State vs Jason Lynn Young: weekend discussion 11-18 Feb 2012

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When I watch videos such as this...It makes me amazed how some people will say "well everyone handles the loss of someone differently" or "he has a right not to speak". For me, this is not a natural reaction of a husband of a brutally murdered wife and irritated to be bothered...while other families of loved ones murdered would love the media to keep their loved ones on the front page hoping for answers.

His e-mails show he didn't care about her. He only saw her has a burden, a hindrance to the life he wanted - which was one where he was able to satisfy any impulse or desire. She made the world revolve around her, she was inconsiderate, she *****ed and moaned and complained. Oh, the irony that coming from JY.

She lived in the hope of sharing love and joy, sharing the moments of her daughter's life, and soon her son's as well. Those were not worth what they were going to cost JY. CY loves her mother too. In the years to come she will have moments of need and moments of joy, all she will want to share with her mother who cannot, through any fault at all of her own, be there with her. Three victims in that family, two dead and one with her mother and father taken away.

It's true, IMO, a father who understood and cared about the ramifications of that would behave in every way differently than JY did. But, he saw it as a price that had to be paid for him to have what he wanted, and time would take care of the rest of the aggravation others caused.
Someone was asking about the daycare worker crying and why. I assume this has been answered, but it's awful to think of a 2 year old seeing a murder of a parent. Possibly by their other parent.

Anyone wondering why mommy was identified and not daddy?

Also, anyone think she was hiding and traumatized during the murder, or we thinking she is alive because it was J?
Someone was asking about the daycare worker crying and why. I assume this has been answered, but it's awful to think of a 2 year old seeing a murder of a parent. Possibly by their other parent.

Anyone wondering why mommy was identified and not daddy?

Also, anyone think she was hiding and traumatized during the murder, or we thinking she is alive because it was J?

I think she's alive because it was JY. I think she came to the hallway or doorway and saw it going on, and was told it was just a spanking b/c mommy was biting. I think that's why the word "Daddy" is on the 911 call, and why she was cleaned up, maybe outfit changed (diaper removed), after the murder.
I think CY was both traumatized from having seen her mother beaten to death AND it was her father who did it. Her acting out at her daycare gives a little view into the level of conflict, but I'm sure it goes deeper than any of us can imagine.

Hiding under covers near her mom is a way to cocoon and feel safe. She was alone for hours. She had no one to soothe her until her aunt came.

The evilness perpetuated on that little girl as a consequence of her father's total disregard for what was best for her is the legacy of his brutal murder.
Someone was asking about the daycare worker crying and why. I assume this has been answered, but it's awful to think of a 2 year old seeing a murder of a parent. Possibly by their other parent.

Anyone wondering why mommy was identified and not daddy?

Also, anyone think she was hiding and traumatized during the murder, or we thinking she is alive because it was J?

I'm wondering a lot of things about this doll testimony but won't post my thoughts until I see the actual testimony on Monday.

I would have to believe a 2 year old would be terrified by what she saw even if she didn't understand what was going on (if she witnessed it).
I think she's alive because it was JY. I think she came to the hallway or doorway and saw it going on, and was told it was just a spanking b/c mommy was biting. I think that's why the word "Daddy" is on the 911 call, and why she was cleaned up, maybe outfit changed (diaper removed), after the murder.

I heard the word daddy on the 911 call but I didn't hear daddy did it. Would a traumatized child knowing that their mommy is injured want their daddy there to comfort them so they ask for daddy.
Am I correct that CY named one doll 'mommy' but did not name the other doll?

I'm not a child psychologist, I wonder what the explanation is? I wonder if the PT would follow up the daycare worker testimony with a psychologist to testify why a child would not outright name that doll 'daddy'?
Could someone have told CY that her mommy was beaten by a bad person? Not sure where the biting part comes from though. Did CY ever get punished for biting and she thought that was the reason her mommy got beaten ?
Am I correct that CY named one doll 'mommy' but did not name the other doll?

I'm not a child psychologist, I wonder what the explanation is? I wonder if the PT would follow up the daycare worker testimony with a psychologist to testify why a child would not outright name that doll 'daddy'?

Right. She didn`t identify the other doll as the `daddy` doll.
Am I correct that CY named one doll 'mommy' but did not name the other doll?

I'm not a child psychologist, I wonder what the explanation is? I wonder if the PT would follow up the daycare worker testimony with a psychologist to testify why a child would not outright name that doll 'daddy'?

