Stranger abduction theory

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Kaine: We've had some concerns...

Desiree: Yeah.

Kaine: ...along with his teacher around listening to instructions from adults while at school, so we've been working with him to try to understand that we need to work with the faculty there, the parents there, the volunteers there to make sure that when they give him instructions he's following those.

He normally does a very good job at doing that. Just occasionally we get a little bit of that behavior so we've really reinforced with him that if you're at school and you're working with a parent or a teacher, you need to follow their instructions. So in that particular environment he would be expected to follow the instructions of an adult...

Desiree: Yeah.

Kaine: school. Outside of school he's very well versed in the stranger danger and everything else, but in that one particular setting that's the type of behavior that's been reinforced through all of us.

Desiree: Yeah.

Bolded RED by me.
I think any child would let their stranger-danger lessons go out the window inside a school and I am sure we all stress following the rules and listening to your teachers. I think most of us will agree there are a lot of red-flags to Terri, but IF we forget all of that, the school was open that kids were milling around freely (some with parents, some maybe not) since 8:00 am, the buses came with more kids. Why Kyron & not another child...that may have been on-his-own. According to Terri seconds before Kyron reached his room as she waved goodbye, that a stranger chose Kyron when everyone parents, children who would have noticed someone grabbing him...choose that moment & Kyron as TH could have turned around & forgot something to ask him? By TH's own words, feet from his doesn't make sense to me, even if he were to be complaint to a stranger. And then there are all those pesky red flags that continue to accumulate. :mad:


TY for this post Dee.

I've followed this case from the beginning, and have read how TH waved good-bye to Kyron in the hallway @ 8:45 a.m. Sometimes it's helpful to read certain facts again, even though I've read them before. I also appreciate the manner in which you've expressed your thoughts - you have invited discussion.

According to TH's own statements, Kyron was just down the hall from his classroom as she waved to him when the bell rang at 8:45 a.m.

If someone had been lurking in the hallway, waiting to snatch an unsupervised child, why did TH not notice this person? Was the hallway so crowded with people that Kyron was lost in the throng?

If the hallway was bustling with chaos, then I would think TH would have escorted Ky all the way to his classroom to ensure that he made it there okay (as caring, concerned parents do when there is a chaotic situation - I know I did when my girls were little. Not because I was afraid that harm might befall them, but just because I didn't want them to become confused or overwhelmed or scared. Kyron was, after all, only in 2nd grade).

On the other hand, if the hallway was quiet and isolated, how is it that Kyron mysteriously disappeared the minute that TH's back was turned?

These are the questions I personally need answers to:

Was the hallway "'chaotic" & crowded?

Was the hallway more or less deserted?

If the hallway was "chaotic" & crowded, why did TH not escort Ky to his classroom (especially since he was only a 7 year old 2nd grader, and especially since he was possibly recently experiencing, according to TH, undiagnosed alleged "mini seizures")?

On the other hand, if the hallway leading to his classroom was more or less deserted, how is it that Ky was supposedly "snatched" by a stranger (or someone other than TH) - and how is it that this "other person" was unseen by TH before she "waved good-bye"?

These are the questions I have.

Again, TY Dee, for inspiring & sparking the questions.

TY for this post Dee.

I've followed this case from the beginning, and have read how TH waved good-bye to Kyron in the hallway @ 8:45 a.m. Sometimes it's helpful to read certain facts again, even though I've read them before. I also appreciate the manner in which you've expressed your thoughts - you have invited discussion.

According to TH's own statements, Kyron was just down the hall from his classroom as she waved to him when the bell rang at 8:45 a.m.

If someone had been lurking in the hallway, waiting to snatch an unsupervised child, why did TH not notice this person? Was the hallway so crowded with people that Kyron was lost in the throng?

If the hallway was bustling with chaos, then I would think TH would have escorted Ky all the way to his classroom to ensure that he made it there okay (as caring, concerned parents do when there is a chaotic situation - I know I did when my girls were little. Not because I was afraid that harm might befall them, but just because I didn't want them to become confused or overwhelmed or scared. Kyron was, after all, only in 2nd grade).

