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Hello WS :)

(I am just jumping in...I know many of you have been following this forever...please excuse my ignorance and know that I hold no particular opinion I am trying to prove.)

First: is it correct for me to think that this whole investigation was done in a poor manner?

Second: With the theory that the Rs did it...why would they call the police at all? I have read the RN where it says not to call LE(and it is odd that they did not follow the instructions, but lets say PR was too upset and wanted LE to help)and I understand WS is asking that question on threads but...

if the whole thing was done by JR and PR and they are the ones who wanted to cover this up...why ever call LE? Why not take her body out in a way no one could tell...put her on a plane and come up with something better than strangling her and making it look like she was sexually violated? They were in the house alone. Who knew she was even missing? No one but the Rs. Even if the son was responsible wouldn't it be better to keep it quiet? opinion leans toward "Ramseys did it" so...asking this question does not make me happy but I have to ask. It seems like guilty people would not call the police at all?

Help me to see the error of my thinking WS!:blowkiss:

Honestly this is a good question.. Now the way you put that got me wondering maybe they was and that's why the R's put in they sometimes took the kids to the plane in their pj's so they could still sleep..But the thing that got me about the 911 call why did JR let PR make it I mean he was the calm one according to Det.Arndt..
I think he just couldn't do it.But he knew she can,after all,she was the drama queen.
And i also think they needed to end it somehow(it never did though,hm the irony),John being restless,going in and out,I think he wanted her to be found,he couldn't stand the pressure anymore?
I think they thought if they did call the police against the ransom note threats not to it would make them look like they were trying to find their daughter as quick as they could and certainly had nothing to do with it, look we called the police Mr. Dumb District Attorney what more could we do at the time? Since I believe Patsy, with John's help, wrote the ransom note they had no fear of calling the police because they already knew sweet JonBenet's fate.
Hello WS:)

If John or Patsy were the ones who killed JB, if it was one of them and the other one was in the "dark" then that would be the reason LE was called.

I did not say that well. The WS on the threads that are saying that JR and PR were "cold and distant" to each other that morning(and after) make me think that might be the explanation as to why they were not "united."

If John killed JB then ran to get Patsy to lie to her...then she might have reason to go along with writing a ransom note and then being the one to call LE.

In fact: I have always thought it was Patsy who "did it" but right now I see JR as the one and he roped PR into his lie/crime. It was she who died of the cancer not him...:eek:

He didn't feel guilty...he is the evil one.

(Just artsy speculation based on my current emotion regarding this case not to be taken as gospel) But, what an "unlucky man" to have two daughters die both who have "gossip" of having been molested by their father, a wife with ovarian cancer whom he did not go with to treatment and later dies of said disease, he is falsely accused of one of his daughter's deaths. His political career has gone south and his fortune/business because of this case, how much more can happen to one man?

I guess it is good he found the comfort in a woman who also lost a daughter to boys falsely accused of being murderers. A god fearing man such as JR must look up to the heavens and say: "god, what have I done to deserve this?" Or maybe his faith is stronger than mine...maybe he does not question the universe...:waitasec:

Well first about calling the LE well if they did plan something else what changed their way of thinking maybe they found out BR was awake...
Hi Chiquita71,

I too have thought all along how odd it was to have 2 daughters dead, both with uncertain circumstances, with rumors of molestation floating around and another daughter whose profession is Child Psychologist. JR gives me the creeps, he is to cold and uncaring and he is up to his eyeballs in this crime IMO. Oh no I was hoping Beth Holloway Twitty had come to her senses by now.
ITA with both of you re John.Patsy was the artistic beauty drama queen but IMO John was the brain in that house.He IS very smart.And I never thought the garotte was Patsy's idea/tool/toy,whatever,it has John written all over it IMO.If we look at the evidence it seems it was him who cleaned her maybe even redressed her.He was the calm,organized,calculated,detached one.Patsy must have been very instable back when it happened and after.There was a time when I thought she did it,not anymore,I think it was him.
Hello WS :)

(I am just jumping in...I know many of you have been following this forever...please excuse my ignorance and know that I hold no particular opinion I am trying to prove.)

First: is it correct for me to think that this whole investigation was done in a poor manner?

Started off bad, got progressively worse.

Second: With the theory that the Rs did it...why would they call the police at all? I have read the RN where it says not to call LE(and it is odd that they did not follow the instructions, but lets say PR was too upset and wanted LE to help)and I understand WS is asking that question on threads but...

if the whole thing was done by JR and PR and they are the ones who wanted to cover this up...why ever call LE?

I've been asked that many times. And I keep coming back to the same answers. Notice I say answerS, plural. Because I think there were several reasons:

1) Mostly because they had no choice. They had planned their trip the day after Christmas weeks in advance. EVERYONE, and I do mean everyone, in town knew they had to leave early. Not the least of which was their private pilot. If they didn't show up, someone would have come looking for them. That would have completely ruined their house of cards. Better to feed LE misinformation right off that bat and try to control the outcome.

2) Like Becky319 says, they had to at least LOOK like they were doing everything they could do.

3 is coming.

Why not take her body out in a way no one could tell...put her on a plane and come up with something better than strangling her and making it look like she was sexually violated?

