Support Thread: Jeff Ashton and Prosecution Team

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Jeff Ashton was exactly what we all prayed for - the voice of Caylee telling the story of her horrible death at the hands of her own mother. Mr. Ashton also got some extremely strong responses from Casey in his words and expert delivery. She was certainly shaken, and at one point it did seem like he had her actually remembering her horrible actions wanting to deny she did it exactly that way.

Thank You Mr. Ashton for really speaking up for Caylee.

If she's angry now just wait until trial when he displays photos of Caylee's remains, as they were found.
If she's angry now just wait until trial when he displays photos of Caylee's remains, as they were found.
Yes, thats when she will really be confronted with the horrible things she has done to her own daugter. Today was but a brief preview. I wonder how she will be able to keep it together when witness after witness testifies to her behavior after Caylee's disappearance, what shape Caylee's body was found in, etc...She had to know this was coming.

So far the state has played softball with her, today was the wake up call. It would be somewhat of a consolation to know that the tears were shed because of guilt, but they weren't. Her tears, IMO, were from anger because someone actually called her on her stuff, for once in her life.
I thought Jeff Ashton was incredible today and felt that while he was speaking, Casey was reliving what she did to Caylee a year and a half ago. I feel very good about the prosecution having their ducks lined up. Casey is toast. imo We love you Caylee, God bless you sweet baby!!!
I've seen/ heard today on the threads many folks wanting for the truth to be told... wanting to know for sure that the State has the right person locked away. Mr. Ashton came as close to the truth as I think we're going to get...for now...and I thank him for that. Those who are worried that Casey may be wrongly convicted can only hope that she speaks and reveals what happened to Caylee. She's the only person who can. What does her silence say? If she wants Mr. Ashton to stop, then tell what truly happened and be done with this. The State is seeking justice for a little girl who died at the hands of another. Yes, everything leads to Casey...but for those who believe otherwise...then who? Casey is the one who has left many guessing. Not the As, not the State, not LE...Casey. She alone controls her fate. JMHO

KC's grabbing of the wrist at around 30 seconds is creepy. It is right after Ashton says Caylee must have been restrained, either chemically or physically. It could be an unconscious way of KC indicating that Caylee was physically restrained. I've watched this over and over and it's hard to tell whether this was a sub-conscious or deliberate move, but it really disturbs me.

The other thing is the held back fury in her face. What is she furious about? Furious that the prosecution is implying that Caylee could have been chemically subdued?

I'll tell you one thing, though. The controlled anger and tears don't look to me like a grieving mother anguishing over the loss of her child. Again, they look like selfish tears of anger over the self-perceived unfair stress being put upon her at trial and the prosecutions misinterpretation of how KC murdured Caylee.

The controlled anger could be that she is accused of this unfairly. Do I believe this? Absolutely not! I believe that she is as guilty as sin!
I am still so facinated by the grabbing at her wrist. I wonder if this video could be analyzed by an expert in behavior or body language and presented to the jury as an indication that KC was possibly subconsciously replaying what happened.

Did anyone notice that she removed it almost IMMEDIATELY? As if thinking, no, I must not do that?
Did anyone notice that she removed it almost IMMEDIATELY? As if thinking, no, I must not do that?

Hi Tulessa, I was interested in the body language displayed in court today too, so I just started a thread on that topic with a pretty good link explaining body language.

Heres the link...

[ame=""]Casey's Body Language - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
I am still so facinated by the grabbing at her wrist. I wonder if this video could be analyzed by an expert in behavior or body language and presented to the jury as an indication that KC was possibly subconsciously replaying what happened.
I have not yet read through this entire thread, so forgive me if this has already been suggested, but...

I was wondering if when Casey grabbed her own wrist, Casey was actually subconsciously replaying when Caylee grabbed Casey's wrist, in Caylee's last desperate moments, while she was being restrained and/or murdered.
Oh God.
In the video of GA and CA leaving the courtroom, there's several people with them - two women and a man, who form a protective barricade around Cindy, who's leaning up against a wall, while waiting for the elevator.

I don't know who they are......can anyone else identify them?

It's my understanding that the female in black was Joy W.

Lady in blue was Mallory's mom, not sure about the male...but he might have been Mallory's dad.
It's my understanding that the female in black was Joy W.

Lady in blue was Mallory's mom, not sure about the male...but he might have been Mallory's dad.
I think you are right, after looking at the video again. These seem to be the only people that are still in the Anthony camp. Mallory's parents, I don't know about, but Joy ? This girl seems to have some screws loose.
I have not yet read through this entire thread, so forgive me if this has already been suggested, but...

I was wondering if when Casey grabbed her own wrist, Casey was actually subconsciously replaying when Caylee grabbed Casey's wrist, in Caylee's last desperate moments, while she was being restrained and/or murdered.
Oh God.
I started a thread on that..we are still trying to figure out what the, hand over the arm, means though. Heres the link for the thread..

