State vs Jason Lynn Young: weekend discussion 11-18 Feb 2012

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You can't look at CY's behavior as an adult who has lived in the world and experienced how ever many years of things you might have experienced and then judge based on your adult perception of the world.

CY was 2yrs and 7 months old when she witnessed this attack. What do you think she had been exposed to prior? Certainly not death. She had no concept that her mommy was dead.

She described the only things she understood from her frame of reference: "mommy has boo-boos all over. mommy was spanked. red stuff all over mommy. mommy was on the bed then on floor. mommy needs washcloth and bandaids"

She was told what happened to mommy by the person who had just done it. That's what was put in her mind. "Spanking" is a concept she understood at that point.

She told us exactly who was there that night. She said it twice on the 911 call. "Daddy did it."
The 911 played in court cut out the obvious "daddy did it"

Listen, 3/4 to the end (5:01)when the phone is being transferred to the sheriff office....listen for the telephone rings...."Daddy did it"...."ok"
MF acknowledged, but she was in shock and it did not register...too bad.

Did the pt argue to bring this in as an excited utterance? Could they now?
Why was CY unharmed? Some posters have thrown out there that if he "truly wanted to be free" he would have harmed the child as well. Not so. She was useful to him. He had the capacity to "love her" as much as any narcissist can love an extension of himself. He didn't plan to care for her. He knew, as had been the case throughout his life that Mama Young and his big sisters would take care of everything from him. He even told his sister Heather what a great "mother" she would be to CY. He degraded his wife EVEN FURTHER in that statement! In spite of the fact she was MURDERED, Michelle will always be CY's mom! I seriously doubt Meredith considers herself CYs mom. But yet JLY in the aftermath is talking about what a great mom Heather will be to Cassidy. We also see she was useful to him. He could play his grieving widower role, telling women his daughter "meant more than anything in the world" to him. It could be part of his shtick to pick up women. He's so gross. Just even trying to get in his head, I really need a shower!!
I think it's a normal reaction for someone who is a prime suspect in the case. Did people expect him to have a sit down interview with the reporter during a basketball game? I think the sole purpose for them showing up was to get a reaction. I guess they did and ran with it and now it's all over the www that he made that terrible statement when in fact it could just be that he was upset that he was stalked at the basketball game to discuss his wife's murder. Of all places. That's what I took that statement to mean.

The media followed him everywhere and yesterday the daycare teacher admitted having to call LE because the media was stationed right in front of the daycare. Even CY had no privacy. How shameful.

I think I'd be annoyed whether I was innocent or guilty.
No, I don't think it is normal or authentic. So what that the media is following that inconvenience more annoying than having years pass by and no one arrested for the murder of your wife and son?? He could have stopped the media from following him...take a lie detector, talk to police, band with his MY family to get attention and justice, go on shows pleading for information etc. Why remain unavailable? He could have said anything to that reporter to aid in finding the killer....plead with them to get on LE to help..anything! I just don't buy this silence by a husband and father..sorry.
Why was CY unharmed? Some posters have thrown out there that if he "truly wanted to be free" he would have harmed the child as well. Not so. She was useful to him. He had the capacity to "love her" as much as any narcissist can love an extension of himself. He didn't plan to care for her. He knew, as had been the case throughout his life that Mama Young and his big sisters would take care of everything from him. He even told his sister Heather what a great "mother" she would be to CY. He degraded his wife EVEN FURTHER in that statement! In spite of the fact she was MURDERED, Michelle will always be CY's mom! I seriously doubt Meredith considers herself CYs mom. But yet JLY in the aftermath is talking about what a great mom Heather will be to Cassidy. We also see she was useful to him. He could play his grieving widower role, telling women his daughter "meant more than anything in the world" to him. It could be part of his shtick to pick up women. He's so gross. Just even trying to get in his head, I really need a shower!!

ITA... taking out the Craig's List add! How low! Who does that?
With his wife gone and assuming he would never be charged for her murder (because he was 160 mi away, afterall during the murder), he expected to inherit a $1M life insurance payout from his wife's death.

He had in his mind a great setup: his daughter could live, at least part time, with his mother and/or sister and he would have plenty of free time to do as he pleased since the womenfolk would do the childcare without nagging him. He could hang out with his daughter when he wanted and a cute child would be enticement to get the chicks.

Why do you think the first thing he said to his SISTER after the murder was, "You're going to make a great mother to C.?" The sister was to parent the child in the event of BOTH parents dying. But JY already decided his sister would raise his daughter.

