Sunday, 6/9/2013 Radio Show

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The only two explanations I can think of are that either they took Role Model AND Adventureland and Mark didn't release the complete list of seized items, or he got the movie wrong, and LE is onto it. I still think that time period is the most crucial, when he purports they were watching the movie. MOO

Some people have made a great case that all the S/W pages weren't all released. Don't quote me but I think he has said he released all he had or was given? So if true, then they didn't take "Adventureland". Big problem regardless to clear Mark IMO. Your right this is the most crucial period IMO.
He does ramble, I think everyone would agree?

CO must be the last state that still gives blind detectives a shot at open cases. Who knew!
I can't remember it has been awhile but did MR not say a few movies was picked out ? - maybe they took it to see if Dylan's finger prints was on it or something . Or to see if Dylan watched it after his dad went to sleep ?!

In the MB interview, I bet that was quoted that he said "a few" movies were bought (the exact quote would be above from TexasJan), tonight I believe & I need to listen again but I think he said "a couple". But was more interesting is in the last interview he made the point that Dylan's fingerprints were all over the DVR & nothing was mention about the movie(s). Nothing about the movie disks themselves.
Is there a resident expert (WS) who you guys know or could recommend to help me determine the best "file-sharing" application in order to have a group of folks work together on one specific document as a group project related to this case?

I'm not up-to-date on the latest or best method to accomplish this group type effort and am seeking advice/suggestions. Not sure where to pose this question, but it is related to this case.

Is there a resident expert (WS) who you guys know or could recommend to help me determine the best "file-sharing" application in order to have a group of folks work together on one specific document as a group project related to this case?

I'm not up-to-date on the latest or best method to accomplish this group type effort and am seeking advice/suggestions. Not sure where to pose this question, but it is related to this case.



We have used time-lines before - simple contributory-based. Which consolidates everyone;s efforts

In the MB interview, I bet that was quoted that he said "a few" movies were bought (the exact quote would be above from TexasJan), tonight I believe & I need to listen again but I think he said "a couple". But was more interesting is in the last interview he made the point that Dylan's fingerprints were all over the DVR & nothing was mention about the movie(s). Nothing about the movie disks themselves.

Here it is:

Melissa Blasius:
Why’d you go to Wal-Mart?

Mark Redwine:
Well, I had just recently come in from doing a job in Silver City, New Mexico, so, you know, I didn’t have a whole lot of things for us to eat, and you know, Dylan’s always adamant about having his snacks around and things for him to snack on when he’s around, and…so there was a need for us to grab enough things from Wal-Mart to be able to sustain ourselves for a day or two while we were figuring out… you know, I didn’t even buy anything for Thanksgiving because I didn’t have any concrete plan as to what we were going to do whether we were going to do it here or whether we were going to do it somewhere else. So, all I was trying to do was focus on, you know, having enough to get us by for the next couple days until we could make those arrangements. You know, Dylan … wanted to throw in a few videos that he found in the $5 bin, so we threw those in -- which is one of the movies we would watch that night … you know… when we were together… and… you
I mean there wasn’t a whole lot of things we needed.

Melissa Blasius Interview w/ MR

NOTE: The only difference between MB interview and tonight's show is that Blasius interview he said it was the $5 bin but tonight he said it was the $1 bin. LOL

We have used time-lines before - simple contributory-based. Which consolidates everyone;s efforts


I have a very extensive timeline - massive, I would say, and very thorough and concise. :wink: My intent was to "COLLABORATE" with a group on a WORKING document - BEFORE posting/sharing so others can review and contribute their comments/questions/suggestions. I'm not sure if this can be done in real time with one document and a select # of participants viewing/editing or ???? I believe there is a method to do this. (Saves a lot of madness updating/editing AFTER the fact and since I don't have constant access to edit it upon posting it in the Media Timeline thread). Hope that makes sense.

Group collaborative effort on ONE document.
In the MB interview, I bet that was quoted that he said "a few" movies were bought (the exact quote would be above from TexasJan), tonight I believe & I need to listen again but I think he said "a couple". But was more interesting is in the last interview he made the point that Dylan's fingerprints were all over the DVR & nothing was mention about the movie(s). Nothing about the movie disks themselves.


I just watched the first few mins of Dr. phil.

The brother says: "Just waiting for the call to pick my brother up"
Then MR comes on - all in the past tense - "I LOVED that boy. I want everyoine to know how much I CARED about him. He WAS such a wonderful boy."

Wow - I can't be the only one seeing this----

Would you agree that - he could have used a better choice of words - expecially if information is not being withhheld? Sounds like someone knows something.

The .G
I have a very extensive timeline - massive, I would say, and very thorough and concise. :wink: My intent was to "COLLABORATE" with a group on a WORKING document - BEFORE posting/sharing so others can review and contribute their comments/questions/suggestions. I'm not sure if this can be done in real time with one document and a select # of participants viewing/editing or ???? I believe there is a method to do this. (Saves a lot of madness updating/editing AFTER the fact and since I don't have constant access to edit it upon posting it in the Media Timeline thread). Hope that makes sense.

Group collaborative effort on ONE document.


A great idea!

Only thing I can think of - using track changes with word... but hugely inferior to what you mention - real -time, multiple contributors...

You should invent it!

A great idea!

Only thing I can think of - using track changes with word... but hugely inferior to what you mention - real -time, multiple contributors...

You should invent it!

I think someone already did. When I was working a few years back, I seem to remember participating in something like this that involved many international collaborators, but I can't for the life of me remember what the program was because I wasn't the facilitator, just a participant. A time was scheduled, everybody logged in from their own part of the world, the document appeared on screen, folks were there virtually, and there was a virtual-type meeting/presentation/brainstorming session and everyone could access the document and provide input/suggestions/questions/commentary, etc.

