State vs Jason Lynn Young: weekend discussion 11-18 Feb 2012

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Jan 17, 2004
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I guess we need a weekend thread ... so bringing over the photo of Jason's left foot after I increased saturation: red, yellow, green. The WRAL original looked a little washed out. I'm speculating on the possible injuries.

I thought that the Judge made a powerful ruling in court today. The disjointed/disconnected thoughts after the nap helped downplay the seriousness of the implications of the Daycare Employee's observations. Accepting the focused, acting out with dolls, before-nap statements/actions and eliminating the unfocused, disconnected after-nap statements, was an endorsement of their validity. I also found it interesting to watch the Judge coax a reason for him to allow it from the prosecution ... like they didn't quite know what to request.

I think that with all those women on the jury, most likely many of theim parents, this testimony will be crucial.

The defense should have argued that they wanted the testimony to be heard in its entirety, but instead they argued that it was of little value because of the disconnected, after-nap daddy/fruit-rollup stories. The defense lost that one, but I thought they won the shoe chronicles. For me, it's a bit like watching a chess game where the defense has to out-argue the prosecution every time, but the prosecution only has to make one thing stick.
Regarding the totality of the evidence ...

"The whole is greater than the sum of the parts" ~ Aristotle

"It is only when we understand how the elements are related to each other that the talk about the whole being more than the parts becomes more than an empty phrase. ... One arrangment of a given set of parts may constitute something different from another arrangement of the same set of parts." ~ Hayek; pg34
The daycare worker cared about her students. She cared about Cassidy. That's why she was crying.

She can and does feel the pain of others - unlike Cassidy's father, imo.

That daycare worker showed more genuine emotion over the death of Michelle Young in her 15 minutes on the witness stand than JY has in 5+ years.

Remember those 5 infamous words that revealed the true nature of the slayer's soul: "You came here for THAT ???"

I agree ... she was far more emotional than the sorority sister that claimed to be a friend of the victim. Still ... she was testifying as a professional, not a friend, so I was expecting something different.
Here's the sweater ...


You came here for that?






We can't forget that Michelle did not have a gravestone for quite some time after her death because Jason appeared to have neglected to do this. I understand that Michelle's family looked after the grave, her company gave a plaque and a $10,000 reward.
... I think a powerful closing argument the prosecution could make would be to show the video from the basketball court ending with "You came here for that" That could result in a record time turn-around for a jury. It doesn't look good for Jason ... a circumstantial case where, no matter where you look, there he is.

I also think the prosecution should stop over-exposing their photos ... looks like ... got the ISO cranked.
Otto - just to add something else regarding the day care workers demeanor - the day CY displayed the behavior in daycare the worker testified about was also the LAST day CY was ever in the day care. She never came back.
I agree ... she was far more emotional than the sorority sister that claimed to be a friend of the victim. Still ... she was testifying as a professional, not a friend, so I was expecting something different.

Again, some people have empathy......
Otto - just to add something else regarding the day care workers demeanor - the day CY displayed the behavior in daycare the worker testified about was also the LAST day CY was ever in the day care. She never came back.

IIRC, she said she couldn't remember if CY was there the following day nor could she remember who picked her up on that day. But yes at some point JY told her that CY was moving and longer attending her daycare but she would be back.

When did CY stop going to the daycare?
We can't forget that Michelle did not have a gravestone for quite some time after her death because Jason appeared to have neglected to do this. I understand that Michelle's family looked after the grave, her company gave a plaque and a $10,000 reward.

Yes, it should not be lost on the jury that the Fisher's had to drive all around Wake County to find a funeral home and a grave site to bury heir loved ones, because the next of kin husband / father apparently had no interest.
Did he have more than one of the same sweaters?

The picture posted up-thread shows a crew neck wool knit sweater and also a zipper top, flat knit pullover. The only thing in common is the chest stripe and brand. (both Structure brand)

If he had a duplicate zip-top pullover, i'm sure we would have seen a photo or the actual garment presented by the defense.
The trick they played with that birthday photo was a low point.
The picture posted up-thread shows a crew neck wool knit sweater and also a zipper top, flat knit pullover. The only thing in common is the chest stripe and brand. (both Structure brand)

If he had a duplicate zip-top pullover, i'm sure we would have seen a photo or the actual garment presented by the defense.
The trick they played with that birthday photo was a low point.

ahhh ok got it. Thanks
What was the context of the "You came here for that?" comment at the basketball court? Was he arrested then or the media had just come to get a comment on the status of the investigation?

That is a disgusting picture of him by the way!
A sad day of information yesterday - but an important one.

The daycare worker - who does not appear to be a certified teacher, nor a psychologist - repeats what she saw and heard. I don't think it's a stretch that this testimony will be troubling to hear because it's about the child and I predict it will be the testimony that puts a G verdict in play for many.

The daycare worker seems quite caring - she did not appear to lead CY in any direction, ask her questions that might have been hard for her to grapple with, and, IMO did not taint the evidence. I owuld hope she's upset - it's a terrible thing to have to sit there and listen to a 2.5 year old child describe the murder of her mother - in such simple terms - when it's not even close to simple. It's also scary to think that at the end of the day, you are potentially sending this little girl home to live with the man that she watched kill her mother. I suspect she feels a little helpless.

And I am still going to contend that tracksuit doll isn't oozing estrogen...... it's no sexy Grandma.
The picture posted up-thread shows a crew neck wool knit sweater and also a zipper top, flat knit pullover. The only thing in common is the chest stripe and brand. (both Structure brand)

If he had a duplicate zip-top pullover, i'm sure we would have seen a photo or the actual garment presented by the defense.
The trick they played with that birthday photo was a low point.

Thank you. They are different sweaters. :)

When I watch videos such as this...It makes me amazed how some people will say "well everyone handles the loss of someone differently" or "he has a right not to speak". For me, this is not a natural reaction of a husband of a brutally murdered wife and irritated to be bothered...while other families of loved ones murdered would love the media to keep their loved ones on the front page hoping for answers.
When I watch videos such as this...It makes me amazed how some people will say "well everyone handles the loss of someone differently" or "he has a right not to speak". For me, this is not a natural reaction of a husband of a brutally murdered wife and irritated to be bothered...while other families of loved ones murdered would love the media to keep their loved ones on the front page hoping for answers.

I think it's a normal reaction for someone who is a prime suspect in the case. Did people expect him to have a sit down interview with the reporter during a basketball game? I think the sole purpose for them showing up was to get a reaction. I guess they did and ran with it and now it's all over the www that he made that terrible statement when in fact it could just be that he was upset that he was stalked at the basketball game to discuss his wife's murder. Of all places. That's what I took that statement to mean.

The media followed him everywhere and yesterday the daycare teacher admitted having to call LE because the media was stationed right in front of the daycare. Even CY had no privacy. How shameful.

I think I'd be annoyed whether I was innocent or guilty.
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