Sunday 6/2/13 on True Crime Radio - Elaine Redwine

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MR went though it after the fact , maybe?

MR looked though it while Dylan went upstairs to bring down the DVD player ?

I am sure he would of had opportunities to go though it if he so wished!

:cow: :cow: :cow:

He went thru it to get to Dylans phone when he took it from him! JMO
But why take broken iPods all the way to his dads home ?

There is more than likely nothing to this and totally innocent , I just found it a little strange :D

Just to respond, I don't know. I could speculate that maybe he brought one, it died, he left it there. Brought another, same situation, etc. Then at some point he had his own, better machine, and he used that. These little devices have been around for a while, break or become cranky after a few years, and get put aside. For all we know, one of them might be 8 or 9 years old.

My even bigger point is that I can't understand the big deal that was being made over them, and the idea that it was somehow an indication of Dylan's character that there were three at his father's house. That said, I admit to feeling protective of Dylan at this point, though I don't know him personally, so maybe I'm missing something.

ETA: Re: lending. Again, I'm not sure these machines were lent to him, and that the lenders wanted them back. I think they may have been given to Dylan after other people upgraded - the hand me down story of the younger child.


Thank you.
Just to respond, I don't know. I could speculate that maybe he brought one, it died, he left it there. Brought another, same situation, etc. Then at some point he had his own, better machine, and he used that. These little devices have been around for a while, break or become cranky after a few years, and get put aside. For all we know, one of them might be 8 or 9 years old.

My even bigger point is that I can't understand the big deal that was being made over them, and the idea that it was somehow an indication of Dylan's character that there were three at his father's house. That said, I admit to feeling protective of Dylan at this point, though I don't know him personally, so maybe I'm missing something.

ETA: Re: lending. Again, I'm not sure these machines were lent to him, and that the lenders wanted them back. I think they may have been given to Dylan after other people upgraded - the hand me down story of the younger child.


Thank you.

The most important part of the whole ipod discussion is that it does not appear that Dylan's ipod touch was found. The other ipod--wasn't one MR's? Anyway, they are really not relevant unless they were left there by a perpetrator of this crime against Dylan. I don't think the ipods-one or more is any reflection on anyone at all. There are too many possible reasons for the ipods being there.

When he says he does not believe Dylan is in La Plata county, it makes me recall Casey saying she felt Caylee was close by.

I think Mark could have been implying that Elaine disappeared Dylan (like he said on Dr Phil), so Elaine has taken Dylan out of the area. I wouldn't be surprised if that comes up again in mediation.

My impression from Mark's behavior, and from what AZ has said, is that he is a guy who can be very different in private than in public. On Tricia's show he definitely had his best public face on.

Also, if it hasn't been mentioned already, Dylan probably took his iPod to play games or listen to music since his phone was not a smartphone.
I think Mark could have been implying that Elaine disappeared Dylan (like he said on Dr Phil), so Elaine has taken Dylan out of the area. I wouldn't be surprised if that comes up again in mediation.

My impression from Mark's behavior, and from what AZ has said, is that he is a guy who can be very different in private than in public. On Tricia's show he definitely had his best public face on.

Also, if it hasn't been mentioned already, Dylan probably took his iPod to play games or listen to music since his phone was not a smartphone.

I don't know about appearing differently in private vs. public. MR and EH interviews with M. Blassius were long as was Tricia's radio show. Both Dylan's parents present consistent personality traits in my opinion. Having said that, it's also true that everyone has other sides to their personalities that may not be readily apparent. AZGrandma's experience with MR is quite old. EH has stated repeatedly that Mark is different now. I don't think we can have it both ways.
"What I understood about talking to EH about searches wasn't that he wanted to know so he could/wouldn't go where she was going to be but that he didn't think it made sense for them to be searching somewhere without knowing if the other one had already searched the same spot. It made sense to me, and I didn't see anything suspicious about it."

That is one possible reason yes, and it does make sense. It is not an excuse not to search however. It does no harm to have an area searched more than once because it's easy to miss things and things look different at different seasons of the year and things may be moved or uncovered by animals or weather.

I admit that different interpretations are possible for him wanting to know where other parties are searching. To be helpful is one. To know if they are getting close in order to move things is another. To stage a hunting accident is another. I don't know which it is but if I suspected someone I would not share that info with them, only LE, maybe my attorney, people I trust like search organizations, all depending on LE recommendations.
He went thru it to get to Dylans phone when he took it from him! JMO

I find it even more likely that anything Dylan had taken out of the backpack was put back in before it was disposed of. Very possibly where a lot of evidence can be found.
Where is MR supposedly searching all by his lonesome, if he feels certain Dylan is not in the county?
Hi Tricia!

If you're reading, I have a burning question.

Paraphrasing - On the show you said Mark had told you in a previous conversation that he was the one who contacted the DP show. Then on the show when you asked MR, he refuted and said he was not the one who contacted the DP show. You followed up by saying it must have been a mistake on your part. I tend to believe you take notes and I believe you're a good communicator. I can't shake the contradiction. Would you care to elaborate on this question? Did Mark change his story or did you make a mistake? TIA
Hi Tricia!

If you're reading, I have a burning question.

