State v. Bradley Cooper 5-2-2011

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That's your opinion and I definitely disagree. The mica evidence points to Brad being at the Fielding Drive site at some point. I do not believe he wore those shoes on 7/12 but I do believe he wore them when he was looking around the week that Nancy was on vacation. MOO
Speaking of the shoes, seems like if CPD was in the evidence planting mood, they could have taken the shoes out to the crime scene and had someone close to BC's weight walk around in the a bit, leaving some helpful footprints. Then, have the walker sit behind the wheel of BC's car getting some of the dirt in the floorboard. If they wanted extra credit, they could have gone to the shower drain, dug out some of NC's hair and tossed it in the trunk.
How do you explain the testimony that the phone was wiped in August but the simcard wasn't wiped until the end of September? Were both accidents?

Where is the evidence that the sim card was wiped the end of September?
Okay, I'm missing what I said wrong? I said both defense and prosecution originally wanted first degree murder or not guilty. my response was in regards to people saying the prosectuion did not believe in it's case. I said 'yes they did believe in their case.' They asked for first degree murder or not guilty. They did not ask for a finding of second degree. That they didn't object to the judges final decision, IMO doesn't say they didn't believe in their case. the defense objected for the purpose of future appeals. The prosecution doesn't have the appeals process in it's goal.

I'm way behind. You said in the post I responded to that the prosecution objected to 2nd degree murder. I was just correcting that since Coomings specifically said they don't object to the judges decision on the charges.
GM discussion of deleted cookie related to google map search. There was no cookie related to the search, only a deleted one and that was NOT from 7/11, which was suspicious to GM. There was also a deleted watermark.

The most interesting thing here, to me is Kurtz asking about the traceability of a cookie's metadata through a subpoena to Google by law enforcement. I don't believe he would have brought this up if he thought BC created that cookie with his own file search. Will we ever find out the origin of that deleted cookie??? (I really want to know who created that file!)

Listen to 35:00-38:00
That makes the Google search even more improbable as a planted piece of evidence. BC gets arrested Oct 27 '08. FBI hasn't even looked at his computer yet. What if the FBI never found the Google search? BC was arrested. The state (obviously) thought they had enough evidence to bring the case to trial. The Google search came up much later. The case wasn't dependent upon the Google search.

His computer was secured by the CPD on July 15.
That's your opinion and I definitely disagree. The mica evidence points to Brad being at the Fielding Drive site at some point. I do not believe he wore those shoes on 7/12 but I do believe he wore them when he was looking around the week that Nancy was on vacation. MOO

No it doesn't. The dirt on those shoes did not match the composition of dirt at Fielding. This was shown clearly on cross.
I'm just sick that I probably won't get to listen to closing arguments tomorrow after I've stuck with this case for so long. I'll go to bed tonight with prayers that the prosecution will get this part perfectly right, perfectly sensible, perfectly reasonable and that the jury will understand perfectly how the evidence shows just how guilty the inmate is. I'll pray for a perfect delivery from the prosecution. I keep thinking about Nancy looking out over at her house waiting for the lights to go out on the last night of her life, not wanting to be in the same house with Brad Cupper while both were even awake. How sad that the very last night of her life she may have had a premonition of something bad and waited for the lights to go out before even thinking of going home. Such a sad, tragic ending to an already sad life.
Until I see some reason to believe otherwise, I am going to keep thinking that the CPD are the good guys. Definitely the out-of-their-league guys, but still the good guys.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that a comparison between the Cary, NC PD and the LAPD is not particularly germane.
Who said anything about LAPD?

Bigger concept there than comparing PD's. LE is supposed to be the good guys. Sometimes they are and sometimes they aren't. There are times when they feel justified in doing whatever they must to make sure that someone they know to be guilty is convicted.
It amazes me that anyone today could have 100% confidence that all police are honest all the time. How, in a case where it has been proven that a detective in the investigation destroyed police evidence that may have exonerated or at least given clues to other suspects, can anyone be shocked at the implication that computer tampering occurred? The evidence shows that it did. They are not making it up. Anyone who watched the testimony saw it with their own eyes. The state did not refute it. Even the FBI/Durham police acknowledged there are strange things with the files and had no explanation for them.

Regarding the FBI, and it was even in testimony, they looked only for certain things, if they looked outside the parameters given to them and something was found that hurt the case they would be compelled to testify to it. Did no one read the excerpted testimony on WRAL from the Durham PD person, he saw errors but did not look into them because he wasn't asked to.
My primary points of contention are not buying the prosecution timeline. (I have no idea what that means) and not buying the google search (what do you attribute that to other than he searched that site on 7/11?)

The prosecution's timeline only makes sense if BC was something like batman and if you watch a lot of condensed courtroom drama (in my head).

I don't think someone of his skillset (even with lies being a "skill") could pull the entire thing off in under 12 hours and not leave but a few hints by themselves.

I think the google search is probably a series of honest mistakes. It was probably something that BC googled the day he was informed of a body find. Cary police used some amateur technique to prove it and ruined or spoiled the hard drive of the Thinkpad.

It being on 7/11 is too convenient. I think DCC thought it was too convenient and the Pros went to great strides to hide the rest of the information there. (I know, only the defense is allowed to smokescreen)

Couple that with Howard Cummings "honest responses and excited utterances" towards the end of the trial....

