Stranger abduction theory

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Does anyone know when the last time LE stated that Terri is the last known person to see Kyron?

I remember hearing it on 6/18 but wonder if they have been re-stating it each of the (few) times they have spoken...

Good question. Let us know if you find it! There are lots of press conferences and stuff to go through.
If LE can't rule out 100% that this is not a "Stranger Abduction", then I am hard pressed
to as well. We simply just don't know.JMO
The true facts of this case whether it is taken from a newspaper or hearsay is all a jumbled up mess full of words like maybe, possibly, probably - nothing sounds for sure. The facts remain vague months later. I don't know if they are being careful in the investigation to hide the fact that now it looks more like a stranger abduction, afterall, and that the school had lax policies.

I'm feeling impatient, I'll admit. Kyron's picture is right in front of me. It was in my weekly ads which means there's a likelihood they expect him to be seen in another state alive. So, what is the real story of that day? Does LE really have it figured out?
I believe that LE at a press conference actually clarified that. Terri called the school, and then when the school couldn't locate Kyron and realized he was missing, they called 911:

When Kyron didn't come home on the bus that Friday afternoon, his parents called the school, which in turn called 911, launching what Gates said could be the largest search operation in Oregon history. LINK

3:46 p.m. reported to be from Skyline elementary staff, law enforcement records and Desiree:

School secretary Susan Hall places 911 call and reports Kyron missing to authorities. Susan then calls Desiree and informs her of Kyron’s missing status. Desiree speaks with Terri immediately afterward on Terri’s cell phone. Desiree states she was immediately concerned because statements Terri made during that phone call didn’t make sense. LINK

Exactly, Terri was the first to report Kyron missing when he didn't get off the bus. Otherwise the school would have no reason to call 911. Thanks!
It's possible that LE still has their eye on Terri while opening their minds, or reopening them, to other would not be the first time that a case has undergone various theories during the course of it. It also would not be the first time that LE feels they "know" who committed the crime but can never get to the point where they can prove it.
That Terri has accounted adequately for her time and could not have pulled off the abduction, given what we know about her activities that day, without an accomplice. And since that is extremely unlikely and there is zero evidence pointing to an accomplice, we are back at square one.

To be honest we do not know that Terri's time was adequately accounted for that day.. We have Terri in an email giving her account.. LE has never confirmed that account..The only thing that has been confirmed by anyone other than Terri for that time was Andrea stating that she saw Terri at a FM sometime around 10.. Other than that there is nothing that corroborates Terri's acct...certainly not a confirmation from LE..

So, honestly we do not know what amount of time that Terri had to execute her nefarious plans for Kyron...

but its obvious IMO that whatever amount of time that Terri had was "enough" to not only "disappear" Kyron but also to dispose in a very well thought out and planned here we are over 6 mos. out and precious Kyron's remains have yet to be found...
The true facts of this case whether it is taken from a newspaper or hearsay is all a jumbled up mess full of words like maybe, possibly, probably - nothing sounds for sure. The facts remain vague months later. I don't know if they are being careful in the investigation to hide the fact that now it looks more like a stranger abduction, afterall, and that the school had lax policies.

I'm feeling impatient, I'll admit. Kyron's picture is right in front of me. It was in my weekly ads which means there's a likelihood they expect him to be seen in another state alive. So, what is the real story of that day? Does LE really have it figured out?

CM... I agree...I got one about a month ago in my flyer.Was good to see it's still out there for all of us to see no matter were we live for sure.
Here in Los Angeles, I received a missing flier with Kyron on it in the mailings last Wednesday, Nov. 24th.
Exactly, Terri was the first to report Kyron missing when he didn't get off the bus. Otherwise the school would have no reason to call 911. Thanks!

You're welcome.

How exactly does this support any stranger abduction theory?
Could it be, because of Desiree's slip, of why was Kyron by the truck, when he was supposed to be in class.
That possibly, Terri just drove off and left him standing there and a lucky child abductor picked him and whisked him away.
Not my way of thinking, but maybe what 2nd detective might use.

Again, going back to Ted Bundy as my example. His last victim was Kimberly Leach. She was at school at the time, a school that held some classes in temporary classrooms just outside the main school building. Kimberly forgot her purse in her first class, which was held in one of those temporary classrooms. When she went back to get it, Ted Bundy abducted her.