3) Someone asked me that a while ago. My answer was simple: that wouldn't have worked. What would they have told the pilot? "Oh, don't mind JB, she's just tired." Like Weekend at Bernie's. Nobody's THAT stupid. Or, JR had a pilot's license. He could have called and said "You take the day off. I'll fly us." Then JB turns up dead. He'd still get hinky. But even assuming the pilot WAS that stupid, they weren't going directly to Florida. They were going to Michigan first to meet with the rest of the extended family. They couldn't just ditch. Everyone would be worried about what happened to them. One of them would have figured something out. The Rs couldn't claim the plane was hijacked, because it was THEIR plane. They couldn't claim the Boat was hijacked, because no one else on the Boat would have told the same story. Either way, they couldn't risk being seen with what would have been by then a dead body.

As for something better than making it look like a pedophile crime, do you know any other crime that really strikes at the guts of Middle Americans? Last week, I was telling my buddy voynich that when you study these crimes, a pattern emerges. When staging crimes or creating phony suspects, those seeking to dissemble will usually try to play on popular fears.

They were in the house alone.

Exactly: no witnesses. Even if one were to turn on the other, it would still be one's word against the other. Sort of like it is now. (Check out the "cross-fingerpointing defense" thread.) opinion leans toward "Ramseys did it" so...asking this question does not make me happy but I have to ask.

If anyone understands, it's me, Chiquita.

It seems like guilty people would not call the police at all?

The Menendez brothers did!

Help me to see the error of my thinking WS!:blowkiss:

Was I any help?
I have a few questions even though the might had done been asked..

1) Why did grown-ups helped JB in the bathroom at 6 years old..
2) Was the reason why FW daughter hid so well in the White's home,they had to call 911 to find her ever known.
3) And when BR said JB walked in the house the night she died could this have be staged also to cause more conflict to their story..
I have more but I will stop here..
I have a few questions even though the might had done been asked..

1) Why did grown-ups helped JB in the bathroom at 6 years old..
Because she had toileting issues, and wasn't good at wiping herself. I used to work in a Pre-school...that had a kindergarten. There was a five year old boy (his mom was a nurse)...with the same issue. I was shocked!
2) Was the reason why FW daughter hid so well in the White's home,they had to call 911 to find her ever known.
Don't know the answer to that one...sorry.
3) And when BR said JB walked in the house the night she died could this have be staged also to cause more conflict to their story..
I have more but I will stop here..
IMO...Burke said that JB walked into the house the night she died...and helped to carry gifts in...because that is exactly what happened. J and P are the ones that said that she was sleeping. I would lean more toward believing Burke, than J and P, who lie their faces off.
Hello WS

(Yes. You did help SuperDave. Thanks Bunches):)

Can anyone send me in the direction of...or has there ever been any looking into by WS RE: JR first daughters accident? Are there any documents we can see regarding that case?

I have a few questions even though the might had done been asked..

1) Why did grown-ups helped JB in the bathroom at 6 years old..
2) Was the reason why FW daughter hid so well in the White's home,they had to call 911 to find her ever known.
3) And when BR said JB walked in the house the night she died could this have be staged also to cause more conflict to their story..
I have more but I will stop here..

1) Because no one could be bothered to properly train her in toileting.

2) Not to me. Maybe Daphne was just a real talent at hide-and-seek.

3) I doubt it.
One of my biggest :confused: is why lie about whether she was awake or asleep if she ate the pineapple or not, why was that such an important point in MO of the Ramsey's lie. So she was awake and ate pineapple and then Patsy put her to bed. To me that is one of the biggest + side's to the RDI theory.

Help I think I can't see the forest for the trees you know what I mean.:bang:
I know how they lied about eating pineapple and her being awake just don't make much sense at all, and really I often thought if they was innocence their lawyers would be right there to say let's prove your innocence but instead they made sure the R's didn't talk and help them arranged the interviews so in a way this could lead one to believe in their guilt..
kids can be excellent at hiding,and for no good reason,'s like a game to them...SEE if you can find them.they don't think of the ensuing panic in the parents' mind !! they can think of places no adult would even think to look!
I know that to be true..Now I been wondering about this walk-in frig..If JB was put there with the garrote and ropes if the garrote was placed in a fashion to hold her up could this cause a deeper mark on her neck..
I don't know,but there is something about the fridge as far as evidence goes,IMO,seeing as JR sure was trying to account for his fresh prints on it in DOI.
Now that is strange even after everything done and said JR had to bring up the walk in their book.. Parts of my being don't believe JB was in the WC not until JR went back at 10:00 that morning..
I know how they lied about eating pineapple and her being awake just don't make much sense at all, and really I often thought if they was innocence their lawyers would be right there to say let's prove your innocence but instead they made sure the R's didn't talk and help them arranged the interviews so in a way this could lead one to believe in their guilt..

Hi Ravyn,

That's what I've been wondering about lately within the IDI scenario ..... all the expectations and critiques of the Rs behaviour. I mean if they were advised by their lawyers to evade certain answers or to misdirect, why wouldn't they? Even if they had fed JBR the pineapple why wouldn't they have lied for their own self preservation, given that they claimed to have believed that the investigation was tring to railroad them?

From what I've read. it's difficult to point to an outright lie by the Ramseys.

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