[ame=""]Casey's Body Language - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Where was the tissue for the tears, and runny nose when KC was listening to JA talk about the duct tape over Caylee's mouth. She was able to speak to AL which is very hard to do if your so hysterical over hearing how Caylee died. It's only when she lifts her head that JB hands her ONE tissue. You would think after hearing JA talk about Caylee's death KC would need a box of tissues. I think she irritates her eyes on purpose when she rubs that tissue right in her eyeball. If this is her best performance of a grieving innocent mother JB needs to bring in an acting coach.
I've seen/ heard today on the threads many folks wanting for the truth to be told... wanting to know for sure that the State has the right person locked away. Mr. Ashton came as close to the truth as I think we're going to get...for now...and I thank him for that. Those who are worried that Casey may be wrongly convicted can only hope that she speaks and reveals what happened to Caylee. She's the only person who can. What does her silence say? If she wants Mr. Ashton to stop, then tell what truly happened and be done with this. The State is seeking justice for a little girl who died at the hands of another. Yes, everything leads to Casey...but for those who believe otherwise...then who? Casey is the one who has left many guessing. Not the As, not the State, not LE...Casey. She alone controls her fate. JMHO

Exactly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you essies, very well stated!!!!!!!!
I started a thread on that..we are still trying to figure out what the, hand over the arm, means though. Heres the link for the thread..

Casey's Body Language - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Yes... I saw that, good idea for a thread, thank you!

What I'm trying to say, though, is I think Caylee may have grabbed Casey by the wrist, or at least tried grabbing on to Casey's wrist area, when Casey was starting to restrain Caylee, just prior to Caylee's murder.

I think that precious baby may have tried to defend herself as best she could, for someone who was only two years old.

I think it's possible that Casey involuntarily grabbed her own wrist for a second (while in court), while remembering that was the last place Caylee ever touched her, while Caylee was still alive.
Yes... I saw that, good idea for a thread, thank you!

What I'm trying to say, though, is I think Caylee may have grabbed Casey by the wrist, or at least tried grabbing on to Casey's wrist area, when Casey was starting to restrain Caylee, just prior to Caylee's murder.

I think that precious baby may have tried to defend herself as best she could, for someone who was only two years old.

I think it's possible that Casey involuntarily grabbed her own wrist for a second (while in court), while remembering that was the last place Caylee ever touched her, while Caylee was still alive.
Yes, it is weird that Casey grabbed her wrist with her hand, at that moment, during the prosecutors speech. I would like to know more about that myself.
I've seen/ heard today on the threads many folks wanting for the truth to be told... wanting to know for sure that the State has the right person locked away. Mr. Ashton came as close to the truth as I think we're going to get...for now...and I thank him for that. Those who are worried that Casey may be wrongly convicted can only hope that she speaks and reveals what happened to Caylee. She's the only person who can. What does her silence say? If she wants Mr. Ashton to stop, then tell what truly happened and be done with this. The State is seeking justice for a little girl who died at the hands of another. Yes, everything leads to Casey...but for those who believe otherwise...then who? Casey is the one who has left many guessing. Not the As, not the State, not LE...Casey. She alone controls her fate. JMHO

I thoroughly agree with the sentiments expressed in this awesome post. Thank you RR0004, you expressed my thoughts and feelings alot more eloquently then I ever could have.

(bolded and underscored by me)
I wouldn't be that surprised if they take a plea on the check fraud cases, but the murder case is another story. At this point, I believe the only deal the state would give them is LWOP, and that's a stretch. Most likely Baez and Co. would not be willing to plea to LWOP. I personally think that the state has offered them enough already. I will be disappointed if Casey is given an offer (of anything less than LWOP). IMO, LWOP would be a much harsher sentence for her than the DP. The states case is strong, we saw a glimpse of that today. They have no reason to bargain with the defense at this point.

After seeing the yesterday's preview of what is to come, I was thinking that NOW would be the time to request a plea deal, before the fraud trial even starts. If she takes a plea (assuming the SA would even accept it) she may get a lighter sentence than if she were a prior convicted felon. Not that I want that to happen, of course!
Yes, thats when she will really be confronted with the horrible things she has done to her own daugter. Today was but a brief preview. I wonder how she will be able to keep it together when witness after witness testifies to her behavior after Caylee's disappearance, what shape Caylee's body was found in, etc...She had to know this was coming.

So far the state has played softball with her, today was the wake up call. It would be somewhat of a consolation to know that the tears were shed because of guilt, but they weren't. Her tears, IMO, were from anger because someone actually called her on her stuff, for once in her life.

Very well said and exactly what I believe as well.
It's my understanding that the female in black was Joy W.

Lady in blue was Mallory's mom, not sure about the male...but he might have been Mallory's dad.

ot-BUT....I've often held out hope that Mal had not been a drinker of the Kool-aid. Hoping she was being stealthy and playing along. Waiting for her depo to come out to shed some light on her 'take'. So if her 'rents were there for the A's, I guess she's been a drinkin'.

Back O/T. Love him or hate him, Ashton was positively brilliant yesterday!:woohoo:

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