Support Thread: Fellow WS'ers

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My daughter was here today, she is 2 days away in age from Casey, and I have 2 other kids in their 20's. They have followed this case vicariously for a while through me. (It's like a MVA, you know it's bad, but you just have to watch) Seeing all these young kids whose lives have been so disrupted, and affected by Casey, is just heart breaking. The betrayal and confusion they must feel, knowing they spent time with someone who was capable of harming a beautiful, bright child, can not even be imagined. They have moved on with their lives and are following their paths as young adults. The contrast of that vitality and maturity in contrast to Casey was so striking. Me on the other hand . . my house looks like a cyclone hit it, my yard is crying for attention and my friends can't imagine what I'm doing all the time. I really want this to be over.
My daughter was here today, she is 2 days away in age from Casey, and I have 2 other kids in their 20's. They have followed this case vicariously for a while through me. (It's like a MVA, you know it's bad, but you just have to watch) Seeing all these young kids whose lives have been so disrupted, and affected by Casey, is just heart breaking. The betrayal and confusion they must feel, knowing they spent time with someone who was capable of harming a beautiful, bright child, can not even be imagined. They have moved on with their lives and are following their paths as young adults. The contrast of that vitality and maturity in contrast to Casey was so striking. Me on the other hand . . my house looks like a cyclone hit it, my yard is crying for attention and my friends can't imagine what I'm doing all the time. I really want this to be over.

I can honestly say, my house is in great shape, my yard is as well and I have managed to make Kindergarden Graduation, Dr. Appointments for the kids check-ups, vet appointment, buy groceries, and do the laundry and cooking daily, all while listening to the trial or reading (WS) daily trial thread. I do manage to get it all done and to spend quality time with DH and the kiddos but I will really be glad for the day when ICA isn't always in the forefront of my mind.
For three days now, I have been glued to this trial. I'm in front of my computer from early morning to the end of the trial day. It has become my job in a way, but a pleasant job, a job I want to do.

By 11:00 pm I'm seeking out any and all updates on the case. Maybe as the trial progresses, I'll lighten up this pace just a bit to get out occasionally, like a normal person. lol I hear the sun was shining today finally, and I missed it. :(

It's OK, it's all for sweet little Caylee. My time is hers until justice is finally served. So many of us feel that way here at WS. Caylee Anthony has stolen our hearts, and we're giving her the same sort of attention we would any of our loved ones.
I can honestly say, my house is in great shape, my yard is as well and I have managed to make Kindergarden Graduation, Dr. Appointments for the kids check-ups, vet appointment, buy groceries, and do the laundry and cooking daily, all while listening to the trial or reading (WS) daily trial thread. I do manage to get it all done and to spend quality time with DH and the kiddos but I will really be glad for the day when ICA isn't always in the forefront of my mind.

LOL - I do the same - and flip up the volume when something looks really important but I am working in my home office. It helps that I am three hours behind - so by lunch trial time it is 9am my time and five is two my time, so I am managing to get by with going full blast from 5:00am until about ten at night.

But I look like ...hmmm...(ah! got it!) horse manure! :innocent:

Darn I went off side when I actually was going to say - think about how much work we'll get done in the penalty phase when Ann Finnell is lead lawyer....heh heh!
I've been here since day 1. Mostly lurking. I have read just about everything there is. I have a son ICA's age, we live in Orlando, and he could have easily been one of those young people we saw today. A couple weeks ago I was making my DD a video slideshow of her life with a sampling of pix of her. I have so many adorable pix of her when she was Caylee's age. However, I also have pictures of the next 27 years of her life. It really hit me hard that Calyee's sweet life was cut so short.

On a lighter note, I had 2 computers and 2 tv's going today. I spent the lunch break doing laundry, taking a shower and returning calls to friends and family that I let go to vm during trial testimony. Then prayed my DH would not come home early as I couldn't start dinner until the court recessed. Right now I'm typing this in bed while my DH is sleeping next to me. Obsessed? Yup.

