Support Thread: Detective Yuri Melich

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Isn't it refreshing to applaud sincere integrity?

I commend Det. Melich, and all those at OCSO that have to ENDURE so much that comes with the territory of their profession. I would end up on the other side of those bars in a hurry with some of these people- truly.

Awwwwwwwww Blink you do warm my heart and I'm betting, many of you on the WS boards give a big and much needed chuckle to a lot of LE's out there. Yuri natch included, cause this is his support thread, right SS. LOL

Hi SS :seeya:
Hi Yuri :winkaway:
I've seen GPS devices being advertised on TV but it should be something that non removeable. My kids are grown but I have to admit I still worry about my daughters and one is 30 and the other is 24 and I still go through things once in awhile about self defense with them!:waitasec:
I came out here after seeing this thread, and wanted to say thank you for your well wishes and support. Not just for me, but for our agency and for all the people working hard to solve this case. Again, my thanks.

:U There:

Det. Yuri,

Please check your Personal Messages. Just sent you one.

Det. Melich, THANK YOU for everything you do, and I pray that your leg heals nicely. I have a son who is a detective in the sheriff's dept. here, so I respect LE greatly. I know that they put their lives on the line every day, with as much dedication for the ones who don't respect them, as they do for the ones who do. Most would risk their own lives to protect someone who would turn around and spit in their face. God Bless You for your caring and devotion to this case.... and especially for your patience, and the same for your fellow officers. You are ALL heroes!
And God Bless Caylee!

My sport is international soccer. When the world cup comes around (whether mens, womens, or under 18) I'm a fan and try to watch every game. Go HDTV!

So, do you watch English Premiere League? I have Fox Soccer Channel now and love watching some of the best international players. Did you watch the Euro Cup over the summer? I was really into it. Cool to hear you like soccer. I played for a long time and it's the only sport I really enjoy watching.
Hope you get well soon.
Hi Yuri :seeya:hope you're having a good day and feeling okay.

Can't imagine having my leg broken as badly as yours. Last year I stepped in a hole and sprained my ankle/foot. Was in one of those velcro boot/splint thingys & on crutches for a couple of weeks and just about ripped every hair in my head out.......LOL. After about the 3rd day I had to give up on the crutches......had about 3 close calls trying to maneuver around with those dang was either give em up or break every bone in my body for real......rofl. Hubby came up with the brilliant idea of pushing me around the house in our office chair that's on rollers......won't go into the details of that little adventure but, for my own safety........had to give that up too !!!

Anyhow......didn't take me long to realize how handy two working legs are.........I appreciate the heck out of em every day now. Hopefully you're recovery will be quick and you'll be :run: soon.

Oh yeah......found this site in case you're interested

Take care !!!
Oh, I forgot to say that I commend you on your hard work with this case and all that you do!!
Thank you for all you have done in this case. You & the others have done a great job & you will be very blessed for being Caylee's voice. Also wishing you a very speedy recovery.:angel:
I have a question, in regards to your profession in general. I'm assuming, in your line of work, you may have been involved in a case here and there where, in your opinion, justice was not served in the end or a satisfactory resolution was never reached? If so, how do you "move on" and accept the outcome of such a situation? This is not directed toward the current case in any way, but rather from personal history and curiosity in general re. those involved in LE.

Hmm... good question. I guess the short answer is in general, I try not to take the cases personally. I remember that my job is to collect and present the facts and it's someone else's job to determine whether the facts are enough and what the punishment should be. Have there been outcomes I don't agree with? Sure. The best I can do with those is learn from them and make future cases stronger. Hope that answers the question. It's a hard one to pin down.
Great verse in your siggy, Yuri. I'm a Christian as well. I was raised non-denom but now I'm going to an A/G church.

Anyways, since you're here, do you have anything specific that you'd like me and other Christians on this board to pray about? I know your injury for sure and more than likely for wisdom in this situation. I'm not asking for anything revealing, but just to let you know that I am praying for you guys that you'd be able to bring justice to this situation.

Pray for what's on your heart. If this case is, then pray for the people in it. God listens.
Hope you are on the mend and we are very greatful for the hard work you all have done on this case. Go get her... You catch em we clean em..:behindbar
Yuri, welcome to Web Sleuths, its great to have you here! Im also an Evildead/B-movie horror fan, lol.

Just wanted to say thank you to you and your team for everything you're doing for Caylee. So many of us, complete strangers, have become obsessed with this case and have our hearts attached to this precious little girl we will never meet. I cant tell you how much I appreciate you and the other men and women working very hard to bring her justice. Im amazed at the restraint and professionalism you have displayed in regards to the 'person of interest', everytime I see her I think bad thoughts of what Id like to do to get the truth out of her, lol. Guess its a good thing Im not a detective. :crazy:
I have a two year old son and I would die for him, there is nothing I wouldnt do to ensure his safety, happiness and wellbeing. A child is the most beautiful gift from God and should be loved, nurtured and protected every single day of thier life and to do otherwise makes my blood boil and breaks my heart. :mad: :(

I hope you continue to heal quickly and get the rest you need. You guys are doing a wonderful job and even though we all wish for answers and closure on this case as quickly as possible, I know we need to be patient and have faith. God bless you and your family! :)
Hmm... good question. I guess the short answer is in general, I try not to take the cases personally. I remember that my job is to collect and present the facts and it's someone else's job to determine whether the facts are enough and what the punishment should be. Have there been outcomes I don't agree with? Sure. The best I can do with those is learn from them and make future cases stronger. Hope that answers the question. It's a hard one to pin down.

My son says the same thing.. you can't take it personal. He says sometimes he has to remind himself to detach himself, to go from LE mode to family mode once he leaves the office. But at times it really affects him.
We had a case here a few years ago where a woman stoned her two little boys to death and caused severe brain damage to the youngest one, just a baby. He was in the team of first responders that day, and it broke his heart. He went home and put his head in his hands and cried like a baby. I am sure that it is very hard to deal with a case where there is a child involved. I could not do it.. but someone has to. Thank you again for all that you ALL do.
This is one tough case he has on his hands. 31 day puzzle, car left for 2 days at the family home, laptop being messed with before being turned over, no body. And a mother who comes up with an off the wall statement filled with untruths and trying to find that little bit of truth in each lie. Wow, I look at all the theories we as observers come up with, and in all it makes me respect this field more. My hat is off to Mr.Melich and his team and I hope he does find out what happen to Caylee.
According to Yuri in the interview with CA, the car was left less than 24 hours. Just keeping the facts straight here...
Good Morning,
Hope you are feeling a little better.
Bones don't like to be broken so they have a tendency to remind you of that fact on a pretty regular basis, at least for a while anyway. Best thing to do is just to co-operate with them. They will get over it faster and be more willing to do what you want them to later on. No sense in causing any long-term disagreements.

“A line is a dot that went for a walk.” Paul Klee

Have an enjoyable day.

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