State v. Bradley Cooper 5-2-2011

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2 different routers.

1 missing
1 not missing

Serial # of missing router matched to the 3825.

Brad said in a Jan '08 chat log he took the 3825 router home. That router was never found again. Not in his home, not as Cisco. Where is that $11K router?

Kurtz claimed Brad had no equipment in his possession at home that was capable of having an FXO card.

Kurtz was wrong.
From court on Friday:
Witness to say router was in a locked storage room in Jan 08. BC requested a key to storage room in Jan 08 and discussed with witness bringing router home in Jan 08. Inventory done in Sept 08 did not show the router at Cisco.

In any event, windows system event log showed a router locally connected to the laptop at 10:21 7/11. That it's the same router that BC brought home in Jan 08 is just gravy.

We now know what BZ said about the key on Fridasy is not true since the witness just said BC had his own key.

Your eyes must be deceiving you (mine as well). Brad said he took home a 3825 router. He must have been mistaken. Or the chat log was planted on G.M.'s laptop.

I believe they'll have another witness who will be able to match the mac ID# of the missing router to some logfile at Cisco or somewhere on 7/11/08. Greg M. wouldn't be the person to do that since that wasn't his job.

Perhaps, in the same vein as the 'cary clique', this witness is part of the 'cisco clique', also part of the frame brad conspiracy? Maybe brad's mom will produce the router? Perhaps it was packed in the box with the ducks?

It doesn't make sense though when there are much smaller ones to do the job. We don't even have the electrical capacity to run one of these in our home office.

Yes you do. With an FXO port, it's only 8 Amps.
BTW, the STICKS that were in the foyer vase are still missing. If Mamma Cooper had them or knew where they were they would've been hauled into court. So there is still a missing item from the foyer that was never located.
Either his records are wrong, or someone else's in Cisco's are wrong. It can't be received both in September 2008 and January 2008.

Wasnt that purchase order Kurtz handed to GM from a different location..i.e. Chicago, which is a different "Group"..and Kurtz was trying to equate some different number with the serial number GM had on his inventory list?

Firstly, it appears this guy does NOT recognize that document he was handed, nor did I hear from Kurtz foundational testimony to veryify even where this form or document came from..Maybe Kurtz should bring in the author of that document with Sept dates to clearify....

Secondly, GM had to have received these routers in question in January 2008 IF Brad advised GM he indeed have it at his house....

Something just doesnt seem right with what Kurtz is trying to suggest?? GM planted those emails? and Chat log?...

Add this to the pile of Koinkydinks :crazy:
It was in the chat transcript between this witness and Brad. On January 22, 2008 Brad notified him that he had taken home a 3825 over the weekend.

Which he said he would return as soon as his 2800 came in. With the inventory control the way it was, why is it implausible that BC brought it back just like he said he would when his 2800 came in a week or so later?

Heck, BC could have sold it and this witness/Cisco would have been none the wiser without this trial. That chat session tells us absolutely nothing about what happened to that 3825 beyond the day of the chat.
BTW, the STICKS that were in the foyer vase are still missing. If Mamma Cooper had them or knew where they were they would've been hauled into court. So there is still a missing item from the foyer that was never located.

That would have been harder to clean and easier to break if there was a struggle in the foyer....
I have a legal question while we're on break. I'm not being snarky or trying to start the necklace is/isn't debate again. If the SA has an expert enhance the video and sees a necklace how would he introduce the enhanced image? Wouldn't the expert have to testify and wouldn't that expert have to be on the witness list already? Even if they could get a clear picture I don't see the point in introducing it because the necklace has been found. Just wanted to know how they would get it in.
It has been more than three years since he supposedly last saw this router and he wants us to believe in that less than a week he was able to search a database of over million, most likely billions of lines items and is confident that this one never showed up. I am not buying it.

I am buying it!! I thought he was very credible. The email to me also vailidates that they had the router in January for Brad to borrow.
Okay, I was hesitant to post this because it may fan the fire. This info could be used by both sides of the fence here, the BDIers and the BIIers.

