Stranger abduction theory

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BBM - Maybe someone else wanted her to take Kyron that morning, as well as the white truck? Seems there was a bit of car switching.

To my mind, there will never be a satisfactory resolution until MSM delves into ALL of the ramifications of this case.
IIRC Terri was the one that said she needed the truck that day, to bring the project home.
I would be really surprised, that if Terri would have said to Kaine, the baby isn't feeling well. I really shouldn't take her to school today. That he would have insisted.
This is why I find it odd that she wanted to be there that morning. Other than, what I feel, she was following through with her devious plan, that I feel, she started setting up on Thurs.
BBM - Maybe someone else wanted her to take Kyron that morning, as well as the white truck? Seems there was a bit of car switching.

To my mind, there will never be a satisfactory resolution until MSM delves into ALL of the ramifications of this case.

Who wanted her to take Kyron that morning?
What car switching? You mean Kaine allowing her to drive his truck, or more switching?
BBM - Maybe someone else wanted her to take Kyron that morning, as well as the white truck? Seems there was a bit of car switching.

To my mind, there will never be a satisfactory resolution until MSM delves into ALL of the ramifications of this case.

You mean someone setting Terri up to look as if she were the guilty party?
IIRC Terri was the one that said she needed the truck that day, to bring the project home.
I would be really surprised, that if Terri would have said to Kaine, the baby isn't feeling well. I really shouldn't take her to school today. That he would have insisted.
This is why I find it odd that she wanted to be there that morning. Other than, what I feel, she was following through with her devious plan, that I feel, she started setting up on Thurs.

I agree. Plus, Terri is an adult. She doesn't strike me as a meek and mild person who would have a problem saying tough chit to him. Plus Kaine was gone on his way to work before they even started to leave for the school.

It begs the question as to whether little K was feeling badly or not. If she was, Terri obviously didn't care. She took her to the gym that day too.
It seems as if LE was very quick to latch on to Terri, who, lets all face facts, did exhibit some unusual (read suspicious) behavior early on. I only hope that they didn't follow that very promising lead to the exclusion of other possible leads.
I believe that's a possibility, in my humble opinion.

Who could have possibly done that? And then made her say and do all of the "unusual" things she said and did both before and after?
I agree. Plus, Terri is an adult. She doesn't strike me as a meek and mild person who would have a problem saying tough chit to him. Plus Kaine was gone on his way to work before they even started to leave for the school.

It begs the question as to whether little K was feeling badly or not. If she was, Terri obviously didn't care. She took her to the gym that day too


Let's not forget...also without a care as to who Baby K**** might infect in the gym daycare that day as well.

Jmho...but, I don't even buy the sick baby earache...for me, it's just another layer of the lie/alibi.
I believe that's a possibility, in my humble opinion.

I think that would make for a really interesting thread. In a way, to someone who knew Terri, she would make a fairly easy target because she doesn't seem to censor herself well. People like that could easily be made to look guilty because you can count on them to display poor judgment. I know a few folks like that myself.

The twists it would take to accomplish it would be tricky, and the motivation for doing so, etc. It would make an interesting discussion, IMO.
I believe there was a posting on a news site that first day from someone who said they were a student, that there was a strange man at the schoool...maybe kids just goofing around, who knows, but I do remember seeing it.
Know what you mean. However, if I had felt my kid (no, I ain't a perfect mom and don't call them darling or my life, or whatever) had a seizure disorder, I would have completely confident he could have made it to the classroom, especially if there were other people/parents/children in the corridor. I've seen the pics, that space isn't that huge.

So, if he had a seizure, what would that mean? I'm guessing someone would have called for help. Right? Of course right. So, what does the seizure disorder have to do with waving "bye" a few feet from the classroom? I am really curious here.

If your child were about to go on a fishing trip/camping trip and he was having seizures, would you not feel you needed to alert the people in whose care he would be?

