Stranger Abduction Theories #3

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IF TH is guilty, imo she had helped (or vice versa helped someone else). But, again I think there are too many other possibilities to pin it all on her.

And I agree with that too!

And I intentionally didn't bold that second part, but I see what you mean.

Personally, what I think happened probably does fall under 'conspiracy' WRT what we limit ourselves to discussing here.

I do think that it was something TH set in motion, not necessarily that she did 'it', and that there were accomplices, and that if 'it' had not happened at the science fair that something else would have been done.

I don't think it was written in the planets and this was Kyron's fate; I think people made this happen to him.
And I agree with that too!

And I intentionally didn't bold that second part, but I see what you mean.

Personally, what I think happened probably does fall under 'conspiracy' WRT what we limit ourselves to discussing here.

I do think that it was something TH set in motion, not necessarily that she did 'it', and that there were accomplices, and that if 'it' had not happened at the science fair that something else would have been done.

I don't think it was written in the planets and this was Kyron's fate; I think people made this happen to him.

I agree with you there, PDX. I went to a Bible College, and while I am by no means an expert, reading that article coming from that perspective alot of it seemed like something a religious counselor would say (which is where, besides the conspiracy thing I was also thinking towards).
O/T: I just wanted to say how much I appreciate you all in here. I know that particularly for this thread things can get heated especially when we all see interviews, statements, "evidence" differently. Being able to share what I think happen, or why I don't necessarily think it was all/at all TH and know that I am not going to get shot down; I believe really furthers how much I am able to grow.

So, thanks for keeping it civil.
I agree with you there, PDX. I went to a Bible College, and while I am by no means an expert, reading that article coming from that perspective alot of it seemed like something a religious counselor would say (which is where, besides the conspiracy thing I was also thinking towards).

I did mean to answer you last night.. oops!
I was going to say, isn't it interesting how our experiences influence our opinions. I see now why you read it the way you do (and why heathen me didn't, lol).

Thanks for your last post too. I agree. I have certainly learned a lot as a member here.
I think, and always have, that it would be an injustice to this child to completely rule out a stranger abduction. He has not been found and, as of now (a year later), there has not been enough direct/concrete to arrest Terri and/or actually locate Kyron. I feel this way about any case where a disappearance has gone unsolved.

That is not to say that Terri should be ruled out either or that they will not eventually put enough pieces together to arrest her. By all means, they should definitely keep her right up there amongst the top 5 or 10 or whatever suspects until they feel they have sufficiently investigated her.

I just really hope they are keeping a parallel investigation going into the possibility of a stranger abduction and by stranger that could be a non-family member/acquaintance type of abduction. Again, I think it is only fair to Kyron. Just because something might be statistically unlikely does not mean that it couldn't have occurred in this situation. There are numerous real-life examples that prove that stranger and/or non-family acquaintance abductions do happen.
I agree Lilly,

I don't think they can rule out TH as having some involvement only because of past LDT and behavior but with that said, an accomplice would have had an easy time taking him out of the school that day. We had a whole thread on ways to get a child out of the school, I for one thought a stun gun, a duffel bag and out the door you go and into a van or truck. Even a rouse of TH to have Kyron meet her outside and another person waiting and whisking him into a van would be easy.

I saved the 48 Hour special with the time line and I don't see how she had time to accomplish this kidnapping, murder, hiding the body, then going to store to store and then the gym all with baby K. Maybe we need to start over from the beginning. IDK There are no others in the MSM to really look into, but without looking at real people, or naming names, could TH contact or have contact off the record and set this up? She couldn't use a cell or text, or a phone, or anything in writing. All that leaves a trail, so how do you go about it, unless in person. This feels so underground to me, so off the grid, ya know? Where would you take a child and who would take a child if it was to just pass him off? And why? Cults, slave labor of some kind, hidden out on a remote farm, childless couple, people that think he was in danger according to her and saving him from something? This is what runs through my head. Sorry to ramble, it helps sometimes to just toss it out.
I agree Lilly,

I don't think they can rule out TH as having some involvement only because of past LDT and behavior but with that said, an accomplice would have had an easy time taking him out of the school that day.
I saved the 48 Hour special with the time line and I don't see how she had time to accomplish this kidnapping, murder, hiding the body, then going to store to store and then the gym all with baby K. Maybe we need to start over from the beginning.

Quote edited by me...

