Stranger Abduction Theories #3

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I think that a good example of this is the Chandra Levy case. Hype died down when a career criminal was charged, I think that a lot of people probably don't even know that he has been tried and sentenced.

I totally agree. if kyron's abductor is ever caught - I hope it happens before he kidnaps again.
If Kyron was kidnapped and murdered by a stranger, there is no doubt in my mind that the killer will strike again. Someone who commits a crime of that caliber does not just stop and go on leading a law abiding life. Predators tend to escalate, so if he "succeeded" at kidnapping a child from the school, next he'l try kidnapping a child from their bedroom. I would think this killer would wait until the media attention had almost or completely faded before striking again. I'm not a profiler or anything; these are just observations I've made from reading about cases.
I think its very possible a stranger took Kyron out of the school that day.
There was no security or school policy about strangers in the school anyone was free to walk in and out no questions asked.

Im sure Terri was up to no good that day and was maybe seeing someone but im not so sure she is guilty of hurting Kyron.

No one saw her leave and no one saw kyron. iT SEEMS no one SAW anything.
Which i find very strange......
I have gone to school functions and yes we had to sign in and out and get the visitors badge but upon leaving id stop and talk to like diff moms and teachers even in the parking lot wave to someone.

So i just find it ODD no one saw them....

BBM People never see what they always see. This says to me whomever lured/took Kyron was very familiar to the environment and Kyron, someone who had a right/reason to be there. The perp did not need to be a "stranger" in the sense that no one knew who they were, but rather in the sense that a "stranger" was not a part of the family.

If it was someone who worked for the school, or another parent, would it be called a "stranger" abduction? If not, what would we call it?
I know there is very little to discuss in this case, for months now, but I still think about it all the time and like to hash it is depressing to me that the only really active place these days is over at "Blink", which perpetuates some of the wackiest theories, often as facts...

The more time that passes, the more I am willing to consider a total stranger abduction. I am having a hard time buying that TH, with or without cronies, pulled off such a stellar crime to have twisted LE into a year-long muddle. Maybe they need to think in a more simple way, instead of hoping that computers and emails will deliver the answers. I have never believed that LE can know the identity of everyone who was in that school on June 4th, or will ever know.
I know there is very little to discuss in this case, for months now, but I still think about it all the time and like to hash it is depressing to me that the only really active place these days is over at "Blink", which perpetuates some of the wackiest theories, often as facts...

The more time that passes, the more I am willing to consider a total stranger abduction. I am having a hard time buying that TH, with or without cronies, pulled off such a stellar crime to have twisted LE into a year-long muddle. Maybe they need to think in a more simple way, instead of hoping that computers and emails will deliver the answers. I have never believed that LE can know the identity of everyone who was in that school on June 4th, or will ever know.

What is LE doing right now? Are they just waiting until someone finds Kyron's body and hoping that it will yield clues? I really hope they didn't get too absorbed in the "Terri did it" theory that the "window" to investigate a stranger abduction has passed. I also am becoming more open to the idea that a stranger committed to this crime as the time goes by. But then again, a lot of crimes go unsolved and they weren't all done by super skilled criminals; sometimes they just get "lucky".
What I wonder is if Terri had lots of illicit behavior going on behind the scenes in her marriage/life and all of it came out when Kyron went missing, but she isn't actually the perpetrator.

I wonder if a stranger took Kyron, but because of Terri's shady character and stupid behavior, the cops got hot on the wrong trail and now it's too late to figure out who may have actually taken Kyron.