Thank you to all of you wonderful WS'rs. Even though I lurk a lot, I feel a bond with you guys. I think reading here - sometimes laughing and sometimes crying - is a therapeutic way for me to try to understand this tragic situation. I know we will never know the truth as only ICA knows that, and I will never be able to believe anything she says. I just pray that all who have loved Caylee or have been touched by ICA carp will find peace when this is over.

Sorry for the rant. Probably should go to sleep now. Going out of town with friends for the holiday weekend and already trying to figure how I'm going to sneak peaks back here to stay caught up. LOL.
I am lucky that my family is somewhat supportive. I am like some "special" child that my family tolerates. They are kind and ask me how the trial is going, but they are in no way as wrapped up as I am. They smile and nod a lot. I am grateful for all of you as my online support. My only wish would be to have one or all of you here to do the "debriefing" at the end of the day! I really need some one to talk to about the trial! LOL
I can honestly say, my house is in great shape, my yard is as well and I have managed to make Kindergarden Graduation, Dr. Appointments for the kids check-ups, vet appointment, buy groceries, and do the laundry and cooking daily, all while listening to the trial or reading (WS) daily trial thread. I do manage to get it all done and to spend quality time with DH and the kiddos but I will really be glad for the day when ICA isn't always in the forefront of my mind.

Glad to hear it, MomT. It is important to have balance in life, and if ones' kids are missing out, house is suffering, etc., I think it is time to find that balance. I don't have tv so that cuts out a lot of the time I would spend on it otherwise. As it is I am here all the time.

Congrats to your little graduate

I've been here since day 1. Mostly lurking. I have read just about everything there is. I have a son ICA's age, we live in Orlando, and he could have easily been one of those young people we saw today. A couple weeks ago I was making my DD a video slideshow of her life with a sampling of pix of her. I have so many adorable pix of her when she was Caylee's age. However, I also have pictures of the next 27 years of her life. It really hit me hard that Calyee's sweet life was cut so short.

On a lighter note, I had 2 computers and 2 tv's going today. I spent the lunch break doing laundry, taking a shower and returning calls to friends and family that I let go to vm during trial testimony. Then prayed my DH would not come home early as I couldn't start dinner until the court recessed. Right now I'm typing this in bed while my DH is sleeping next to me. Obsessed? Yup.

Thank you to all of you wonderful WS'rs. Even though I lurk a lot, I feel a bond with you guys. I think reading here - sometimes laughing and sometimes crying - is a therapeutic way for me to try to understand this tragic situation. I know we will never know the truth as only ICA knows that, and I will never be able to believe anything she says. I just pray that all who have loved Caylee or have been touched by ICA carp will find peace when this is over.

Sorry for the rant. Probably should go to sleep now. Going out of town with friends for the holiday weekend and already trying to figure how I'm going to sneak peaks back here to stay caught up. LOL.

Omg. Too funny. I stole my hubby's iPad and he snoring so loud right next to me in bed right now! Addition much!
My DH decided this was the week to take 11 days off of work . . .I had to explain that I have waited 3 years for this week to come . . . I was going to be doing a valuable service for others who couldn't watch (cliff notes ww4 style) . . .tonight I told him that I heard from 3 people how helpful it was . . . he said "well, at least 3 people love you!" . . . Gotta love the guy . . . at least he allowed me to do my passion and totally neglect him, the house, and life in general. Kudos to all the best significant others in our lives!

Oh Wenwe4! Your recaps are phenomenal! Tyvm! The green brings it to my attention fast and you are very thorough. Can't thank you enough! Keep typing girl! I know im not the only one who appreciates it either!
My DH decided this was the week to take 11 days off of work . . .I had to explain that I have waited 3 years for this week to come . . . I was going to be doing a valuable service for others who couldn't watch (cliff notes ww4 style) . . .tonight I told him that I heard from 3 people how helpful it was . . . he said "well, at least 3 people love you!" . . . Gotta love the guy . . . at least he allowed me to do my passion and totally neglect him, the house, and life in general. Kudos to all the best significant others in our lives!

