State vs Jason Lynn Young: weekend discussion 11-12 Feb 2012

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Excellent point ms gracielee.
The hall and all of downstairs was pristine.

I thought there was A LOT of blood????

IMO JY seems very calculated and planned this out and I have a feeling that he possible wore 2 different size shoes to "plant" evidence in case he accidentally left shoe prints anywhere from the car, through out the crime and back to the car just in case a slip was made. IMO He clearly wore gloves. He clearly was incredibly meticulous but I think it was an oops with foot prints, take the shoes off and bag for disposal. I believe the prints were a mistake bc yes there was alot of blood and he tried to be perfect but this is why he was prepared with the 2 different shoe sizes.

As an ER RN I have seen women have miscarriages from trauma there is a lot of blood and she must have miscarried on the spot along with other blood from the deadly blows. IMO He made another little mistake when a drop of MY blood from the gloves ended up on the door knob out to the garage but thanks to the gloves no prints.
The idea of him being in the car, as well, kind of blows this out of the water, anyway.

Did he think Michelle would die but he wouldn't?

And, if she had her seatbelt off and he did, he was the one who could have drowned faster.


I still don't see anything to support the argument that the accident was intentional.
Jason took the stand, that was something he was not required to.
He could have continued to hide behind his lawyers and kept executing his right to remain silent.

How many years later? That doesn't mean anything to me.
I try not to post and just lurk b/c these trials already take up too much of my time!! I have a few ?s that I can't remember the answers to; any help appreciated.
1. Was any blood found in the master bath?
2. Was Mr. G inside or outside when MF arrived?
3. Was the garage door open when she arrived?
4. Was the treadmill mentioned the first time? (I can't think of why it being on with half-consumed water would have any significance, maybe just mentioned b/c it was noted in the report?) TIA
Jennifer Marshall, manager @ the Hampton testified it was guests who were having a party that were sneaking other people in though the same door, same stairwell, same camera, same hotel.

Think there were kids having a party and sneaking people in the Hillsville HI on a Thursday, in Early November :waitasec:
But maybe he had stopped in Greensboro or elsewhere on his mid-night murder drive to fill up, but he knew that, after leaving the HI, he would need a full tank to make it to Clintville. Maybe he DIDN'T have room in his tank for a full $20 when he got to King, so he topped it off for $15.

I just don't think he would have stopped in King and risked being seen unless it was absolutely necessary. I think he was on fumes and had no choice.
So, L E checked back approx 60 miles east, but never went west for another 60-80 miles or so...........

Their hunch worked and they found he bought gas along the area they knew he had to (Greensboro to Hwy 52 N)
Too bad they didn't do the math and realize he was short and immediately move back north-west to seal the deal.
I agree he had no choice. Also, the police who were on the stand said they checked every gas station they could find that was open. The Four Bros station was the only one open in that area at that time.
I just don't think he would have stopped in King and risked being seen unless it was absolutely necessary. I think he was on fumes and had no choice.

Though it was 'planned', remember Jay was not a 'planner'.
He lived his life by the seat of his pants and shot from the hip.
He was an impulsive gambler, so all the things that looked very risky, are just that.
Luck was on his side, as he dodged so many things that could have sealed his arrest the first week.
Earlier today I 1/2 watched a 48 Hour mystery. Wish I'd written the name down so I could read a little more about it. My accuracy on how the story may not be QUITE the deal, but you'll get the point.

It was about the murder of a woman by a driver her husband had encountered in, I think a trip from the airport. It goes that the husband said the driver was extremely rude, so the husband called the car service dispatch and wanted to speak to the driver personally. The company said it was unusual for the customer to talk directly to the driver, they usually just reported it to the office.

So the car service talked to the driver and the driver said to give the customer his phone #. To make a long story a little shorter, the story goes the husband claimed the driver had been harrassing him and broke into his home and attacked the wife and killed her, so the husband in his wife's defense, killed the driver trying to protect her.

Investigated, case closed.

A couple of years later or so, I think it was his new wife contacted LE and so on, the guy was arrested with the story going he set-up the driver to look like he'd killed the wife, but it was the husband who killed them both. Well, after hours of deliberation, he was found guilty,

Many didn't believe it because there'd never been any hint of trouble in the marriage. He was loved and adored even by the wife's family. None............, but when he was convicted, well, they still weren't so sure, except there was a great deal of evidence. Even the investigators were embarrassed that they'd let it go on for so long. See, one thing that incriminated him was a note on the driver's seat in his auto, of the address and the time, showing a set-up appointment. The husband said he didn't lure him there, but LE had proof he did. There was also some discrepancy of the position of the bodies when found.

