State vs. Jason Lynn Young 02-29-12

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JMO, but I think that with 8 women on the jury it may come down to this:

Would an stranger brutally murder a pregnant woman and leave the 2 1/2 year old witness alive? Maybe.

Would a stranger clean up, care for, and put the 2 1/2 year old to bed? No way.

Only one person would have done that. Jason Young.
No not really, but it worked, right?

Nope, I can sleep very easy at night if I had to decide that either JY is the source of the size 10 shoes or he had an accomplice. Either way I still have no doubts of his guilt.
JMO, but I think that with 8 women on the jury it may come down to this:

Would an stranger brutally murder a pregnant woman and leave the 2 1/2 year old witness alive? Maybe.

Would a stranger clean up, care for, and put the 2 1/2 year old to bed? No way.

Only one person would have done that. Jason Young.

Yes, and would a stranger beat a pregnant women 30 blows while she is sleeping in her bed...that is RAGE. IMO he is a monster and guilty. There was one thing on the mind of the person that killed MY....hate and rage.
I noticed while Mr. Hale was doing the demo of the hotel room door being open letting it close on its own (like 20+ times) he wasn't worried about disturbing anyone else on that 4th floor.

And yep, just as most people, he took his key card in case he needed it. Didn't know those things were so portable! After listening to JY, I was imagining a key card bigger than a bread box and heavy too!
I noticed while Mr. Hale was doing the demo of the hotel room door being open letting it close on its own (like 20+ times) he wasn't worried about disturbing anyone else on that 4th floor.

And yep, just as most people, he took his key card in case he needed it. Didn't know those things were so portable! After listening to JY, I was imagining a key card bigger than a bread box and heavy too!

JY's story is ridiculous. He didn't have the nerve to get back up on that stand and tell it again knowing he would face a cross examination that would have been blistering.

M74, I really think there's a good chance he will be found guilty.
Criminals have gotten smarter as technology has advanced. Crime shows give lots of hints on how to avoid being caught (just do the opposite of whatever the perp of the week does). But smart people are in jail nonetheless.

It seems it's easier to convince (or bamboozle, take your pick) people of doubt if you are able to avoid or clean up or otherwise obfuscate physical evidence.

Because there's the ability for CSI types to find all kinds of physical evidence, many think that crime scenes HAVE TO have it there and if DNA or blood or whatever is missing then it means you cannot convict because it should be there (because hey, it was on last week's CSI, so why isn't it found in this crime scene ... because it should be!?).

The lines of reality are somewhat blurred I think.

Great post Madeleine!

The CSI Effect is truly frightening in our Criminal Justice System today. It causes otherwise reasonable people to become totally unreasonable when deciding guilt or innocence. Beyond a reasonable doubt has become lost....

IMO, MOO, JMHO & all that...
Catching up, so sorry if this was addressed already...

Cammy that is not necessarily true. MY did email SS asking if any patients had come in and SS emailed back that there were 3 patients that day and the only patient that came into the ER/OR due to an accident was a black man who had to go through orthoscopic surgery for an injury to his leg. How does that explain the head trauma/anatomy of a knockout, etc... searches. That is not evidence that there was an accident that JY witnessed and/or helped with... I'm of the belief it happened in his fantasy world. No one, not the victim or first responders have ever come forward regarding an accident in that time frame.

I'm not trying to be difficult, but more trying to tie up loose ends in my mind. I didn't catch this email. Was this in testimony? Do you or anyone know which day. I'd like to see it, IF I could,..................or at least who testified to it and I could probably find it from there.

This would be huge, imho, well, of my points towards guilt!

I'm not trying to be difficult, but more trying to tie up loose ends in my mind. I didn't catch this email. Was this in testimony? Do you or anyone know which day. I'd like to see it, IF I could,..................or at least who testified to it and I could probably find it from there.

This would be huge, imho, well, of my points towards guilt!


It was read today... from Spivey I'm pretty sure.

ETA: Here's the link Fran... around the 32 minute mark....

ETA again: Listened to it again, now that the house is quiet and I can hear, but she does say there were 3 or 4 total car accidents that came in that day so I was wrong he was the only one; but it seems the black guy was the one that was really hurt that she knew about and he was in surgery for his leg and she had no way of knowing if that was the guy Jason helped or not. Seems to me MY & SS had a telephone call regarding the accident prior to MY sending SS the email inquiring about what she knew. Wish the PT would have dug a bit into that to see who else was there that day and if they did have head injuries. Not all auto accidents do... most do not.
Goodnight all. God be with the PT tomorrow as they deliver their closing arguments and connect all those dots. I'm praying for justice to be served.
M74, I really think there's a good chance he will be found guilty.

I like your positive thinking! Plus I love the little insights and stories you have from the western mountain region; it adds color and context.
I like your positive thinking! Plus I love the little insights and stories you have from the western mountain region; it adds color and context.


One more story about Gerald McIntyre. When he worked at Ecusta, he was known as a troublemaker with his employers and coworkers. He always had something going on with someone.

While he was working there, he said that an elevator fell with him, and he claimed to be hurt. He was trying for workers' comp. When an elevator falls, brakes are released, and no brakes were released in this supposed fall. Ecusta had the elevator company come out and inspect the elevator, and they said that it couldn't have fallen because of the brakes not deploying and no damage to the elevator. I guess this shows the character of JY's stepfather.

