Support Thread: Fellow WS'ers

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The Anthony's look like the family next door. We can identify with them from their appearance.

But, there are secrets.

This is a mystery, soap, reality show and drama. Every day there is a new twist to keep people hooked.

The tension started with Casey's story. It was suspicious. But we hoped.

Now we want resolution and justice. Will truth and right prevail? Is there any assurance?

I don't think anyone can look away until we know.

I've missed it. What's happened to the discussion threads? I use them to get updates (and insights) on the case.
The Anthony's look like the family next door. We can identify with them from their appearance.

But, there are secrets.

This is a mystery, soap, reality show and drama. Every day there is a new twist to keep people hooked.

The tension started with Casey's story. It was suspicious. But we hoped.

Now we want resolution and justice. Will truth and right prevail? Is there any assurance?

I don't think anyone can look away until we know.


So many "if-onlys" if only Casey had received treatment years ago for her psych problems -- if only Caylee had been given up for adoption -- if only, if only.
Last night I thought my internet had went down due to nonpayment! I felt RELIEF because I thought that was the only way I was going to get myself to take time off! That's not good! It was technical though and it came back up, lol! I let the bills double because I busied myself with this search. Needless to say, I am paying the bills today! Be sure to spread the word today about needing searchers! Thanks!
omg that is sooo funny! Same here and I just lurk and lurk and usually don't say anything....I just can't get away from here.

I'm the same way!
Does anyone else put off running errands because they're watching a cam that's been set up for a press conference, even though the press conference isn't scheduled to start for at least another hour or so?
I miss GD threads too!! Boo.

My dh makes fun of me and mocks me about how glued I am to this case. But...............I don't really care what he thinks anyway!
Its either him or my kids that have been eating his food.
yes, I agree with this thread fully! I jumped in this case smack dab in the middle of it and the WS people here are so full of info & help, it's great to be here. TY all.
Thanks Salem for bumping this thread.
Balancing the case and real life has been tough. Today I came to a hard realization when the two worlds collided: working isn't all it's cut out to It is seriously interfering with being involved in the trial. I have to read and watch videotapes AFTER work to keep up...well, guess what happened today? I overslept and it put me behind 1 1/2 hours in my work day. I was extremely out of sorts and was happy to know I'll have nothing that will impede me watching on Saturday. I was kinda hoping for Court to be in session on Monday. My feeling is if the jury can't have fun at home...neither should the attorneys.
PS- folks...if you see me online posting at 2am...please tell me to walk away from the computer. TIA
PPS- and in all my many years, I have NEVER been called for jury duty...and today I get a questionnaire for Federal Court!!! And I had just been thinking that after the trial was over, I will never want to see the inside of another court forever and day!!!
My husband just shakes his head every time he sees me on the computer. I don't know why I am so obsessed with this case, but it has really sucked me in.

You know my hubby does he same thing, I am camped out in my old office which I have made into a den so I don't have to hear his carp about the trial being on TV, NG being on or me being on computer all day. I am retired so WTH. Anyway he was saying the other night it was plain weird how involved I am w/ this case (and have been for 3 years, he has been complaining for 3 years) and he said NOBODY is as "bad" as I am. I said OH YEAH??? LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO THE THOUSANDS ON WEBSLEUTHS WHO ARE JUST LIKE ME!
He says- "I'm talking about real people." HUH?

I told him all our husbands say the exact thing he does.
When I am not watching the trial, and not on the computer he is out in his taj mahal garage working on his cars (HIS HOBBY, but we don't think its WEIRD now, do we?)

Thanks for letting me vent.
You are all making me laugh so hard!

Last night I told my daughter NO COMPUTER for both of us as we're getting ready for Memorial Day AND her graduation in June.

Today: 8:00AM
Computer ON
I tried to put myself on a 3 day fast from this case....needless to say I failed miserably. This carp has literally consumed me and quite honestly, I will be so glad when it's all finally over...unfortunately at the rate it's may be another 3 years! God help us all! :giggle:
I hear ya!! My work ethic has decreased dramatically!! I am always checking the news sites and webslueths to get constant updates!! I have also become addicted to NG every night - and have to hear my hubby complain I am watching her again!!!

I know exactly what you mean. My house is a pigsty, my kids are sick of eating frozen meals or takeout, and i think I still have a dog somewhere. I tell myself that I am going to not even think about this case for one night and I just can't put it out of my mind, it has completely consumed me.

I'm chuckling a little bit - I've been through both of these stages. I got over the NG thing but still watch sometimes. It'll be hard now with the trial but I began doing my work in the morning before coming to WS.

Here's my dilemma presently - I actually feel depressed now that the trial has begun. Maybe I was expecting something more concrete - more answers? I know we have a long way to go with the trial but I'm afraid the true, real story will never be revealed. It's a nagging thing as I lay and think of this and that and that and this and then that again! Nothing makes sense to me.

If the friends said, KC was a lousy mom and stuff it would make more sense.
I'm chuckling a little bit - I've been through both of these stages. I got over the NG thing but still watch sometimes. It'll be hard now with the trial but I began doing my work in the morning before coming to WS.

Here's my dilemma presently - I actually feel depressed now that the trial has begun. Maybe I was expecting something more concrete - more answers? I know we have a long way to go with the trial but I'm afraid the true, real story will never be revealed. It's a nagging thing as I lay and think of this and that and that and this and then that again! Nothing makes sense to me.

If the friends said, KC was a lousy mom and stuff it would make more sense.
How could the friends know if she was a good mother or not. They thought she had a job and was maintaining her child and she wasn't. They only saw Caylee sporadically and imo in circumstances that demonstrate that she was NOT a responsible mother. At parties! Woo hoo! Way to go Mamma - traipsing your child to parties and overnights with the boyfriend of the moment. ehem.

These were young kids without children who for the most part had seen KC and Caylee together 3 or 4 times at best. How could they possibly have had enough information to form a (proper) opinion as to whether or not she was a good and loving, responsible mother?

My DH decided this was the week to take 11 days off of work . . .I had to explain that I have waited 3 years for this week to come . . . I was going to be doing a valuable service for others who couldn't watch (cliff notes ww4 style) . . .tonight I told him that I heard from 3 people how helpful it was . . . he said "well, at least 3 people love you!" . . . Gotta love the guy . . . at least he allowed me to do my passion and totally neglect him, the house, and life in general. Kudos to all the best significant others in our lives!
OMG! I just noticed that this thread began in 2008. Oh well - my comment is still how I feel right now. :crazy:
I always remind my husband how much I'm learning about our legal system, the police, psychopaths like him LOL and using my noggin to think (stay young brain!) among other things. It's true though. (not the psychopath husband part)

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