State v Bradley Cooper 5-3-11

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This has been nagging at me. Purely speculation, and off-topic for the other discussions. I think the premeditation was BC 'fantasizing' about an outcome that worked in all ways for him. (I think very similar to JY - the other trial coming up.) He's backed into a corner financially, without parents like NC's who will shore him up for the legal fight. He knows he's going to owe gobs of money for a long time. Life is hard inside his house, yet he makes good money and clearly can still attract women. If only, if only, NC goes for a run and 'something' happens. BC gets sympathy, casseroles, etc. etc.

I don't think he snapped as much as reached a conclusion. Clearly I think BDI. The map and the 'testing, testing' message on the morning of 7/12 convinced me.

Good post. I envision a similar scenario.

BC is being hounded all day Friday by NC's phone calls. She is complaining that she needs her "allowance." BC has had an entire week to imagine life without NC. Maybe he even had time for a harmless flirtation during the 2 weeks his wife was gone, reinforcing his belief that other women "would appreciate him."

BC is leaving for lunch soon. He's played with the idea of getting rid of his problem, now he is so angry, he's ready to implement the "disappearance while jogging plan" he imagined earlier in the week. He takes a quick look at the site he drove by ????

If the internet search to the bank on Friday evening after 9:00 P.M was the only cash available, Brad wasn't going to have much spending money if he gave NC her $300. The balance in one of the accounts accessed was slightly above $300 and the other, an old account, had less than $50, IIRC.

Can't you just feel his anger at NC's audacity in demanding money when he has determined that she shouldn't need more than $300/week? He has given and given and given. She had earned spending money that week. She should be willing to use that in lieu of the allowance. Later, Friday he leaves the party to put the girls to bed. NC is staying--drinking--again. You're right. He did reach a conclusion to simplify his life.

He is young, intelligent, has a good job. The life insurance would put a big dent in the debts they had created.

He would be the attractive widower with the beautiful daughters. That's probably a better dating magnet than a puppy.
Good grief, one of the attorneys mentioned a $275.00 per hour rate for A.S. and then mentioned her esteemed law firm or something to that effect.
In my next life I know what I want to be.

No you don't. Because I don't want to see a thread in websleuths talking about how NCEast is lying or talks too fast or too slow or whatever.
No, sorry. Didn't mean it to come across like that. I find the insight from RKAB to be fascinating. I was just pointing out that we've learned more since then that makes him snapping seem less likely. Post all of it, I enjoy reading it.
No problem. Evidence or lack of it is being discussed, but I can't get past BC being narcissistic. RKAB basically stated this. I think his personality has to be considered and maybe why many do not see him as "snapping". That might be why I still am BDI.
I will agree before you say it, no one brought this forward in the courtroom as they did in the custody hearing. Pros dropped the ball in this topic IMO.

I will say this as much as I feel BDI, the defense has put placed some doubt BDI. They did a good job!
This is kind of O/T but since we are in the "verdict watch" period and it may be over before I get back here, here's my moderately interesting story.

When the OJ verdict came down, I was in Geneva presenting at the technical symposium at Telecom World '95. This is an enormous networking/telecom trade show in this massive exhibition hall called Palexpo. The size of the place is beyond description -- over 1M square feet. Some of the temporary booths within the hall are 3 stories tall and have elevators.

At every Telecom World event, there is some kind of detectable "theme" of bleeding edge technology. In '95, it was early digital TV (to become HDTV). So, there were these big splashy booths everywhere with dozens of TVs all over them showing off this new technology.

The verdict came very late in the day Geneva time -- probably around 6pm. Many of the visitors had left since the show closes at 6pm, but there were still some stragglers and thousands of people who work the show were still there. Some of those hundreds of TV's were tuned in to CNN International. When news of the impending verdict broke, all booths started changing their TVs to CNNI. Soon, the whole place was filled with the sound of CNNI.

To start with, it was mostly only the Americans who were paying attention to the verdict. But, like drivers stopping to watch a car wreck, people of all nationalities and races eventually stopped in their tracks to see what everyone was looking at. The place fell eerily quiet except for the sound of CNNI echoing through that massive exhibition hall.

So, I never will forget standing there in shocked disbelief hearing that verdict with people from all over the world. For a few of the following minutes, there was still near absolute silence as people were trying to process what had just happened and many of the non-Americans were trying to figure out what the big deal was.

It was just a surreal experience.
It was in the rebuttal by the state. They put the chat log up on the screen. Brad told GM that he had taken home a 3825. He asked GM if he needed it and if he did he would bring it back. They joked about "thief" and so on. It was during the Monday rebuttal, first witness up.

I watched too but don't remember the "taking it home part". If I get a chance I'll review it. I don't understand why someone would take one of these home.
I find it more likely that GM's empty box and homegrown database inventory system are not accurate. Remember he was already slighted that BC would dare take a phone call when he was having lunch with him.

