Stranger abduction theory

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Not open for further replies. much has been said in the media...that's just it...whom are we to believe...if everything that has been said is true, does that make TH a killer of a child...I personally don't see it...could very well be...I just don't think's just all that has been fed about her to JQ Public. There is more to it that we all know, and time will tell...To me, anyone could have had the motive, means and opportunity...

Concerning the bolded, I don't know the "more to it", can you please share?

Concerning the bolded, I don't know the "more to it", can you please share?


What I meant there is more to this whole scenerio surrounding Kyron's disappearance. All we have really heard is about TH. Do I think there are others possible scenerios, you bet I do. I've said this before, there are a lot of stinky shoes out there right now...It's not a matter of pointing fingers, it's a matter of finding the truth in all of this.
Oh, ok. The "more to it that we we all know" is what confuzzled me. 'Cause I certainly don't know much more...
I've seen no indication that anyone but Terri took Kyron. Kaine was at work=alibi. Desiree was at work=alibi. The teacher--don't think so. Stranger abduction--nothing to indicate such.

The only people who've been involved in this case to the extent that their houses have been searched are Terri's friends. Only one other person has been on a flyer beside Terri, and that's Dede, Terri's friend.

The more we learn about Terri, the more improbable it becomes that someone else did this--and the more probable it becomes that she did this.

Kappy, if you're seeing other scenarios, please elaborate. It seems as every week passes, scenarios other than Terri taking Kyron become more and more implausible, but I'm interested in what you think could have happened.
Oh, ok. The "more to it that we we all know" is what confuzzled me. 'Cause I certainly don't know much more...

Of course there's more to it than we know, but there's nothing indicating that anyone else is responsible for Kyron going missing. That's what I want to hear...a plausible explanation for Kyron going missing that fits with what we DO know.
Of course there's more to it than we know, but there's nothing indicating that anyone else is responsible for Kyron going missing. That's what I want to hear...a plausible explanation for Kyron going missing that fits with what we DO know.

But Puf...think about what you are saying...what about a plausible explanation for Kyron going missing that may fit what we DON'T know...
But Puf...think about what you are saying...what about a plausible explanation for Kyron going missing that may fit what we DON'T know...

If there were a plausible explanation other than Terri taking Kyron, do you think that LE would hide information about those circumstances?

Why would LE want to pin the crime on someone who didn't do it? That would leave a predator out in the public in Portland with the danger of more children being taken and, let's face it, killed.

I know that there's a whole lot that we don't know. 5000 tips, 4 binders with reams of info. But nothing else seems to have checked out as far as any other perp. We're six months into this case, and LE continues to focus on recent as a couple of weeks ago, when they showed Desiree the hateful emails.

I just haven't seen one single, solitary bit of info that leads to any other possibility but Terri, or Terri and accomplice.
Exactly, Terri was the first to report Kyron missing when he didn't get off the bus. Otherwise the school would have no reason to call 911. Thanks!

Kaine and baby K were the first ones to the bus stop with Terri following closely behind.. when the bus driver told them that Kyron was not on the bus.. It was the bus driver that contacted the school to see what the status was with kyron.. The school confirmed to the bus driver that Kyron had been marked absent that morning.. It was the school that called 911.. Kaine, Terri {and I assume baby K} immediately went straight to the school..

Susan Hall from the school office also was the one that contacted Desiree and informed DY that since she was listed as the emergency contact for Kyron the school was notifying her that Kyron was MISSING.. Desiree says that at that point she wanted to know what was going on and asked Susan Hall was Terri there at the school? she replied yes and Desiree hung up and called Terri...
Hey kiddos. Let's stay on track about the stranger abduction theory in this thread. It's been swaying on and off topic a lot lately and this is just a reminder that we are discussing the stranger abduction theory here and that's okay.

Thanks so much! :blowkiss:
It is possible that a stranger abducted Kyron from the school, but so much has been said in the media giving Terri a motive, means, and opportunity. Plus, all the bad things said about her alleged personality and problems that it all seems pointing to her.

I agree that there are many things that seem to be pointing at TMH. Whether these things rise to the level of actual evidence, I don't think we know yet because LE has been so discreet. A lot of what seems to point to TMH could be rumours or spin.

As for motive, I think motive is generally useless as an investigative tool. Find the perpetrator and then you find the real motive. I would never guess "I don't like Mondays" or "I wanted to find out what it was like to kill someone" as being motives for murder and yet those have been motives.

If Kyron was abducted by a nonfamily member (which I personally think is unlikely at this point), such a person will probably come with their own motive, unfortunately.
seconds after the boy locked the door, a man crawled under the door, covered his mouth, then started punching him in the face.

Prosecutors charged Steven Moulton with burglary for forcing his way into the occupied stall.
Here's what else bothers me...why on Earth did they not also prosecute for assault/battery and some charge having to do with "against a child/minor?
scotslass' link:

Here's what else bothers me...why on Earth did they not also prosecute for assault/battery and some charge having to do with "against a child/minor?