Im with you Bern....I feel strongly that TH orchestrated it and was involved up to her eyeballs but I dont think she did it alone. The time frame seems to tight to me. Im also holding out hope re: the remote farm theories or childless couple theories because I would love to believe that, although she wanted him gone, she wouldnt be able to kill him. She is a mother on her own and has helped raise him for his whole life...maybe, just maybe, she's a monster but not to that degree. Maybe just wishful thinking. The point that always causes a hiccup is that she hasnt fessed up yet if he IS alive. Seems she could make some kind of deal for his safe return. One other theory I have tossed around is that she planned to have him kidnapped and held for ransom and her partner turned the tables on her and its escalated out of her control. Maybe Kyron angered the accomplice somehow and things turned uber-ugly.....I agree that we need to go back to the evidence that he is deceased says a lot to me.
This may sound like a crazy question any of our locals know if there are "mountain communities" anywhere in the area or state? I've read about these entire groups of people that live in remote locations without any modern amenities and exist solely on the outskirts of society. They tend to reside in states that have large rural area.....does Oregon have groups like this? In NY (although it may sound strange) we have deep Amish communities that almost never "come into town" and some "mountain men" type groups that live completely off the land. If any of these gypsy or rural type groups do exist in the proximity it would be relatively easy to hide a child among them. Not sure how TH would have set something like that up but is it at least plausible? Maybe she made contact somehow and made these people believe Ky was in danger and needed someone to take him in and protect him.....really far fetched I know....she could have had enough time accroding to the timeline to hand him off to someone who in turn brought him deeper out of civilization and handed him off again
Please note the title of this thread. This is not about TH as POI, this is about


abduction theories.


Bumping the OP-please respect the thread title. The "TH did it" discussions are available on other threads.

Please keep On Topic from this point going forward. TIA!
Maybe we need an accomplice theory thread. Would an accomplice be a stranger to Kyron? I am drawn to the idea that if a "stranger/accomplice" had to get Kyron out of Portland Or. area, the best way is a small private aircraft. There are private airports that have touch and go trips. These are planes that come in, touch down, pickup and go. There is no report of who or where that I am aware of. They do file a flight plan- but are not required to do any paperwork at these private airports. A kidnapping of this kind would require money, at least on the part of the person flying in to get the pick up. All parties would have to be involved, from the person kidnapping Kyron to the person who flies the plane to anyone who aided them. So with that said, this would not be a small task, but a very well laid out operation. Any thoughts?

Mods please move if this is not the right place to discuss this theory, thanks.
Your last sentence says it all perfectly. I believe he had a "secret door". Someone knew the school. His children most likely went there.
This pedophile-serial has given LE the slip. No Kyron-no evidence.
Kyron's case could take many years to solve, but they will. There will be justice for Kyron.

This is what I have thought too. If it was a stranger it was someone who knew the school well, and also someone that Kyron was at least familiar with, someone who he would have went with willingly. I believe (well, hope actually, that he is still alive.) Of course not finding a body helps with that...I still think it is possible for TH to be invoved, but I have always felt that a stranger abduction was just as likely.
Maybe we need an accomplice theory thread. Would an accomplice be a stranger to Kyron? I am drawn to the idea that if a "stranger/accomplice" had to get Kyron out of Portland Or. area, the best way is a small private aircraft. There are private airports that have touch and go trips. These are planes that come in, touch down, pickup and go. There is no report of who or where that I am aware of. They do file a flight plan- but are not required to do any paperwork at these private airports. A kidnapping of this kind would require money, at least on the part of the person flying in to get the pick up. All parties would have to be involved, from the person kidnapping Kyron to the person who flies the plane to anyone who aided them. So with that said, this would not be a small task, but a very well laid out operation. Any thoughts?

Mods please move if this is not the right place to discuss this theory, thanks.

I think whatever happened to Kyron was much more simple. A private aircraft taking Kyron away is a very complex theory. The kidnapper would have to know someone who had their pilot's license and their own plane. Where did the plane bring Kyron? To another country or to another state? What happened to Kyron when he got to his new destination? Was there someone else waiting at the airport for him? Is Kyron alive or dead right now? Is your theory that the kidnapper sold Kyron to some sex ring in another part of the world?
I still believe it is about 50% likely that Kyron was taken by someone unrelated to TH or without her complicity. Either someone who came to the school for that purpose, knowing they did not have cameras and that it would be a good day to grab an unsupecting child, or someone from inside Skyline.

He can only have left Skyline 4 ways, as far as I can tell; walking out with Terri, walking out with another adult, walking out alone, or being taken out in some sort of container or bundle. One of the first three should have been seen by someone, but I also know how unobservant people are.

I go to my public library several times a week, usually and sometimes test myself an few hours later to try to reconstuct who and what I saw happen there, i.e. other vehicles, children with or without adults nearby etc...and even knowing I might test myself, I don't do very well. At a school, expectations are to see kids, and kids with adults. He might not have stood out walking out alone, or with someone else, as long as he was not struggling.
I still believe it is about 50% likely that Kyron was taken by someone unrelated to TH or without her complicity. Either someone who came to the school for that purpose, knowing they did not have cameras and that it would be a good day to grab an unsupecting child, or someone from inside Skyline.

He can only have left Skyline 4 ways, as far as I can tell; walking out with Terri, walking out with another adult, walking out alone, or being taken out in some sort of container or bundle. One of the first three should have been seen by someone, but I also know how unobservant people are.