I was hoping some guru here would know if things have advanced since that time and/or similar or same method available currently and what that program/application is!

Word tracking is my last resort.
Night folks - I hear birds chirping. :wink:
Tomorrow's another day...
I think someone already did. When I was working a few years back, I seem to remember participating in something like this that involved many international collaborators, but I can't for the life of me remember what the program was because I wasn't the facilitator, just a participant. A time was scheduled, everybody logged in from their own part of the world, the document appeared on screen, folks were there virtually, and there was a virtual-type meeting/presentation/brainstorming session and everyone could access the document and provide input/suggestions/questions/commentary, etc.

I was hoping some guru here would know if things have advanced since that time and/or similar or same method available currently and what that program/application is!

Word tracking is my last resort.


I remember using VANTIVE - which let people log-in and make updates to a record.
So Dylan was distant and wanted to visit his friends when he landed. So i certainly do not believe it was the reunion MR had envisioned that night :cow:


Just listening to the radio interview and i don't get this when asked a question .

Mark states that things were accomplished in meditation but when asked what they was he then says what was not accomplished which was not the question asked.

Mark also starts to stumble when Tricia asks what Elaine is saying to the public and then says to him which to me indicates deception as why stumble over this as its a pretty simple question and yet he stalls .
I have a very extensive timeline - massive, I would say, and very thorough and concise. :wink: My intent was to "COLLABORATE" with a group on a WORKING document - BEFORE posting/sharing so others can review and contribute their comments/questions/suggestions. I'm not sure if this can be done in real time with one document and a select # of participants viewing/editing or ???? I believe there is a method to do this. (Saves a lot of madness updating/editing AFTER the fact and since I don't have constant access to edit it upon posting it in the Media Timeline thread). Hope that makes sense.

Group collaborative effort on ONE document.

Google Docs should let you do that. Or post a document on a Dropbox folder.

Does anyone else find fantastic delusions - concerning introducing foreign countries and an international scope to be a bit over the top???

"Let's makethe playing field earth - to make this go away," would be consistent with wanting to introduce foreign countires? This is getting borderline absurd.

So then if this is the case then why drink the night before you agree to a polygraph test?

That is clearly not putting his son first and once again is putting MR before his son!!

And really? , all we know is he is the last confirmed person with Dylan and so of course people will have doubts until such time we know the truth!

Drinking before the poly was his OUT! He knew it! He never had any intention of taking that test. This was why he didn't do that same day he requested to do it the next day IIRC allowing himself this opportunity!
After listening to that interview I am amazed he ever got divorced . I mean he seems to understand everything and can look at the bigger picture and is seemingly a very understanding man with a gentle demeanour :cow:

Its all water off a ducks back when Dylan won't do this and that and ignores his calls because he just "understands"

I made this suggestion in the other thread before it was closed but thought I'd bring it over here.

I think it's great that MR feels he can speak on Tricia's show and I think Tricia has done a great job with her interviews.

I'd like to propose a new thread where we start capturing questions we'd like to have MR address. It would be a thread to collect the questions only, no discussion, so if MR agrees to come back on the show, Tricia and Kimster would be able to get the questions easily and figure out the best way to ask them.

For instance,

1) Could MR walk us through what happened the evening of November 19? He's gone to the Marshall's office, the person he spoke to suggested he should return to the house... what happened next? Did LE come to the house? Was there an organized search that night? Who was searching? What happened Tuesday morning?
2) What were the actual words exchanged with Dylan the morning of the 19th?
3) Did LE take any items not listed on the search warrant that MR provided? I'm really curious about Dylan's computer - did LE take that and look for email accounts, game accounts, social media, etc?
4) Would MR please explain what went on with the private investigator Michael Olson? Did MR know anything about the tip that was publicized at that time about the man looking for vacation rentals in the area?
5) Did Dylan have any cash?
6) Would MR be willing to share his text/call records with WS? I'm interested particularly in the times of MR's texts and attempts to call Dylan on Monday.
7) Which of the photos of Dylan on the Missing poster looks most like Dylan did on Sunday?

I'm sure I'll come up with more questions.
Coldhands I would love that as I have a few questions as well :D
I made this suggestion in the other thread before it was closed but thought I'd bring it over here.

I think it's great that MR feels he can speak on Tricia's show and I think Tricia has done a great job with her interviews.

I'd like to propose a new thread where we start capturing questions we'd like to have MR address. It would be a thread to collect the questions only, no discussion, so if MR agrees to come back on the show, Tricia and Kimster would be able to get the questions easily and figure out the best way to ask them.

For instance,

1) Could MR walk us through what happened the evening of November 19? He's gone to the Marshall's office, the person he spoke to suggested he should return to the house... what happened next? Did LE come to the house? Was there an organized search that night? Who was searching? What happened Tuesday morning?
2) What were the actual words exchanged with Dylan the morning of the 19th?
3) Did LE take any items not listed on the search warrant that MR provided? I'm really curious about Dylan's computer - did LE take that and look for email accounts, game accounts, social media, etc?
4) Would MR please explain what went on with the private investigator Michael Olson? Did MR know anything about the tip that was publicized at that time about the man looking for vacation rentals in the area?
5) Did Dylan have any cash?
6) Would MR be willing to share his text/call records with WS? I'm interested particularly in the times of MR's texts and attempts to call Dylan on Monday.
7) Which of the photos of Dylan on the Missing poster looks most like Dylan did on Sunday?

I'm sure I'll come up with more questions.

brilliant idea!

I'll add some questions later
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