On the other hand, if the hallway was quiet and isolated, how is it that Kyron mysteriously disappeared the minute that TH's back was turned?

These are the questions I personally need answers to:

Was the hallway "'chaotic" & crowded?

Was the hallway more or less deserted?

If the hallway was "chaotic" & crowded, why did TH not escort Ky to his classroom (especially since he was only a 7 year old 2nd grader, and especially since he was possibly recently experiencing, according to TH, undiagnosed alleged "mini seizures")?

On the other hand, if the hallway leading to his classroom was more or less deserted, how is it that Ky was supposedly "snatched" by a stranger (or someone other than TH) - and how is it that this "other person" was unseen by TH before she "waved good-bye"?

These are the questions I have.

Again, TY Dee, for inspiring & sparking the questions.

Dee's been on this case a long time as you you or I know what really we do not...the last persons to see TH and KY were those at Skyline School...
Dee's been on this case a long time as you SK... do you or I know what really we do not...the last persons to see TH and KY were those at Skyline School...

I agree, Kappy, you nor I know what really happened.

I continue to question, and I appreciate those who challenge me to question what allegedly happened.

Since I have not yet come to a conclusion regarding Kyron's disappearance, I appreciate the input & insight of everyone, especially those who inspire me to see things from another perspective.

As I stated in a previous post - Thank You Dee for inspiring & sparking the questions!
I agree, Kappy, you nor I know what really happened.

I continue to question, and I appreciate those who challenge me to question what allegedly happened.

Since I have not yet come to a conclusion regarding Kyron's disappearance, I appreciate the input & insight of everyone, especially those who inspire me to see things from another perspective.

As I stated in a previous post - Thank You Dee for inspiring & sparking the questions!

Sk..I did not mean to be mean. or disrepectful to you.You have been following this case long enough to know who is here and who is not for whatever reason and Dee has as well...You, Dee, Me and a whole slew of others here are, or where here, trying nothing more than to input some possible knowledge of where Kyron maybe ,maynot be, or who flung pooh for that matter within reason...I apologize... You and Dee are great posters...Thank you both for your knowledge and input.
Hey Kappy - no hard feelings at all. I LOVE your posts! Keep 'em coming!
Originally Posted by kappy50
No ma'mam...mine was in my Tuesday sale and brochure day as a coupon was on the very last page..Something to do with RedPlum Publishing possibly and the National Assoc. Of Missing Children ( I know that's not the correct name)..but it's just in a coupon brochure./I]

Hi kappy! I just saw this above post about a circular or brochure that you receive that has Kyron and Gabe on it.. I take it is some type of Missing Childrens brochure.. I was just wondering exactly what circular or brochure that yours comes with? I am also in Memphis and am curious to see if I have been receiving this in the mail as well and thus far have just overlooked it?.. TIA..

TY for this post Dee.

I've followed this case from the beginning, and have read how TH waved good-bye to Kyron in the hallway @ 8:45 a.m. Sometimes it's helpful to read certain facts again, even though I've read them before. I also appreciate the manner in which you've expressed your thoughts - you have invited discussion.

According to TH's own statements, Kyron was just down the hall from his classroom as she waved to him when the bell rang at 8:45 a.m.

If someone had been lurking in the hallway, waiting to snatch an unsupervised child, why did TH not notice this person? Was the hallway so crowded with people that Kyron was lost in the throng?

If the hallway was bustling with chaos, then I would think TH would have escorted Ky all the way to his classroom to ensure that he made it there okay (as caring, concerned parents do when there is a chaotic situation - I know I did when my girls were little. Not because I was afraid that harm might befall them, but just because I didn't want them to become confused or overwhelmed or scared. Kyron was, after all, only in 2nd grade).

