State v Bradley Cooper 4-5-2011

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it shows premeditation

The more testimony given, the more the testimony goes one way then another...the more witnesses called etc. NC's murder appears to be premeditation rather than heat of the moment.
one would have to wonder why only parts of the car were cleaned thoroughly and the passenger seat was filthy like a garbage can
I thought what the child said is inadmissible

I think (correct me if I'm wrong) the last ruling was he wasn't allowing it at that moment in time because it was considered hearsay. It wouldn't be hearsay if CM testifies what the child told her.
The more testimony given, the more the testimony goes one way then another...the more witnesses called etc. NC's murder appears to be premeditation rather than heat of the moment.

Even if "heat of the moment", it is still premeditated based on the manner of death.
To cause death, he would have needed to choke her for 4+ minutes.
I think (correct me if I'm wrong) the last ruling was he wasn't allowing it at that moment in time because it was considered hearsay. It wouldn't be hearsay if CM testifies what the child told her.

I don't think it's quite the same thing as the hearsay being allowed of what Nancy told others. That is being allowed in to show state of mind and not for the truth of the matter. The defense would want the statement by the child in for the truth of the matter and she can't be crossed by the prosecution so I don't see it being allowed in. MOO
I don't think it's quite the same thing as the hearsay being allowed of what Nancy told others. That is being allowed in to show state of mind and not for the truth of the matter. The defense would want the statement by the child in for the truth of the matter and she can't be crossed by the prosecution so I don't see it being allowed in. MOO

Right my point was it wouldn't be hearsay if CM testifies (and it's allowed) what was said because it was said directly to her. I'll admit I don't know what the precedents are for allowing statements made by a 4 year old to be admissible.
If I was a juror, I'm not sure what my "takeaway" would have been from the Cisco guy. It was pretty confusing and hard to follow. It would be helpful if the prosecution could get straight to the point so we know what it is we're supposed to be discovering from this witness. But I'll admit I missed some of it. Can anyone summarize both sides, please? Was there any evidence presented?

I'm running way behind on this thread, I admit. I wasn't able to watch the afternoon's testimony. But from a novice in computer stand-point, IMHO, the testimony MAY have been only to ESTABLISH that BC had the ABILITY and KNOWLEDGE to ERASE the harddrive.

IF I was on the jury, that's what I took out of this witness testimony.

NOW, if he can erase a harddrive, can he erase a cell phone? :confused:

I'm running way behind on this thread, I admit. I wasn't able to watch the afternoon's testimony. But from a novice in computer stand-point, IMHO, the testimony MAY have been only to ESTABLISH that BC had the ABILITY and KNOWLEDGE to ERASE the harddrive.

IF I was on the jury, that's what I took out of this witness testimony.

NOW, if he can erase a harddrive, can he erase a cell phone? :confused:


I am waiting for computer evidence to come in...
I am outta town on business and JUST NOW caught up with reading all the stuff from yesterday.... y'all slow up a bit, it takes me HOURS to catch up!
Have a little mercy!

Anyway, I have not been able to see any testimony, but here is my take on the posts.

1. I have had access to PGP since the mid-80's I have had the software at a couple of different points, but never used it. It is a PITA to set up and exchange keys with folks. I am very interested in security, and have been since the 80's, so I understand this, I have just never needed it.

2. I have also had access to, and sometimes used DOD level wiping programs. I mainly got it because it was part of some other software I got as a package, and I have used it on some files, but wiping a whole drive is very time-consuming! It can take many hours to wipe the drive. Files are not such a big issue.

3. I deal with medical data, and I once sent our security department a couple of e-mails asking for assistance in wiping data from drives that we needed to re-use. The point of the e-mail (which was never answered) was to find if we had a standard set of software that we should be using, as opposed to just whatever I happened to grab.

4. I might be a little overly cautious, but I do sometimes wipe files and/or folders on my computer, but then again, I also shred physical documents and mix in some junk mail, just in case someone wants to get all interested in putting confetti together.

5. I have used encryption software (at the behest of a customer) to create encrypted folders, and any files placed in them are encrypted when you put them in there, you can optionally hide the encrypted folder so that it does not appear to exist until you run the decrypt utility.... really cool, and FREE!

So, from where I sit, with a pretty strong interest in security and information control, and wanting to make it hard for anyone to access my data without a major pain. I can see why someone has legit reasons for having some or all of the software. It will still be interesting to see if the forensics stuff on the computers shows anything, and this is another area where the calls to LE might have hampered the plans to wipe data. It is time consuming to wipe a drive, but files can be done fairly fast. I am not sure there was time to get to it with all the cleaning and attention to other details.

There has also been some speculation, and to my knowledge this is all it is, that government standards like DES have enough weakness in them to let the government access the data. I don't think this would be the case with the DOD wipe, because it overwrites the data several times. It is also interesting to note, and relates to point #3 above that just because a software claims to wipe to DOD spec does not prove that it does it. I had downloaded a free program to wipe files, but wanted to know from our security department if they had a tested, proven solution that we had a license to use and was known to do a good job of wiping the data.
for a not so great looking guy ...Brad seems to hook up a lot
i wish the DA would do a Judge Judy and tell this guy to stop drinking all that water...he will need a pee break soon
this is very good stuff!!! emailing the link from wral to the girl that emailed him about Nancy being missing
:tos: I believe that is out of bounds

SleuthinNC - Please excuse -- my (flat, I guess, and dumb) attempt at humor. I did not mean to upset you or anyone else. I do apologize.

Two quick questions: Can we put a board "pool" together on odds for closing statements? Or is that a TOS violation?

So, I am betting that the words "foundation of a murder" come up on the Prosecutions closing statement.

I also want to see if BC is going to get on the stand. THAT intrigues me. He'd have to be a complete IDIOT to do it.....but me spidey sense is tingling.

not thinking that phrase will come up,

but the words "the only one", "commonsense" and Brad Cooper will come up quite frequently
I have to agree with this. I would think this is more something a 4 year old would remember if asked about it, since it wouldn't had been something that she normally would do. But then again, we don't know if she was questioned about anything (we know she wasn't by police).

It'll be extremely interesting when CM takes the stand how the judge is going to deal with what the child told her.

who is CM and the Judge has already ruled that anything the child said is be admissible the child would have to take the stand
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