Stephen Powell Arrested in Washington State #2

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Last night on 20/20 or dateline it was revealed that Josh tried suicide as a teenager by HANGING himself.
Yet SP kept a HANGMAN NOOSE in his own house?
Was this some saddistic way of taunting jp of his past?
SP is the root of most of this EVIL. JMOO

A violent ex I left always had a noose in his belongings. It bothered me, he tried to say it was a stage prop for Halloween haunted house. Found out later he attempted suicide by hanging as a teen. Then again in the army to get out. He later attempted it again when I broke up with him. He tried to hang himself in the tree in my yard but caused so much chaos the neighbors called the police. I don't think he was serious about suicide but liked the attention he received from the attempts. But, he was volatile and crazy so, I could be wrong. It was the same rope.
He has serious mental problems just like Josh, was sexually abused as a child.
He threatened to kill me many times and the threats turned to violence and actual attempts.

This is a huge red flag to me.
A violent ex I left always had a noose in his belongings. It bothered me, he tried to say it was a stage prop for Halloween haunted house. Found out later he attempted suicide by hanging as a teen. Then again in the army to get out. He later attempted it again when I broke up with him. He tried to hang himself in the tree in my yard but caused so much chaos the neighbors called the police. I don't think he was serious about suicide but liked the attention he received from the attempts. But, he was volatile and crazy so, I could be wrong. It was the same rope.
He has serious mental problems just like Josh, was sexually abused as a child.
He threatened to kill me many times and the threats turned to violence and actual attempts.

This is a huge red flag to me.

:hug: Thank God you survived.
Father-in-law dragged deeper into Powell saga

In a folder on his work computer labeled "Personal Pics," Steve Powell maintained a peculiar collection of photos: 55 depicting his daughter-in-law Susan but few if any showing his son.

Powell's work computer has a batch of photos of Susan Powell, though none appear to be sexual. They depict her and the kids opening Christmas presents and out during Halloween. A few show Susan Powell and the kids more formally dressed. It's not clear who the photographer is.

Pierce County Prosecutor Mark Lindquist, who is overseeing the voyeurism prosecution, said it's his understanding from the images collected that Susan Powell is the subject of much of Steve Powell's photographic attention.
Father-in-law dragged deeper into Powell saga

In a folder on his work computer labeled "Personal Pics," Steve Powell maintained a peculiar collection of photos: 55 depicting his daughter-in-law Susan but few if any showing his son.

Powell's work computer has a batch of photos of Susan Powell, though none appear to be sexual. They depict her and the kids opening Christmas presents and out during Halloween. A few show Susan Powell and the kids more formally dressed. It's not clear who the photographer is.

Pierce County Prosecutor Mark Lindquist, who is overseeing the voyeurism prosecution, said it's his understanding from the images collected that Susan Powell is the subject of much of Steve Powell's photographic attention.

the article says: "Authorities said this week that he is a person of interest in her 2009 disappearance in Utah."
I haven't heard that before!
One thought about this is that we'd really need to know how he tried.

Because I have thought all along that the noose found in SP's house is a noose used for sexual purposes, for autoerotic asphyxiation. I do wonder whether JP was suicidal as a teenager, or experimenting sexually. Either would make sense, since he also seemed homicidal towards his mother.

I do doubt that SP was the source, or only source. I think we would learn that SP was "initiated" by some other man and/or woman into this behavior and he continued it, with the assistance of a lot of *advertiser censored*.

BBM You know I never gave the sexual part a thought til now.
I'm araid a young neighbor of mine did that a few years ago...........
IMO, I was shocked that jp would suicide in a messy horribly painful way.
IMO he was the type to do something like poison or OD.
I never imagined he would want to be dirty.....KWIM?
The writing was on the wall seeing him video to video,
but to go the way he did and whathe did to Susan's sons is beyond
my wildest thoughts.
BBM You know I never gave the sexual part a thought til now.
I'm araid a young neighbor of mine did that a few years ago...........
IMO, I was shocked that jp would suicide in a messy horribly painful way.
IMO he was the type to do something like poison or OD.
I never imagined he would want to be dirty.....KWIM?
The writing was on the wall seeing him video to video,
but to go the way he did and whathe did to Susan's sons is beyond
my wildest thoughts.

It would be interesting to know if JP had been a firebug in the past. IMO, fire is "cleaner" than, for instance, shooting or stabbing. I'm sure psychologists will have a field day with this one for some time to come, especially with the hatchet plus fire plus the staged house plus all the last activities plus the bizarre father - if scripted, this would be turned down in Hollywood as implausible.
SP's mother ran away from his father and took the kids to California. He tracked them down and they "reconciled". He then took the kids (SP included) and his parents went on the run in a motor home with the kids - hiding them from SP's mother. For the grandparents of SP to go on the run with the kids, it makes one wonder what they were like. How far back does the "hatred" of women go?