On the other hand, if the hallway was quiet and isolated, how is it that Kyron mysteriously disappeared the minute that TH's back was turned?

These are the questions I personally need answers to:

Was the hallway "'chaotic" & crowded?

Was the hallway more or less deserted?

If the hallway was "chaotic" & crowded, why did TH not escort Ky to his classroom (especially since he was only a 7 year old 2nd grader, and especially since he was possibly recently experiencing, according to TH, undiagnosed alleged "mini seizures")?

On the other hand, if the hallway leading to his classroom was more or less deserted, how is it that Ky was supposedly "snatched" by a stranger (or someone other than TH) - and how is it that this "other person" was unseen by TH before she "waved good-bye"?

These are the questions I have.

Again, TY Dee, for inspiring & sparking the questions.

Really good questions Sorrell! It was the first bell that she left him so on one hand it would be common for the halls to be conjested, but it was also an unusual day. It may not have been if many kids and parents were in different rooms and didn't necessarily leave right when they heard the first bell, so it is really hard to say.

LE has stated TH was the last known person to see Ky. If she is innocent she has the most vital information, as she claims she saw him seconds before he disappeared. Did she see an abductor, whether it be a stranger or someone she knew in the hallway as she waved? Of course, anyone she mentioned surely would have been investigated. I wonder if there are witnesses that can say Ky & TH weren't in that area at the time? The lst bell puts such a precise time on when she waved goodbye that she is locked in on the time, if TH is telling the truth. Jokingly, I would say, "how do you screw that up"? It maybe possible a teacher or the principal for example could have been in that area monitoring and knows he didn't see either Ky or TH. It has always bothered me that she was getting upset so early in the investigation. I wonder if she offered to be hypnotized, refused or maybe it didn't come up? So many questions. :blowkiss:
Another poster pointed out where LE said (or the media wrote) that Terri was last known "adult" to see this common knowledge to everyone but me? I don't remember this at all...there was a link somplace, will look...

Also I am really curious as to when they last said this about Terri, either as last person or last adult...

OK it does say "last known adult" in this story, but it is not a direct quote from LE...
Not sure in your schools do know in my childrens schools there is a hallway that splits both left and right and i would watch till they turned the corner.

At the end of each split are exits that on normal days they would enter through. Each grade had specific entrances and exits to reduce the congestion in the hallways thus the children would not even enter past the office for the most part
If the bell had rung I would have waved bye (and these are my own kids) and been on my way, especially if I had a cranky baby with me. I probably would not have been looking for shady characters in the hallway. If memory serves, right at the beginning, there were rumors of a strange man in that school on that day. There also had been a call or two prior to that day to LE. Problem is, we don't know what any of this was about.
If the bell had rung I would have waved bye (and these are my own kids) and been on my way, especially if I had a cranky baby with me. I probably would not have been looking for shady characters in the hallway. If memory serves, right at the beginning, there were rumors of a strange man in that school on that day. There also had been a call or two prior to that day to LE. Problem is, we don't know what any of this was about.

The only rumour I know about a strange man has come directly from Terri herself. LE has neither confirmed nor denied it. But if other parents at that school had heard that rumour, I think we would have heard more about it from worried parents!
The only rumour I know about a strange man has come directly from Terri herself. LE has neither confirmed nor denied it. But if other parents at that school had heard that rumour, I think we would have heard more about it from worried parents!

In the first items about KH going missing, the strange man was mentioned. After that - nothing - no mention. It was like this never happened, but since it DID appear in earlier (the earliest) releases, I believe he was there and seen by the children who MAY be the ones who reported this. I believe it really needs to be looked into, especially by LE.
If the bell had rung I would have waved bye (and these are my own kids) and been on my way, especially if I had a cranky baby with me. I probably would not have been looking for shady characters in the hallway. If memory serves, right at the beginning, there were rumors of a strange man in that school on that day. There also had been a call or two prior to that day to LE. Problem is, we don't know what any of this was about.