Okay ... Kimster is going to "gong" me here, but I *promise* not to stray further OT ... after I answer this question. I've done a fair amount of reading on this Morton, WA, case. LE charged this guy with a class A felony. The best they could do under assault would likely be a class B felony, since the child -- according to MSM reports -- did not have any visible injuries after the attack. BTW, after considerable research, the two families do not appear to be related. If they are, it's by a very long shirt tail. Okay, back OT. Sorry Kimster.
There are a few things i have not been able to wrap my head around on this case

The first thing that struck me was that he was basically blind without his glasses

Secondly that i have always wondered if this was someone wanting to get back at TH. Is LE trying to account not only for TH's timeline or someone connected to her

That particular day was simply a prime opportunity for anyone whether it be family, friends, school employees/teachers, or strangers etc

The botched sting with LE and the landscaper. Was LE really looking for anyone else at the start

With the texting etc i am certain a polygraph would come up as deceptive either way you look at it

Lots of questions that i simply cant justify in my mind at this time
Okay ... Kimster is going to "gong" me here, but I *promise* not to stray further OT ... after I answer this question. I've done a fair amount of reading on this Morton, WA, case. LE charged this guy with a class A felony. The best they could do under assault would likely be a class B felony, since the child -- according to MSM reports -- did not have any visible injuries after the attack. BTW, after considerable research, the two families do not appear to be related. If they are, it's by a very long shirt tail. Okay, back OT. Sorry Kimster.

adding my apologies too kimster it was not my intention to start a sleuthing inquiry, I used this as an example of how brazen stranger assaults/abductions can be and not all are calculated to ninth degree of deception. Opportunity seems to prevail for these predators. That is why i could not rule out a stranger abduction in this case with Kyron not being found and Th not arrested. I did state i ironically noticed the similarities with names and occupations and perhaps that was best left unsaid.. again apologies.
No ma'mam...mine was in my Tuesday sale and brochure day as a coupon was on the very last page..Something to do with RedPlum Publishing possibly and the National Assoc. Of Missing Children ( I know that's not the correct name)..but it's just in a coupon brochure. It also featured Gabriel Johnson, which I know some of you here have followed and do follow..( didn't mean to get o/t with Gabe)...

Yes, that's what I got, too. Every week we get our grocerie store ads and coupons and a folded cover with Missing Children on it each week. There's Kyron's picture. They're still looking for him everyplace.

As impatient as I get sometimes with these cases, I can honestly say the search for Kyron has been extensive, and continues. IMO, it seems like Kyron may have been handed off or sold when I see they want me to keep an eye out for him in So California. I think about how hopeful his parents sounded at first. I start to hope. Then I get impatient all over again..

Kaine: We've had some concerns...

Desiree: Yeah.

Kaine: ...along with his teacher around listening to instructions from adults while at school, so we've been working with him to try to understand that we need to work with the faculty there, the parents there, the volunteers there to make sure that when they give him instructions he's following those.
He normally does a very good job at doing that. Just occasionally we get a little bit of that behavior so we've really reinforced with him that if you're at school and you're working with a parent or a teacher, you need to follow their instructions. So in that particular environment he would be expected to follow the instructions of an adult...

Desiree: Yeah.

Kaine: school. Outside of school he's very well versed in the stranger danger and everything else, but in that one particular setting that's the type of behavior that's been reinforced through all of us.

Desiree: Yeah.
I guess I still can't go with a total stranger abducting Kyron.

Yes, I think he would be trying to listen to adults, particularly his step mother. It's hard to say what actually happened to Kyron until they find him. At this point, it could've been a hand off or it could've been a murder. The investigation itself hasn't indicated a stranger, as far as I know.
Often, the investigation does not indicate a stranger, rather when/if the child or predator is found, then LE knows they are dealing with a stranger. So it is hard to for me to say they can "know" it is not a stranger.

Kaine: We've had some concerns...

Desiree: Yeah.

Kaine: ...along with his teacher around listening to instructions from adults while at school, so we've been working with him to try to understand that we need to work with the faculty there, the parents there, the volunteers there to make sure that when they give him instructions he's following those.
He normally does a very good job at doing that. Just occasionally we get a little bit of that behavior so we've really reinforced with him that if you're at school and you're working with a parent or a teacher, you need to follow their instructions. So in that particular environment he would be expected to follow the instructions of an adult...

Desiree: Yeah.

Kaine: school. Outside of school he's very well versed in the stranger danger and everything else, but in that one particular setting that's the type of behavior that's been reinforced through all of us.

Desiree: Yeah.

I think any child would let their stranger-danger lessons go out the window inside a school and I am sure we all stress following the rules and listening to your teachers. I think most of us will agree there are a lot of red-flags to Terri, but IF we forget all of that, the school was open that kids were milling around freely (some with parents, some maybe not) since 8:00 am, the buses came with more kids. Why Kyron & not another child...that may have been on-his-own. According to Terri seconds before Kyron reached his room as she waved goodbye, that a stranger chose Kyron when everyone parents, children who would have noticed someone grabbing him...choose that moment & Kyron as TH could have turned around & forgot something to ask him? By TH's own words, feet from his doesn't make sense to me, even if he were to be complaint to a stranger. And then there are all those pesky red flags that continue to accumulate. :mad:
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