Support Thread: Detective Yuri Melich

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At about 12:00 start watching for the suicide comment:

That whole section is worth watching!

Detective Melich: "Yes" "yes" "yes" ... I never laughed so hard, I had tears and then the whole "quotation" diatribe :floorlaugh:

I LOVE watching a well trained cop in court, the respect they have, the way they speak to the jury or judge, the straight forward answers ... LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
Anyone remember hearing when Yuri was questioned by Baez, if he was informed that Casey was handcuffed prior to Yuri questioning her? I've read different answers to this question and if KC was handcuffed why was she handcuffed before Yuri questioned her?
I haven't finished listening to all of today's videos. could someone direct me to the video with JB's discussion about Yuri's post on WS? TIA

It is around the 6:14 mark ... but if you enjoy watching a bumbling lawyer you can watch him fiddle around from the time the state completes their questioning at 5:06. Is this man EVER ready for anything?
Anyone remember hearing when Yuri was questioned by Baez, if he was informed that Casey was handcuffed prior to Yuri questioning her? I've read different answers to this question and if KC was handcuffed why was she handcuffed before Yuri questioned her?

Police have the right to handcuff anyone for their own safety as well as the officers, you don't have to be under arrest to be cuffed.

Yuri said that he did not ask for cuffs to be removed, he didn't know if she was cuffed, but she was not cuffed during the interview.

Just as an example, if there is a domestic situation the parties are usually separated, often if it is heated, one party will be cuffed and placed in the patrol car. This may stop further attacks on that person, stop them from attacking someone else in a fit of rage and stop them from being able to hurt themselves. It can act as a calming mechanism.
Holy cow. I just happened to glance over and notice that this thread has now been viewed 70,000 + times. Wow! Wonder how many of those views were today?
After viewing Mr. Melich's testimony today, I can say he is one of the most articulate and best well-spoken witnesses to date. Good for him.
Thank you, Yuri!

You have no idea how much you're appreciated... you're Caylee's hero ♥
I can't believe I started one of the threads that the judge probably had in his hand yesterday. :) I'm so glad the judge saw through Baez's attempt to discredit Yuri.. he's probably one of the best in the business.
I think it's a pipe dream that a rookie lawyer like Baez, could make a veteran detective as credible as Yuri, look bad. It's just not going to happen. Baez's questioning only served to emphasize Baez's lack of experience.

As far as Detective Melich, he seems like a smart man, and he seems like a good man. I am thankful that we have men and women like him that do this type of work. Especially, those that deal with child crimes, like Yuri does.

That would be so hard for me. Seeing children treated like that: abused and killed. I couldn't take it. But, unfortunately we need people who can do that day after day. Children keep being victims of crime. When this case is over, there will sadly be more.
Yuri Melich was fantastic on the stand looking at the jury while answering questions. GREAT JOB Mr. Melich!!!! Thank you!!
Detective Yuri Melich is the ultimate officer and gentleman. I stand in complete awe of this outstanding man among men.
Yuri if you get to read here there is something I want you to know about me. I have been watching the trial live from Australia and I have been following this case since it all became public, your request here for us to pray for Caylee and her family shows what kind of man you are. Seeing Baez and you in court and the way you present yourself is in sharp contrast to Baez clutching for sinking straws in water over his depth. There is much I could say/vent about Baez but there is no need, you, your professionalism and the tie you chose to wear in court yesterday says it all about the kind of person you are. My eldest son is around the age I think you are, I am here to say that ANY mother would be very proud to have you as a son.
thank you yuri for being there for caylee, as well as others. god bless..we got your back here!
I have great admiration and respect for Yuri, and I think he handled himself very well in the courtroom yesterday. Anyone can tell that he is a true professional, and knows his job and does it well.

However, think about what it could have meant if the jury had not been removed from the courtroom. All it would take is ONE juror to have doubts about this officer who was in charge of the investigation, participating in crime forum discussions. EVEN IF he never commented on details of this case, his reputation was questioned and he could have compromised the case, for all that one juror knew.

I have to respectfully disagree that he was not reprimanded. Think about your child breaking a rule and the possibility that his or her actions could escalate into a bigger problem. You scold them in a nice way but still firmly so that they get the message, and you warn them not to do it again, right? It is still a scolding... a reprimand of sorts, even if it's done in a nice way with no angry words.

Maybe his superiors didn't take the time to read the thread and see that he never discussed details of the case. However, I'm sure they didn't just pat him on the back and say, "Hey, cut it out, ok?" I feel certain there was a conversation with him and he was somewhat scolded before he was told to stop posting. If they knew he was just thanking posters for their admiration and praise, then they wouldn't have told him to stop posting altogether. So, IMHO, yes... he was reprimanded, even if it was mild and issued merely as a warning. It doesn't change my opinion of him in the least, I still think he's a great officer, and he has my utmost respect. He's just a human like the rest of us and he did not intend to break any rules.
Yuri, every single time you sit to question people during an investigation, I hope you always remember to check your seat so that you don't sit on Zanny the Nanny, and take just a moment to let out a little giggle!:crazy: With your job, you must continue to find humor, for your own sake :)
Great Job today on the stand! You would be a great lawyer as well!
I have great admiration and respect for Yuri, and I think he handled himself very well in the courtroom yesterday. Anyone can tell that he is a true professional, and knows his job and does it well.

However, think about what it could have meant if the jury had not been removed from the courtroom. All it would take is ONE juror to have doubts about this officer who was in charge of the investigation, participating in crime forum discussions. EVEN IF he never commented on details of this case, his reputation was questioned and he could have compromised the case, for all that one juror knew.

I have to respectfully disagree that he was not reprimanded. Think about your child breaking a rule and the possibility that his or her actions could escalate into a bigger problem. You scold them in a nice way but still firmly so that they get the message, and you warn them not to do it again, right? It is still a scolding... a reprimand of sorts, even if it's done in a nice way with no angry words.

Maybe his superiors didn't take the time to read the thread and see that he never discussed details of the case. However, I'm sure they didn't just pat him on the back and say, "Hey, cut it out, ok?" I feel certain there was a conversation with him and he was somewhat scolded before he was told to stop posting. If they knew he was just thanking posters for their admiration and praise, then they wouldn't have told him to stop posting altogether. So, IMHO, yes... he was reprimanded, even if it was mild and issued merely as a warning. It doesn't change my opinion of him in the least, I still think he's a great officer, and he has my utmost respect. He's just a human like the rest of us and he did not intend to break any rules.

You can be sure the folks at OCSO read his posts, IF he had given out ANYTHING he could have totally destroyed a case (He didn't though). He may have been scolded in your eyes but from the LE point of view he was just told to stop.
No way in the world would he be in internal investigations now if there was a dirty mark on his name.... certainly not a reprimand.

Keep looking at the jury Yuri, they deserve the respect you give them unlike someone else on the floor.
I knew Baez would try to pull up Melich's support thread during the trial...Baez is grasping at straws.

Det. Melich...thank you. You continue to demonstrate the utmost professionalism.
I admire you greatly, Mr. Melich. You showed great restraint. If I had been in close proximity to Jose Baez that long with he asking all those ridiculous questions over and over, smirking the whole time, I would have punched his lights out. I commend you for not popping him.

You and the other Sheriff's Deputies who testified were proper, professional, and aboveboard. I'm glad everyone has advanced in their careers. A big hug to all of you. :heartbeat:

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