I go to my public library several times a week, usually and sometimes test myself an few hours later to try to reconstuct who and what I saw happen there, i.e. other vehicles, children with or without adults nearby etc...and even knowing I might test myself, I don't do very well. At a school, expectations are to see kids, and kids with adults. He might not have stood out walking out alone, or with someone else, as long as he was not struggling.

BBM. Exactly. I often go to events at my kids' school that are held during the regular school hours, and I see I many kids that I know by name or even kids that I know real well. The last time was just last Friday, and though I know I saw many kids I knew, I couldnt tell you who they were with or where they were going. Its assumed that the actions of the people (kids and adults alike) during events such as these all have to do with the event. No one ahead of time thinks, "Uh oh..there is so and so, walking down a hall toward a door,what are they up to?" Your mind registers who the person is if you know them, and you might say Hi, and then you move on to the next exhibit, classroom whatever, you dont think to look at what might be wrong, because people dont walk around thinking about what might happen in events like that, they are caught up in the moment, so to speak. Its really no surprise no one noticed anything, if it wasnt obvious there was a problem.
I don't think Kyron was taken by a stranger. A stranger would have seemed out of place even in a crowded school and a stranger would have been walking around without anyone else, child or another adult. I think every person at the school has been interviewed a few times and asked who they spoke with and talked to. The children and other people at the school that day were likely asked a few times about who they saw Kyron with and who was around him that day. TH mentioned a creepy guy in her emails and was that ever substantiated? Was there a creepy and unknown man at the school that day? What was his description? A kid would have said: Yeah, I saw Kyron with some man that day. He was tall and had glasses and a baseball cap, etc. The person they saw him with that day was his stepmother. I think people need to talk to the kids and put more faith in their observations. Kids notice each other a lot and if an adult is hanging out with him or near him, they would notice that too. If a man questioned Kyron about his project, other kids would listen in to the comments and questions and specifically listen for praise e.g. Oh that's so amazing! Wow! You sure know so much about tree frogs.
What about the electric project thing? Was that a comment given to Kyron from the "creepy" guy? If a kidnapper wanted to take a kid from a science fair, the best ploy would be: "You won!! Come with me to collect your special award for having the best project!" If anyone said this to Kyron, another kid would have overheard and likely Kyron would have told someone right away or would have shouted Yay! I won! I just don't see this happening. It's possible but I don't think so. Kyron was taken by someone who was not out of place within the school. JMO
Maybe we need an accomplice theory thread. Would an accomplice be a stranger to Kyron? I am drawn to the idea that if a "stranger/accomplice" had to get Kyron out of Portland Or. area, the best way is a small private aircraft. There are private airports that have touch and go trips. These are planes that come in, touch down, pickup and go. There is no report of who or where that I am aware of. They do file a flight plan- but are not required to do any paperwork at these private airports. A kidnapping of this kind would require money, at least on the part of the person flying in to get the pick up. All parties would have to be involved, from the person kidnapping Kyron to the person who flies the plane to anyone who aided them. So with that said, this would not be a small task, but a very well laid out operation. Any thoughts?

Mods please move if this is not the right place to discuss this theory, thanks.

I agree with an accomplice theory. What intrigues me is that it appears Kyron is holding a "secret" behind his back in the frog project photo.....Any ideas?
I think whatever happened to Kyron was much more simple. A private aircraft taking Kyron away is a very complex theory. The kidnapper would have to know someone who had their pilot's license and their own plane. Where did the plane bring Kyron? To another country or to another state? What happened to Kyron when he got to his new destination? Was there someone else waiting at the airport for him? Is Kyron alive or dead right now? Is your theory that the kidnapper sold Kyron to some sex ring in another part of the world?

It probably was much more simple, but I noticed 2 small airports on the map in the areas that were searched. I do think Kyron is alive, only because I don't feel TH killed him in the time frame allowed and the fact she had baby K with her and she is see by others at the Fred Myers and Gym. So someone other than her is more likely and from the school. The person could be someone who had a child there, or a person who delivered supplies or someone involved in the science fair that day. None of them would be out of place. I know a few people who have their pilot license for small air craft and that was just one way to get a child out to another area undetected in a short period of time. I don't think he is in a sex ring, but I do think the person who took him, may have wanted to "protect him" from an unfounded claim or they needed a child. Maybe that is the Polly Anna in me thinking again. I would love a happy ending to at least one of these missing kids we read about here, and if he is alive and not being hurt, he could come home if found. :)
Hillsboro Airport (KHIO)
3355 NE Cornell Rd, Hillsboro, Oregon

is just adjacent to Kaine's Intel Corp.
and Cornell Rd. (which rings a bell)

Fred Meyer
22075 Northwest Imbrie Drive
Hillsboro, OR
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