There are entirely too many things that do not make the clearcut "If____ then ____" that everyone wants it to be. This whole case makes me sick. I go back and forth and am sick that NC may not get any justice (nor her family) and then I go back and forth that we might convict someone for being an ________ (expletive here) that isn't a murderer but appears to be.
Regarding the FBI, and it was even in testimony, they looked only for certain things, if they looked outside the parameters given to them and something was found that hurt the case they would be compelled to testify to it. Did no one read the excerpted testimony on WRAL from the Durham PD person, he saw errors but did not look into them because he wasn't asked to.

Could you please tell me how to find that? TIA
Hate to tell you this but you'll be told that the Grand Jury is a joke and a farce and incompetent and crooked and a boatload of other stuff. It goes along with the conspiracy theories and I got slapped down when I brought up the same thing. I'm sorry, I believe in our justice system and in the grand jury, but others will be glad to tell you how wrong the grand jury is.

P.S. See.

The Grand Jury only hears one side of the story, there is no debate, no objections, it is just the State trying to sell their case. The evidence is not even necessarily good enough to be ruled into the actual trial. If they ran a stream of her friends in front of it, JA, HP, CD, along with her parents and sister of course they would get an indictment.
If there is any tampering on that computer in that 27 hour period, I believe it was done by Brad.

Here's a conspiracy for everyone that is so accusatory of the police. How did Brad come to be staying with SH? Were they best buds? I went back and listened again and SH indicated that Brad called him indicating he needed a place to stay. SH worked for Cisco but he was not that technologically adept according to his testimony. But he did work from home, for Cisco. What a convenient coincidence for Brad. MOO

If it was done by Brad, that responsibility falls on CPD since it was in their control. It doesn't matter who tampered with it. No one should have been in position to tamper with it. Even if they didn't want to power it off, at least shut down the network access (heck unplug the cable modem cable from the wall) and isolate the PC.
also, why did no one call Google into this?

You telling me Google could not clarify that search for the pros?
I believe BC did something himself to that phone. Either on purpose or by accident, but I believe the phone was compromised in some way even before McDreamy started inputting the wrong password, as instructed by the AT&T rep. I do not see any reason CPD would have wanted that phone to not give them any evidence. They wanted the info from that phone for their investigation. I think it was a f*up that it got wiped...perhaps helped by one BC.

Further, as of the day of arrest, CPD didn't have any info from NC's phone, so that phone didn't appear to factor into the decision to move forward with an arrest and indictment either.

If the protocol had of been followed with the phone, if BC has of done anything to it we could have found out. What benefit would it of been to BC to do anything to it unless he knew the CPD were going to screw up and erase it?
As much as I hate to say this, but don't you think JY did a bit of lying himself when he basically said he didn't know what a sim card was; or that he "accidentally" deleted everything off the phone?? I hate to say he was a LIAR, but I personally think he didn't tell the whole truth.

I don't think a lot of the "friends" were liars per se, but just that they stated things on how they wanted them to be seen / heard but not truly in the way they actually occurred. Again, a bit of embellishment.

Sure I do. But I don't believe I accused him of that in the forums. I did accuse RL of lying and I stand by that assertion.
Brad Cooper had the opportunity to tell the truth and say he looked at a map of Fielding Dr using Google on his laptop sometime after the murder. He was asked by Alice Stubbs about Fielding Dr and the site where Nancy's body was found. He denied everything and only claimed to know about that site because of the news reports.


The Google search was real, it was on 7/11/08 and no one but Brad Cooper put it on his computer.
CPD gives BC's laptop (a critical piece of evidence) to the FBI in JUL/AUG for forensic analysis.

CPD gives NC's blackberry (a critical piece of evidence) to the FBI...wait, no...CPD sends NC's blackberry to the SBI - no, CPD sends NC's blackberry to their own lab of experts...wait, no...that's right: a detective who didn't even know what a SIM card was decided to perform the forensic examination of a piece of evidence the defense crucial enough to send a preservation letter.

For those who would reply to this "BC rigged it to wipe", how did BC know Det Young would make the unilateral decision to perform the forensic? According to the standards established here by the BDI crowd - that statement qualifies as a conspiracy theory undeserving of serious attention.

But he called it a "forensic preview", so he gets a pass.
Um, time for bed. There just comes a time - and it's time.
Well, believe it because I don't believe the police intentionally or corruptly did anything to the phone. It was an accident pure and simple. Maybe Young didn't know all that he should have known, but I will not believe he wiped that phone on purpose or for some nefarious reason. Nah, didn't happen - and you can say over and over and over again, but it doesn't make the rest of the population believe it. No one, not one person knows what Bradleeee did to or with that phone in the time he had it.

If you are standing on the edge of a 1000 foot cliff and see the rocks below with the waves smashing against them and a sign that says do not take one more step or you will erase your life, but you take that one more step, then it is not an accident pure and simple - it is intentional.

I think he did, or he really needs to be removed from his job as one of the most inept individuals ever. When the device said, more than once, if you continue to do this action you will wipe all information from the phone and he continued to do it, what conclusion do you think he was going for? He didn't even have a search warrant when he did this? Why did they wait 10 months to tell the Defense about it? Why didn't they subpeona the detailed records on her phone like they did BCs, especailly considering that they wiped out all data? By waiting so long to tell the Defense the records were not even any longer available. Why did he request a search warrant after wiping out all information on the phone? How could he confidently testify on the stand there was no evidence on the phone since he supposedly was not able to get into it?

Brad had no benefit to do anything to the phone. All CPD had to do was follow protocol in securing and obtaining info from the phone and any actions BC had taken would have been found out, are you saying he knew the CPD would erase all data from it by handling it wrong?
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