Make that four, wenwe4, and I'm sure many many more unspoken. Your cliff notes are so valuable.
err that should have said ADDICTION much! haha ! The only time i take a break is to sleep! Goodness I will be so happy when this is over.
I might actually clean my house and spend some time gardening.... (provided its not October)
I have been out of the loop for days and nights. We had a severe storm here in the Poconos and I just now got power back. Transformers were exploding, trees were catching on fire! We have an army base close by. We thought we were being attacked and I kept wondering why the military wasn't coming! It happened days ago about 1AM. I had to throw out about 150.00 worth of food that spoiled due to no electric for so long!

Anyway, I just got here and I am so grateful to all of you for posting updates and news!!! You are all the best!!!

I am mostly intrigued by the stories of what her imaginary co-workers and friends all are doing.
All the places she goes to.
And her ability to seemingly keep it all straight.:crazy:
She is a very good story teller gotta keep watching to see what these folks will do next.
I am mostly intrigued by the stories of what her imaginary co-workers and friends all are doing.
All the places she goes to.
And her ability to seemingly keep it all straight.:crazy:
She is a very good story teller gotta keep watching to see what these folks will do next.

Me too, I kept saying OMG, OMG. It's one thing to read a depo, but to have a parade of her party friends on the stand is another thing. Oh, and the videos and all that shopping! I was gobsmacked. I've seen it all over the years, but in bits n' pieces. The way the prosecution is pulling this together is just brilliant.

Anyway, I'm suprised my husband is still here, and my cats haven't starved, and my son still knows my name. But there are windows, and tubs and showers to tend to. My house is starting to look like one on that show "Hoarding, Buried Alive". Pretty soon all you'll see is a chair, a computer, and a TV (with my head poking out the top of a pile of laundry) LOL


I have been out of the loop for days and nights. We had a severe storm here in the Poconos and I just now got power back. Transformers were exploding, trees were catching on fire! We have an army base close by. We thought we were being attacked and I kept wondering why the military wasn't coming! It happened days ago about 1AM. I had to throw out about 150.00 worth of food that spoiled due to no electric for so long!

Anyway, I just got here and I am so grateful to all of you for posting updates and news!!! You are all the best!!!


We had a power outage too last week (some unoosual person hit a power pole) - out for hours. Problemo - power surge, fried computer.


I think we are going to need this today since we will be hearing and possibly seeing some extremely hard stuff that will be hard to take in. Hugs to Everyone! :grouphug:
It sure will be! Every one of you are in my prayers & remember, we've all been doing this for little Caylee..........she's up there smiling down at us right now for showing her the love & dedication she so very much deserves! To all the other WS'ers, thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping this case in the forefront! To George & Cindy, today is a tough one but one for your little Caylee Marie~~~
Today, just for today, I am not going to say "no" to my children. I will probably give them ice cream for dinner, I will take them whereever they want to go,and I will play games, all the games they want. I want them to be giddy-happy. For Caylee. So far I got them Mc Donalds for breakfast, let the younger one hang out and have friends over, (older one is working) later I will take the older one out wherever she wants to go. Be happy kids. I will also hug and kiss them, no matter how much they hate it. Going to make grilled cheese for lunch--whatever they want. Anything goes today !!
Listening to this testimony is awful. I don't understand how she can sit there and not leap up, screaming at GA "what did you do to my baby?"..... that is if her story were true.
Today, just for today, I am not going to say "no" to my children. I will probably give them ice cream for dinner, I will take them whereever they want to go,and I will play games, all the games they want. I want them to be giddy-happy. For Caylee. So far I got them Mc Donalds for breakfast, let the younger one hang out and have friends over, (older one is working) later I will take the older one out wherever she wants to go. Be happy kids. I will also hug and kiss them, no matter how much they hate it. Going to make grilled cheese for lunch--whatever they want. Anything goes today !!

Oh made me cry. Cherish those babies.

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