If the judge rules the testimony is only for the limited purpose of showing CY witnessed the assault (and I think that is what he is saying), but not allowed for identity, then I think the PT will not (likely not allowed to) pursue further.
I heard the word daddy on the 911 call but I didn't hear daddy did it. Would a traumatized child knowing that their mommy is injured want their daddy there to comfort them so they ask for daddy.

That's possible and I would think it likely she would. But I heard Daddy coming directly after MF asked if CY knew what happened to Mommy, did she fall, and not anything with the context of wanting her daddy. Unfortunately, MF went back to talking to the 911 operator so there's no on tape follow up that would make it totally clear - a little Zapruder-ish unfortunately.

I don't know at all what CY said after the deputies arrived...

ETA: Of course, she might not be asking for her daddy at all under the circumstances. don't know if she did or not.
Kids are like blank slates. At her age - she hadn't been exposed to things like murder, death, beating, violent TV shows and video games. Her young world is pretty simple - if you get hurt, you get a bandaid for your boo-boo and it gets better.

Understanding the severity of things comes later in development. Things like impulse control, too. Learning about death comes even later - usually depending on if a child has to grapple with what it really means. Most kids if they were told that Grandma died, would be like - "OK, grandma died and now she lives in heaven". They don't grasp the concept. I think we've all heard kids say things like that - very matter of fact. When a pet dies - a child might be sad because they can't play with the animal, but they can usually repeat things without a huge amount of emotion. It's situational learning and - they also learn from the behaviors of those around them.

She said - Mommy had boo-boos all over. As far as she knows, they could be fixed. parents spank - why identify the Mommy and not the Daddy? Well, for starters, Mommy hasn't been around for a while - so it was important for her to talk about Mommy - Daddy? well, she sees him every day. No need to point him out. Spanking, boo boos, etc - all pretty normal (sadly)

I will also contend that she didn't see the first blow or much of the struggle. I think MY was already unconscious when she walked in and he was finishing the job. I think that is why no terror. If MY could have said something to get CY out of there - run, go, hide, etc then she would have scared the bejeezus out of that child. As it was - there was no terror because the person she saw spanking Mommy comforted her and get her back to sleep. And because Daddy wasn't scary then.

I also think it's telling that she never went back to day care. Did she go to ANY day care even in Brevard or did she stay with the Young family totally after that?

Whole thing is making me want to puke. And his family knows - all the time she spent with them - she told them something. Maybe I am not a good person - but I'd ask her if she were my niece. Not in a scary way, but - again very matter of fact - and she most likely either spoke about the incident again or did the doll thing. They know.

He's pure evil. I can only imagine what other stuff the Fisher family knows or has heard that can't be brought in and how terrible the thought of him walking free is for them.
I heard the word daddy on the 911 call but I didn't hear daddy did it. Would a traumatized child knowing that their mommy is injured want their daddy there to comfort them so they ask for daddy.

The 911 played in court cut out the obvious "daddy did it"

Listen, 3/4 to the end (5:01)when the phone is being transferred to the sheriff office....listen for the telephone rings...."Daddy did it"...."ok"
MF acknowledged, but she was in shock and it did not register...too bad.
The picture posted up-thread shows a crew neck wool knit sweater and also a zipper top, flat knit pullover. The only thing in common is the chest stripe and brand. (both Structure brand)

If he had a duplicate zip-top pullover, i'm sure we would have seen a photo or the actual garment presented by the defense.
The trick they played with that birthday photo was a low point.

It has Mama written all over it.

Yes, the apple does not fall far from the tree. JY definitely has some of her genes.... :liar: ------> :liar: -------> :behindbar

And it is obvious the pullovers are NOT the same --

"You took this picture for THAT??!!"

When I watch videos such as this...It makes me amazed how some people will say "well everyone handles the loss of someone differently" or "he has a right not to speak". For me, this is not a natural reaction of a husband of a brutally murdered wife and irritated to be bothered...while other families of loved ones murdered would love the media to keep their loved ones on the front page hoping for answers.

