Support Thread: Jurors

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I support our legal system and I support this jury. It's a hard thing to be on a jury but I don't see them as victims. They did their duty. I wonder how many people who criticize them do all they can to avoid jury service. Bet the # is high especially with the people who call them idiots or criticize how they spend their sequestered time.
<modsnip quoted post>

You mean non positive comments in this support thread?

It's one support thread. I hardly see that as censorship when there are so many other threads here including several just about juror related issues where you can vent all you need to.

I'm new here so I guess I don't understand the dynamics of why there can't just be one thread about the jury that isn't negative.
In all honesty I've read some of the saddest things on here today about the jury and the judicial system when in fact the jury did what they had to do and the judicial system worked the way it should have. I applaud them for there service and I do not think the deserve the hatred that some have given to them.

And I will say this again: The jury is not stupid, illiterate, didn't listen at the trial, wanting to go home, engaged in misconduct, or lacked common sense, just because the one doesn't agree with the verdict.

The prosecution could not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Casey Anthony killed her daughter. Yes there were some circumstantial evidence but nothing that could be conclusively linked to just Casey and no one else. A jury cannot say one is guilty because of emotion, common sense or they had a gut feeling. they have to go on what evidence is presented at the trial.

If I were on that jury I would have voted the same way, it however does not mean I think she is innocent, just means that there is reasonable doubt that someone else might have murdered Caylee.
I so understand some of the anger here. Many have followed the case for 3 years (myself included). They have gone from praying for a live Caylee to be returned home to grieving the death of this precious little girl we have all grown to love. In the process, though we never knew her, Caylee has touched our hearts and our lives - and some of us are forever changed by this case.

It is nearly impossible for most of us to step into those shoes of each and every member of the jury. People like us are the reason they had to find a jury pool that has not had much exposure to the case. Nearly all of us would have latched on to the evidence that was against Casey and we would have ignored the evidence that supported her. Not because we are dishonest people, but because our hearts have been touched by a little girl named, Caylee Marie Anthony.

I support this jury and I support their decision. Jury's like this are the reason that innocent people are exhonerated but unfortunately it is also the reason why sometimes guilty people go free. It is a price we pay for our own personal freedoms and it is the reason why the state needs to have all their ducks in a row and all their dots connected before they even press charges. There is no statute of limitations on murder but the state only gets one chance to make their case, time is on their side.

I do believe the state did the best they could do with what they had to work with. I do not fault them.

As a society, we tend to think that someone has to pay so we point fingers. Someone has to pay or there is no justice. Casey isn't paying, so maybe George should have to pay, maybe Cindy. Maybe it's the defense team, maybe it's the prosecuting team. Maybe it's just that our judicial system is flawed. Maybe it's the media or maybe it's society that demanded someone pay and they pay right now.

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven....."Ecclesiastes 3
In all honesty I've read some of the saddest things on here today about the jury and the judicial system when in fact the jury did what they had to do and the judicial system worked the way it should have. I applaud them for there service and I do not think the deserve the hatred that some have given to them.

And I will say this again: The jury is not stupid, illiterate, didn't listen at the trial, wanting to go home, engaged in misconduct, or lacked common sense, just because the one doesn't agree with the verdict.

The prosecution could not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Casey Anthony killed her daughter. Yes there were some circumstantial evidence but nothing that could be conclusively linked to just Casey and no one else. A jury cannot say one is guilty because of emotion, common sense or they had a gut feeling. they have to go on what evidence is presented at the trial.

If I were on that jury I would have voted the same way, it however does not mean I think she is innocent, just means that there is reasonable doubt that someone else might have murdered Caylee.
You've expressed my sentiments very well. Thank you.
Thank you jury members for your bravery in serving in the Casey Anthony trial. Your verdict was just and fair and solely based upon the evidence (or lack of) presented before you in court. If I had been on the jury, I would have voted the exact same way.

I am saddened that there are so many people that refuse to step back and consider what our country would be if defendants were tried by popular opinion influenced by the media. Or by the internet.

I wish you (all) peace. Please remember that sometimes the loudest people are not the majority. I believe that most of us agree with your verdict and would voted the same if we were in that jury room and looking at that evidence.

Oh, and thank you jury members for proof that our justice system is NOT taken over by media commentators (who have clearly lost their collective minds) No wonder so many people try to get out of jury duty.
I am saddened that there are so many people that refuse to step back and consider what our country would be if defendants were tried by popular opinion influenced by the media. Or by the internet.


Oh, and thank you jury members for proof that our justice system is NOT taken over by media commentators (who have clearly lost their collective minds) No wonder so many people try to get out of jury duty.


There are some great, calm, well-reasoned posts in this thread, most of which I agree with wholeheartedly. I'll echo them and say I'm really rather frightened by some of what's being said about the jury and the judicial system, both here and in some of the more sensationalistic media outlets.

It makes sense that the people who have been convinced of Casey's guilt for three years would also be angry about her acquittal. On the other hand, I think one can certainly question the verdict without going off the deep end with unfounded accusations. One can also come to the conclusion that if someone's personal verdict differs from the jury's, it is because that person has access to so much more information, and perhaps not all of that information is totally unbiased and factual. One can accept, though not necessarily like, the fact that the jury was in a position absolutely no one here was in--and that, from the jury's vantage point, the prosecution did not prove the charges with the evidence as presented.
Okay you guys - I have had it. I have unapproved more posts in this thread than any other thread I've read and this one is only 3 pages long.