Paraphrasing - On the show you said Mark had told you in a previous conversation that he was the one who contacted the DP show. Then on the show when you asked MR, he refuted and said he was not the one who contacted the DP show. You followed up by saying it must have been a mistake on your part. I tend to believe you take notes and I believe you're a good communicator. I can't shake the contradiction. Would you care to elaborate on this question? Did Mark change his story or did you make a mistake? TIA

That would be interesting to hear. Although, I accepted her words on the show. Tricia did such a good job overall!
Hi Tricia!

If you're reading, I have a burning question.

Paraphrasing - On the show you said Mark had told you in a previous conversation that he was the one who contacted the DP show. Then on the show when you asked MR, he refuted and said he was not the one who contacted the DP show. You followed up by saying it must have been a mistake on your part. I tend to believe you take notes and I believe you're a good communicator. I can't shake the contradiction. Would you care to elaborate on this question? Did Mark change his story or did you make a mistake? TIA

the contradiction makes me think of his claim that he was the one who reported Dylan missing, when we know now he wasn't. it also makes me question his claim that he was responsible for Wendy and the dogs coming back.

its like his claim to be searching for Dylan but when pushed on the when and wheres he couldn't give a straight answer.
the contradiction makes me think of his claim that he was the one who reported Dylan missing, when we know now he wasn't. it also makes me question his claim that he was responsible for Wendy and the dogs coming back.

its like his claim to be searching for Dylan but when pushed on the when and wheres he couldn't give a straight answer.

Until MR passes a LE polygraph, I'm not believing one word he says unless it can be confirmed by others. :moo:
It will be easy to find Dylan's texting apps. iTunes keeps track of every app, songs, etc that is "purchased" (money or free).
Until MR passes a LE polygraph, I'm not believing one word he says unless it can be confirmed by others. :moo:

same here.

I think its beyond bizarre (if he is innocent of harming or spiriting Dylan away) that he says one thing and then we find out the opposite is true

IMO his priority is himself and IMO he is not the poor pitiful victim he tries to portray.

Or his father could have confiscated them. My son's stepmom liked to do that if he wasn't paying attention to her. Such a witch she was! :moo:

some parents just don't understand (or maybe its that they don't care) that its their children they are hurting the most by playing petty stupid games.

A couple of kids I know used to come back from their fathers minus their good clothes, there was always some lame excuse. Eventually the mum sent the kids in and with play clothes, and their father had the audacity to take her back to court claiming she wasn't providing properly for them, he lost.
It will be easy to find Dylan's texting apps. iTunes keeps track of every app, songs, etc that is "purchased" (money or free).

I would think that this had already been done or attempted, but I vaguely recall iTunes refusing to give up this information in Skylar Neece's case.

Also, one of my kids used one of these apps and after a couple of weeks of not being used, the number was assigned to someone else. Believe me, I was dancing around trying to explain to some kid (?) why I was texting that number and asking "Where are you?" It freaked the kid out and me too.
Dear Emma Ems,

This little boy is likely no longer with us. I am uncomfortable accusing him of being irresponsible, particularly since we do not know what the situation regarding these devices was. Nor will I engage in any other talk that bashes him. If one thing is clear in this case, it is (IMO) that Dylan Redwine was the VICTIM here.

From everything I've read, it sounds like he was a good son (both parents say this), a good brother, and a good friend. I am going with the opinions of those who knew him best.

I would like to ask your permission to agree to disagree on this issue. It's probably just me, but I really find this kind of talk about a young victim of a crime disturbing.

Thank you.

(All above is IMO only.)

Thanks is not enough!!! &#128151;
I would think that this had already been done or attempted, but I vaguely recall iTunes refusing to give up this information in Skylar Neece's case.

Also, one of my kids used one of these apps and after a couple of weeks of not being used, the number was assigned to someone else. Believe me, I was dancing around trying to explain to some kid (?) why I was texting that number and asking "Where are you?" It freaked the kid out and me too.

Jumping from your post...

Even if they knew the apps, how likely are they to know what was texted back and forth without the actual device?
some parents just don't understand (or maybe its that they don't care) that its their children they are hurting the most by playing petty stupid games.

A couple of kids I know used to come back from their fathers minus their good clothes, there was always some lame excuse. Eventually the mum sent the kids in and with play clothes, and their father had the audacity to take her back to court claiming she wasn't providing properly for them, he lost.

This is completely an opinion
I feel that this entire thing is a game to MR, and Dylan unfortunately was the pawn in this game. I also feel that the game is going exactly the way he wants it to go, in other words, he thinks he is "winning". When I heard from him that we are at the "6 month mark", it was very chilling to me. He actually says on Tricia's interview that this is why he felt it was time for mediation and for putting out his recent statement. That 6 months is a long time to have your child missing. Isn't the 1 day, or 1 week mark a long time to have your child missing? Wouldn't that be a good time to speak up?

I believe that the mediation with Elaine is part of his prize for winning the game. I think this is exactly the scenario he was hoping for - and not anything to do with finding Dylan. I think it's completely about control - he has something Elaine needs, (information about Dylan) and he is dangling that in front of her. I also believe that when he heard Elaine sounding so beaten down on Tricia's show, (like many of us here noticed) this is right where he wants her, and probably why he decided to call in.

I am very saddened today and very fearful for Dylan, and now for Elaine.
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