That seems so unlikely, so impossible, that it wouldn't ordinarily merit consideration. Who could have predicted Kimberly would forget her purse on the one day that Ted Bundy was lurking outside the school? From Bundy's point of view, what were the odds that a girl fitting his general victim profile would be found at that particular place?

I agree that the "lucky" child abductor theory is unlikely but it isn't any more unlikely than Ted Bundy abducting Kimberly Leach.
It is possible that a stranger abducted Kyron from the school, but so much has been said in the media giving Terri a motive, means, and opportunity. Plus, all the bad things said about her alleged personality and problems that it all seems pointing to her.
Because of LE saying Terri was the last known person to see Kyron. IMO there was someone that saw Terri, with Kyron, after the time, that Terri said she, last saw Kyron.

Well, more accurately, they have said that Terri was the last known adult to see Kyron. I am not sure I recall a missing child's case where they specifically threw in the word adult to that statement, which is something that I have always personally found to be very interesting in this case.
kappy50 and charminglane...How did you get a missing person poster mailed to you? Is there a mailing list to sign up for that? Thank you in advance!
Well, more accurately, they have said that Terri was the last known adult to see Kyron. I am not sure I recall a missing child's case where they specifically threw in the word adult to that statement, which is something that I have always personally found to be very interesting in this case.

Did they say "adult"? I don't remember that...

Also, I guess I will have to listen to the PC's...I am wondering if LE continued to say Terri was the last known person to see Kyron in each one or just the early ones, or all of them, etc...(Maybe Bean E knows...:) )
Did they say "adult"? I don't remember that...

Also, I guess I will have to listen to the PC's...I am wondering if LE continued to say Terri was the last known person to see Kyron in each one or just the early ones, or all of them, etc...(Maybe Bean E knows...:) )

Hi Cluciano,

Yes, even in the most recent article I read about the emails - from KATU news - they used that wording. I believe I've read and heard that specific wording in other news reports as well. But, anyway, here is the one from KATU News. It is at the very end, last little paragraph, of the article:

Kyron Horman, now eight years old, has been missing since June 4. According to investigators, Terri Horman was the last known adult to see him. Investigators have not named Terri a person of interest or a suspect in the case and have not made any arrests.
Well, that's very strange...I never noticed that they used the word "adult" referring to last adult known to see Kyron...that seems a very strange way of saying "last person" to see him. Why specify it that way?
kappy50 and charminglane...How did you get a missing person poster mailed to you? Is there a mailing list to sign up for that? Thank you in advance!

No ma'mam...mine was in my Tuesday sale and brochure day as a coupon was on the very last page..Something to do with RedPlum Publishing possibly and the National Assoc. Of Missing Children ( I know that's not the correct name)..but it's just in a coupon brochure. It also featured Gabriel Johnson, which I know some of you here have followed and do follow..( didn't mean to get o/t with Gabe)...
No ma'mam...mine was in my Tuesday sale and brochure day as a coupon was on the very last page..Something to do with RedPlum Publishing possibly and the National Assoc. Of Missing Children ( I know that's not the correct name)..but it's just in a coupon brochure. It also featured Gabriel Johnson, which I know some of you here have followed and do follow..( didn't mean to get o/t with Gabe)...

Oh, neat...thanks for explaining. I will double check to see if I had one too. :)
Well, that's very strange...I never noticed that they used the word "adult" referring to last adult known to see Kyron...that seems a very strange way of saying "last person" to see him. Why specify it that way?

Yep, it is very strange and interesting. I am trying to think of another case where it has been phrased that way and just can't think of one. Also, conversely, I can't think of a case where a child (friend or sibling) was a witness to an abduction and was stated to be the last known child to see the victim. So, yeah, it stands out to me.
It is possible that a stranger abducted Kyron from the school, but so much has been said in the media giving Terri a motive, means, and opportunity. Plus, all the bad things said about her alleged personality and problems that it all seems pointing to her. much has been said in the media...that's just it...whom are we to believe...if everything that has been said is true, does that make TH a killer of a child...I personally don't see it...could very well be...I just don't think's just all that has been fed about her to JQ Public. There is more to it that we all know, and time will tell...To me, anyone could have had the motive, means and opportunity...
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