BBM: I would too given that my children are healthy and not suspected of having an undiagnosed seizure disorder.
In the first items about KH going missing, the strange man was mentioned. After that - nothing - no mention. It was like this never happened, but since it DID appear in earlier (the earliest) releases, I believe he was there and seen by the children who MAY be the ones who reported this. I believe it really needs to be looked into, especially by LE.

I think they have already looked into it, and the only place it came from was Terri in an email to a friend. I highly doubt LE would risk some strange man prowling that school and letting it remain open with kids in it for the new school semester. The fact that this mystery man disappeared so fast means, to me, that they shot it down fast. There was no mystery man in that school, only a stepmother who hated her stepchild and thought the school or some mystery man would get the blame for Kyron going missing. She obviously underestimated LE and the school as she's the only one under suspicion for Kyron's disappearance now.

I will say, since the Chandra Levy case, I can't completely rule out that this wasn't a stranger abduction. But I honestly can't imagine that a stranger did this. I believe LE ruled this out early on, and the only person responsible is Terri.
BBM: I would too given that my children are healthy and not suspected of having an undiagnosed seizure disorder.

Know what you mean. However, if I had felt my kid (no, I ain't a perfect mom and don't call them darling or my life, or whatever) had a seizure disorder, I would have completely confident he could have made it to the classroom, especially if there were other people/parents/children in the corridor. I've seen the pics, that space isn't that huge.

So, if he had a seizure, what would that mean? I'm guessing someone would have called for help. Right? Of course right. So, what does the seizure disorder have to do with waving "bye" a few feet from the dlassroom? I am really curious here.
Know what you mean. However, if I had felt my kid (no, I ain't a perfect mom and don't call them darling or my life, or whatever) had a seizure disorder, I would have completely confident he could have made it to the classroom, especially if there were other people/parents/children in the corridor. I've seen the pics, that space isn't that huge.

So, if he had a seizure, what would that mean? I'm guessing someone would have called for help. Right? Of course right. So, what does the seizure disorder have to do with waving "bye" a few feet from the dlassroom? I am really curious here.

I'm just going by how Terri described them, and they sound like absence seizures, not grand mal (the seizing, shaking, bite your tongue kind). With absence seizures, one's awareness and responsiveness is impaired. Terri also described Kyron as "wandering."

In the context of those types of symptoms, I personally would want my kid supervised by an adult. I mean, it was only just a few more feet to the classroom (as you pointed out - the school isn't that big) as she was half-way down the hall (according to her account).

AND given the fact that it was "chaotic", knowing that Kyron could become less aware and/or responsive and wander off somewhere or with someone, it does seem a bit irresponsible to me.
I would have been inclined to think it might have been a stranger abduction theory, if in fact Kyron would have gone into his class been assigned to his group started the tour, and was gone after the children met back in class. IMO. that never happened.
I also find it strange, that if baby K was not feeling well the day before and not feeling well that day, what was the purpose of Terri taking Kyron to school on Fri? The project had already been set up on Thurs. Terri could have taken the picture of Kyron then. What on earth would have possessed her to take that baby to school that day, Kyron would have toured the fair with his class.
IMO No one other than Terri was responsible for Kyron going missing.
I would have been inclined to think it might have been a stranger abduction theory, if in fact Kyron would have gone into his class been assigned to his group started the tour, and was gone after the children met back in class. IMO. that never happened.
I also find it strange, that if baby K was not feeling well the day before and not feeling well that day, what was the purpose of Terri taking Kyron to school on Fri? The project had already been set up on Thurs. Terri could have taken the picture of Kyron then. What on earth would have possessed her to take that baby to school that day, Kyron would have toured the fair with his class.
IMO No one other than Terri was responsible for Kyron going missing.

BBM - Maybe someone else wanted her to take Kyron that morning, as well as the white truck? Seems there was a bit of car switching.

To my mind, there will never be a satisfactory resolution until MSM delves into ALL of the ramifications of this case.
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