesting as time has gone by that now people are starting to speak of an accomplice to still hold on to the belief that he did it. (not saying you, but some are suggesting it).

I have offered 2 possibilities and neither involves an accomplish. 1- an automated mechanical device that depresses the redial button. 2- a monitoring system that has a delayed voice dial to a user programmed phone, the monitoring system could be triggered by a power outage.

In both cases there would be a TWC record indicating a voice call was made from home phone.
They should have records of who the calls came from though, right?

It's interesting as time has gone by that now people are starting to speak of an accomplice to still hold on to the belief that he did it. (not saying you, but some are suggesting it).

I hope that everyone is looking at ALL of the evidence. I hope that some are not suggesting that if he didn't use technology to spoof a call it MUST mean that he's innocent. I hope that open minds look at the totality and make their own determination based on all of it. I REALLY hope the jury is doing this because that's all that really matters in terms of a verdict. MOO
I have offered 2 possibilities and neither involves an accomplish. 1- an automated mechanical device that depresses the redial button. 2- a monitoring system that has a delayed voice dial to a user programmed phone, the monitoring system could be triggered by a power outage.

In both cases there would be a TWC record indicating a voice call was made from home phone.

We are going in circles here. The past page or so of posts have been based on the hypothetical that a human made the call. I agree and have stated a number of times that there are many non-human ways to spoof the call.
They should have records of who the calls came from though, right?

It's interesting as time has gone by that now people are starting to speak of an accomplice to still hold on to the belief that he did it. (not saying you, but some are suggesting it).

Heck, the prosecution is randomly throwing crap out there. Take the geologist testimony. Unless I'm mistaking the point of that testimony, we are to believe that BC was at the murder scene because there was white mica on his running shoes, even though it didn't match the chemical makeup of the sample from the body dump location. However, that very theory goes completely against what the prosecution has already presented as their theory. They made a huge deal about the shoes worn to Harris Teeter. Those weren't his running shoes. So, either he wore running shoes to dump the body, then switched to those "missing" shoes, then switched to flip flops, or he visited the dump scene at some other point. Yet they haven't even remotely suggested he cased this place before. Also, they made a big deal in pointing out that the weather on the 12th was dry (ie, explaining no footprints on the 12th), yet the mica was found up in the heel portion (ie, not the sole), so it would have been unlikely to have that happen on the 12th. So why even present this witness? It makes them look really silly to make a big deal about the HT shoes then switch to these other shoes now since we found white mica on them. It just feels like they are throwing as much random crap out there as possible in hopes that something sticks with the jury.
If nothing else, today's testimony should have dispelled the notion that so many people had that Brad was a "high-level" associate. He did testing and support of VoIP products inside Cisco.

This is referred to as "Alpha Testing" as in the Greek Letter "Alpha". I.e., this means "first testing" that is done on Cisco's network before the product is placed in a customer network. Hence the term "Alpha network".

A couple of weeks ago I said that he was somewhere between a tester and an IT guy and people blasted me for underselling his prestigious position, but that is exactly what he was.

I'm curious then, why would Cisco have paid moving expenses for an internationa move? Don't we locally have plenty of IT techs in this area? Why pay extra to import one from Calgary?
I hope that everyone is looking at ALL of the evidence. I hope that some are not suggesting that if he didn't use technology to spoof a call it MUST mean that he's innocent. I hope that open minds look at the totality and make their own determination based on all of it. I REALLY hope the jury is doing this because that's all that really matters in terms of a verdict. MOO

Well that call provides him an alibi. So they better figure out how NC didn't make that call.
Well that call provides him an alibi. So they better figure out how NC didn't make that call.

I disagree. They just have to show that it's likely she was not able to based on the fact that she was dead and that there are ways that someone else could have or it could have been generated.
Originally Posted by SleuthinNC
Personally I think he wanted it to wipe the external hard drive that was attached to the MacBook which I think is the actual source of incriminating evidence if there was any but I seem to be alone in that thought.
Keep that thought S-NC. I think it's a good one. Makes me wonder about that angle....

I, regretfully, am not a Mac user -- could the same s/w be used on a Mac drive?
I agree that she was VERY powerful! It may be circumstantial, but the sports bra rolled under in the back like it does when you put it on is a very powerful visual image. It's not as if Nancy put it on herself that way and ran with it rolled under.

Let's hope a couple of those female jurors have sports bra experience. When I first heard about the condition her body was found in, and the rolled up sports bra, it mirrored my experience with them to a tee.
I'm curious then, why would Cisco have paid moving expenses for an internationa move? Don't we locally have plenty of IT techs in this area? Why pay extra to import one from Calgary?
That's an excellent question that I don't know the answer to. Maybe some Cisco person will answer that as a witness.