Today we have 24/7 cable news coverage of criminal trials, high profile cases, even entire networks devoted to these cases. We also have tv shows, movies, books about forensic, csi, etc. IMO, this is changing the expectations of many jurors when it comes to evidence. Gone are the days of circumstantial evidence, common sense, etc. The definition of reasonable doubt is changing. IMO. I think a lot of this is because we see defense attorney after defense attorney on these shows telling us what we can and can't do. We can't speculate. We have to have hard core facts! They want us to think we can't make an inference! That it's not our job to use these inferences (aka speculations) to put the pieces together with, that's the prosecutions job to do.... They tell us we shouldn't make any decision based on prior bad acts...just because someone did this doesn't mean they did that. We have to ignore that and stick with the facts. They tell us that everybody grieves different, therefore ANYTHING goes... we should throw out common sense and believe that some people will party their a$$e$ off after their child/spouse dies!!! And there are some people who buy all this bs. Not all, but sadly many are influenced by this and they do sometimes find their way to those jury seats...
A sad day of information yesterday - but an important one.

The daycare worker - who does not appear to be a certified teacher, nor a psychologist - repeats what she saw and heard. I don't think it's a stretch that this testimony will be troubling to hear because it's about the child and I predict it will be the testimony that puts a G verdict in play for many.

The daycare worker seems quite caring - she did not appear to lead CY in any direction, ask her questions that might have been hard for her to grapple with, and, IMO did not taint the evidence. I owuld hope she's upset - it's a terrible thing to have to sit there and listen to a 2.5 year old child describe the murder of her mother - in such simple terms - when it's not even close to simple. It's also scary to think that at the end of the day, you are potentially sending this little girl home to live with the man that she watched kill her mother. I suspect she feels a little helpless.

And I am still going to contend that tracksuit doll isn't oozing estrogen...... it's no sexy Grandma.

I have never seen the "Family" playhouse nor any of the family members, etc., etc., but from what I saw in the WRAL courtroom stream, if you had asked me what the grandmother figure was, I would have said surfer-guy (what looked like blond hair) or college-guy. I did not see anything feminine in that figure at all. If I had held it in my hand, I might have -- but not from what would be 3--5 feet away. Just MO.
I think it's a normal reaction for someone who is a prime suspect in the case. Did people expect him to have a sit down interview with the reporter during a basketball game? I think the sole purpose for them showing up was to get a reaction. I guess they did and ran with it and now it's all over the www that he made that terrible statement when in fact it could just be that he was upset that he was stalked at the basketball game to discuss his wife's murder. Of all places. That's what I took that statement to mean.

The media followed him everywhere and yesterday the daycare teacher admitted having to call LE because the media was stationed right in front of the daycare. Even CY had no privacy. How shameful.

I think I'd be annoyed whether I was innocent or guilty.

Yes, he was the prime suspect. Should he have talked?
Well he did talk and what he chose to say was very telling.
His wife was erased from his memory 11-3-06 when he decided to 'move on'.
"I'm shooting with NC Wanted, and I wanted to know if I could have a couple of words with you," the producer said.

"About what?" Young said.

"The murder in Raleigh? Michelle Young?"

"You came here for that?" Young said.

“Sure. It’s a big deal,” the producer said.

Yes, he was the prime suspect. Should he have talked?
Well he did talk and what he chose to say was very telling.
His wife was erased from his memory 11-3-06 when he decided to 'move on'.
"I'm shooting with NC Wanted, and I wanted to know if I could have a couple of words with you," the producer said.

"About what?" Young said.

"The murder in Raleigh? Michelle Young?"

"You came here for that?" Young said.

“Sure. It’s a big deal,” the producer said.

REALLY wish they could show that video to the jury. Aside from the fact that he looks like a disgusting demon, it shows he cares nothing about the death of his wife. He was "hounded by the media" some people may say. Let's look at people who are TRULY grief-stricken, families of victims. Usually their grief was apparent. With JLY he just showed each time how much he hated Michelle...
I think CY was both traumatized from having seen her mother beaten to death AND it was her father who did it. Her acting out at her daycare gives a little view into the level of conflict, but I'm sure it goes deeper than any of us can imagine.

Hiding under covers near her mom is a way to cocoon and feel safe. She was alone for hours. She had no one to soothe her until her aunt came.

The evilness perpetuated on that little girl as a consequence of her father's total disregard for what was best for her is the legacy of his brutal murder.

ITA, of course, and will add a little side-note on a comparatively small thing:

I think, if she could reach them, that the reason so many lights were on in the house that night is that CY went around looking for somebody -- her daddy or the "girl" that was there earlier, perhaps -- to help her fix mommy. Mommy needed band-aids, and mommy wouldn't wake up. I can see that little girl going from room to room -- totally unafraid of "bad men" because she had seen none -- looking for daddy or somebody to help her help her mommy.
I had not seen the NC Wanted video before...thanks for sharing.
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