Child support? No problem. $1M extra in the coffers, he could sell the house and not have to share proceeds, he would get payouts from MY's 401K and anything else she had as her next of kin/spouse. And his family had plenty of money on top of all that too.
Right. She didn`t identify the other doll as the `daddy` doll.

No she didn't in the role playing...but sure did pick the best representation of him with all the dolls she had to choose from that day. She expressed what she could, to who she could, with what she had. I think she was such a brave and bright child...... still playing it out of her mind, still worrying about her mommys boobies...for her development expressed herself so clearly. So tragic!
ITA... taking out the Craig's List add! How low! Who does that?


Your ad on craigslist was a breath of fresh air... I'm glad there are a few ladies out there like yourself! I work in the greater Greenville area. I'm a pharmaceutical/bio-tech sales rep, so I'm all over the area. I'm a widowed young professional with a wonderful 4 year old daughter who is the center of my world. If that is a big issue, then let me know b/c we're definitely not the right fit. I would like to have another child at some point, but that's looking ahead too far I suppose. I hope the pics I sent are acceptable. I don't have any of just me, so you can see my daughter in a couple of them and my mom and daughter in the snow mobile pick from Montana... that was in March. The jungle/cave looking pic was from Puerto Rico last November and the other is just a moving van pic from a few months ago. I haven't downloaded the latest trip from Maine/New Hampshire that we all went on (mom, daughter and I) at the beginning of the month. I was going to send one of me posing with George W. Bush."

NCWANTED--The text above was written by Jason Young to an unidentified woman and posted on the internet in late June 2008"
Yeah he wanted more kids.... except for the one he murdered and the one he originally wanted aborted. What a friggin sociopath. That anyone gives this guy a pass is beyond me.

He's just another Josh Powell to me.
The 911 played in court cut out the obvious "daddy did it"

Listen, 3/4 to the end (5:01)when the phone is being transferred to the sheriff office....listen for the telephone rings...."Daddy did it"...."ok"
MF acknowledged, but she was in shock and it did not register...too bad.

Easy to hear to me...why hasn't the prosecution had this tape enhanced with a witness? Can I also just say MF was so strong and focused, yet you can hear the disbelief in her voice change to horror. I was so impressed with how she handled walking into that home and how she kept trying to stay focused and helpful at the same time being loving to CY and trying to shield her. CY is in the right home since she can't be with her mommy.
In the first trial, those utterances made by CY on the call were obscured with some white noise or altogether cut out. That was the judge's order at the time, based (I am assuming) on defense's motion to strike. This time 1 utterance was there, but the one during the transition between 911 and WCSO was not played. I don't know why. Either way, no transcript has the words CY uttered in them. Neither jury has seen those words. So they will either hear the one utterance for themselves...or not.

As for whether this call can be enhanced and discussed...don't know. Doubtful though.

Your ad on craigslist was a breath of fresh air... I'm glad there are a few ladies out there like yourself! I work in the greater Greenville area. I'm a pharmaceutical/bio-tech sales rep, so I'm all over the area. I'm a widowed young professional with a wonderful 4 year old daughter who is the center of my world. If that is a big issue, then let me know b/c we're definitely not the right fit. I would like to have another child at some point, but that's looking ahead too far I suppose. I hope the pics I sent are acceptable. I don't have any of just me, so you can see my daughter in a couple of them and my mom and daughter in the snow mobile pick from Montana... that was in March. The jungle/cave looking pic was from Puerto Rico last November and the other is just a moving van pic from a few months ago. I haven't downloaded the latest trip from Maine/New Hampshire that we all went on (mom, daughter and I) at the beginning of the month. I was going to send one of me posing with George W. Bush."

NCWANTED--The text above was written by Jason Young to an unidentified woman and posted on the internet in late June 2008"

Poor little girl looks so frightened in that picture and the way he is holding her up looks so awkward! His forearms are completely tensed like he's holding her too tightly. And his face looks like he is trying to stay composed and through gritted teeth tell her "Smile for the camera." He's psycho.
In 911 call I definitely heard Cassidy say Daddy diiiiiiii followed by more toddler talk. I really wish the 911 operator had given MF an opportunity to complete this conversation with Cassidy. It seems like he cut her off right after MF says "Did you see who did this, etc"

I agree with the Judges ruling here but think the post nap conversation should be allowed in also. Relatives SHOULD be able to clarify if biting was a problem for Cassidy. If so, only a relative would know to say that Mommy got spanked for biting.

RE: Acting out with Dolls. It seems to me that, if she saw Daddy spank mommy, she would have definitely called the grandma doll daddy during the conversation.