Very controversial verdict, many thought it was wrong. The convicted husband even invited 48 Hours to his prison to speak to them and profess his innocence.

Fast forward a year or two, the convicted murderer was accused of a new crime, conspiring to hire a 'hit man' to kill his NEW wife for testifying against him, but before she was murdered, she was to be kidnapped and forced to write in detail how she'd lied at trial and her husband was innocent. Oh, and just for good measure, IF there were enough funds left over from erasing the 2nd wife, kill the father of his first wife. :mad:

No evidence of a troubled marriage. By all intents and purposes they were happy, the wife loved him deeply, beautiful home, small child, a perfect life.

Oh, except for the g/f the wife didn't know about.

Planned out to the last detail, except one detail beyond his control, unplanned for, sealed his fate. Leading to placing of the other pieces of the puzzle that told a story of murder.

There is no school on how to commit murder. There is no coincidence when it comes to murder. But there are lots of people convicted every day in the United States, who think they're smarter than everyone else and can get away with it. Fortunately, MANY are proven wrong and living the rest of their lives behind prison walls.

Why not get the last five bucks in gas?

Was already 45 minutes late...that rock holding the door would soon be discovered.
+++++He was ready to get the hell out of dodge before Gracie took his tag #, or got even a closer look at him or his vehicle.
I think kim Young was posting rumors that Mr G was probably kicked, because he seemed to have a tender area. Of course, she wants us to believe Jay would never do such a thing.

Kicked him out of the room?

Did Kim Young take the stand in the last trial?
I know I sound like a broken record sometimes, and I apologize for that. ;)

But thinking about 'no coincidence in murder,' I have to think ...................

1st time Michelle was pregnant, Jason wanted her to have an abortion. "I'll hate you and the baby for the rest of my life."

Solution, he married Michelle and she had a beautiful little girl.

2nd time Michelle was pregnant, they were in a ONE car accident, Jason driving, the EXACT moment Michelle removed her seatbelt, Jason, while driving, turns around and reaches in another part of the vehicle, thus loosing control of the car, going into a harm, no foul, of course no one was injurred and LE ruled an ACCIDENT.....but coincidentally, a few days later Michelle looses the baby.

Coincidentally during this short coffee run, JY had Michelle leave said LIVING child with the family, so the only ones in the accident were JY and MY. :(

3rd time Michelle is pregnant, Michelle was murdered, which coincidentally resulted in the murder of the unborn child as well.

I know, I know, there's NO PROOF the accident was intentional. But just the facts!

Nope, no proof, just the facts, coincidentally, the facts!

I still don't see anything to support the argument that the accident was intentional.

I agree otto. There is nothing to support this was nothing more than an accident.

What I find amazing is so many ignoring the fact that MY herself would of been interviewed by LE regarding the accident and she did not state anything incriminating.
what do you want, a road map?

I have stayed in far too many hotels during my travels to know that things such as this are very common.

As for kids being in a hotel on a school evening here is a short list of what I have come across during weekday business travel:

football teams
baseball teams
hockey teams
volleyball teams
basketball teams
children on various trips such as skiing
school bands

I won't even go into the minor league teams or professional ones.

It has simply come to the point I inquire ahead whether this will be the case for both flight and hotel.

Then I am suppose to believe that out of ALL the landscaping rocks they pick one and find 3 alleles of LCN DNA which would match a great deal of people on one rock. It was not a blind test. The were only looking for the alleles that matched JY. WHY??????

Why were no other rocks taken for comparison? Very poor forensic collection by LE. You should always take comparison ones especially with low copy DNA.

Then in the first trial it turns out it is not even 3 alleles as one allele was considered to be stutter. That is like the LE in Perugia that took the knife based on "investigative intuition" in the Amanda Knox case. Thus it was not 3 alleles it was 2

The prosecution is now walking a very fine line here.

How many more people are they going to put up for character assassination? If they continue along this route there is the possiblility that the jury will become turned off by this.

Yes some juries might eat it up. Others may not.
Was already 45 minutes late...that rock holding the door would soon be discovered.
+++++He was ready to get the hell out of dodge before Gracie took his tag #, or got even a closer look at him or his vehicle.

I don't believe any jury can take Gracies testimony and put much weight on it. She means well and I give her kudo's for taking the stand.

Unfortunately she has told to many varying stories under oath I believe for a jury to put any weight in it.
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