I have explained this over and over - this is the LAST TIME!


Enough is enough. STOP. Think before you post. This is a support thread.

For Juror Number 3

I have seen you this morning on GMA discussing why you found as you did. While I thoroughly disagree, I want to offer you my sincere thanks for coming forward and attempting to explain for us how you came to the conclusions that you did. I appreciate that the decision to speak on this subject was a difficult one. I think you and your fellow jurors were wrong and my heart has been broken by your verdict.

After hearing you speak I do not find you evil, or careless or stupid. I still wish you had seen things the way I saw them. I always will. And while I am still heartbroken and very angry that Casey Anthony has gotten away with her most foul crime against her daughter, I wish you no ill will. I feel you voted with your conscious based on what you took from the trial. I took something very different from the trial, but I hope that you are able to go on with your life uninterrupted by fallout from your service on this jury.

Again, thank you for coming forward and speaking publicly on your verdict and how you arrived at it. You and I will never agree, but you and I are not enemies. You are a person who saw something very differently than I did.

Thank you, for not disappearing back into your life, with nary a word about a case that has so affected mine these last several years. Thank you for doing me, us, that courtesy.

I support the jury and thank them for their service. They did what they were supposed to do and shouldn't be made pariahs for it nor face slander, libel and threats.
This is the legal system that we, as Americans, fight and are willing to die for. If the jury comes to a conclusion that I don't agree with, so be it. We can't choose to support this system only when we agree with the outcome.
Oh, and thank you jury members for proof that our justice system is NOT taken over by media commentators (who have clearly lost their collective minds) No wonder so many people try to get out of jury duty.

Good point. I think if some of these so called "legal analysts" had resisted jumping into the feeding frenzy, there may have been a more balanced discussion of the trial.

Bill S ("I only call balls and strikes" - what a crock) was the worst of them. These "legal analysts" + the Nancy Grace & co train made this whole trial out to be a formality, a march to the gallows, a race to be the most vocal proponant for the State's case.

In the end, the case was not strong enough to pass muster with actual instruction in law of reasonable dount and finding of guilt. I'm sure the jury fells it voted the only way they could based on the testimony, evidence and instruction, but that was not part of the "script".

The result is a misguided concept that this was a travesty of justice, when in fact the travesty lies in the presumption paraded as fact that the defendent had to be found guilty.
Great post, jrb0124, particularly the slam of the "legal analysts" and NG and her ilk. One might trace most jury-hatred in this case directly to their influence.
I want to say thank you to the jury for upholdng the law and keeping our justice system in check. The burden of proof was on the prosecution and they just didn't have the proof. The jury had the strength to come back with the correct, but unpolular decision. They did not take the easy way out. They came to the only logical decision based upon what the state presented.
Good point. I think if some of these so called "legal analysts" had resisted jumping into the feeding frenzy, there may have been a more balanced discussion of the trial.

Bill S ("I only call balls and strikes" - what a crock) was the worst of them. These "legal analysts" + the Nancy Grace & co train made this whole trial out to be a formality, a march to the gallows, a race to be the most vocal proponant for the State's case.

In the end, the case was not strong enough to pass muster with actual instruction in law of reasonable dount and finding of guilt. I'm sure the jury fells it voted the only way they could based on the testimony, evidence and instruction, but that was not part of the "script".

The result is a misguided concept that this was a travesty of justice, when in fact the travesty lies in the presumption paraded as fact that the defendent had to be found guilty.

This. I actually suggested to a mod a thread about media coverage the impact on the trial. I think we may get that once things are a little calmer here. It's a VERY valid issue but for another day.

These cases are never black and white. As someone said on the last page, the judicial system doesn't only work if we like the results. The Constitution, like the 1st and 6th amendments don't only apply to things you agree with.

Serving on a jury is hard. I don't think I could and especially in a case like this. The alternate, who seems a little confused on the concept, doesn't speak for all of. Nor does juror #3. Each member voted for their own reasons and they are well within their rights to not come forward given the current atmosphere.
BUMPING this to the top to serve as a beacon for those who don't necessarily hold the majority opinion.
It must be nice to feel that one has evidence that allows one, like a little god, to soar above and feel superior to things as inconvenient as jury verdicts, to be able to mock their decisions, to cast doubt about a judicial system rooted in Magna Carta and in place for almost a thousand years.

Hooray for this brave jury. They knew their decision would be unpopular, but
stayed true to themselves and thus kept faith with our system of jurisprudence.

I wish I coud THANKS this 500 times.. I dont blame the jury for leaving right away, I dont blame them for being compensated for interviews. This is America..we have a jury system (thank god), and everyone agreed on the jurors (part of the process) and they had a tough job, sacrificed alot and if you want too know the hows and why"s, they will be interviewed for money..just like everyone else involved. Its not illegal, in fact its the American way.
I'm thankful for our judicial system and for these jurors. They gave up two months of their lives to serve in this jury, listen to the evidence without prejudice, weigh it and come to their conclusion.

The media is angry because they hung someone before they were tried. It was huge ratings for them and likely very financially beneficial for all the talking heads. Alas, our judicial system isn't based on mob mentality, and thank the goddess for that.

Whatever someone's thoughts on whether the prosecutor proved his case, this jury felt that there was reasonable doubt. I could see why they came up with their verdict just like I could see why another jury would have come up with a different verdict. Point is, the media has no right to go off on these juror and disrespect them. They served and from what I've heard, the jurors who explained their decision had valid points.

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