Steven Powell arrested in Washington State

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Most disgusting family ever? There is another one in close competition, but this one overall might be worse...

I listened to those songs. FREAK.
Several types of individuals are interested in meeting their sexual desires with adults and children. The subtypes regressed pedophile and immature pedophile are more frequently interested in adults, but in stressful situations or during drug/alcohol use, they can become more interested in children. Some individuals who seek children for sexual gratification are psychopaths. They demonstrate a consistent violation against social norms and can be predatory towards children as well as other living creatures.

verified psychiatric mental health nurse

Your post reminds me of David Westerfield. He was a peeping tom and was into adult women and children. As it turned out he was a pedophile and a murderer.
CPS is an unchecked government agency. The caseworker does what he/she subjectively feels is correct and no one but a judge can stop his/her actions. CPS can remove children from homes if only one parent takes illegal drugs, if one parent calls the police about a domestic dispute, if a toddler somehow manages to get a door open and wanders outside on the porch, and thousands of other reasons. CPS took a mom's newborn baby in my town right after her delivery for 5 day because her drug screen was positive. She ate a poppy seed bagel sometime in the week before her delivery.....not kidding.

CPS was removing children from moms INSIDE one of the battered women's shelters in my city (after the moms had moved OUT of the abusive homes). CPS stated they must remove the children because these mothers were negligent. They had the children in a dangerous environment (even though they had moved out). The women are now told when applying for gov. benefits to NOT tell anyone they are applying for benefits because they had to move into a battered women's shelter.

CPS will likely state that JP's children were in a "dangerous environment" and JP was negligent for not removing them from this environment.

I kind of agree, and disagree at the same time lol.

CPS/DSS/LE/whoever it is in any area- are pretty much forced to make a very swift decision when taking a child or children into emergency protective care if they are alerted to a situation or respond to a situation that has or may place children in danger.

But I don't think most cases are unwarranted- at least in the moment, kwim?

For example it's possible that when LE executed the warrant on SP's home-and if JP and the children were there- there was a domestic disturbance in process and LE deemed it a dangerous environment for the children.

There are a LOT of possibilities, unfortunately. :(

My very humble opinion, of course. I hope the children are safe now.
Ed Troyer told the Ron and Don show that they've only gone through 5% of the pictures. There don't seem to be any taken of the boys, or of little boys in general.

Here's my guess/opinion about the boys being taken away...

When the cops first found the pictures, they probably immediately skimmed through as many as possible to determine if the boys were being abused. No way would they have sat on this for a few weeks if that was the case.

Not finding any of the boys, the next step was to gather enough evidence to make sure he was off the street for a long time while they went through the rest. It sounds like they focused on the neighbor girls, because they could tell that there were pictures that could only be taken from Steven Powell's bedroom window, so between that and their age, the judge would set a high bail.

The justification CPS probably used was that the grandpa had kiddie *advertiser censored*, could get out on bail, can't say conclusively that the boys were't being abused, and Josh doesn't appear to have an easy way to move out. They've certainly taken away kids for less.

I'm not sure it will be a slam dunk for the Coxes to get them though. The restraining order against them could be a problem. The lack of charges against Josh is a huge problem. I think if he can somehow find alternate housing, he gets the kids back. We know he's broke, does he have any friends that would take them in? Extended family?
Did Susan work Sundays?
I thought Josh was supposed to think it was Sunday and that's why he wasn't at work himself. Why did he say Susan was at work? Wouldn't she have been at home or in church or something, on a Sunday?

Edit: I should read the thread before posting, I see gwenabob already posted this question.

You are right, this is one of the holes and inconsistencies in Josh's story from the beginning. Now you can see why everyone began questioning his from the beginning. It has more holes than swiss cheese!
While I feel for the children being taken away from their father I hope Susans Dad gets custody of them. I have always felt Josh murdered Susan and then he wouldn't let Susans Dad even see the children. There is no reason for that action. I hope they find Susan and Josh pays for his crime.
Your post reminds me of David Westerfield. He was a peeping tom and was into adult women and children. As it turned out he was a pedophile and a murderer.

Interesting case thanks. Some highlights:

Some of the computers and loose computer media in Westerfield's office contained *advertiser censored*, although his attorneys argued that the police originally reported not finding child *advertiser censored*.[12] According to the prosecution computer expert, James Watkins, 100,000 images were found, including 8,000 to 10,000 nude images and 80 that could be considered child *advertiser censored*.[13] The materials included brief movie clips that featured an underage girl being raped by one man while another man restrained her. These clips, including the sound of the girl struggling, were played in the courtroom.[13] In all, two sets of movie clips, six animated cartoons, and 13 still images taken from computers, zip disks, or CD-Roms in David Westerfield's home were shown, each featuring underage girls.[13]

About three days before Danielle Van Dam's disappearance, Danielle and Brenda sold Girl Scout cookies to Westerfield who invited them into his home and chatted with Brenda[citation needed].

When the trial was over, the media, quoting unnamed police sources, reported that Westerfield's lawyers were just minutes away from negotiating a plea bargain when a private citizen's group, started by the Laura Recovery Center and concerned local citizens, found Danielle's body. According to these reports, under the deal, Westerfield would have taken police to the site where she was located in exchange for life without parole.[17] Both the prosecution and the defense declined to comment on these reports.[18][19]

On February 22, police arrested Westerfield for Danielle's kidnapping after two small stains of her blood were found on his clothing and in his motor home. Danielle's severely decomposed body was found February 27.[5] Westerfield did not have a criminal record. His attorneys suggested that the police were in a rush to solve the case, and declined to consider other suspects.