One more story about Gerald McIntyre. When he worked at Ecusta, he was known as a troublemaker with his employers and coworkers. He always had something going on with someone.

Wow! Sounds like he and Cindy Beaver have some workplace stories they can swap. If you didn't get a chance to see her former manager on the stand today, do take the opportunity when you can. He was on during the state's rebuttal. Seems Cindy was also a known troublemaker at work with coworkers...
I won't be around tomorrow to watch Closing arguments, can someone tell if there is a way to watch them tomorrow evening..Wral does the live feed but don't know if you can pull it up after court is over..Thanks

I haven't got it updated for today, but in our 'media only' thread, I've been posting links to WRAL that have each day's video testimony. You should be able to go to that and see tomorrow's closing arguments at your leisure.

Don't know if that link I've given will show what's not posted as of this minute. But just go to the Michelle Young forum and in the first section, there's a 'media only' thread. As of right now, it's in the next to the last page of the media links for the case, here on Websleuths.

I have to say, WRAL has awesome coverage of this case and trial. Great news source. OH, heehee, I love Amanda Lamb! :)


Jason Young Retrial
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Wow! Sounds like he and Cindy Beaver have some workplace stories they can share with each other. If you didn't get a chance to see her former manager on the stand today, do take the opportunity when you can. He was on during the state's rebuttal.

I saw it. Cindy Beaver was the defense's best witness as to reasonable doubt. I think her former supervisor blew her out of the water.

JTF had her pegged all along. She just wanted her 15 minutes of fame.

IMO, the defense's performance this time was pretty bad considering the prosecution's cross and their rebuttal.

I think JY has to be worried - very worried.
I don't agree.

I don't even think the Youngs were thinking about anything being missing for a long time, they didn't care about "stuff" until later.

The Youngs are not a poor family, Mrs. Young sits on a million dollars worth of property, and Jason's salary was amazing, and looks like Heather was doing good as well.........

I think Heather was doing well after she received her settlement! (meaning settlement was settled in 2009) Plus I would think if my mama had land worth that much money and my sister had money that they would help me fight for my child!! As JY stated he losted everything, I really think even if I had to borrow, beg or steal I would find a way to keep my child I sure wouldn't give her to the person I felt like was trying to brainwash her or kidnap her.

One more story about Gerald McIntyre. When he worked at Ecusta, he was known as a troublemaker with his employers and coworkers. He always had something going on with someone.

While he was working there, he said that an elevator fell with him, and he claimed to be hurt. He was trying for workers' comp. When an elevator falls, brakes are released, and no brakes were released in this supposed fall. Ecusta had the elevator company come out and inspect the elevator, and they said that it couldn't have fallen because of the brakes not deploying and no damage to the elevator. I guess this shows the character of JY's stepfather.

I tend to believe that story - apparently people in that family fall with some frequency.
Also if JY planned well enough to wear gloves and cover up so well that he didn't get a drop of blood or a scratch on him, why would he be so careless as to wear his own hush puppy shoes?

Maybe after it was all over and done with JY had to start collecting things to make it look like a burglary so he had to get the rings off MY's finger and stepped in the blood!!
Doesn't it seem odd that JY would be so concerned about a stranger, yet when Michelle lost their baby he told her pretty much to get over it.

You know, maybe JY is smarter than even I thought!

I'd never thought to compare how he talked about this alleged accident victim to others. Of course, I don't recall that he'd said anything to someone else either, other than at trial. Guess I wasn't paying as much attention the first trial as this second one. I was also coming down from the Cooper trial, which definitely was intense!

Anyway, you're right, he talked about some stranger and yet, we haven't heard ONE person say he talked about the devastation of loosing his child. Well, except for telling Michelle to 'get over it!' :mad:

Perhaps he did plan this out for LONGER than anyone thought. You know, don't you, that it's the first and third trimester that a pregnant woman is most in danger from an abusive significant other!? .................Yet! Michelle was in the second trimester!

See, he may have been planning this for a veryyyy long time! Like since September when he doubled the life insurance policy on MY. The $1M policy MY already thought was too high, he then increased it unbeknown to MY!:eek:

I'm sure that's why some say, well if he was so smart, then he would have thought of the gas.

Yeah! He would have. But that's the point! There's no book. No course. No detailed instructions on how to commit the perfect crime (or murder, if you will).

But LE has taken LOTS of courses to catch the whatever's! that think they can fool them. :rolleyes:

So in other words, JY thought he was smarter than everyone else and it MAY be the one stooooopid thing he did that day, well besides murder (imho) Michelle and Rylan, he did NOT figure out the gas right! :rolleyes:

Yep! Just takes one thing to crumble the house of cards that points towards MURDER!!

I BELIEVE, the other thing he didn't count on, was his lack of emotion would be TELLING, not only to LE, but just about everyone else except his immediate family. :(

It may have been months before they even knew anything was missing.

Maybe they thought Michelle's rings and earrings were seized from the scene.

Not everyone is thinking about filing an insurance report or collecting on insurance money......


I would think two drawers missing from a jewelry box would let you know things were missing!
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