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DNA Solves
That Disney bag gets to me. I spent all day yesterday at Disneyland with my DD (she's 21) and we got such kick out of watching little girls in their Disney Princess dresses.
There was a sweetness about watching parents stand in long lines, how they lift up little ones to see over the taller people; hearing their excitement as they spot Mickey or Belle.
How totally at odds these images are with a Disney bag and a little child tossed away like so much garbage.
FYI ~ It is raining Caylee tears today here in Orlando. :(

ETA: It hasn't rained in days here.
I think little Caylee is smiling down at all of us from heaven. I know she appreciates everything and all the support she is getting from people she has never even met. Hugs all around to everyone. So sad that we all care more about Caylee than her own mother.
Does anyone here agree that Caylee's name should have been said, every time a part of her remains were referenced? Not for the obvious impact it would have, but for respect to her and her life. They know it is her, so why keep saying "the" skull or "the" remains, it is so impersonal and irreverent to this innocent, precious little girl.
I wondered that myself, why not "here is Caylee Anthony's skull" because thats what it was!

Does anyone here agree that Caylee's name should have been said, every time a part of her remains were referenced? Not for the obvious impact it would have, but for respect to her and her life. They know it is her, so why keep saying "the" skull or "the" remains, it is so impersonal and irreverent to this innocent, precious little girl.
Not a sad day. It's a day that is finally here. A day that Caylee gets to testify. She gets to tell part of her story.
I wondered that myself, why not "here is Caylee Anthony's skull" because thats what it was!
While I whole brokenheartedly agree to the utmost I think that they could not refer to Caylees remains as such until they bring in the DNA evidence. Once this fact is submitted in court then they ,I hope and pray,will refer to the remains as Caylee Anthony the victim.
I have to admit, at lunchtime I had to walk away. I felt sick thinking about Caylee, thinking about the Jury, and I just couldn't handle it.

I think it hit me worse when I seen a tweet that said a male juror had wiped his eyes and that he has small children.

My prayers go out to anyone who had to witness those photos today. IMHO no person on the face of this earth should ever have to see such horror.
I'm so relieved we didn't view the full images... so relieved. My heart goes out to everyone in that courtroom today. :cry:
While I whole brokenheartedly agree to the utmost I think that they could not refer to Caylees remains as such until they bring in the DNA evidence. Once this fact is submitted in court then they ,I hope and pray,will refer to the remains as Caylee Anthony the victim.

I think that will be Dr. G's job on the stand?
Storms coming up he to as well. Thought I could do better at the cs evidence and her remains, but, i about had an anxiety attack. Mixture of anger and sadness...

My heart goes out to the Prosecution today of all days. It must be incredibly difficult to be professional and go about their business (justice for sweet Caylee) in light of all of these gruesome, sad photos and evidence.

Keep up the good, honest work! We pray that it is paying off - for Caylee.
I'm still a newbie here, but have lurked since the beginning. This baby girl, our Caylee, and her gorgeous face and beautiful eyes have haunted me, and now... oh goodness, I wish to heavens I hadn't viewed those pictures when I got home. I don't even know how to describe what I'm feeling. I've felt sorrow and anger throughout this case, but today, I'm just numb. I can't imagine being at the scene, or in that courtroom today, and seeing what they saw. I think that I'm really just heartbroken, and not just angry anymore, but SEETHING.

This isn't just a "case" anymore, it's a part of my heart. A part of many, many hearts.

Praying for comfort for all of us tonight.
I am finding it hard to watch every day. I keep saying, I have waited three years for this and read/viewed every bit of evidence, interview, deposition, investigative report, etc, but watching the trial is overwhelming. I am exhausted from trying to work, be a mom and watch the trial. I say, I will not watch, but I keep getting hooked back into the trial. I really need to take a break for a few days, but I just cannot. You could not make up a book or movie like this. I keep thinking, Caylee's life with Casey must have been horrible. It may have looked good when others were around, but I think it must have been horrible when they were alone.
Does anyone here agree that Caylee's name should have been said, every time a part of her remains were referenced? Not for the obvious impact it would have, but for respect to her and her life. They know it is her, so why keep saying "the" skull or "the" remains, it is so impersonal and irreverent to this innocent, precious little girl.

I think, at times, this is hard for the State to look at the pictures and say her name, as well. They are caring human beings and they have a love for Caylee like we all do. I want to remember Caylee "as she was" (in her mother's words).

This was a difficult day.
i watched trial all day and left house to go buy a baby shower gift.rows and rows of lil clothes . kept thinking of the pair of shorts shown today all ripped apart by an animal or such. i had a silent talk with myself screaming inside - whoever did this is a monster!!! never ever said those words out loud or silent to myself! hubby and i were talking when i got home and i said they showed her lil shorts and all. i said the words to my hubby - who ever is a monster- he said so who do you think is the monster? he said it as if i should face the truth that i have never said to anyone - he said if its not her who is it ? i said you know i have always wanted to somehow to block out that its her- maybe anyone but her. lies, non reactions- all - but today i fear a monster is real and an angel is saying why did you hate me mommy?

if i get up at 4am i may get in trial -- i went twice so far - so sad
Caylee was kind of lost in the past due to all the media coverage of the sensational aspects. I see the remains as kind of like how The Bible talks about blood crying out from the ground. Nature and the plant growth helped to hold the tape in place to tell the story. No matter how defense attorneys discount the evidence, her body was also crying out from the trunk of car with the hair and the stain. Even if help didn't come in time to save Caylee there at least will be no more victims to lose their lives, and hopefully other prisoners won't be harmed.
even with the blur on the pictures you can still make out her hair in one and it tore me to pieces. Caylee's dancing with the angels now.

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