I found his testimony quite credible. This is where I sometimes have trouble understanding how we can all listen to the same testimony and take away different things....there are other items that seem to be in a grey zone but this was pretty black and white to me.
BTw, Mrs Rentz told me today that the Rentz family never received the materials from Nancy's birthday party that we celebrated at Java Jive back in 2008.

So we were told a mistruth about that by the one who said she had taken care of it. How perfectly sad that someone would mistruth about that.
:liar: :liar:
:furious: :furious:
I understood that Cisco as a company does not have a database for all their equipment that you can search. But in the VOIP group they were keeping an inventory of all their equipment and had a process and tracking mechanism in place to do this for a number of years.

but nobody knew about it until last week even though all the Cisco players involved with this "revelation" had previously testified that there were no records.
I think .06 is high, given that your body can process a drink an hour for a woman. To me that says, she didn't have much time since the last drink. Am I not understanding the numbers?

I think to get a dui, you have to have .2, something like that (not sure so don't quote me). The witnesses from the party said she was buzzed and some said she had as many as 6 drinks and was drinking up until she left the party. So, being conservative and estimating that she had a BAC of .10, if she was killed when she got home, the BAC at autopsy should have been .16 at least.

(the ME explained the .06 could have been due to decomposition)
BTw, Mrs Rentz told me today that the Rentz family never received the materials from Nancy's birthday party that we celebrated at Java Jive back in 2008.

So we were told a mistruth about that by the one who said she had taken care of it. How perfectly sad that someone would mistruth about that.
:liar: :liar:
:furious: :furious:

Are you able to share anything else about DR? How was she holding up?
For those who believe that someone other than BC abducted and murdered NC while she was jogging, please offer a reasonable illustration how they, in broad daylight in a well travelled area, drove up to NC, caught her, subdued her, got her back into the car, drove away while keeping her somehow subdued...or choking her first (for 3 mins) out in the open on the side of the road then carrying her body back to the car, then removing her clothes but not assaulting her or leaving any trace evidence...etc, etc, etc. You get the point. If you believe BC is innocent, come up with your most likely scenerio. Then, go through it, detail by detail, and you'll find the logistics a little difficult. The only scenario I could come up with is 2 people in a van.

2 people in a van you mean like the 2 people in the van the defense witnesses discussed?
I thought Boz did a great, but hurried job after watching him.......

But how he finished, which I think is great, is this:

BC tried to control her, did contol her, and though through this trial, they are still saying she's a liar. It's Nannerisms.

Someday in a DV case, a woman won't be called a cheat, whe spent all the money, she was a liar. Someday, women won't be blamed for DV.

Someday, society will stand up to DV and today is that day and you are that jury

I swear, I hope that is true.
BTw, Mrs Rentz told me today that the Rentz family never received the materials from Nancy's birthday party that we celebrated at Java Jive back in 2008.

So we were told a mistruth about that by the one who said she had taken care of it. How perfectly sad that someone would mistruth about that.
:liar: :liar:
:furious: :furious:

:waitasec: I'm lost. Can you explain who you are talking about?
Good post. I envision a similar scenario.

BC is being hounded all day Friday by NC's phone calls. She is complaining that she needs her "allowance." BC has had an entire week to imagine life without NC. Maybe he even had time for a harmless flirtation during the 2 weeks his wife was gone, reinforcing his belief that other women "would appreciate him."

BC is leaving for lunch soon. He's played with the idea of getting rid of his problem, now he is so angry, he ready to implement the disappearance while jogging plan that he imagined earlier in the week. He takes a quick look at the site he drove by ????

If the internet search to the bank on Friday evening after 9:00 P.M was the only cash available, Brad wasn't going to have much spending money if he gave NC her $300. The balance in one of the accounts accessed was slightly above $300 and the other, an old account, had less than $50, IIRC.

Can't you just feel his anger at NC's audacity in demanding money when he has determined that she shouldn't need more than $300/week? He has given and given and given. She had earned spending money that week. She should be willing to use that in lieu of the allowance. Later, Friday he leaves the party to put the girls to bed. NC is staying--drinking--again. You're right. He did reach a conclusion to simplify his life.

He is young, intelligent, has a good job. The life insurance would put a big dent in the debts they had created.

He would be the attractive widower with the beautiful daughters. That's probably a better dating magnet than a puppy.

Hi Tink56! Good post I must say.

Do you recall why NC hounded BC for the $ on Friday besides she needed her allowance?
That's not true. They would have to negotiate the agreement. Paying alimony is not a reason to kill someone. People get divorces all the time. He made decent money. She was trying to get a green card so she could work too.

Sunshine, you are rational, Brad was not at that period of his life. He was checking web sites about suicide, even as late as 4/08. Look at all the other husbands who killed their wives because they thought divorce, child support and/or alimony was going to ruin them financially. I don't think Brad has ever been perfectly stable and rational. There is the testimony about his suicidal tendencies when he was a teen.
You and I may think it's crazy to kill somebody over alimony but I firmly believe that was a huge contributor to his state of mind at the time.
Don't forget that the body produces ethanol the minute it starts to decompose and that has to be factored into the alcohol level.
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