Sunday, 6/9/2013 Radio Show

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BBM: Adventureland ETA: I watched the Red Trailer. It was bad....

BBBM:I wondered the same thing

GBBM: The more he talked about what happened that day, the more upset he became, and the more angry he sounded. Could be because going over it again bothers him, possibly because he remembers the panic of the time.

I found it so interesting that he didn't tell Tricia the name of the movie. He had mentioned in MB's interview. Yet on the search warrant another movie was taken. It is seemingly the little things, that catch people off guard.

IIRC in the very first interview & I think many people will remember this but if not take as rumor. Paraphrasing once they got home they toss around the Nerf football then went to bed.

One or two interviews went by that the time in question (once they got home) wasn't TALKED about. Not sure that can be layed on Mark.

MB's interview - we have the whole word salad about the movies from Walmart &
[FONT=&quot]You know, Dylan … wanted to throw in a few videos that he found in the $5 bin, so we threw those in -- which is one of the movies we would watch that night … you know… when we were together… and… you
I mean there wasn’t a whole lot of things we needed.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Melissa Blasius:[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]What movie was it?[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Mark Redwine:[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I got to tell you, it was really bad. Uh....Adventureland or something along those lines.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Melissa Blasius:[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Never even heard of it[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Mark Redwine:
[FONT=&quot]It was a …. it was a low rated movie. I was struggling through it, but I’m not a big movie person I have a hard time watching any movie, cos my concentration on one thing for 2 hours is a little hard for me which is one of the reasons I spend more time watching 30 minute shows like sitcoms and things like that.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Melissa Blasius:[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]So… so… you guys watched the movie, and then… and then what happened, did he just?

[FONT=&quot]Mark Redwine:[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Well, we were watching the movie together. I remember the movie being finished. I at some point was pacing the floor and got up and was taking care of a few little things you know over here at the kitchen table while we were doing that but, you know, it was – Shortly after the ending of that movie, which my guess, and I don’t recall because I don’t keep track of the clock… you know…it must have been… I thought it was earlier in the beginning…’cos I was fairly tired anyway, and I know Dylan was tired because he indicated to me that because he had been up ‘till 4:00 the night before and that he had spent most of the day in the airport traveling to get here that he was tired, and, you know, it seems to me it had to been about 10:30’ish maybe by the time the movie got done… somewhere in there and, you know, shortly after that I ran up and went to bed and he finished up doin’ whatever he was doin’ watching Nickelodeon or whatever he was watching. [/FONT]
I am 100% sure LE went over those critical hours with a microscope. They seized a movie called "Role Model" but not "Adventureland". Tonight MR wouldn't name the moved that no doubt LE had the very same questions about. Did he trip up? Was the movie watched? In Tricia's last interview MR was all over & adamant that Dylan's finger prints were all over the DVR. The list of activities grows to the point was the movie watched???
I am 100% sure LE went over those critical hours with a microscope. They seized a movie called "Role Model" but not "Adventureland". Tonight MR couldn't name the moved that no doubt LE had the very same questions about. Did he trip up? Was the movie watched? In Tricia's last interview MR was all over & adamant that Dylan's finger prints were all over the DVR. The list of activities grows to the point was the movie watched???


Adventureland is an hour from where I live - the small them park upon which the film is based - screenplay by a local who grew up there and is represented as the protagnanist.

It's a R film - involves romance between eisenberg and stewart - but the primary theme of he film is marijuana - the kid is a d. dealer.

The studio shelved it for twoyears after prodcution wrapped - releasing it only after twilight's suceess - and stewart's subsequent rise.

Adventureland is an hour from where I live - the small them park upon which the film is based - screenplay by a local who grew up there and is represented as the protagnanist.

It's a R film - involves romance between eisenberg and stewart - but the primary theme of he film is marijuana - the kid is a d. dealer.

The studio shelved it for twoyears after prodcution wrapped - releasing it only after twilight's suceess - and stewart's subsequent rise.

Did that fit with what MR described tonight as the plot?
I am positive that everytime MR is inconsistent that LE take note :cow:
Also, isn't this the first time Mark has ever acknowledged that he had not talked to Dylan ever since the last visit - that he tried to reach Dylan but Dylan never replied? He said Elaine set up the private meeting between Dylan and the judge and he never talked to him after that.

Also he said that what he hoped for wasn't accomplished - that Elaine and him would change opinions of each other.


Sounds like, based upon the impressionsof the other siblings - that DR probably rejected MR, who, hypothetically, may have been drinking Jim Beam - and just couldn't deal.

Amazing how this has played out. It's like, really?
Sounds like a man willing to do what it takes to keep the focus on Dylan. Difficult to believe a guilty man would be doing a two hour Dr. Phil show, Tricia twice, and virtually every other full length, no holds barred interview requested of him. I admire him for doing the show despite knowing that the vitriol and character assassination will continue from folks a bit too singular focused and obsessed with parsing his every word. If I was him, I would probably never leave the house or contact anyone, considering all of the not so subtle threats towards him on a rather caustic and juvenile social networking page.
Did that fit with what MR described tonight as the plot?