Last night on 20/20 or dateline it was revealed that Josh tried suicide as a teenager by HANGING himself.
Yet SP kept a HANGMAN NOOSE in his own house?
Was this some saddistic way of taunting jp of his past?
SP is the root of most of this EVIL. JMOO

IMO I too think that SP is the root of the evil Josh carried out.
I read a blog once written by SP about that time of being taken from his mother and he said they NEVER heard from her or ABOUT her again and weren't allowed to talk about her...also I got the feeling that he didn't care much for the grandparents, that they weren't your typical loving grandparents. OK, that being said, I've always wondered if SP knows or suspects that his father and/or the grandparents did away with (killed) his mother. I suspect that back when SP was a child getting rid of her wouldn't have been as hard as it is now...not as much media/LE/etc. I believe that all of that had a great deal to do with how SP treated Josh's mother and how Josh was taught to treat Susan. Generations of terrible dysfunction.
SP has chosen to envoke the 5th!

Hey Bubba!!!! Want a new "friend"?

Generally speaking, one doesn't need to take the 5th if one has nothing incriminating to be discovered. Especially now with Josh gone, why can't he just blame the whole thing on him? The fact that he is taking the 5th says a whole lot to me. I believe more than ever that SP knows exactly where Susan is and will keep it to himself just to torture the Coxes even more. I hope he stays in prison for many, many years. Until he is dead.

Hard to believe Susan and Josh's two fathers--Chuck and Stephen--could be such polar opposites in integrity and quality.
The man's an utter narcissist. He won't be able to go without speaking to someone. He's got to have an audience.

Yes but the trouble is, narcissists are so good at running their mouths while not saying anything at all. They just like the sound of their own voice!
I wonder what a comment from the DA would do. Something like this;

"I don't think Stephen is smart enough to carry out a crime like this, so I think his pleading the fifth is just a ploy to make us believe he was involved so he looks smarter than he is."

IMO, that would punch SP's buttons enough to get him to talk. JMO
It would be interesting to know if JP had been a firebug in the past. IMO, fire is "cleaner" than, for instance, shooting or stabbing. I'm sure psychologists will have a field day with this one for some time to come, especially with the hatchet plus fire plus the staged house plus all the last activities plus the bizarre father - if scripted, this would be turned down in Hollywood as implausible.

BBM. I would be interested as well. We see arson in the past of the more diabolical killers. They use fire for financial gain, get rid of people or burdens. Sometime accomplishing all three in one event. Fire seems to be cathartic for them. An opportunity to clean the slate and start over. Diabolical is what it is.
IMO I too think that SP is the root of the evil Josh carried out.
I read a blog once written by SP about that time of being taken from his mother and he said they NEVER heard from her or ABOUT her again and weren't allowed to talk about her...also I got the feeling that he didn't care much for the grandparents, that they weren't your typical loving grandparents. OK, that being said, I've always wondered if SP knows or suspects that his father and/or the grandparents did away with (killed) his mother. I suspect that back when SP was a child getting rid of her wouldn't have been as hard as it is now...not as much media/LE/etc. I believe that all of that had a great deal to do with how SP treated Josh's mother and how Josh was taught to treat Susan. Generations of terrible dysfunction.

My prediction of what we will learn is along these lines. SP's mother found, like Susan, that she'd married into a crazy family, probably with some sickness along these lines from the grandfather and grandmother. She fled with the kids very far away, to Ohio (IIRC), but she was suckered or smooth-talked or blackmailed or threatened into reconciling. Then they took the kids and ran with them.

It seems we do know that she was not killed at that point because she found them and came back into their lives, although interesting to me, it seems that when she found happiness again and remarried, he died soon after. It sure would be interesting to know what those circumstances were. It would also be interesting to know where she is now, or how long she lived and what were the circumstances of her death.
One thought about this is that we'd really need to know how he tried.

Because I have thought all along that the noose found in SP's house is a noose used for sexual purposes, for autoerotic asphyxiation. I do wonder whether JP was suicidal as a teenager, or experimenting sexually. Either would make sense, since he also seemed homicidal towards his mother.

I do doubt that SP was the source, or only source. I think we would learn that SP was "initiated" by some other man and/or woman into this behavior and he continued it, with the assistance of a lot of *advertiser censored*.

I keep hearing that JP tried committing suicide but not the details of why, did he leave a letter, did they put him in a mental hospital for 24 monitoring, did they put him on medication, and a whole lot of other questions.

Or did JP not try to commit suicide and was using the noose for the erotic asphyxiation and the act went wrong. The parents just said it was suicide to cover up his sick act?

JP, IMO was a narcissistic, psychopath. Narcissists, psychopaths love themselves too much to commit suicide.

That is one of the reasons I question if LE are positive it was JP's body in the fire and he didn't take the cash he withdrew, set the house on fire and skipped out the backdoor and fled the country to start a new life.
The news that JP may have tried to commit suicide really hit me hard. I got to thinking of that in relation to the P's allegations about Susan's teen journals and what they said it meant. How they claimed that those showed how unstable she was. Yet she never really tried to commit suicide and he did. So what does that say about him? I wish the news on that had come out when he and SP were making all the allegations about the journals.
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