Would you just blow off something that alarmed you so much that you made a Dr's appt and NOT tell people taking him into unfamiliar campsites, near water, on a houseboat...that something was wrong, the child was blanking out....acting strange.

Why, when Kyron was leaving THAT day...did Teri not relay her fears about Kyron's seizures to the very people who would be caring for him?

What loving parent would NOT do THAT?
If your child were about to go on a fishing trip/camping trip and he was having seizures, would you not feel you needed to alert the people in whose care he would be?

Would you just blow off something that alarmed you so much that you made a Dr's appt and NOT tell people taking him into unfamiliar campsites, near water, on a houseboat...that something was wrong, the child was blanking out....acting strange.

Why, when Kyron was leaving THAT day...did Teri not relay her fears about Kyron's seizures to the very people who would be caring for him?

What loving parent would NOT do THAT?

Since we do not have all the information that was exchanged, I really can't say. Also, since I hadn't had a chance to take the child to the doctor and/or specialist for innumerable testing, I don't know what I would have said.

Does this play an important part in Kyron's disappearance? If so, how?
Since we do not have all the information that was exchanged, I really can't say. Also, since I hadn't had a chance to take the child to the doctor and/or specialist for innumerable testing, I don't know what I would have said.

Does this play an important part in Kyron's disappearance? If so, how?

I believe it does. Why would she bring this up as part of her alibi to a friend/acquaintance but not mention it to the parents who love and help to raise the child?

Terri doing that makes zero sense.
If your child were about to go on a fishing trip/camping trip and he was having seizures, would you not feel you needed to alert the people in whose care he would be?

Would you just blow off something that alarmed you so much that you made a Dr's appt and NOT tell people taking him into unfamiliar campsites, near water, on a houseboat...that something was wrong, the child was blanking out....acting strange.

Why, when Kyron was leaving THAT day...did Teri not relay her fears about Kyron's seizures to the very people who would be caring for him?

What loving parent would NOT do THAT?

BBM: I don't know what this means. Had Kyron been camping with someone? Was he going camping? I only knew about the older son going camping.:waitasec:

Honestly I think the whole seizure thing has been blown WAY out of proportion. My guess would be that Kyron had had one or two episodes where he seemed "blank." After the second time or so, she may have called the doctor, as I have a billion and one times, and asked for a nurse to call her back. The nurse, upon hearing the description of this random thing (not an emergency by anyone's standards) probably said, "Well, let's get him in here. It could be anything from a middle ear infection to fatigue to even a petit mal seizure where he just zones out for a minute. What day would work for you?"

Or Terri could have been, again like me, one of those moms who reads just a little too much online and she could have asked the nurse, "Could it be a seizure?" And the nurse would say, "Well, it could. But he could also be overtired or ADD or just a forgetful kid." Trying to calm her down.

If he was having the seizures very randomly, like one or two a month, I certainly wouldn't race him to the emergency room. I also know that when one of my kids was having random stomachaches a few years ago, the dr. didn't even want to see me for a week, during which I was supposed to track every bit of food. It was so frustrating to me, but after talking on the phone there was no clear evidence that he was actually "sick" but more likely that something else was going on. The dr or nurse may have had her wait and keep track of if it happened on a certain day or time first. OR asked for the teacher to fill out a form so they could see if there were any indications of a problem at school.

But I also think it's one of those things that seems to be possibly more important in hindsight. Before June 4 Terri may have been a little concerned, and just unsure enough about what she had seen that she didn't even tell Kaine yet. Maybe she wanted to see if he noticed it too, or if she was just imagining it. But on June 5, grasping at straws, it might have seemed like a logical explanation for why a normally compliant child might have wandered away. Think of it: if she is innocent, she had to be hoping against hope that he was lost just behind the school and would be found, wet and tired and cold and hungry, at any moment.

In the same way, I think a lot is being made out of Baby K being "sick." I don't recall anyone saying she was sick; she was fussy and acting like her ear hurt, and was most likely teething. Hence the search for Infant Tylenol or Motrin (which has been off the shelves randomly over the past year due to a recall), the desire to leave the school sooner than planned, possibly the drive, and the willingness to bring her to the gym. Teething isn't contagious, and distraction is often the best solution.

