Statement Analysis & Related Info

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Two to add,

While recounting a story that occured in the past, the person uses present tense language, this could be just a sentence in the story, but it usually means the person is making it up as they go along rather than relying on truthful past memory.

Answering a question with a question, ie; detective asks suspect what time he left work, suspect answers with, what time did I leave work ? Sometimes means the person answering is stalling for time.
I must say, I LOVE this thread...!!!

I am no expert, but do enjoy reading about statement analysis, different techniques used to detect deception. Just watching this NG show where RC appeared. Parts of this show and the very first time he appeared on camera, the shutting of the eyes while talking about the "abduction", bothered me. It may mean nothing at all, I don't think I have read about this being any indicator of deception. So to the more knowledgeable, is this a sign of possible deception...the shutting of the eyes ? I noticed that Misty did it also during parts of her interview, specifically the one where she is sitting by her mother.
I started a thread on the Caylee forum like this, I hope that it's allright. I used some of the links that were provided by Kant, I hope that is ok too...?
I started a thread on the Caylee forum like this, I hope that it's allright. I used some of the links that were provided by Kant, I hope that is ok too...?

You get my vote, Searchfortruth! I'm so happy to see these valid techniques are finally getting some attention--all thanks to kant.

Caution: Once you start using these methods you'll be addicted to words! :biggrin:
You get my vote, Searchfortruth! I'm so happy to see these valid techniques are finally getting some attention--all thanks to kant.

Caution: Once you start using these methods you'll be addicted to words! :biggrin:
It's so so interesting isn't it ? I had only read MM's site on statement analysis, didn't know about the others that Kant has provided, but I am hooked ! Now with KC it may be easier to pick out the truths as opposed to the lies, because the truths are few and far between !
I must say, I LOVE this thread...!!!

I am no expert, but do enjoy reading about statement analysis, different techniques used to detect deception. Just watching this NG show where RC appeared. Parts of this show and the very first time he appeared on camera, the shutting of the eyes while talking about the "abduction", bothered me. It may mean nothing at all, I don't think I have read about this being any indicator of deception. So to the more knowledgeable, is this a sign of possible deception...the shutting of the eyes ? I noticed that Misty did it also during parts of her interview, specifically the one where she is sitting by her mother.

Closing the eyes shuts out the world. This can mean ‘I do not want to see what is in front of me, it is so terrible’.

Sometimes when people are talking they close their eyes. This is an equivalent to turning away so eye contact can be avoided and any implied request for the other person to speak is effectively ignored.

Visual thinkers may also close their eyes, sometimes when talking, so they can better see the internal images without external distraction.

Closing the eyes shuts out the world. This can mean ‘I do not want to see what is in front of me, it is so terrible’.

Sometimes when people are talking they close their eyes. This is an equivalent to turning away so eye contact can be avoided and any implied request for the other person to speak is effectively ignored.

Visual thinkers may also close their eyes, sometimes when talking, so they can better see the internal images without external distraction.
Thank you Emeralgem ! This is very interesting !
Hmmm. So I have to say this thread has been really interesting to say the least, and after reading some of the articles, I have to say I am changing my mind about MC.

I am specifically disturbed by the 911 call analysis, and how many indicators there are in the call that MC made. I have always thought that they were telling the truth for the most part, but now I really question that. These articles are from people who are trained in criminal behavior, so I am going on the assumption that they know better than I do.

I still think that most of this stuff applies more to MC than to RC though, so I am on the fence about him.

(OT) I am also starting to think that given the length of time that has past, it is less likely that a stranger took her or I think more tips would be coming in, not less. I think at this point that the PD should go back and start analyzing some of these statements, (if they haven't already), because unfortunately, I am starting to think something happened to Haleigh. :eek:
Sorry to repeat but think it should be considered when we read the statement.
Concerning the hound dogs stopping at the RR tracks..that is coincidently the bus stop. Also if you notice in the original statement there is a sentence blocked out. I found on another form that it said "they continued on Tyler past Chelsea's house....for some reason the LE blocked it out...maybe they didn't want for should not place a name on the statement is all I can reason.
Interview: WJXT/news4jax w/Misty C. on February 12, 2009
Background: Misty is sitting next to her mother (Lisa)
Watch Video:

