Sunday 6/2/13 on True Crime Radio - Elaine Redwine

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This is really annoying! The audio goes out every 30 seconds and I have to refresh and I can't even follow the conversation! UGH!

[ How can he criticize LE for not doing an Amber Alert, when he just now said he did not believe D was abducted for a couple of days.???]
"Turn over every rock...under every log, look in every stump..."
oh , here we go.

" well, umm, obviously, he was here at my house when he went missing,,,I only did what LE told me to do..which was to stay here and wait for him to return..."

" I have made many efforts..the difference between me and my ex wife, I don't search because of the recognition and follow the cameras around..."

I'm not listening (just got home) but if that is transcribed correctly, he is just shameful. In my opinion.
This is really annoying! The audio goes out every 30 seconds and I have to refresh and I can't even follow the conversation! UGH!

Try hitting pause then play and keeping your curser over the play button. That worked for me.
" I felt from the very first moment I was being attacked and I tried hard not to retaliate which would make me look worse than I looked..." [ re dr Phil show]
[ How can he criticize LE for not doing an Amber Alert, when he just now said he did not believe D was abducted for a couple of days.???]

Exactly he said he went & was "expressing my concerns to the Marsall's office."
I'm not listening (just got home) but if that is transcribed correctly, he is just shameful. In my opinion.

That is exactly what he said, and Tricia called him out on it, and he said he did not mean it as a jab at ER.
" specificially because the SW were issued based upon the theory of kidnapping, i am not trying to be critical, but my question is what was the fundamental reason you did not get an Amber Alert at that time?"

Oh Lord, he is back to criticizing LE.
OK, so he has this chance to talk publicly, and he is spending it complaining about the Search Warrant and it being done instead of an Amber Alert.
" I am not willing to tell LE where to look"

Maybe she did not want to tell him where they are searching.
I love the way he makes fun of LE saying ' top secret stuff whatever' because they do not disclose every place they are searching.
He is not THE VICTIM> Dylan is.

He is A victim, in that he is the father of a missing child that NO AUTHORITY has listed as a suspect or POI. There are generally rules for that. I don't recall being able to sleuth or criticize Elaine or anyone, and rightfully so at this point.

Waiting for deletion...
He cannot search too often becauyse he is afraid for his life?
The fact that all of Dylan's things were removed is just bizarre.
I heard a lot of grief and sorrow coming from Elaine. I hear no grief out of Mark. I hear arrogance and defiance. JMO
" I have to be honest with ya" How many times has he said that so far?
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