Not stating any particular company here. However, people in asset recovery at large technical companies recover $1 million+ worth of equip. per month...each person.

So on one side, it's not shocking that an $11K piece of equip would pass around employees. On the other side, it could also be argued this is why it took Cisco so long.
It was in the chat transcript between this witness and Brad. On January 22, 2008 Brad notified him that he had taken home a 3825 over the weekend.

I understand that. It was also mentioned in that same chat session that he had a 2851 on order and would swap them out when it came in. I was simply answering the question about why the defense wouldn't just ignore the witness.
BTW, the STICKS that were in the foyer vase are still missing. If Mamma Cooper had them or knew where they were they would've been hauled into court. So there is still a missing item from the foyer that was never located.

Perhaps mama cooper is saving them for rebuttal.


BTW, the STICKS that were in the foyer vase are still missing. If Mamma Cooper had them or knew where they were they would've been hauled into court. So there is still a missing item from the foyer that was never located.

Are you suggesting that those sticks are central or crucial to the case at this point? I disagree. I think the duck episode put all of that to rest, I seriously doubt the pros will mention the sticks.
Kurtz brought some random piece of paper to court to try and confuse the jury and try and insinuate some conspiracy around this router.

Greg M. was a solid witness, very sure of how he does his job, what he tracks and when and when he makes changes to it.

If there is a Cisco person who is able to testify that a 3825 router with mac ID# matching the missing router appeared in a log file that is connected with Brad Cooper and his usage on the evening of 7/11/08 that's it. Proof he had that router, had access to the router that was never found.
Which he said he would return as soon as his 2800 came in. With the inventory control the way it was, why is it implausible that BC brought it back just like he said he would when his 2800 came in a week or so later?

Heck, BC could have sold it and this witness/Cisco would have been none the wiser without this trial. That chat session tells us absolutely nothing about what happened to that 3825 beyond the day of the chat.

I disagree - it shows that the last record of that router was it leaving the building with Brad.

If the router then appears to be logging on to the Cisco network, or being accessed via BC's laptop - then it will continue to show us a whole lot of information.

And FYI - Cicso should be able to say when the invoice was paid - invoices don't get paid (even internal req's) without confirmation of delivery. So - that should confirm receipt of both routers in January.
I am buying it!! I thought he was very credible. The email to me also vailidates that they had the router in January for Brad to borrow.

But apparently there is no determination if he brought it back or not. Of course if there is a log that shows this router on 7/11, then this debate is moot.
It doesn't make sense though when there are much smaller ones to do the job. We don't even have the electrical capacity to run one of these in our home office.

Makes about as much sense as murdering ones wife, the mother of ones children. MOO
I have a hard time putting too much weight into this testimony for a few reasons:

The router is supposedly unaccounted for since January of 2008--yet it wasn't considered "missing" until last Monday. That doesn't bode well for keeping track of equipment.

There are two alternate databases with entries for pieces of equipment with the same serial number. Miglucci didn't recognize the other, because it was from a guy in Chicago, who also claimed to have the same router. I'm not saying one or the other was wrong--just doesn't seem to indicate good record keeping to me.

Finally, we've been told for the past 8 weeks that Cisco has no way of tracking equipment, that it's freely taken home, shared between offices, etc. And now they want us to believe that this router is "missing" when the only people they checked with were the people on Miglucci's team in RTP.

Something doesn't smell right about this testimony. Just because he may have taken a 3825 home in January, doesn't mean 1) that it was still there in July or 2) that the serial number of the router he took home matches the serial number of the router that is "missing".
Conspiracy now involves:

- Wake County DA and all their ADAs
- All NC friends and family
- All of Cary, NC
- Cisco RTP
- Durham (because one guy who worked with the FBI is a member of DPD and you know, Nifong used to be the DA there, so everyone who lives or works in Durham is corrupt)
- Possible Cisco Chicago, Cisco San Jose

yep. The whole world is out to get Mr. Cooper
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