Terri has given us plenty of ammunition against her. She has made herself a fabulous suspect with the sexting and the secret landscaper, regardless of what actually happened between them. I'm certainly not defending her, I just don't think it's necessary to find evil in some of these truly mundane things.
BBM: I don't know what this means. Had Kyron been camping with someone? Was he going camping? I only knew about the older son going camping.
It was stated in the very beginning of this case that Kyron was supposed to go on a fishing trip with his step dad that weekend.
BBM: I don't know what this means. Had Kyron been camping with someone? Was he going camping? I only knew about the older son going camping.
It was stated in the very beginning of this case that Kyron was supposed to go on a fishing trip with his step dad that weekend.

Kyron's parents had camping/houseboat trips planned for him once school let out. I think that is what was being referred to.
Terrie is the person who mentioned a stranger being seen in the hallway with two girls, KY & seizures, baby K being ill (teeth, earache or both), so I think it is important to know if anyone is making an issue of these things to read the emails and remember where it came from, although her friend at FM cooperates baby K being or looking "ill" but I am not sure that is the correct terminology she used. When someone is using excuses such as these as an becomes important. Is it true or not and is being investigated. IIRC TH in the email said the "Dr." thinks or said... The above topics come from Terri's own emails, nobody made this up...Terri put it out there and it is fair game to discuss her actions in regard to her day and her choices IMO.
Desiree was to take Kyron that afternoon. She mentioned... and her husband reiterated that Kyron was to be taken try out a rod he had been given...and that they had rented a houseboat for later in the summer. Terri never told them or Kaine about any seizures.

My point is this...what parent who has a child's well being as first concern...sends a child off to stay with other people...where they will be taking him on other activities and does NOT tell them she suspects the child is having seizures.

How many Moms or Grandmothers would even leave a loved child with a Baby sitter for a few hours and not leave instructions and information you thought necessary for the child's health and safety? Who could be that cold and unconcerned?

Baby K was given hours of driving around (allegedly) to SOOTHE...but Kyron wasn't worth a three minute call or email to Desiree saying"Hey I'm concerned..I made an appointment. Keep an eye on Ky this weekend. I'm scared he might wander off or the seizures might get worse or happen somewhere...where help is hard to find. Watch him please."

I give better information to the woman who takes my dogs for the weekend.

But Kyron was not worth that effort to Terri..if her story is even true. So concerned to make an appointment...but not concerned to tell the people who would be caring for a SEVEN YEAR OLD that weekend...and for stretches that summer.
This thread has gone off topic too much. If someone would like to open a #2 thread about stranger abduction scenarios, feel free. But keep it on that topic please.
For instance, the top 2010 news story so far for AOLers was the BP oil spill, followed by unemployment, Haiti earthquake, Toyota recall, Tea Party, Kyron Horman (the missing Oregon boy), Chilean miners, Anna Chapman (the hot Russian spy), Chelsea Clinton wedding, and, at No. 10, WikiLeaks.

Many people want to talk about this case.

Tomorrow is six months since Kyron disappeared.

Many people want to talk about what might have happened to this precious little boy.

Many people want justice for Kyron.

Many people care very much about him.

Please open up this forum so that the many of us who care about him, and want to try to figure out what happened to him, and why, can do so.


Justice doesn't always come in a courtroom. When it doesn't, I strongly feel the best way to seek justice for a victim is to seek the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth of what happened to them, and to tell their story, whenever and however we can.

Justice for a victim is not enough though. We must seek to prevent more victims. If we are to prevent these tragedies from happening to other children, we must seek to discover why and how it happened, so that we can be mindful of the signs and symptoms, and bring help to children *before* tragedy strikes.

Justice for the victims. Prevention of more victims. The top two keys I ask people to consider.

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