I would think that they didn't hire him because he was a voice/telephony expert. He was supposedly working at IBM. IBM in 2000 was not somewhere that you would go looking for voice expertise.
I have offered 2 possibilities and neither involves an accomplish. 1- an automated mechanical device that depresses the redial button. 2- a monitoring system that has a delayed voice dial to a user programmed phone, the monitoring system could be triggered by a power outage.

In both cases there would be a TWC record indicating a voice call was made from home phone.

Okay, for some reason your #1 scenario made me go straight to the Simpson's episode where Homer works at home and has that automated duck to press his key pads, lol. And he can't find the "any" key.

I think the prosecutors will definitely suggest ways to do it, the defense will raise doubt and again it will be another unproven item.
Now, I spent many years working for the DoD and unless you have administor rights on a computer, you couldn't load software, updates, delete file histories, nuttin'...

It would seem cisco would have same rules. BC should not have had the credentials to wipe a hard drive.

You're right -- I just hadn't thought of that side of it. We were security-crazy (for good reason since it was a financial inst) and we could not download any s/w - we could read files on discs, etc., but nothing doing with prgms or .exe files, etc. All kinds of security s/w to check for that at frequent intervals. This type violation would send someone out the door permanently.
I agree that BC probably did not have the authority to wipe a hard drive as well.
Good thought, Maja!
I have offered 2 possibilities and neither involves an accomplish. 1- an automated mechanical device that depresses the redial button. of these....


Hello, fellow sleuths! I got home from meetings tonight a while ago, and I think I'm caught up with the posts. I just had my hubby, at someone's request (can't remember who), put my sports bra on me while I remained as lifeless as possible. He really didn't have all that much trouble, and it took just under 3 minutes. Now I know my sports bra and my anatomy are not identical to Nancy's, but I thought I'd pass our results along.

I gotta say, my husband is exceptionally cooperative, yes? :)

LOL, can I borrow him? I have a heck of a time putting one on myself. Truly, not being snarky. I guess it's time for me to retire my sports bras. I am officially OLD. :banghead:

Oh yeah, was your husband grinning while he was putting it on you? :floorlaugh:
I'm curious then, why would Cisco have paid moving expenses for an internationa move? Don't we locally have plenty of IT techs in this area? Why pay extra to import one from Calgary?

2000 was the end of the boom. Hiring everywhere was crazy. Nortel was giving away Porsche leases for a year for referring people (using a drawing for it). It was a wild time.
LOL, can I borrow him? I have a heck of a time putting one on myself. Truly, not being snarky. I guess it's time for me to retire my sports bras. I am officially OLD. :banghead:

Oh yeah, was your husband grinning while he was putting it on you? :floorlaugh:

He was telling me I was outside my mind!! (And grinning, of course!) ;)
I agree that it is not fair to conclude that if a human made the call it had to be NC. But, I would personally doubt the older child. My experience with kids that age is that they don't necessarily remember things that are part of their normal routine. I would assume that her making a phone call to her dad at 6:30am is not part of the routine. Seems that asking her to do it would be too high risk for her spilling it to someone.

My four year old granddaughter calls her daddy and leaves messages for him on his cell phone. And since we moved next door to our youngest daughters family, my grandsons have been calling on a regular basis. They learned our number quickly, calling when they want to come nextdoor and play. Or to ask if we have ice cream. :) In fact one day my husband decided to use the boys to prank our middle daughter. He gave the boys middle daughter/aunties phone number so they could harrass her rather than us.


I believe it points towards pre-planning a murder.

JANUARY 2008 - The New Year starts with Nancy finally finding out the truth of Brad's affair. After months of denials he finally admits it and claims he is in love with H.M. Nancy is 'done' with the marriage and done with trying to work on the marriage.

FEBRUARY 2008 - Brad removes Nancy from all accounts.

MARCH 2008 - Nancy gets Alice Stubbs, Attorney and first draft of separation agreement starts.

APRIL 2008 - Brad realizes he's going to have to pay beaucoup bucks to Nancy. Brad abruptly cancels NC's move back to Canada when previously he couldn't wait for the 3 of them to leave. NC was supposed to leave April 25.

APRIL 2008 - Brad has all of NC's emails forwarded to his own account. From April 2008 through July 11 2008.

APRIL 2008 - Brad is laying some foundation of his own. Finding out how to completely wipe a hard drive (why he had to ask someone else I don't know, but he did).

This is the start of his planning, or, at least where I think it really started to gel in his mind. The 'when' was not set yet, but the thought to kill Nancy was formed, IMHO.

First, thanks for all of your thought-organizing for many of us. It takes time, and I appreciate it.

On a lighter, but still serious note, puh-leeeze send the write-up above to our man Cummings & Co. It would be a good way to help the jurors "come down the path" with the prosecution. Something like this is exactly what they need.

One more: Your timeline is right-on, Sleuthygal!! :goodpost:
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