So, my recap here... This helps the prosecution if they can also prove that Cassidy had a problem with biting and had been disciplined previously for biting. Seems like maybe the Daycare or a family member should know this.

Your ad on craigslist was a breath of fresh air... I'm glad there are a few ladies out there like yourself! I work in the greater Greenville area. I'm a pharmaceutical/bio-tech sales rep, so I'm all over the area. I'm a widowed young professional with a wonderful 4 year old daughter who is the center of my world. If that is a big issue, then let me know b/c we're definitely not the right fit. I would like to have another child at some point, but that's looking ahead too far I suppose. I hope the pics I sent are acceptable. I don't have any of just me, so you can see my daughter in a couple of them and my mom and daughter in the snow mobile pick from Montana... that was in March. The jungle/cave looking pic was from Puerto Rico last November and the other is just a moving van pic from a few months ago. I haven't downloaded the latest trip from Maine/New Hampshire that we all went on (mom, daughter and I) at the beginning of the month. I was going to send one of me posing with George W. Bush."

NCWANTED--The text above was written by Jason Young to an unidentified woman and posted on the internet in late June 2008"

MASTER manipulator. "I don't have any photos of just me...only with my mom and my daughter..." WHAT A GUY! And "if my having a daughter is a big issue, then nix to you baby." Such a family guy, isn't he?

Where's the asterisk with the caveat: *Just omitting one small detail - I killed my wife, who was pregnant, and I did this in front of my daughter

What a pig. Where is lightning when you need it to strike?
I think it's a normal reaction for someone who is a prime suspect in the case. Did people expect him to have a sit down interview with the reporter during a basketball game? I think the sole purpose for them showing up was to get a reaction. I guess they did and ran with it and now it's all over the www that he made that terrible statement when in fact it could just be that he was upset that he was stalked at the basketball game to discuss his wife's murder. Of all places. That's what I took that statement to mean.

The media followed him everywhere and yesterday the daycare teacher admitted having to call LE because the media was stationed right in front of the daycare. Even CY had no privacy. How shameful.

I think I'd be annoyed whether I was innocent or guilty.

Totally agree with you, n/t! Couldn't have summed up my thoughts better! :)

Am I correct that CY named one doll 'mommy' but did not name the other doll?

I'm not a child psychologist, I wonder what the explanation is? I wonder if the PT would follow up the daycare worker testimony with a psychologist to testify why a child would not outright name that doll 'daddy'?

Well at 2 years and 7 months these kids aren't always a barrel of conversation. One might expect an older child, 4 or more, if doing the same thing to say "Daddy is spanking mommy because..." However if a child that young had been in the presence of a trained child psychologist they might have asked her, "Who is spanking mommy?" That poor day care worker was probably horrified and in shock that the poor little girl had likely witnessed her mother being brutally murdered and didn't think to ask such a question.
In 911 call I definitely heard Cassidy say Daddy diiiiiiii followed by more toddler talk. I really wish the 911 operator had given MF an opportunity to complete this conversation with Cassidy. It seems like he cut her off right after MF says "Did you see who did this, etc"

The utterance was cut by the court for the recording and transcript for a reason.
If she only said "Daddy diiiiii", it would have been published to the jury that way. Certainly no controversy with that utterance.
I too think media camped at CY's daycare was not cool.
However, he was not 'stalked' for his 3 years hiding in Brevard.
WRAL went 12/06, NCWanted went 10/07 and again 08/09.
That is it. 3 media attempts to talk to him in 3 years.

Your ad on craigslist was a breath of fresh air... I'm glad there are a few ladies out there like yourself! I work in the greater Greenville area. I'm a pharmaceutical/bio-tech sales rep, so I'm all over the area. I'm a widowed young professional with a wonderful 4 year old daughter who is the center of my world. If that is a big issue, then let me know b/c we're definitely not the right fit. I would like to have another child at some point, but that's looking ahead too far I suppose. I hope the pics I sent are acceptable. I don't have any of just me, so you can see my daughter in a couple of them and my mom and daughter in the snow mobile pick from Montana... that was in March. The jungle/cave looking pic was from Puerto Rico last November and the other is just a moving van pic from a few months ago. I haven't downloaded the latest trip from Maine/New Hampshire that we all went on (mom, daughter and I) at the beginning of the month. I was going to send one of me posing with George W. Bush."

This guy is an absolute douche. Poor kid.
Been thinking about CY and no diaper. If a clean diaper had been put on CY it might have easily had fingerprints transferred on it - the tape holding the front and back together and on the diaper overall.

The again CY herself could have taken her off her 'wet' diaper herself.
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