Yes. uptight recent college graduate discovers that he'll have to get a degrading minimum-wage job at a local amusement park instead of spending his summer drinking German beer, visiting world-class museums, and flirting with cute French girls...
Now the only things James has to look forward to this summer are sugar-fueled children, belligerent dads, and an endless parade of giant stuffed animals. James strikes up a relationship with co-worker Em (Kristen Stewart), he finally starts to loosen up. Suddenly, the worst summer ever doesn't seem quite so bad

Sounds like, based upon the impressionsof the other siblings - that DR probably rejected MR, who, hypothetically, may have been drinking Jim Beam - and just couldn't deal.

Amazing how this has played out. It's like, really?

Sadly, he did say Dylan was more distant than usual.
I am positive that everytime MR is inconsistent that LE take note :cow:


Does anyone else find fantastic delusions - concerning introducing foreign countries and an international scope to be a bit over the top???

"Let's makethe playing field earth - to make this go away," would be consistent with wanting to introduce foreign countires? This is getting borderline absurd.
Sounds like a man willing to do what it takes to keep the focus on Dylan. Difficult to believe a guilty man would be doing a two hour Dr. Phil show, Tricia twice, and virtually every other full length, no holds barred interview requested of him. I admire him for doing the show despite knowing that the vitriol and character assassination will continue from folks a bit too singular focused and obsessed with parsing his every word. If I was him, I would probably never leave the house or contact anyone, considering all of the not so subtle threats towards him on a rather caustic and juvenile social networking page.

So then if this is the case then why drink the night before you agree to a polygraph test?

That is clearly not putting his son first and once again is putting MR before his son!!

And really? , all we know is he is the last confirmed person with Dylan and so of course people will have doubts until such time we know the truth!
Sounds like a man willing to do what it takes to keep the focus on Dylan. Difficult to believe a guilty man would be doing a two hour Dr. Phil show, Tricia twice, and virtually every other full length, no holds barred interview requested of him. I admire him for doing the show despite knowing that the vitriol and character assassination will continue from folks a bit too singular focused and obsessed with parsing his every word. If I was him, I would probably never leave the house or contact anyone, considering all of the not so subtle threats towards him on a rather caustic and juvenile social networking page.

We are not on a facebook page, we are here at WS. So are we the ones you are calling, "singular focused and obsessed"?

Does anyone else find fantastic delusions - concerning introducing foreign countries and an international scope to be a bit over the top???

"Let's makethe playing field earth - to make this go away," would be consistent with wanting to introduce foreign countires? This is getting borderline absurd.

Yes , I don't get why Dylan would of been smuggled out of the country . He was almost 14 at the time and can speak and is not a baby who would adapt .
So I am still at a loss why in the S/W they seized "Role Model". I know it has been said before maybe they took "Adventureland" previously. Maybe that is a question Tricia could ask? But it still doesn't explain why they took this movie. It is possible though they seized anything available that was uneaten, perhaps from Walmart.
Sadly, he did say Dylan was more distant than usual.


But that could just be conjecture - smoke-screen.

I;m listeing to last week';s radio show now - and when asked abt his last conversation with DR - he mentions that he couldn't play football becaiuse he registered as a stduent late. Then he goes on - rambling - about irrelevant points - "Especially with young kids, i don;t think any child should be prveneted from playing any sport."

This is a waste of breath. Just seems cut and dry to me.
So then if this is the case then why drink the night before you agree to a polygraph test?

That is clearly not putting his son first and once again is putting MR before his son!!

And really? , all we know is he is the last confirmed person with Dylan and so of course people will have doubts until such time we know the truth!


Exactly - he has no choice - if he gets uncooperative - it's over.

But that could just be conjecture - smoke-screen.

I;m listeing to last week';s radio show now - and when asked abt his last conversation with DR - he mentions that he couldn't play football becaiuse he registered as a stduent late. Then he goes on - rambling - about irrelevant points - "Especially with young kids, i don;t think any child should be prveneted from playing any sport."

This is a waste of breath. Just seems cut and dry to me.

He does ramble, I think everyone would agree?
So I am still at a loss why in the S/W they seized "Role Model". I know it has been said before maybe they took "Adventureland" previously. Maybe that is a question Tricia could ask? But it still doesn't explain why they took this movie. It is possible though they seized anything available that was uneaten, perhaps from Walmart.

The only two explanations I can think of are that either they took Role Model AND Adventureland and Mark didn't release the complete list of seized items, or he got the movie wrong, and LE is onto it. I still think that time period is the most crucial, when he purports they were watching the movie. MOO
So I am still at a loss why in the S/W they seized "Role Model". I know it has been said before maybe they took "Adventureland" previously. Maybe that is a question Tricia could ask? But it still doesn't explain why they took this movie. It is possible though they seized anything available that was uneaten, perhaps from Walmart.

I can't remember it has been awhile but did MR not say a few movies was picked out ? - maybe they took it to see if Dylan's finger prints was on it or something . Or to see if Dylan watched it after his dad went to sleep ?!
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