So he knew where the body was, attorney was negotiating a deal, but a group of people found her body first, and he is now on death row.
I don't know that it will be that hard for the Coxes to get the boys. In Kyron Horman's case, Kaine got custody of his daughter from the mother because the mother is suspected of harming Kyron. The mother would have to defend herself in the court and she refused as she's said not to be cooperating in the investigation. Since they are saying Josh isn't cooperating, it might be the same scenario. And with them possibly being exposed to child *advertiser censored* in the home, even more so.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this will keep them from Josh.
Interesting case thanks. Some highlights:

So he knew where the body was, attorney was negotiating a deal, but a group of people found her body first, and he is now on death row.

Yes and that is something that JP needs to consider. If they find Susan's remains it will be death row for anyone involved. But if he got an attorney he could possibly work out a deal that allowed him better terms in exhange for helping find her.
Sorry if this was already posted -- I go in and out of watching this case because it's making me NUTS -- but, this totally sinks any idea that Susan left her family or her boys willingly. Can you imagine any mother leaving her kids with these two -- particularly the father-in-law? No way....not that I ever believed it, but she would never leave her boys to be partially raised by a sexual pervert.
Question just occurred to me, perhaps someone with knowledge in this area would know:

Would Josh's sister Jennifer have a better shot at short or long term custody of the children? I realize she is not involved in it, and she may not want the responsibility or the trouble or legal woes or attention or pain of dealing with her father and the rest of her family. I wouldn't blame her one bit, I wouldn't want it, either. But I just wondered if her chances would be better than the Coxes'.
I kind of agree, and disagree at the same time lol.

CPS/DSS/LE/whoever it is in any area- are pretty much forced to make a very swift decision when taking a child or children into emergency protective care if they are alerted to a situation or respond to a situation that has or may place children in danger.

But I don't think most cases are unwarranted- at least in the moment, kwim?

For example it's possible that when LE executed the warrant on SP's home-and if JP and the children were there- there was a domestic disturbance in process and LE deemed it a dangerous environment for the children.

There are a LOT of possibilities, unfortunately. :(

My very humble opinion, of course. I hope the children are safe now.
I was a foster parent for 17 years. The system needs an overhaul nationally,but it's the only chance many kids have right now. I pray it works for Susan's boys.
Question just occurred to me, perhaps someone with knowledge in this area would know:

Would Josh's sister Jennifer have a better shot at short or long term custody of the children? I realize she is not involved in it, and she may not want the responsibility or the trouble or legal woes or attention or pain of dealing with her father and the rest of her family. I wouldn't blame her one bit, I wouldn't want it, either. But I just wondered if her chances would be better than the Coxes'.

I think either way it's going to rub Josh the wrong way. I think that given Jennifer has 5 children of her own, that would add a heavy burden on her family (not necessarily an unwanted burden, just saying she probably has her hands full). I have no doubt that Jennifer fully supports the Coxes having custody of the boys. I think she would want what Susan would want. Given the situation, I think Susan would want her boys with her parents.
You know who I would like to hear from? The sister who lives in the P home, her ex. Wasn't she married at one point? I would like to hear from her ex. Now as a male he would know a lot about that home, and the dynamics of the family.
I think either way it's going to rub Josh the wrong way. I think that given Jennifer has 5 children of her own, that would add a heavy burden on her family (not necessarily an unwanted burden, just saying she probably has her hands full). I have no doubt that Jennifer fully supports the Coxes having custody of the boys. I think she would want what Susan would want. Given the situation, I think Susan would want her boys with her parents.

Yes, makes total sense. Thanks for the response.
I don't know that it will be that hard for the Coxes to get the boys. In Kyron Horman's case, Kaine got custody of his daughter from the mother because the mother is suspected of harming Kyron. The mother would have to defend herself in the court and she refused as she's said not to be cooperating in the investigation. Since they are saying Josh isn't cooperating, it might be the same scenario. And with them possibly being exposed to child *advertiser censored* in the home, even more so.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this will keep them from Josh.

Nancy Cooper's family was also awarded temporary custody of her children - after her body was found, but months before her husband was arrested and charged with her murder. He, also, was not cooperating with police. I believe the reasoning by the judge who awarded custody was, that with the ongoing investigation of Nancy's murder, and the fact that Brad had not been eliminated as a POI in the ongoing investigation (indeed the focus had primarily been on him from the outset) that he was under too much emotional stress to care adequately for the children. As I recall, the custody order became more permanent after he was arrested.

I wouldn't think a court would allow Susan's children to remain in the home of a suspected voyeur, who might possibly also be a sex offender (did he send the photos of his private parts to a minor, for example).
Nancy Cooper's family was also awarded temporary custody of her children - after her body was found, but months before her husband was arrested and charged with her murder. He, also, was not cooperating with police. I believe the reasoning by the judge who awarded custody was, that with the ongoing investigation of Nancy's murder, and the fact that Brad had not been eliminated as a POI in the ongoing investigation (indeed the focus had primarily been on him from the outset) that he was under too much emotional to care adequately for the children. As I recall, the custody order became more permanent after he was arrested.

I wouldn't think a court would allow Susan's children to remain in the home of a suspected voyeur, who might possibly also be a sex offender (did he send the photos of his private parts to a minor, for example).

Jacque Waller's sister was awarded custody of her triplets right off the bat, but we have since learned that he was threatening the sister. I don't know if the threats came before or after the custody issue, however.

We're starting to see more and more of these types of rulings and during a murder investigation, I'm glad they are taking the safer route by removing the kids.
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