I think the police focused instantly on Terri (probably with good reason, but what if she WAS hiding illegal stuff, but it wasn't Kyron-related, but her trying to hide it made her look suspicious?) and didn't really consider anyone else. Yes, I know that she seems pretty scuzzy, but.... I don't know.... just entertaining the stranger abduction theory. I do think it would have been relatively easy for a stranger to take Kyron, especially on the day he was taken, and maybe the cops got on the wrong trail from the start by focusing so intently on Terri. *shrug* I don't know... I'd like to believe that time will tell & the cops will eventually make an arrest, but I don't feel very hopeful at this point in time.
I have really no opinion whether he was abducted by a stranger or family member(though sadly,im sure the child is deceased) but Im reminded of the Groene/Duncan case in northern Idaho.
Two children disappear and the authorities understandebly battened onto the drug angle because the two murdered adults had traces of Meth in their systems and spent two months rousting every druggie in the county...which they could have continued to do for the next 50 years without coming any closer to the truth because Edward Duncan's involvement was completely out of left field and he had absolutely zero connection to the family,the community or anyone in the victim's social circle.
It makes you wonder.
How long in advance was this project planned.

Who is the person who planned the project.

Any information would be appreciated :)
How long in advance was this project planned.

Who is the person who planned the project.

Any information would be appreciated :)

If you are referring to the Science Fair day, I am pretty sure it was on the calendar for the school year from the beginning of the year.
If you are referring to the Science Fair day, I am pretty sure it was on the calendar for the school year from the beginning of the year.

Thanks cluciano63

I noticed that another student's project was the red eyed tree frog.
I'm wondering what the assignment was for kyron's class for this science fair, and has it been the same for the past several years.

Also, I'm curious about how long Kyron's teacher Ms. Porter has worked at Skyline Elementary.

Any info is appreciated.
I do not believe this is a stranger abduction....

IMO it is a accomplice abduction planned by Terri.

(Just like with the landscaper)
I do not believe this is a stranger abduction....

IMO it is a accomplice abduction planned by Terri.

(Just like with the landscaper)

Did she purchase the bat phones before of after Kyron went missing?
I'm glad to see this thread here. I agree, Terri would have had a better alibi; and would never have let Kyron wear that T-shirt that day. CSI, someone didn't like his T-shirt. I believe his abductor saw an opportunity, and took the chance; or maybe even planned.??? I also don't believe Kyron to be in this world.
I'm glad to see this thread here. I agree, Terri would have had a better alibi; and would never have let Kyron wear that T-shirt that day. CSI, someone didn't like his T-shirt. I believe his abductor saw an opportunity, and took the chance; or maybe even planned.??? I also don't believe Kyron to be in this world.

I agree that her alibi is so ludicrous as to make no sense, for what many think to be a long-planned event. Not to say she isn't the one, or that she is, but I still have not seen anything that convinces me she is guilty. She ACTS guilty, I will say that. But I don't know how one should act if half the country thought you were guilty of something as horrible as possibly murdering a child. If she came out every day and said "I didn't do it", no one would believe her.

I almost hope it is her, as that is the only chance LE has in solving this case; if someone totally unrelated took Kyron, they are sunk.
I almost hope it is her, as that is the only chance LE has in solving this case; if someone totally unrelated took Kyron, they are sunk.

I feel like the only possible theories for what happened to Kyron were that Terri murdered him or a complete stranger murdered him. Crimes by complete strangers are very hard to solve because the victim has no ties to their killer. Most serial killer killings are stranger-to-stranger and that's why they are able to claim so many victims, before they are caught, and some of them still haven't been caught, like the Zodiac. I agree that LE is going to have a really difficult time solving this case if a stranger committed it.
Hi, Just watching the 11pm news spot about Kyron and the Roseburg affair tomoz, the newscaster repeated what we have all heard before, that Terri Horman was the last one to see Kyron. It speaks mountains to me.

If LE thought someone else/a stranger had access to Kyron after she last saw him, I don't think they would say this to the media. xox IMO
Hi, Just watching the 11pm news spot about Kyron and the Roseburg affair tomoz, the newscaster repeated what we have all heard before, that Terri Horman was the last one to see Kyron. It speaks mountains to me.

If LE thought someone else/a stranger had access to Kyron after she last saw him, I don't think they would say this to the media. xox IMO

But if LE KNEW TH was the last person to see him, then she would be the person who HAD to have kidnapped him and thus, she should have been charged. I think at this point she is the last KNOWN person to have seen him and very probably is the last person actually to have seen him, but LE can't know that for sure. Media is just quoting what LE said last year and never retracted, in my opinion.
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