IQ = Interviewer’s question
MA = Misty’s answer
MM = Misty’s mom

IQ: I can’t even imagine at my age going thru this.
MM: It’s horrible.
MA: It’s very horrible, very.
IQ: Did you hear anything?
MA: (Shaking head no) I didn’t hear anything at all, nothing. If I heard something I would have got up and I wouldn’t have let em’ take her.
IQ: So, so what happened?
MA: Okay, I put her to bed about, you know eight o’clock cause that’s her bedtime when she had school. I put her to bed and, and her blanket and my blanket, my blanket was in the van that they took so we had a blanket hanging on the window and I had to wash that and her blanket, her blanket, she had peed on it that night before I guess and I was gonna put it on her but it smelled like pee so I washed her blanket and I gave her a little sheet to cover up with and she fell asleep and I come in there and put her blanket on her and than I laid down and it was about, I mean I’m not positive what time it was, about three you know. I seen three o’clock in the morning. I got up and I got up cause I had to use the bathroom. I seen the kitchen light on and I walked in the kitchen and the backdoor was wide open. I mean, I didn’t notice about Haleigh that then until I seen the back door open and then I go back in (unintelligible) and she’s gone and that’s all I know cause when I woke up, went I went to sleep she was there and then when I woke up, she was gone.
IQ: What has that been like for you?
MA: I mean it’s been hard but I’m trying to do everything to find her you know, answer any questions I have to cause I know I didn’t do anything wit – to that little girl. I would never hurt her. I mean they love me, they love; I mean they look at me like their mom you know. Umm you guys (unintelligible), he’ll tell you, they talk about me and I’m so good to the kids, real good.
IQ: So, so you woke up and that was it, you saw the door open, did you leave the light on or did (Misty interrupts with answer)
MA: No I the (Interviewer finishes question)
IQ: they turned the light on?
MA: The lights had to get turned on cause I know them lights, I was in the hallway where the backdoor is, the dryers is right there. I was washing clothes and that backdoor was shut I mean, you know and I just wake up and it’s open.
IQ: Did you take a polygram? (I heard “polygram” but could possibly be mistaken – “polygraph” is the obvious meaning)
MA: Umm I did but I’m not supposed to talk about that. They told me not to talk about it.
IQ: But you did?
MA: Yes I did take a polygraph.
IQ: And you passed it?
MA: I mean it’s my understanding that I passed it.
IQ: What do you want people to know?
MA: I just want everybody to know that I didn’t do anything with that little girl. I loved her like she was my own and I’ll do anything to get her back and if people think I had something to do with it , if I had something to do with it, if I knew where she was, we wouldn’t be sitting here today, we would have her and I don’t know where she is.
This may be nothing at all, but I remember Casey saying the same exact thing to investigators and family right after Caylee went missing...
This was said my Misty...
"if I knew where she was, we wouldn’t be sitting here today"
Re Misty and the 911 call-- what's with the "my daughter" fiction? I mean, really, fgs she started out with a bald faced lie! Why?

The only reason I can come up with is to justify why it was her, rather than Ron, placing that call. In my mind, it adds up to Misty not feeling she was the responsible essence, she was falsely inserting herself. Thoughts?
I don't get why Misty was the one to call in the first place since the biological father was already home, it seems to me he should have been talking to the 911 dispatcher fom the beginning. I guess her reference to Haleigh being "her daughter" could have been to lend her credibility ? After watching the links Kant gave us about 911 callers and innocent vs. the guilty, I like this 911 call placed by Misty and Ron even less.
This thread has been very informative! Thanks Kant! It only reinforces what I've thought all along.... That 911 call always sounded fake to me.
Good point, Kolokolo;

Also, who (or rather, what innocent person) starts their 911 call with an alibi??


Is it an alibi or just an attempt to show what was happening? People are not always in full control when they call 911 in an emergency.
I am just listening to the 911 call again and the first time Ron gets on the phone with the dispatcher is 3 minutes into the call. The first thing he says is "I just got home from work and my five year old daughter is gone, I need someone to be here now, I'm telling you if I find whoever has my daughter before ya'll do I'm killing them, I don't care, I'll spend the rest of my life in prison, I don't care.You can put it on recording I don't care" This is 3 minutes into the 911 call, during those 3 minutes Ron is walking around talking about how could his gf have let someone steal his daughter...we don't hear him yelling Haleigh's name, rather we hear him blaming the 17 year old and threatening the "person" who took his daughter and contemplating spending the rest of his life in prison ? He is also thinking about the fact that 911 calls are recorded, where in this parent's mind should there have been thoughts of calls being recorded and him "catching" the person who did this...The following was copied from the link provided by Kant, "911 Calls and Statement Analysis".

"Forty-four percent of the 911 homicide callers included extraneous information in their call. Of those, 96 percent were guilty of the offense, and only 4 percent were innocent. Extraneous information was the strongest indicator of guilt in the study."

Then in that first very emotional interview of Ron crying, going down to the ground, upset over his daughter being missing, he says, "I would give my life for my childs life back". I thought this was a telling statement.

On Greta's interview with Ron and Misty, Misty looks scared to death and more like Ronald's daughter than a girlfriend. When she does speak her story sounds rehearsed, like she's reading it from a script. There is no emotion included in the story, although they both look nervous, Ron especially, if there is only one truth to be told there should be no nervousness about telling the story. You would expect emotions to come up when retelling a true horrific event from memory, their retelling of the story includes no emotions one would normally expect. In short, their nervousness seems to come from getting the story straight instead of from the actual memory of the event.
Is it an alibi or just an attempt to show what was happening? People are not always in full control when they call 911 in an emergency.

I guess I cant get past the 911 call ... the call by Misty, the first thing she sez is "Hi".

I am no expert by any means, but the "Hi" greeting or whatever you wanna call it, sounds to me like she was in control ... JMHO

I want to add for clarification, the audio sounds like she sez "Ummm", I thought I read the transcript that states she sez "Hi." I could be wrong!

Here it is: Read The 911 Transcript: Part 1
* Eyes look up and away when about to answer
* Rubbing the eye as a distraction
* Laughing, it is usually nerves
* Fidgeting or leg bouncing
* A forced cough
* Ummmm, or pausing too long to think of the answer

With Ron, I noticed when he was on Nancy Grace the last time he was snigging his nose alot, what came to my mind was a drug habit.
This is a little off topic but not really...Has anyone heard Nadya Suleman's 911 call when she THOUGHT her son was missing? The contrast between her out of control screaming and threats to kill HERSELF and Ron/Misty's relatively calm and threats to kill someone else---is enlightening, IMO...

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